Grandparents Bae and Kang

The greatest gift
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A/N: Thanks everyone who reviewed the previous chapter and for the upvotes as well. Please enjoy chapter 6 and read the note at the end too it’s important.


With the start of the second trimester. There was not only relief from the hell of the first. Joohyun was also one excited for , mama to be. She’d call Seulgi at anytime of day, afternoon, or night. Seulgi thinks they probably have more now then when they were first trying. She has to sometimes find excuses to not go over to Joohyun’s place. The woman was driving her crazy in almost every way.


“Why don’t you want to sleep with me? Is it because you’re sleeping with someone else!” The raven would complain and Seulgi fearful of being hit by something. She would do her best to calm her down. It wasn’t always effective. Many times Joohyun was still angry in some way. Especially when they didn’t get to see one another. Seulgi noticed at the times they didn’t see one another. Joohyun would be upset more, which was why she asked Seulgi to move in.




Joohyun wouldn’t take no for an answer. She really wanted them to spend the evening together. The raven promises dinner and chocolate cake. The cake part is what really makes Seulgi weak. She gets there ready and excited for cake.


“Where’s the cake!” Is all Seulgi says when Joohyun opens the door.


“Really, is that all you can say. I am the mother of your child, and you’re asking for cake!”


Seulgi just knows she was promised cake, and she wants the cake.


“Hi, Hyun, where’s the cake?”


“I’m sorry. But there was never any chocolate cake.”


The monolid woman looks at Joohyun as if she had blown up her entire world. She looks as if Joohyun ate the last can of Pringles.


“There’s no chocolate cake!”


“No, but…”


“There’s no chocolate cake!”


“No, but, Seul…”


“I can’t believe you lied about having chocolate cake. You don’t lie about such a sacred thing!”


“Hey! I had to get you over here somehow. I need to talk to you. It’s important.”


Seulgi is disappointed there’s no cake. She really wanted cake. She can’t believe that there’s no cake. How could Joohyun lie to her about cake? She is so angry. But Joohyun is also looking at her with nervous eyes. The brunette knows that look. She is really nervous and the last thing Seulgi wants is for Joohyun to be stressed. She had only just made it to the second trimester, and is showing more obviously now.


“Hyun, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” She wonders worriedly.


“I’m fine. Can we sit?” The raven gestures to the couch and so they sit. Joohyun looks worried, and Seulgi caresses her shoulders.


“Take your time, Hyun.”


“I think we should move in together, at least for awhile.”


“You want to move in?”


“It could be useful for the baby. If we stayed together in one place.”


“Uh,” Seulgi thinks. It would probably be better if they did share a living space. But only whose place? For how long would they live together. There are many possibilities that need to be considered.


“Can I think about it?”


“Oh, sure, Seul.” Joohyun nods, although she sounds disappointed by that answer.




That’s what they discussed last. Seulgi had yet to give her answer. She’s just not sure what to do here. Currently she’s on her lunch break at work. Luckily for Joohyun on the days she’s not feeling as well. She can work from home. Joohyun sometimes will call her to talk, which Seulgi doesn’t necessarily mind. She likes to know how she’s feeling during the day, and if there’s anything she can do for her. Today is one of those days.


“Hyun, hi. What’s going on?”


“Will you be free by 4 today?”


“Four, let me me see?” She checks to see what her work schedule looks like. Technically, she won’t be done until 7 or so. Work has been quite hectic lately.


“No, but what’s going on?”


Joohyun doesn’t say at first, and now Seulgi is wondering if she’s even okay.


“Hyun, talk to me.”


“I have a doctors appointment today. I want you to come if you can. If you just can’t I asked my cousin Yeri to be on standby. I’m sure she won’t mind.”


All Seulgi hears is that Joohyun has a doctors appointment. She wants to be there. She has already missed the first ultrasound. She doesn’t want to miss another, or anything else important.


“It’s at 4? Okay, I’ll go with you. I don’t want to miss this.”


Joohyun touches her belly. She doesn’t want for Seulgi to miss this either.  It was terrible enough she missed the first really important one. She thanks Seulgi.


“I don’t want you to miss it either. Thank you,” she whispers to her. Then tells her to come by three or so that way they can go together. It’s barely 5 minutes later when she’s getting a text from Yeri.


Yerimie: Yo, fatty! I’m coming to take you to your doctors appointment. Just incase your baby daddy can’t come. Oh, can I bring my girlfriend, Sooyoung. Okay, thanks bye!


“What!” Joohyun screams. Who in the hell is Sooyoung? She tries to text Yeri that it’s not necessary to come here anymore. Seulgi is coming to take her and she is more than fine with that. Yeri doesn’t reply, and Joohyun quickly finds out why. When a half hour later there’s knocking on her door. She opens it and is met with an immediate flash of a camera.


“What is going on?”


“You’re right, Yerimie. She’s the biggest pregnant woman I’ve seen yet,” a redhead speaks as she puts down on her camera.


“Excuse me!” Joohyun regains herself. She is seconds away from throwing things. Especially if someone doesn’t give her answers.


“Babe, stop,” Yeri touches the redhead. “Unnie, this is my girlfriend, Sooyoung. Soo, meet my cousin Joohyun.”


“Hi!” Sooyoung beams cheerfully.


“Yes, hi. Can you both please go?”


“No, I’m taking you to your doctors appointment.”


“That’s really not necessary, Yerim. Seulgi is coming to take me.”


“Seulgi?” Sooyoung turns to Yeri in question. “Is that the baby’s other mom?”


“Yes, she's a hottie!”


Joohyun frowns. Where the hell is her baseball bat? She will certainly start swinging at these two soon. She knows how attractive Seulgi is, and she doesn’t need to hear it from anyone else.


“Ah, would it be possible for me to meet with this Seulgi? I am fascinated by this whole thing. How’d she knock you up anyway? How fertile is the ?”


“What…” the raven stutters. “That is none of your business! What’s your problem?”


“Soo is a science major. She finds stuff like this fascinating.” Yeri explains.


“Yes, smile please,” the redhead snaps a photo of Joohyun again. After the raven pulls herself together she asks why is Sooyoung snapping all these photos. The girl replied simply how it’s for science. Joohyun sighs and rubs her temples. She can’t believe this is currently her life. When Seulgi does get there. She is being pushed outside by Joohyun.


“Hyun, what’s wrong?”


“We need to go! I’ll explain later.”




“Oh, are you Seulgi?” Sooyoung notices them. “I have some questions for you.”




“Hi, Seulgi!” Yeri waves cheerfully.


“Oh, no. You don’t need to ask any questions. Seulgi and I are leaving!” Joohyun tries to pull the monolid woman with her.


“But wait. I just have some questions for you. How fertile is your , would you be willing to take some pictures or submit a sample?”


“What!” Seulgi looks back at the redhead like she has lost her mind. Joohyun doesn’t look back until they get to the car. Just to make sure no one is following. Yeri just watches as they drive off before cracking up in loud laughter. Sooyoung doesn’t understand what the big deal was. It was all for science anyway.


“Did I say something wrong?”


The shorter blonde hugs her. “No, babe. You were perfect. That made my entire day.”


When they get to the hospital Joohyun explains how that was Sooyoung. Her cousin’s girlfriend. She hopes that the weird kid didn’t scare Seulgi too badly. The monolid woman is more worried about making the appointment. She assures the raven that she is fine, although little bit shaken up. Why would she need a specimen? Seulgi is sure she doesn’t want to find out. Luckily they get to the hospital in time for the appointment. Seulgi offers to get her something to drink while she fills out papers.


“Do you want anything, Hyunnie?”


“Yes! I want iced tea, but make sure there’s lemons. I swear if there’s no lemons I will end you!”


“Uh, yea, lemons,” Seulgi nervously chuckles. She has no idea where she’s going to get this iced tea but she better get it.


“Seulgi, wait,” Joohyun gets up.


“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”


The shorter woman walks over to her and hugs her suddenly. “Thank you.”


“I didn’t get the iced tea yet, Hyun.”


“Silly, that’s not why I said thank you. You put up with a lot with me and my moodiness. Thank you for being here,” the raven tells her softly. Seulgi responds with a hug of her own, and places a soft kiss to the top of her head. After she makes sure to get this woman an iced tea before she really does possibly end her life.


However, there truly is nothing like sitting there with Joohyun inside the room while the doctor explained to them how everything with the baby was fine. That the baby was developing well, and both mother and baby were healthy. Then getting to hold Joohyun’s hand as they saw the ultrasound together this time. Seulgi was sure she would never forget anything that happened here. She wouldn’t forget the way the raven’s hand felt in her own. She wouldn’t forget waiting to see that image of the baby pop up on screen. They were certainly not a blob anymore. The baby looked more and more like an actual baby.


She and Joohyun could make out the tiny face and hands of their child. Seulgi swears she won’t cry. But it’s such a beautiful thing to see. Joohyun turns to with a smile. She’s so glad Seulgi is here this time. It means everything to share this important moment with her.


“There is your little one,” the doctor smiles as the image shows. “Would you like to know the gender?”


“You can tell now?” The monolid woman wonders.


“Oh, yes. We can certainly tell now. If you both would rather wait.”


They make eye contact with one another. There are many uncertain things at this point. There are a lot of huge decisions they still need to make in regards to the baby. Seulgi still hasn’t answered whether she will move in or not. They also need to figure out how this will work in reality. When the baby is born a lot will change even more. The friends are in agreement now though.


“We’ll wait, thank you,” Joohyun tells her doctor. After the appointment Seulgi offers to take her to a late lunch. It ends up being a huge mistake as Joohyun drags her to the restaurant, and proceeds to order thing after thing.


“What can I get for you two?” The waitress smiles warmly.


“Yes, hi! I want two large orders of tteokbokki, fried rice, with lots of shrimp and I mean lots of shrimp. Don’t be stingy with the shrimp. Oh, and the scallion pancakes, dumplings…”


Seulgi zones out because Joohyun is still ordering. She even puts her head on the table until she finally hears when Joohyun finishes.


“Finally, a coke with no ice. Seul, I’m finished do you want anything?”


“Oh, thank god,” the brunette sighs. She orders herself a simple fried shrimp dish with noodles. Then when the food does come looks on in horror as Joohyun eats. She eats, and eats, and is still eating. She even tries to steal the shrimp out of Seulgi’s plate.


“Good thing I don’t want it,” Seulgi says sarcastically.


“Oh, you don’t! Thank you,” Joohyun beams.


The monolid woman’s eyes are just wide with shock. Where is all this food going?


“Where are you even putting all this?”


Joohyun looks up and practically breaks her chopsticks she’s so angry. “What are you trying to say! You trying to say I’m fat!”


“What, no of course not!” Seulgi holds onto the table for dear life. She is terrified that Joohyun will kill her now.


“You do think I’m fat,” She starts crying. “I’m not fat. I’m eating for two.”


“Of course you’re not fat. You’re a beautiful, gorgeous, pregnant lady. Please don’t kill me.”


Joohyun wipes her tears. “You forgot y.”


“Huh, oh yes, and y! You’re so y, Bae Joohyun.”


The raven frowns. “You hesitated.”


“Oh, god,” Seulgi facepalms. She can’t do anything right at this point. Joohyun doesn’t calm down until way later when she has a huge bucket of ice cream in front of her, and Seulgi is massaging her feet back at her house.


“Did you want any?” Joohyun gestures to what is a nearly empty tub of ice cream.


“Oh, no thanks, Hyunnie. You enjoy, okay.”


“Okay!” She smiles. “You know what?”




“We should really tell our parents. They should probably know about this.”


Seulgi stops massaging her feet at that moment. She knew they would probably eventually tell their parents. She just kind of hoped it would have waited until after the baby was born.


“Uh, do we have to?”


“Yes,” Joohyun frowns. “We can tell your parents first since they live closer. But we need to get to Daegu soon. I want to tell my parents before I’m too pregnant to be traveling.”


“Who has the scariest parents!” Seulgi nervously screams. She wants to deal with the scariest parents first. Joohyun’s mom is a sweetheart. Her dad is fine too, but Seulgi won’t pretend she isn’t a bit scared of Mr. Bae. What if wants to end her life because she technically got his daughter pregnant.


“Your mom scares me!” Joohyun tells her. “Well, sometimes.”


“My mom?” Seulgi blinks. “My mom is the last person we should worry about. Your dad is the one who might kill me.”


“My daddy?” The raven sounds shocked. “My daddy is sweet and like a teddy bear. He wouldn’t hurt you.”


“I got you pregnant. How sweet is he going to be when he finds out I am the mother!”


“Oh,” Joohyun pauses. Well, when Seulgi puts it like that. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you,” she wraps her arms around Seulgi and places several kisses to her forehead. The monolid woman somehow doesn’t feel any safer. She thinks somehow she’ll probably die either way.


“Oh, okay, thanks Hyunnie.”


“You’re welcome. But we should probably talk. The baby’s going to be here in about 4 months, and we haven’t really discussed much. For one, you never said if you’d move in with me or not.”


The brunette knows that she hasn’t given a real answer yet. It’s just still so much to consider. Even though she agrees that moving in together would be smart, especially as the pregnancy progresses.


“How long would I move in for? Then we’re going to need two of everything for the baby. One at my house, and then here,” Seulgi sighs. Joohyun doesn’t give away how disappointed she is. She hoped Seulgi would have immediately agreed to moving in with her. She hopes Seulgi will just come to the decision on her own. The last thing the raven wants to do is push things. Still, it be nice if the three of them were more together.


“Just let me know when you think about it more, okay? Then, are we going to Daegu first?”


“Yes, so if your dad kills me. Tell my mom I loved her, and she was right.”


“Right about what?” The raven raises her eyebrow to her in question. Seulgi chuckles nervously again. She isn’t about to tell her what her mother always warned her of.


“Nothing, so Daegu soon?”


“Yes, let's go next weekend. Is that okay?”


“Yes, and if I’m alive. We’ll tell my parents after.”


Joohyun hugs her again. She’s just really very glad Seulgi is here and with her. She couldn’t have done any of this without her. Joohyun just hopes things will keep going well for them. The trip to Daegu comes fast, and Seulgi was fine the entire time, or at least she acted like she was. The very second they arrived outside of Joohyun’s parents house. Seulgi turned away.


“Okay, let's go back!”


“No, we can’t go back. We’re already here.” Joohyun grabs a hold of Seulgi and begins dragging her up the path.


“No, I don’t want to die. Let me go, Hyunnie!”


“Quit being a baby! Am I going to have to take care of you. Plus our actual baby!”


“Let me go, how are you so strong now!” Seulgi sighs as Joohyun successfully drags her away to the front door. Joohyun’s parents open the door, and smile.


“Hyun, hi, oh..” her parents pause.


“Hi, mommy, daddy.”


“Why are you pregnant!”


Seulgi feels like sh

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Keenakeens #1
Chapter 3: Re-reading!
Chapter 10: It was definitely a good read!!! 💖 Thank you author!
What a pair 🧡💜
coolfeeljoe #4
Chapter 10: Aww lovely story author-nim 🥰
433 streak #5
Chapter 10: Awww❤️
Rereading this! 💕
Chapter 10: Reread this for a couple of times now, the humor and softness of Irene and Seulgi's dynamics here still has an effect on me. Really, one of my favorites
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 10: Loved it ❤
Chapter 9: Meltingg
Chapter 8: Gossh. It was so funny