Save Me, I'm Not Fine

Admit defeat Nayeon, we can't do it.” Jihyo said while walking away from Nayeon who is grabbing her sleeve trying to make her listen to her ideas. After their class end, Nayeon couldn't stop talking about her plan to Jihyo. When they are leaving the theater room, Nayeon try to catch up with Jihyo while Sana, Mina and Momo followed behind them.


Jihyo, at least hear me out?” She insisted.


Don't you get it? It's useless, we don't have the permission.” Jihyo almost yelled who finally face her friend who froze in front of her. Mina, Momo and Sana was there to witness the rare scene of Jihyo looking very annoyed that she almost look like she is furious and Nayeon with her shocking face mixed with disappointment.


Jihyo sighed deeply, “Look, I can't help you.” She continued her walk.


This isn't you Jihyo, you don't give up on us like this.” Nayeon said out loud, just enough to make Jihyo hear her who is already distancing from Nayeon. Then, Nayeon started walking to the opposite direction when Jihyo turn her back to face her. The two of them left the scene leaving the Japanese member behind.


I'm hungry, who wants to eat with me?” Mina asked, trying to lighten up the bad atmosphere.


Nah, I'm not hungry.” Momo said shocking the two of them. She started walking away slowly like she is hesitating to leave. Mina looked at Sana, giving her a concern look.


Go on with her, I'm fine.” Sana said quietly to Mina. She nodded with a sorry look on her face before she catch up with Momo.


Sana stood there at the empty corridor. Since it's lunch time, there are no classes so all of the theater rooms are empty making the place to be peacefully quiet unlike during the morning. Sana leave the corridor and went to the foyer alone. Even the foyer looks quiet with only two securities and few lecturers standing in front of the bulletin board.


Sana,” A familiar voice called from a distance. Sana tried to find the voice owner but she couldn't find anyone at the foyer.


Up here.” The voice called again. This time, Sana tried looking up the stairs and that's where she found the familiar voice owner; Dahyun who is waving at her with her brightest smile.


Dahyun came running down the stairs to approach Sana who is walking slowly towards her. When the two meet, Dahyun couldn't stop smiling which made Sana formed a gentle smile at her.


Are you leaving for lunch?” She asked the older girl.


Yeah but I didn't bring anything today.” Sana answered.


Oh, what a coincidence. Me too.” Dahyun giggled. “Guess we have to spend some money.”


I know a place where the foods are cheaper. Do you want to go with me?” Sana asked.


Y-yes!” Dahyun was too excited that it's too obvious for the two of them to noticed. “I need to start saving too.” She tried to hide but it was already too late.


Okay, let's get going then.” Sana lead and Dahyun followed, nodding her head while grinning like a children who just got a new toy. This is way better than getting a new toy, She thought as she looked at Sana who is walking a bit faster in front of her.


Sana parked her car at the usual lot, Dahyun remembered well because it was only yesterday. Moreover, yesterday at this same parking lot was the start of a change to her life that she want to remember forever.


Seat belt.” Sana remind the forgetful one as she noticed her. Dahyun chuckled to her own silliness and put on the seat belt as she was told.


Before Sana step on the paddle to drive, Dahyun interrupt her with a small pink gift bag on her hand. “Here, just as I promised.” She hand out the bag to Sana.


Oh, thank you.” Sana smiled, receiving the bag. “How do you know I like pink color?” She asked while looking inside the bag to find the same bottle of mango juice and pink chopsticks.


Well, I was just assuming it because of your lunch box.” Dahyun told her. “And your neck pillow.” She squished the pink pillow from behind her.


Ah I made it obvious, I see.” She giggled. Again, Dahyun thought to herself. That cute laugh is making my heart weak. Even though it was only short, but it's like a music to my ear. I want to hear more of it, more often and more enthusiastically.


The place Sana mentioned was not too far away from their university. It took them 20 minutes to arrive with a quite heavy road traffic, however the road is still going smoothly despite the many amount of cars so it didn't affect Sana's journey. Sana found an empty parking space as soon as she arrived at the place so it didn't took them much time to get out from the car and easily went inside the restaurant. The restaurant is small with woodcraft as the theme, each dining tables and chairs are designated by strong barks. The walls are decorated with shelves of wooden carvings and the floor is made of smooth wooden boards. The walls are concrete but with dark green forestry wallpaper making the place look like a jungle. However, the lighting are bright enough to lighten the place.


It's beautiful.” Dahyun said, amazed by the art she's seeing as she followed Sana who lead them to the table near the window at the right corner of the room.


It is, isn't it?” Sana agreed. “My friends and I used to come here often during our attachment last year.”


With Jihyo unnie too?” Dahyun asked.


Yeah.” Sana grabbed the menu from the waitress who just came at the right time. Sana passed the menu to Dahyun.


I'll have the usual.” Sana said to the waitress.


Alright, Miss Sana.” She smiled cheekily.


Dahyun was busy looking at the menu when she caught the waitress winking at Sana. It made her narrow her eyebrow and what tears her heart next is Sana's response to the waitress by flashing a flirty smile or more like a smirk.

Who is this cheeky woman trying to flirt with Sana? Do they know each other? Even so, why is she winking at Sana? Why is Sana responding to her flirt? Why do I want to rip this menu book so bad? All of these questions flow on Dahyun's mind like water.

Dahyun clear her throats purposely to make the two turned at her. “Er, I'll have what she have.” She said. Whoever she is, she better stay in line. Dahyun glared at them like a mad bunny as she closed the menu book hard enough to make a tiny 'poof!' sound.


Are you sure? I'm having an extra spicy chicken.” Sana told.


Yeah, I can handle that. I like spicy.” Dahyun lied. She do like spicy food but sometimes she can't handle the stinging sensation on .


Okay 2 serving of extra spicy chicken and 2 bowls of rice?” The waitress repeated to be sure.


Yes, and water.” Dahyun said, avoiding eye contact with her and played with the table's utensil instead.


The water is provided for free, do you want to order any other drinks?” She asked with a pen on her hand ready to jot down on the small book she's holding.


Uh, anything sweet please but not carbonated. Perhaps, juice?” Dahyun told the waitress, now looking at her but not on the face.


Alright, and for the partner?” She looked at Sana.


I'm fine, water is good.” Sana responded.


Okay, the foods will be served in a few minute.” The waitress said before she leave.


Should I ask her? Should I not? Dahyun argued with her own thought. She bit her lips while looking at Sana. Her hands are interlocked together on the table and her feet moving up and down underneath. Sana is checking her phone on her hand, very focused at the small screen. Dahyun took a deep breath, gathering all her courage before she move her lip.


Sa-” Dahyun got cut off by the waitress's sudden presence.


Sana,” She called, casually grabbing a seat next to her while wiping her own sweat on her neck using a small white towel that wrapped around her shoulder.


Okay, she look very charismatic but who the hell is she? Dahyun frowned.


Oh?” Sana replied, turning her face to the girl who called her.


I heard everything from Nayeon.” She started, “What happen to Jihyo?”


Eh? Jihyo? As in Jihyo unnie? Who is this girl? Is she really a friend of them? Dahyun start questioning herself again, knowing how useless it is because she won't find the answers by herself. So, she decided to wait for an explanation or if they don't explain then she will start throwing out questions.


Before that, you already know Jihyo's father is remarried now right?” Sana asked, glancing quickly at Dahyun making her to raise her eyebrow. What is it now? Dahyun asked to her own self.


Yeah, I've heard. Isn't it last year already? Wait, what does it have to do with Jihyo and Nayeon?” The short-haired girl becomes impatient.


Well Jeongyeon, this girl in front of us is actually our friend's step-sister.” Sana introduced by gesturing her thumb to Dahyun. Jeongyeon's eyes widened before she face Dahyun who looked as confused as she is.


Ohh~” The confused duo said synchronously causing them to laugh at their same timing.


Hi Jihyo's step-sister.” She waved awkwardly with her cheeky smile, “I'm Jeongyeon, a friend of your sister.”


Dahyun nodded and give out her hand to Jeongyeon for a handshake. “Hello Miss Jeongyeon, I am Dahyun.”


Oh just call me Jeongyeon. It's okay, my friend's sister is my own sister too.” She chuckled before she excused herself to take their food to serve them.


So Dahyun,” Jeongyeon came back serving their food before she took a seat beside her. “I'm pretty sure you are close with Jihyo, looking at the two of you together right now.” She eyed on Sana who already start eating and then to Dahyun who is hesitating looking at her dish.


Dahyun nodded, “Yeah, we are.”


Okay. Did she tell you anything about what happened between the two of us?”


Like what?” Dahyun asked, looking very clueless.


Like how we used to be in a bad term before.” Jeongyeon told making Dahyun to pay fully attention on her. “Did she mention anything about one of the school lecturer?”


Sana finally join in the conversation, “I don't think she know anything about it, Jeongyeon.” She said after taking a sip of water. “It was already a long time ago, I doubt they even met during that time.”


No, it was last year and I remember Jihyo told me she's going to have a step-sister. I'm sure they've already met, it's just their parents haven't tie their knot yet. ” Jeongyeon said, making Sana sighed. She know how pointless it is to argue back with Jeongyeon's statement because of how stubborn she is to back out. The only person who will lose to Jeongyeon is Nayeon who is as stubborn as she is but more hard-headed. They are both competitive too that neither of them ever want to lose which is the reason why they are getting along well because they are the same species.

Sana has decided not to bring back of what happened before, moreover, she didn't want Dahyun to be involved in to something that has already been long forgotten.


So? Does anything ring a bell?” Jeongyeon asked Dahyun, more like pressuring her to give an answer she want to hear.


I'm sorry Jeongyeon, but Jihyo unnie never said anything about a fight with her friends to me. And about the school lecturer, well there's nothing interesting other than telling me how outgoing most of them are. That was all.” Dahyun told the short-haired girl.


Alright. Well, it's nice meeting you Dahyun.” Jeongyeon smiled as she stood up from the wooden chair, “I have to work now. I'm sorry I'm stopping you from eating.” She let out a soft chuckled before bidding them a goodbye.


After Jeongyeon left the table, the two of them becomes silence. The only sound that can be heard between them was Dahyun's groan to the spicy chicken as she attempt to take a bite which cause Sana to giggle looking at the younger girl struggling with her own dish.


How many chili pepper do they put in here?” Dahyun asked while fanning herself with her hand. Her face is now as red as the chili pepper accompanied by her red runny nose and teary eyes as she goes on for another bite and another big bite.


Do you want to order something else?” Sana giggled but is actually worried based on her face expression.


No it's fine, I just need more cold water.” She told the older girl, not very reassuring.


After the battle with hot spice finally ended, Dahyun knocked herself down at the passenger seat inside Sana's car. Sana started laughing at the girl's defeat, finding her young friend cute and amusing. Dahyun looked at the older girl, grinning before she start laughing along too. What made her laugh happily is because of the reward she earned after the intense battle, that is Sana's adorable laughter.


Let's go grab some ice cream to cool down the spice.” Sana suggested. So, Dahyun recommended the one in front of their university. Sana know very well which one is the one Dahyun meant; it is the ice cream van right in front of their school building, the one that she and her boyfriend used to have every afternoon.


Yeah, let's get that one.” Sana said, trying not to sound sad as her heart broke at the thought of her ill boyfriend.


What am I doing? I shouldn't be too selfish for myself. I can't be too happy right now because Jaebum is not happy. Sana thought, the feeling of guilt is crawling back to her like a rope spiraling onto her body that tied her down, dragging her from seeing the bright light. She sighed, I am such a disgrace.


In front of the familiar white van, Sana greeted the lady inside the vehicle with a small wave on her hand. Dahyun followed behind her, smiling at the lady cheerfully at the thought of eating ice cream together.


What flavor are you going to choose?” Dahyun asked Sana.


It's okay, I'm not eating. You choose, I'll buy it for you.” Sana said without even looking at her. She couldn't bare looking at her.


Are you sure?” Dahyun tried again as she turn her whole body to Sana, wanting her attention but the older girl only nodded as a respond.


I can't look at you, you bring so much of happiness that I can't even enjoy. Sana thought, wanting to end their interaction quickly.


O-okay.” Dahyun stuttered, feeling a little sad after the rejection that stung her heart. “Well then, one chocolate rocky flavor please.” She told the lady inside the van.


'One chocolate rocky flavor,' Jaebum's voice started echoing inside Sana's head. It was his favorite flavor. He once complained when I bought him a different flavor because the one that he like is already finished from the ice cream truck, Sana thought as her heart cry out at the precious memory.


Sana, I've got my ice crea-”


Here.” Sana interrupted, leaving the younger girl the money to pay the ice cream as she start running away from her without even explaining anything. Her tears are rolling down her cheek and she didn't want anyone to see her like this.


I'm too weak. I'm useless and I'm hopeless, Sana scold to her own self.


She didn't want Dahyun to see her fragile state.

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HELLO SAIDA SHIPPERS, I'm making a fiction for Sana's birthday 🌚 gidaryeoo~

hint: Dr. Minatozaki


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Chapter 12: will this have a special epilogue or chapter? I was curious when they were officially together and hoped to get the story of * cough * * cough * chapter from this story
klcwnkookz #2
Chapter 12: I feel like I need the description of this Thing. LMAOO.
erelous #3
Chapter 12: Eh??!!! Authornim, where can i find the next chapter? Or is it already dead end?
therealklyde #4
Chapter 12: An for this story or just another fic? and ohmygod this was so hot and cute at the same time. tnq authornim♡
Chapter 12: kskensksmsldkld butterfly in my stomach!!!
Katsuko #7
Chapter 12: adsdhhfdfgfhg dr.minatozaki??my heart is not ready
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa the last part got me teary ! this is so good i cant wait for anther update my heart is breaking for the two TT
Chapter 11: My heart is breaking for the both of them