First Day Trouble Part 2

To The First Girl that I had Love

20 minutes later we already arrived at the cafeteria. We open the cafeteria doors and fall in line. I gapes at the grand interior. Even the school's cafeteria was exquisite; no wonder some private students develop a sense of superiority over public school students.

"We better hurry before we left with nothing" Krystal playfully whisper next to me before dragging me towards the counter area. She's really playful, isn't she? I couldn't help but smile. She's sometimes reminds me of my mom. It's like a 5 year old kid was hiding inside a woman's body.


 "Nice place you got here." I blurted out almost in a whisper just only for the two of us to hear while I busy myself looking around the cafeteria

"I'm glad you did like it!" Krystal beam as she moves to grab two trays and hands one to me "If you want to..." she started "... I could tour you around if we have some free time. How 'bout that?"


I smile at her suggestion. Maybe that's really a nice idea to make since I'm still not really familiar to this place. "Sure"


"Great!" Krystal clapped her hands together before facing back infront "Are you fine with any kind of foods?" she asked glancing back at me


I looks at her in confusion. Blinking my eyes for a couple of times before I spoke "I'm fine with anything except with chicken" I answered sheepishly then frown at the sudden mentioning of my number one enemy. I really hate chicken.


Krystal smile at me, half- amused and nodded her head "Copy that" she said before turning her attention back infront

I waited there for almost a minute behind Krystal as she finish taking our orders.

"Here we go" Krystal handed me the first tray as I give her the money for the payment but to my surprise, Krystal gently pushes my hand back while shaking her head " My treat" she said and pays for our lunch. As long as I want to argue with her about her paying for my lunch I resisted myself for doing so. I know Krystal was doing it wholeheartedly as a friendly approach and I don't want to hurt her ego so I just give her a simple thank you as I a signed of my gratitude for what she'd did. We rejoin afterwards and started walking towards our tables.

I started looking around for a table as we continue walking down the aisle when Krystal suddenly pulls me over to the left.

"Table's over here I" Krystal gesture me to follow her as she guides me through the cafeteria. A couple of students turn their heads at me, probably wondering who the new girl is. Well, it wasn't anymore a surprise, they're all staring at me since this morning anyways. 

"I?" I look at her questioningly, though I didn't really mind the nickname. It just that I'm not really comfortable if someone calling me using only a nickname.


Krystal give me a smile  "I'm sorry. Is it lame? "she chuckled sheepishly " I really at know giving nicknames to someone. Even my friends, they're always making fun of me when I messed up like this" she frown at that and it made me panic a bit. I waved my hands infront of her as though telling her that it wasn't really a big deal. She lifted her head up staring back at me. I could feel the sudden relief when she smile again and nodded her head at me. 

As we reach our destination- which is the table located at the very far end of the cafeteria- Krystal immediately plop herself down on her seat as I silently follow suit. 


It's been exactly 10 minutes and 25 seconds and so far I've done nothing but stare unbelievably at the girl infront of me. Since we sat down, she did nothing but bombarded me with a whole lot of questions like 'Where are you from? What's your favorite music? What's your hobby?' And so on. I haven't even touched my food yet. I wasn't expecting her to be this talkative. Now I already believe in the saying that 'Don't judge the book by it's cover'.. You might be surprise.

I must have been in my deep thoughts when I heard her calling my name.


"O-oh... What?" I asked and turn my attention back at her.


Krystal look at me with an amused smile grazing her lips. "You're spacing out earlier, I" she said and softly giggle.

Eh? Is she making fun of me?


"Anyways, I just asked if you already have a boyfriend?" she say inquisitively. 


I paused. Contemplating if I should tell her the truth that I'm an NBSB- well it doesn't really mean that no one did ask me to be their girlfriend actually there are lots of them, it's only that I'm not really interested in making commitments with someone right now, I just wanted to focus all of my attention on my study before lovelife- and embarass myself infront of my new-found friend or just lie to her and invented some logical story to convince her to believe with my lies. Oh yeah, what an option it is.


"I-" I was about to reply to her when suddenly her phone rang interrupting our conversation. Save by the  bell. Phew.


"Just a moment Irene" she excused herself before answering the call. 


I breath out a sigh of relief as I waited for Krystal to finish the call- rather silently planning a safe escape from here since Krystal was too engross on talking on her phone- but that's quiet a rude idea, isn't it? 

I spare a guilty look at her direction. I observe her brows furrowed together as though they're talking about a very serious issue. When she notice that  I was looking at her, she give me a small smile before turning her attention back at the caller. 


She's a nice girl Irene so you should be nice to her too. 


After quiet awhile, I saw Krystal placing down her phone on the side after bidding a short goobye to who-ever the caller is. Her eyes looking at me apologetically and her face turning into a small frown "I'm sorry Irene" she uttered softly. "I really wanted to spare some more time with you but I need to go now. My friend called me and there's an urgent meeting so I need to hurry now. Are you fine here alone?" Her voice turn quiet as she look at me guiltily. 


I waved my hand infront of her again "O-Of course. You should go now. I'm fine here really and maybe my cousin will be here in a minute to accompany me. So don't worry" I said giving her a smile of reassurance. 


She pursed her lips and nodded her head


"I'll go now" she said and stood up from her seat. "Oh and by the way Irene" she swiftly turn around facing me again "Just a short reminder, beware of the flying saucer and smoothies. They're sometimes harmful. You can use the tray or the table for safety precaution. See you later, I"  she waved a hand before she immediately left the place leaving me there dumbfounded 


What exactly is the meaning of that? 


I just blink my eyes in confusion trying to process whatever it is that Krystal was trying to tell me. Is she just give me a riddle to answer or was it a joke that I need to laugh at? But if it's a joke it's honestly kinda corny. 


I bit on my lips shaking my heads a couple of times. 


"Or maybe she was just trolling me" I muttered to myself before heaving a sigh. I wander my eyes around the place, everyone were doing their own private business again. Chatting, laughing, maybe at some silly jokes, there are also some students who were busy jotting down something on there notes. 


"Seriously?" I shake my head in disbelief before averting my eyes away from them.


Now what? Does it mean I'm alone again? 


I shrug the thought before started digging in with my foods. I was lost in my thoughts earlier that I'd forget I didn't even got the chance to touch my own foods since the moment I sat in this table. I was in the middle of eating my lunch when someone suddenly plop themselves infront of me. I lifted my head to check whoever it is. I was greeted by the grinning face of my one and only great cousin who was already sitting cozily on the chair across me. 


"Hi cousin" she greeted with a small bow as if she's mocking me.


"Yah!" I said. She raised her eyebrows at me " What?"


"Who give you permission to sit there?" I said coldly narrowing my eyes at her. I'm still mad of her though for living me all by myself and for not waking me up earlier. And this is my revenge. 


She looked over her shoulders then to the side then back at me " I wasn't informed that you already own this table, Ms. Bae" she said smirking at me


"Shut up, Joy!" I hissed in annoyance and she just laugh at me which earn a few looks from the other students. I immediately duck my head in embarrassment even though Joy was the one who catches their attention I could still feel that they are all looking at me instead. Am I that really ugly? 


"So?" Joy started digging in on her own food


"So? "I repeated lifting my left eyebrows at her


"How's the first day?"


"As usual" I answered nonchalant


"What do you mean?"


I straighten up and lean back " Everyone were always staring at me. Watching my every moves. I don't know why but it's kinda creepy you know" I said frowning


Joy shot me an sympathetic look before nodding her head as though telling me she understand. "Maybe they can't just resist your charm~" she joke in a singsong voice. I snorted and she grins dorkily at me. 


"Pabo!" I said biting down my bottom lips to stop myself from smiling


"You love me though"


"Who says?" I said in a deadpanned tone


"My imaginary friend" she said before bursting out into another fit of laughter. I mentally face-palm myself at this when I notice that everyone were now looking at us weirdly.

Now this is what we call 'really embarrasing'.


"Idiot" I muttered as I tried my hardest to hide my face behind my long locks. 


We continue eating after that but I couldn't really eat my foods properly because Joy continue her previous plan of pestering me with her playful remarks. Teasing me now and then and I really wanted nothing at that moment but to strangle her neck. 

She just stop with her ministration when we heard a loud banging from the other table next to us. 


"What was that?" I asked curiously when I notice that everyone were started banging the table with their utensils and they were shouting something that I couldn't really catch up because it's getting noisier inside the cafeteria. Everyone were getting wild, banging the table more louder this time, I couldn't help but press a hand on both of my ears to avoid getting deaf of their loud noises. 


"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" I heard someone shouted from the corner. Curiousity was already eating me up so I tried to follow the source of the voice but suddenly Joy's words interrupted me "Head Up!" she said then immediately duck herself below the table. I didn't have the time to process anything when I saw an apple flying towards my directions. My eyes widen as I immediately duck my head dodging the apple before it hit my face. 


"!" I cursed before throwing a glare at my grinning cousin who was looking up at me below the table. She ushered me to follow her, as far as I'm still pissed off of her for what she did I know that I don't have any choice but to comply. Afraid that something will gonna hit my face again.


I crouch down infront of her leveling her sight "I'm so gonna kill you" I warned but she just grin at me before pulling me in next to her below the table. We silently watch the scene that currently happening infront of us. The cafeteria is already in chaos. Students throwing different kind of fruits to each other -where did they get them?- while some of them blocking it using the trays as their shield. There are also some plates thrown to each side as though they're playing a frisbee.


I paused. My mouth forming an 'O' shape when I remember about the mysterious reminder that Krystal told me earlier before she left. I snap my fingers and grin proudly to myself when I finally solve the mysterious puzzle. Ha Ha. So this is what she's telling me? The flying saucer and the smoothies, and the tray and table for safety precaution. Why did I only find it right now? 


"Yah, Irene!" Joy suddenly shove me by my shoulder causing me to fall on my since I'm still crouching down unlike her who was sitting comfortably on the floor in an indian position. 


"What's your problem?" I hissed glaring at her as I tried to massage my poor .


"You're grinning to yourself a moment ago and it's kinda creepy when you're doing it. It's like you're planning to murder someone"


"What did you just say?" I snapped and continue glaring at her.


"Oh scary Bunny is here again!" she said. I was about to reach for her when she suddenly crawled out from the other side of the table running away from me. I immediately follow chasing after her but when I got outside I'm surprised that she's already gone from my sight. 


"!" I cursed again. I took a small step backward planning to go back to my previous spot but I couldn't because lots of fruits and other things was thrown everywhere, if I did a mistake those things might hit my poor face and body. So I stay there stunned, mindlessly watching everyone in their crazy state.


What should I supposed to do now? 


I grasped the hem of my shirt and took a long deep breath as I decided to take another careful step backward but before I could've even got the chance to do my plan I'd notice another piece of apple flying directly towards my direction. My eyes widen again.

Why is it always an apple? Could it be another fruit next time?

My mind telling me to duck and dodge the apple again like the previous thing I did but my body doesn't want to cooperate. I couldn't move even a tiny bit of my muscle, it feels like I am frozen on my spot. 

Oh ! I mentally cursed before shutting my eyes close readying myself for the posibility of the strong impact once the apple hit my face. But to my surprise I stumble a bit backward when someone suddenly pulled me from behind swiftly turning me around. I instantly open my eyes as if by instinct. My eyes widen when I saw the face of the culprit. 

A tall man towered over me.  A beautiful face.  His jaw, eternally set in a smirk, was square and set heavy, confining the lines of his mischievous eyes, which glittered with a self-pride of a man who thinks himself the best in the world. An arrogant-looking in other words.  His nose, hooked and sharp, cast a shadow on his thin lips, which curved perpetually in a smile. The complexion of his skin made him look devilishly handsome. He was wearing a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and black trousers, making him look better. 

I was stunned there as he gazes down at me. Those warm chocolate eyes looking intensely at me as though he's trying to read me. I could feel my body flush warm by each second that passes as he held me in place with his warm hands wrapping around my waist. 


What exactly is happening? 


I couldn't anymore comprehend with whatever crazy things happening around me, the only thing that I did there was to keep my eyes staring at the man infront of me. I don't know why but I couldn't resist myself staring at those eyes for too long, it's as if It's trying to hypnotize me. I'd notice that his lips was moving as though he's saying something but for some strange reason I couldn't clearly heard it maybe it's because of the loud noise surrounding us. 

A moment later, we heard a loud whistle coming from God-knows-where. The guy infront of me flash me another smile- more like a smirk actually before he slowly pulled his arms away from my waist.  I look at him confused and before I knew it he was already running towards the exit with his group of friends leaving me there alone, stunned. 

I was startled when I felt a cold hands touching my arms, I swiftly turn my heads ready to punch a fist at whoever dare to touch me like that but when I turn around I found out that it was only my cousin Joy. I slowly drop my guard down when she raised her hands up as though she's surrendering. I rolled my eyes at her but she just throw a grin at me. 


​​"Chill Irene, it was only me" she said before giving me another mocking smile. I rolled my eyes again before I notice the stain on her shirt and at the side of her cheeks. I snorted a laugh making her raised an eyebrow at me. 




"Where in the world have you been Joy? You look like a human version of a rainbow!" I laughed making her frown. 


"Oh shut up!" she hissed "It's all your fault though"


"Oh! I don't have any recollection of doing that to you my great beautiful cousin~" I mocked earning a grimace from her. 


"Shut up!" she grumbled and It's my turn to laugh at her again as my revenge of her for always teasing me. But my celebration has immediately been cut off when I notice that everyone where started running everywhere in panic. Commotion were already settled inside the cafeteria.  I arched my brows, feeling confuse again with the sudden turn of event. 


"Irene!" I snapped myself from my thoughts when I heard Joy's voice calling for me. She was already a meter away from me. How come I didn't notice that she wasn't there next to me anymore? I raised an eyebrows at her as she lend her hand out infront. 


"Don't asked okay, just com'on!" without waiting for my response, Joy immediately grab me by my arms before dragging me towards the exit in a hurry together with the other students. 


What exactly is happening? Could anyone care to tell me? 




"So you're telling me that what happened earlier was just the traditional way of the student in welcoming the start of the new school years?" I inquire as I plopped myself down on my bed. 

Joy nodded her head nonchalant. 


"That's quiet strange" I commented.


"Exactly" Joy answered, walking towards her bed sitting on it as she continue drying her hair with the towel. 


"But why did you not tell it to me earlier? You know that I am new to this school!" I squinted my eyes at her and she nervously laugh.


"I forgot. Sorry couz" she said with a nervous smile. 


I heave a sigh. Eventhough I really wanted to strangle Joy right now for always making my life difficult and terrible like this I was too tired to even move even a small parts of my body so I just shrug off my previous plan and shut my eyes close instead in attempt to find some good sleep to rest my exhausted body. First day of school has already made me consume entirely my mental and physical energy and I didn't know what will be left for me for the next few more months of staying in this school if this will happen again. I hope I'm still alive after that. 


"Irene?" Joy called out in a whisper. I'm already too tired to move or even open my eyes to look at her so I just answed her with a low "Hmm?"


"Are you sleeping already?"


"Do you think I can still talked to you if I'm already sleeping, Joy?" I answered flatly though I couldn't see her face, I know Joy was already rolling her eyes at me. I know it because I'm also doing the same thing with her. We're cousins remember?


"Yeah, I shouldn't been asking the obvious. My apology my most intelligent cousin" she mocked and I can feel it that she was also glaring at me right now. 


I sigh in relief when I heard nothing from her after that. It was amoment of silence surrounded the whole room as none of us uttered a words anymore. I was almost on the verge of drifting to dreamland when I remember something which immediately jolt me up from my lying position. I swiftly turn my face to Joy's direction only to be ended up getting hit in the face by the pillow. I groaned in pain and pressed my hand on my face. 


"Oh my God Irene! " Joy rushes towards my direction in panic "Are you okay?"


"What in the world Park Sooyoung!" I hissed as I continue carressing my face in attempt to ease the pain.


"It's Joy" she said firmly


"Whatever! I can call you whatever I like!" I spat at her. We both squinted our eyes at each before I decided to break it and heave a deep sigh " Fine! Just say sorry and you're forgiven"


Joy's lips twitch "Park Joy never apologize to anyone if it wasn't her fault" she argue stubbornly


"What?" My mouth gape in disbelief " You hit my face with the pillow and now you're telling me that it wasn't your fault? "


"You startled me and you know that I hate getting startled!"


"You're so unbelievable"


"No! You are so unbelivable, Irene"


"Why can't you just accept that it's your fault and apologize to me so we can already end this because I am really exhausted and definitely not in the mood for your childish antic!" I glared at her and she frown in defeat. 




"Do it or do it"


"But you're giving me a difficult options" she whine in protest 


"What's difficult in saying you are sorry?"


"Saying Sorry is already difficult, Irene!"


"Take it or leave it Joy. I'm still older than you so should still give me some respect"


"But it was only a month"


"Still" I uttered firmly " I'm still older than you" 


Joy tried to open to protest but I notice that she's already having a trouble. Her face turning into a deep frown and her lips jutted up into a pout. I mentally smile feeling overwhelm for winning again against my stubborn cousin. 


"So?" I lift my eyebrows giving her an expectant look. 


"Fine! " she breath out  "Sorry" she uttered almost in a whisper. 


"What did you say? I didn't hear it" I pretended that I didn't hear it just to annoyed her. I smirk when she throw me a threatening glare. I know I'm already losing her patience. Joy is really a short-tempered person and that's one of her weaknesses that I'd find out  few years ago. 


"I'm sorry, Irene" she said with a fake smile- more like a grimace actually and I wanted nothing but to laugh at her for trying really that hard to control her temper. 


"I can see that you're really enjoying it" she commented coldly


"Not really" I shrug as I bit on my lips to stop myself from grinning widely.


"Whatever"  she said before plopping herself down on her own bed, shifting herself to face the other direction her back facing me. 


I roll my eyes at this as I plop myself back in my bed. My eyes landed on the white ceiling. There's a moment of silence before I remember something important that I was planning to ask Joy earlier before she hit me with the pillow. I instantly turn myself facing Joy's direction. "Hey, Joywiie~" I called out softly in attempt to catch her attention since I know that she was a bit mad at me right now. There's a long paused before she decided to give me a response "I'm planning to sleep, Irene. What do you want?"


"Don't worry this will not take too long" I said and with that she finally face my direction with narrowed eyes. 


"Go on"


I heave a sigh. Briefly looking at her before I started " There is this guy earlier in the cafeteria. He save me before the apple could've hit my face. I was just curious...well, not really curious but I guess I need to know atleast his name so I could thank him for saving my precious face earlier" I carefully glance back at Joy to scan her reaction " Could you help me ?" I asked unsurely. 


She pursed her lips, staring directly at me. I wasn't sure what she was thinking right now because she had this very serious expression on her face as though she's seriously thinking about something which is a very unusual things with Park Joy. She's never the type of person wasting her time for thinking too much about something. She's careless though.


A moment later, I notice that her lips slowly tugging up forming a mischievous smile. Oh crap! She's thinking about something evil again. Maybe asking help from the satan was definitely a wrong choice. 


"Sure" she said " You know that you're always my first priority, rene-rene" Why did I suddenly shiver hearing the tone of her voice? This is really a wrong idea asking help from her. You are such a pabo Irene! Why her out of all people?


"Goodnight cousin~" she singsong and before I could even got the chance to react she was already snoring on her bed. 


I'm so really gonna kill her. I throw a pillow at  her as I flip myself so I was lying on my stomach instead. I immediately place my head between my pillow and groaned exasperatedly. 


Hopefully, tommorrow will never be my last day on earth. Whatever Joy is planning, I know it's never been that good as before. 




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Chapter 3: Its good story but its 3 yrs since updated
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 3: Hei
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Woaaaj this is good
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh
Chapter 3: Just finished reading all of your fics. You're really good author-ssi
Chapter 3: I hope you'll update soon ^.^
Chapter 3: When will you update again? T_T
Chapter 3: This is a weird school indeed
ayfxxx_ #9
Chapter 3: Im excited for the next chapter,this story is amazing!
Usmonsters94 #10
Chapter 3: Im in love with this. This story totally caught my attention