First Day Trouble Part 1

To The First Girl that I had Love

*1 week ago*


Irene's POV


I slowly get off the cab after paying the driver. I close the door and stood outside- one purple suitcase on my right and one small backpack on the other. I shiver a bit when I feel the wind blows through and through.  And then I heard my phone rang. I immediately pull it out from my pocket. Mom's caller i.d was shown visibly on the screen. I smile to myself and press the answer button.




"Hey, hyunnie how's everything? Are you in school already?"


"Yes mom, just got here almost 5 minutes later? And everything is fine so don't worry. I was about to go to my dorm now" I said as I roam my eyes around the tall building infront of me. It was huge. It's not quiet a surprise that this school was known for being one of the most prestigious school in the country. 


"That's good to hear" Mom said. There was a moment of silence before I heard her voice again. "I will miss you baby, be sure to take care of yourself there, okay?" she said silently and I could tell by the tone of her voice that she's already starting to tear up. Mom is really a crying baby sometimes. I will miss her too because I'm a mommy's girl. 

I lift up a small smile preventing myself from crying too, because you know crying alone in the middle of a public place is truly embarrasing. They might think I'm gone crazy. 


"Mom don't cry, don't be a baby!" I tried to joke just to lift up the gloomy mood which didn't go unwasted when I heard my mom's soft chuckle from the other line "I'll call you more often okay? I have to go now" I said before giving her a kissed on the phone, it's my first time living without my parents and it makes me so sad. I waited for a second hearing my mom bidding her goodbye before we both hang up. I place my phone back to my pocket after that.

Heaving a deep sigh, I hurried to the school ground, there are lots of students around, doing their own business while some of them chatting with their group of friends. I hope I can acquire lots of friends,too. All of the students wore their uniforms and they look good on it, it looks classy on them. Looks like I am the only one who looks dowdy here. I sighed again before continuing my steps. 

 As I arrived infront of one of the building which I thought the school dormitory, a woman suddenly block my way and stood there infront of me. I arched my eyebrows, feeling bewildered and a bit startled of her sudden appearance.  By the look of her professional attire, she must of been the secretary. They say, usually the secretary of the school was the one who'll greet you by the entrance and walked you to your assign dorm room. 


"Ahm. H-hi" I greeted her politely with a bow "I'm Ire-"


"Irene Bae. Yes. I'm already expecting your arrival" she smile at me. Oh. I thought she's the usual strict middle age woman that you could usually seen on some dramas on t.v but looks like I'd just miscalculated her appearance. Stupid me. Lucky enough I didn't voice it out or else that's really embarrasing "I'm Mrs. Jung, the school secretary. Please follow me so I could show you to your dorm room,"  she said fixing her glasses on her nose  before she started walking.

Swiftly grabbing my suitcase in hand, I started following the secretary. With too much difficulty in both dragging my large suitcase and catching up to her, I accidentally slip my hold on my suitcase causing it drop freely on the floor. 

Crap! That's a very nice welcome for my first day in this school. How embarrasing.

I bit on my bottom lip and immediately grab the suitcase handle in my hand.


"Is everything okay, Ms. Bae?" she stopped looking over at my direction. I straighten up and nodded my head at her "Yes, Mrs. Jung" I smiled before rushing towards her side. She smile back at me before we start walking again. What a nice woman, she must of been in her forties. As we walked, I noticed as how she fidgeted with her marriage ring. Her eyes shifted down, as if she were admiring it. That came to show how happy she was with her marriage.


"Welcome to SooMan High," she smiled at me, as we appeared to be making a turn to the dormitories.


"Thank you," eh, I wasn't sure of what to say anymore. I'm not really fond of making conversation with someone I didn't really know. Eventhough it was not really obvious base on my personal appearance I am really a shy type person. 

 We headed to my dormitory after a while. It's really big, each floor has ten rooms, each room has two bed so it means I will have a roommate, I'm wondering what she looks like. It's alright whatever she'll look like as long as she's kind.  As we reached the room, she opened the door for me and we walked right in. I stepped behind her though.


"This is your room, Ms. Bae and here's your key."she handed me the key with a keychain that has the school emblem inscribe on it. I thanks her and smile in gratitude. After giving me a short nod she immediately left the place leaving me alone in my new room. I sighed before heading inside dragging my suitcase with me.


"Hello?" I called out--as I gently places down my suitcase on the side-- when I notice that the room was too quiet. But no one answered me.  

Maybe my roommate was not yet here, I thought to myself.

I scanned my eyes around. The room is huge as well. The bed on the right side has lots of things so that means it's my roommate's bed. I smiled when I notice the empty bed on my left. I swiftly grab my suitcase and hurried myself towards my new bed. I cheerfully slump myself on the mattress. It's soft. I'm already felt exhausted from the walking that we did earlier so I decided to lie there and close my eyes for a while.

Suddenly I heard a low screech coming from the door that has been opened and a few shuffling before a small few steps approaches my direction. I instantly opened my eyes to see a girl looking down at me, she's so close to me that we're just inches apart. She's smiling wide exposing her full white teeth. Startled, my eyes widen automatically.


"Ahh!" I screamed and pushed her hard away from me. There's a loud thud after that as the girl helplessly falls on the floor. My eyes widen in surprise when I saw her lying there and crying in pain. I jump off the bed and scramble next to her to check for her condition.


"Oh my God! I-I'm so sorry miss. I didn't mean to push you" I spoke in panic helping her to stand "Are you okay?"


"God Irene, are you trying to got me injured?" the girl grumble rubbing her and frowning at me


"Eh? Wait" I blink my eyes "You know me?" I asked in curiousity since she'd mention my name earlier. As far as I could remember I didn't tell her my name yet so how could she even know it?


"Of course" she beamed " It's me Park Joywiie~" she singsong before giving me a wide grin.


I blink my eyes in confusion. I tried recollecting every single person's name and faces that I'd encounter before. eyes widen when I finally remember who she is. 


"J-Joy? As in Park Sooyoung?" I cleared out and she just rolled her eyes at my weird reaction though the grin was still visible on her face. 


"Yes, your one and only beautiful cous-aHck!" I didn't let her finish her words when I suddenly pulled her in for a bear crushing hug as I jump around the place in glee while still hugging her tightly. 


"Irene!" she squeal in protest but I just ignore her. I am super happy right now because I thought I will be going to attend this school alone with no familiar faces that I could associate with for the whole entire school year but I didn't know that God has already a great plan for me, sending someone like Joy to accompany me throughout this journey. 

"I really miss you, Joywiie!"

"Stop! You're going to kill me!" she tried to wriggle herself from my hold again but it's useless because I wasn't planning to stop. I'm celebrating, remember?




The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly, the trees are dancing under the touch of the cool breeze. It's a beautiful day and I have a feeling that it's a sign.  A big smiles grazes my lips as I looks at the front of the school campus. Chatter can be heard as I pass by the students walking to the building.

I took in a long deep breath. I can feel my heart thumping widely inside my chest in too much nervousness. What's more worst in going to your new school alone because your parents were busy with their own works that's why as long as they want to drive you to your new school, they can't and now, everyone was looking at you as if you're one of those patient from the hospital who had been diagnosed having a very serious illness. This is truly a torture for me. I haven't even reach my classroom but I already felt humiliated by their piercing stares.

Am I that ugly? Gosh! I'm only wearing a glasses, what's wrong with that?

My phone lit up and when I open it I find out that it's a message coming from my great cousin, Park Joy. Speaking of that girl, she didn't even bothered to wake me up before she left our room earlier. Such a very kind cousin, really. 


Hey, couz'. I'm really sorry for not waking you up this morning before I left. I just received a very urgent message from our club president and they want me to proceed to the lounge asap. I hope you're not mad at me, okay? 

See you at lunch^-^


I puff my cheeks and took another long deep breath. 

So? It's me again against the world? How pathetic.

 I look down at my uniform—A white collared polo accompanied by a red tie that had the school's emblem inscribed on it, a dark-blue blazer, a black plait skirt about two inches above my knees paired with white knee-high socks—before turning around towards the direction of the school building. Some of the students give me a curious glances. I try to ignore them and focuses on walking across the pathway to the grand-looking staircase. I struts up the stairs and notices a few guys looking at me—more like leering actually. And I just rolled my eyes and muttered a low "ert" under my breath. I then notices the school's sign on top of the main doors:

SooMan High

I pursed my lips feeling half excited and nervous. I cross my fingers seeking for some confidence, hoping that this will turn to be a very great first day for me. I was greeted by a short black-haired girl smiling widely at me as soon as I enters the entrance. She offer her hand and I gladly shakes it as I return the smile politely.

"Hi, I'm Ire-"

"Good Morning!" The girl cuts me off. Wow. She's not really that bright, no?  "I'm the student council president, Kim Taeyeon! I'm here to greet you on your first day here in SooMan High!"

"H- hello Taeyeon" I said, "I'm Irene Bae, nice to meet you."


"Nice to meet you more Irene!" Taeyeon claps her hands together excitedly then locks them in front of me "Anyways, to save you the time of having to look for the Academic Office, I will guide you. So please follow me!" she informed before turning on her heels and started walking.

I hurry after the girl who is practically power walking to the school office that I didn't even get a chance to observe the school's interior. When we reach the office the girl named Taeyeon introduces me to the secretary- It's Mrs. Jung again- I smile at her and she smile back when she finally recognize me. After that, she politely asks me to sit down and wait while she calls the principal.

Taeyeon makes a small chat with me before the bell rings signaling 1st period. I says goodbye to the hyper girl and sighs in relief, this was pretty different from what I was expecting. I was called to the principal's office and was given a welcome speech by the old man, he gives me an overview of their curriculum and then gives me the schedule. I thanks him and runs off to look for my classroom.

I exhales in relief when I'd finally finds my classroom for homeroom. I brushes my wavy black hair with my hand—more of a nervous habit than an attempt to fix my hair—and takes a deep breath.


"Ready Irene? One, two, three...Hwaiting!" I cheered to myself balling my hands into a fist before knocking on the door. It opens a couple of seconds later and a woman pokes her head from the classroom, holding the door half-way open and raising her eyebrows at me. The woman, who I assumes is the teacher, looks somewhere at the age of mid 30s with a few fines lines on her forehead. An automatic smile that I reserves for adults etches on my whole face.

Better do some good impression since it's my first day here.


"Good Morning Ma'am, I'm the new transfer student." I said in a polite tone before handling her the Dean's note, after doing so I manage to glance behind the teacher to see the students in the front row looking at me with curious eyes.


"Oh!" the teacher points at me with an index finger, "Yes. Yes of course!"
"Class!" she claps her hands and returns to her desk. "We have a new transfer student this year," she turns to me. Her right eyebrows bowing down as if she's giving me an expectant look. 

"Would you kindly introduce yourself dear? Come up front."


I took a long deep breath, I could feel that my nervousness were already invading my body and it's beyond out of control as I felt my hands sweating a little already. But I need to act confident infront of them. Mom once told me that the key to success is through your own confidence and self-trust. 

I shouldn't have mess up here, that's truly an embarrassing scene for my first day in this school.

I go completely inside and wears a sweet smile that I could've muster as I faces the class. I observes that they are all paying attention to me right now, so I it up and puts on a confident face.

I shouldn't show them that I'm nervous, they will surely makes fun of me if they'll notice my weaknesses. That's right. Then I mentally nodded my head with my thoughts and stared back at them with a sweet smile grazing my lips. 

For Good impression, I thought.


"Hello everyone, I'm Irene Bae,"  my eyes wander around the room and observe their faces. They're all have the same reaction and expression, looking at me attentively as if I'm one of those interesting shows on t.v though some of them was giving me a flirthy look as if they're trying to undress me with those stares. Gross. I cleared my throat before continuing. "I am the new transfer student. I just moved here from Daegu. I hope I can get to know all of you and please take good care of me" I finished my words with a 90 degree bow before straighten up.

My eyes go back to the front and give all my classmates another sweet smile. A group of arrogant looking guys give me a wolf whistles and practically continuing undressing me with the smug looks on their faces. I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

When are they planning to stop? Jeez.


The teacher orders them to quiet down and instructs me to take a seat at the back. I'm feeling pretty happy hearing this because I'm really planning on taking the backseat instead at the front in the first place. First reason, it is because the arrogant guys were sitting infront almost on the middle row and I don't want to sit infront of them because basically they're just going to bother me and that will surely creep me out. For the second reason, because the seat at the back was located near the window, I really like sitting next to the window because I have a habit of observing the view outside from where I'm sitting when I got bored and less interested with the lesson. 

After giving a small bow at the teacher as a sign of respect I immediately walked towards my sit and sat down on it. I could still feel their gaze on me but I just shrug it off. I mentally gives myself a pat on the back for not turning into a stuttering mess in front of the class, but then something—or someone—catches my attention.

Sitting next to me is a guy, I couldn't see his face because he was facing the other direction, who was already dozing off on his seat.

Seriously? Taking a nap in the middle of a class hour?

I shake my head in disappointment. Millenials nowadays is truly careless. They're just wasting their family's money for nothing. They didn't even consider their parent's hardworks just for them to acquire a prominent school to enrolled in. 

I scoff at him before averting my eyes infront. 


"Waste of time" I muttered more likely to myself before focusing my attention instead on the teacher, I still has a lot of catching up to do.


When the class ends I quickly darts towards the door because I noticed that the arrogant guys from earlier were approaching me and I was definitely not in the mood for that right now.


"Hey, Irene was it?" One of the guys catches up to me. I roll my eyes at him but gives him a slight smile, which is more like a grimace really. The guy doesn't seem to get the hint and is about to ask me something when someone suddenly grabbed me by my arm dragging me out the door. I give a little wave to the guys who look like they just lost a game. 

Poor them. I mentally snickered


"Not today guys!" A female voice says. I turn around to find a girl grinning at me.


"Thank you. You are a lifesaver!"  I said politely almost timidly as the girl stared back at me. We are already standing in the middle of the hallway- way too far from where the arrogant guys earlier.


The girl smile "I kinda saw that you needed help, so I thought I'd come in and save the day." She offers her hand out. "I'm Krystal by the way. With a K" she said and I chuckled a bit. 

Krystal is beautiful. Her long black hair falling flawlessly on her shoulder. Her beautiful brown eyes that could immediately melt you away in just one stare. Her small nose. Thin eyebrows and her red lips that forming a sweet smile. Everything is perfect. I thought I was looking at a super model or a celebrity infront of me.

Shaking myself out of my thought, I'd notice that she was looking at me expectantly and that's when I realize that I haven't said anything to her yet. With that I gather up the urge to mentally slaps myself for doing such embarrasing things infront of a strangers who had just save me earlier.  


"Irene." I shakes her hand, "and about that..." I points at the now empty classroom. "Thanks."


"No problem." Krystal says. "So anyway," she paused biting on her lower lips " I'm not really good at making conversation if I'm hungry so how about let's go to the cafeteria and grab some lunch?" she said expectantly and reaching her hands out infront of me. 

I couldn't help but smile at the gesture. Eventhough we are both strangers to each other I could already feel that we're going to be a very good friends in the future. Krystal is sweet and cheerful girl despite of her 'ice princess' aura. 

I accepted her hands and nodded my head. To my surprise, Krystal suddenly squeal like an excited 5 year old kid before dragging me towards where I supposed the school cafeteria.

 I guess first day of school isn't that bad at all.




Just a short introduction of Irene's journey on her first day in her new school. Next chapter  will be more interesting and exciting, I guess. So, see yah!

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An update!!! Enjoy, my beloved faithful readers ^-^


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Chapter 3: Its good story but its 3 yrs since updated
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 3: Hei
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Woaaaj this is good
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh
Chapter 3: Just finished reading all of your fics. You're really good author-ssi
Chapter 3: I hope you'll update soon ^.^
Chapter 3: When will you update again? T_T
Chapter 3: This is a weird school indeed
ayfxxx_ #9
Chapter 3: Im excited for the next chapter,this story is amazing!
Usmonsters94 #10
Chapter 3: Im in love with this. This story totally caught my attention