Your Majesty


Minseok breathed in as he looked at the ring that he held in his hand, finally delivered to him after he had told the royal jeweler to make him the best ring that could suit Prince Luhan’s hand. The royal jeweler had presented Minseok with a white gold ring embroidered with Celtic knots –the jeweler had commented that the embroidery was famous from the region where he had learned it so Minseok allowed the man to do what he wanted as long as he complied with Minseok’s directions- made with such delicacy, to the sides were three small diamonds all cut and placed in a vertical line and in the middle there was a ruby centered quite perfectly. Minseok knew that Luhan was fond of bright colors and the ruby was very reminiscent to Minseok of the time in which he gifted Luhan the baby’s breath necklace.

“Of course even if I propose to Prince Luhan and he rejects me then I at least hope that he keeps the ring as a reminder of our time together.” Minseok thought pessimistically. Minseok preferred to be a realist but Jongdae had a tendency to call him a sourpuss so in the end he didn’t know what he was. He walked towards the gardens as slowly as he could, he had sent Luhan a letter requesting him to meet him at the gardens in which Minseok would take advantage of the fact that Luhan hadn’t been to the gardens ever in the entire time of his visit and every time they spent time together would badger Minseok to give him a tour of the royal gardens.

Minseok could see the handsome prince waiting for him at the entrance of the gardens –Luhan’s face looked like he itched to enter the gardens without Minseok-, he also noticed the presence of Lord Huang –who looked extremely bored-. “He must’ve lost at who must chaperone Prince Luhan for today” Minseok thought with coy amusement.

“Good afternoon Prince Luhan and Lord Huang.” Minseok gave a small respectful bow as he approached the two men, Luhan’s face instantly lighted up as he saw Minseok before bowing back in respect while Lord Huang’s facial expression did not change even as he bowed to Minseok. Minseok did not resent his lack of facial expression instead he simply extended his arm for Luhan to take, once Luhan’s arm was intertwined with his they started walking.

“Prince Luhan, you look very handsome today-” Minseok started to say but was interrupted by Luhan’s sudden laughter. “Is something wrong? Did I say something out of turn?”

“No, it is only that you start every single one of our conversations with the ‘Prince Luhan, you look very handsome today’.” Luhan laughed as he imitated Minseok’s voice and Minseok heard Lord Huang release his banshee-like laughter a few feet behind him.

“Thank you Lord Huang for your helpful participation.” Minseok deadpanned before turning to look at Luhan. “Alright, Prince Luhan your face is not the most horrible thing that I’ve seen today. Is that better, Your Highness?”

“Very much. I like that kind of greeting the most; because you’re not flattering my beauty over everything.” Luhan laughed before stopping suddenly thus making Minseok stop as well and almost making Lord Huang crash into them, Minseok followed Luhan’s gaze to realize that he was looking at Junmyeon who was exiting the gardens with his retinue –which was mostly conformed of the second or third children of the influential nobles of Indaia (the capital); Minseok had his own retinue but with the fact that he had to spend time with Luhan, he basically abandoned them not that he minded.-. “Good morning, Prince Junmyeon.”

“Good morning, Prince Luhan. I hope that the morning processions were adequate for you with the hope that they have not caused you much problems, and that my brother is taking good care of you, I hope that our royal gardens are of your standard.” Junmyeon replied with a sweet smile and a bow, his retinue bowed after he had done so.

“There’s no need for so much formality Prince Junmyeon,” Luhan smiled with an equally as sweet smile. “After all, we are going to be related in short time.”

“It’s true, Your Highness. I am eager to travel to Yiwen to meet my betrothed, I wish that you provide me with some stories of him before I part or hopefully you’ll be able to make the journey with us.” Junmyeon answered with a soft voice before looking momentarily at Minseok, he turned his gaze towards Luhan once more. “I’ll have to take my leave, I have to see the royal tailor.”

“Farewell Prince Junmyeon.” Luhan smiled, he looked up at Minseok with a smile. “Shall we continue?”

“Of course.” Minseok nodded and they continued their tranquil pace of walking through the gardens. “Did he have to be so direct with the whole wedding thing?” Minseok thought, feeling quite peeved. “He’s rushing me to propose to Luhan, I hate him more than Jongdae now.”

They stopped in front one of the water fountains that the former Queen Mother had had commissioned to be built before she passed away a few months after Minseok’s grandfather had died as well; Minseok’s grandmother Queen Haerin was extremely fond of the palace gardens –more than she was of her only surviving son’s wife but she was fond of Minseok at least-, evoking most of her efforts into the gardens, the late Queen Mother was the most fond of Alyssums, Baby’s Breaths and Carnations all which surrounded the water fountain and gave this part of the gardens a certain beauty that was very lovely. Minseok breathed in the familiar sweet scent of flowers before looking at Luhan who was staring at the fountain with admiration.

“Prince Luhan, I need to ask you something.” Minseok started, amazed at the fact that his voice didn’t start cracking or anything, Luhan looked at him with expectant doe eyes. Minseok moved down to the ground and kneeled on one knee and looked up at Luhan ho looked shocked and looked at Lord Huang from the corner of his eye, noticing that the young lord looked constipated in his shock. “Prince Luhan, in the brief time that we’ve known each other I have realized that you’re someone that I wish could stay by my side for all the years to come; you’re hilarious also you laugh at all the stupid matters that I say as well even if they’re not as funny as yours, you find beauty and joy in the simplest of things and most important of all you have become someone that I hold close in my heart. Prince Luhan, would you give me the honor of becoming my husband?”

At the end of all this, Minseok pulled the ring from the inside of his vest pocket to show Luhan that his intentions were true. Minseok looked at Luhan with expectant eyes but Luhan looked at Minseok with unreadable eyes before he started nodding with uncontainable joy. “Yes!”

Minseok slumped over with relief before getting up and placing the ring on Luhan’s hand, making a move to separate from Luhan to give him space before Luhan had gripped his wrist tightly to make sure that Minseok didn’t move too far. “As far as I know, Prince Minseok, where I come it is customary for a man to grant a kiss to his betrothed after he’s proposed.”

Minseok felt his face become red as he nodded softly before moving closer to Prince Luhan, who had already placed a hand on Minseok’s jaw, pulling him closer and slowly leaning forward while tilting his head a little so their noses wouldn’t crash; the moment their lips met in a soft and sweet closed lip kiss, Minseok realized that Luhan’s lips might be the softest things’ he’s ever touched. They remained with their lips attached for a few seconds more before they parted, Minseok briefly wondered how red his face was but he decided to discard the idea.

“Prince Luhan, we should go and inform our fathers of the good news.” Minseok coughed and looked at Luhan shyly.

“How can a prince that spoke such sweet words to propose to me and kiss me turn so shy?” Luhan teased Minseok with a smug smile the entire way to the throne room but Minseok did not comment on the teasing, he simply bore a soft smile.

Junmyeon leaned down from his position to swallow Sehun’s soft moans with his own mouth as their tongues intertwined with each other, assuring that the noises produced by the General weren’t to be heard by any guards roaming by guarding the palace at night. Junmyeon separated to concentrate more on reaching Sehun’s and his’ pleasure, riding the General who had a sly smirk as he saw the always composed perfect prince break his composure as he rode him. Junmyeon sped up his pace and Sehun started moving upwards his hips to meet with Junmyeon’s, Junmyeon bit his bottom lip trying to suppress the moans that wanted to escape the elder.

“Hyung.” Sehun moaned as he pulled Junmyeon closer to him and kissed him again. Both of them into each other’s mouths as they reached their s; Junmyeon coating both of their abdomens in his release and Sehun releasing inside of Junmyeon who simply keened in delight of the feeling of being filled, Junmyeon collapsed onto Sehun, lying down on his stomach. Junmyeon separated from their kiss, softly spreading kisses all over Sehun’s face before moving down and softly kissing and biting his jaw before he settled on a very sensitive spot in Sehun’s neck to which he started biting and marks onto that spot on that place.

“You know hyung? It’s not fair that I can’t mark you but you can mark me.” Sehun pouted with a smile as he looked down and locked gazes with Junmyeon whose eyes crinkled from joy but later looked sad.

“Sehun,” Junmyeon whispered softly onto Sehun’s collarbone, a mark there before kissing it softly. Junmyeon knew that Sehun had a right to be saddened by that; Junmyeon would be departing in a week’s time. Junmyeon would be on the road and there would be many risks for someone to see that the prince was sleeping with another when he was betrothed to another. “There’s nothing in the world that would give me more joy than to mark you and bear the marks that you have given me proudly. To be yours and for you to be mine, if it weren’t because of my duties I would’ve married you long ago. And I would have already given you many children, we would live in your family’s estate in Mayrell with your mother or maybe in the castle that’s mine by right in Alticar. We could’ve been so happy, I resent being a prince because being a prince means that I can have everything but you.”

“Hyung, I love you so much. I don’t think I could love anyone the way I do love you. How could I dream about touching someone the way I touch you and making me feel the way you make me feel?” Sehun replied as he flipped them over and started tracing delicate kisses and touches along the elder’s body. When he was about to start on Junmyeon’s s, they heard fervent knocking coming from the bedroom’s main doors to which Sehun got startled and fell off the bed.

Junmyeon sat up, cleaned himself as fast as he could, put on a nightshift and hid Sehun under the bed. He got up from the bed and calmed himself before opening the door to see that it was Lord Kwon who looked very worried and sad at the same time. “Is something wrong Lord Kwon? These aren’t hours to be roaming around the palace.”

“Prince Junmyeon, your mother has requested me to take you to the King’s chambers.” Lord Kwon replied with a glum tone to his voice.

“Has something happened to my father, Lord Kwon?” Junmyeon stared strongly at the older man trying to get the man to give him an answer.

“Your father’s condition worsened overnight…. the healers have done all they can do….They have announced that the king will not survive the night, that’s why your mother has summoned all the king’s children to see him off.” Junmyeon felt his legs weaken at those words spoken by the Advisor, he leaned onto the door before looking at the Advisor.

Junmyeon felt sick in his mouth before he swallowed it, he had to be strong. “Allow me to put on a robe at least, it’s unsightly for a prince to be solely in a nightshift.”

Junmyeon walked back into the room not caring about Lord Kwon’s answer and grabbed a robe, knowing that Sehun most likely heard everything. He trusted Sehun to do what he had to do. Junmyeon closed the door behind him as he wore a midnight blue robe, he walked alongside Lord Kwon to his father’s chambers where he saw many of the healers looking gloom. His presence was announced and he entered the room, making his way to his father’s bed; feeling his heart break when he saw his father pale white as the sheets of paper in which he has written reports on it, his father’s face was glistening with sweat, Queen Sohee was patting his forehead with a cold rag trying to at least alleviate his pain.

Yunho was holding Yerim's hand as he whispered soft comforting words to his youngest child, Yerim was sobbing hysterically shaking her head denying to herself of her father's fate. Queen Boa came up and pulled her daughter away and embraced her tightly, trying to hide her own tears. 

Junmyeon walked over and sat next to Jongdae who was silently crying while watching his father give his final breaths to his children. Yunho noticed Junmyeon and he gestured for his second son to get closer to him.

"Junmyeon, my dear son, your siblings and you have always been my greatest pride. But you have always reminded me of my late brothers' -who it seems that I'll be joining soon- and..-" Yunho started coughing and Junmyeon heard Yerim cry out harder, Junmyeon saw Jongin try to console their sister. 

"Father, please stop talking; you must save your strength." Junmyeon mumbled as he felt his eyes fill with tears but refused to let them fall. Minseok was also crying but he was trying to be strong for his mother who looked so pale that she was about to faint. "It was such a happy eve," Junmyeon bitterly thought. "Minseok and Luhan announced their engagement and tomorrow they were going to start the planning. Nothing of this was supposed to happen."

"I regret engaging you Junmyeon, I fear that I won't be able to send you off or see my grandchildren." Yunho said with a weak smile. "You must live happily, my children." 

Yunho grabbed Junmyeon's hand, that was running through his father's hair, and pressed it to his lips before whispering; "Junmyeon, my boy, always honor the monarchy. Your brothers, sister and you all possess the blood of the royal house of Kim, you must never forget that in all that you do. Understood?"

Junmyeon felt the tears that he struggled to keep at bay begin to fall down as he nodded to his father, calling him by the word that he called him when he was younger. "Yes papa, I'll always remember that. I love you papa." 

Junmyeon couldn't bear to look at his father anymore so he tucked his face into Jongdae's shoulder as he heard his father give his final breath. Junmyeon turned his face to see his father's eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face, no longer suffering from the pain that he had been suffering; he heard his mother announce the soul departure words and his siblings echoed his mother. Junmyeon kissed his father's forehead before he whispered "Goodbye papa, rest with our ancestors."

The room was silent except from the sounds of sobbing and cries. Junmyeon knew what had to be done now, someone was supposed to announce the new king but he knew that Queen Sohee was too distraught to do it herself and that his own mother was crying. Junmyeon stood and kneeled in front of Minseok who knew what had to be done. 

"Long live King Minseok, may you continue to bring prosperity to the house of Kim as your predecessor did." His siblings and mother followed en suite. Minseok was now king as the eldest trueborn son of King Yunho, even though it was the perfect moment for a power grab but Junmyeon wasn't going to give the court what they wanted.


Please review, upvote and subcribe. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any questions please ask away also Ikon's comeback was amazing~

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 13: I need un update soon TT It is beautiful
SuhoSandi #2
Chapter 13: oh my authornim, I can't even express my happiness when I found your update...thanks so much! eeek finally their wedding!!!
flowergirl #3
Chapter 13: Aww Yifan is captivated with Junmyeon’s looks but I hope they develop a deeper, more emotional relationship if they’re going to be happy together! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 13: I am so happy seeing the new update. Thank you so much. :)
2447 streak #5
Chapter 13: Jun's wedding outfit is fireeeee! all the reds, golds and yellows!!! the jewels and the decorative pieces! im sure it's beautiful!!! the phoenix even!!! and I'm also certain Jun looked so beautiful in it! and seeing how smitten Yifan was when he saw Jun, I'm even more certain that i am right! HAHAHA

may they have a blessed marriage indeed!
thank you for the update authornim! good luck on your studies!
2447 streak #6
Chapter 12: well, if Jun had Sehun... ofc Yifan had someone too!
everybody in Yifan's land has been smitten by Jun already! i like that, it's just a matter of them two actually falling for each other or not... but Jun just seems so lovable and nice, and he's determined to maintain the good relationship of his homeland with the land he's in now, so i doubt he'd act ruthless or anything... let's see :)

thank you for the update authornim! it's really been a while! :)
fiqahaina #7
Chapter 12: Not surprise when yifan has his side biss..but yeah im rooting for junmyeon to be a lovable person for his country. Hwaiting authornim!!
flowergirl #8
Chapter 12: TT if Yifan hurts Junmyeon I’m going to kidnap Sehun and we will go kidnap Junmyeon together TT
Why my heart starts to ache for Junmyeon? *sigh*
Thanks for the update :)