

I live fed by regret that I've been able to update this story before it would be a year since I last updated this. It's been a pretty hectic year for me since my family has been going through a lot of economic troubles, I've been even more burdened to work harder on my studies to be able to get a better scholarship and I eventually even started feeling burdened towards writing since I started getting a lot of writer's block as well but I'm sorry. Hopefully I'll be able to update more regularly. Thank you to those who still continue to wait for this story and it's updates.

Junmyeon sat in the carriage, feeling quite chilly but it was mostly due to the fact that Hakyeon had pulled aside the window and was talking to his husband, Lord Taekwoon, who was riding beside the carriage on his horse; they would both become part of Junmyeon’s household and party in Yiwen, Hakyeon’s younger brother Lord Jaehwan would be taking over their estate back in Asterrania. Lord Taekwoon was saying something clearly flattering Hakyeon who simply started blushing and cooing at his husband of 2 years. Junmyeon felt bad for asking the two to move from their estate in the capital to come live with Junmyeon in Yiwen but he needed at least trusted men and women to come with him. He wasn’t stupid enough to be alone in a foreign country with people that would kill him for a free lemon, as far as he knew lemons were quite hard to come by in these parts of the continent so anyone would apply for trying to murder him. 


They had all ridden their horses for a large portion of the journey not wanting to use the carriage until it was time and instead decided to let any person who would get injured or ill on the journey to rest in there instead, however once they arrived to the Northern parts of Falite they all got in since it was colder than they expected it to be. Jongdae had whined that the men were liars for not explaining the true depths of the Yiwenian cold, Junmyeon had minded him by telling him that there is no true measure to the weather and Jongdae had replied that if the scouts had written that their balls would freeze from the cold then they would’ve understood.


“Lord Taekwoon, forgive me for interrupting your flirting with Hakyeon but do you know if we’re close enough to Celyrene?” Jongdae chimed from beside Junmyeon, Taekwoon squeaked in surprise and started blushing. Junmyeon simply laughed along with Lady Seungwan.


“Forgive me, Your Highness.” Taekwoon started muttering something under his breath to Hakyeon who simply cooed back at him, unfazed by his husband’s embarrassment. “General Choi, are we close?”


General Choi Minho who was leading Prince Junmyeon’s engagement party pulled back on his horse and rode next to the carriage’s window to address Prince Jongdae. “We are approximately 30 minutes away, the scout spotted the welcome party and has already communicated with them. They’ll wait for us at the rendezvous point a few miles away, Your Highness.”


“Hyung, can you please translate?” Jongdae looked at Junmyeon with puppy dog eyes, Junmyeon huffed in before answering to his younger brother.


“It means that my fiance’s soldiers are ready to meet with us and us safely into the capital." Junmyeon replied with a smile before looking towards General Minho through the window. "However, I would like to ask you something General."


"You can ask whatever you wish, Your Highness." Minho bowed his head at Junmyeon. 


"Once we arrive to where our is, I would like to meet them personally instead of you doing so alone. It’s part of the former Commander in me, General. I apologize in that regard.” Junmyeon smiled at the General who laughed and nodded in agreement.


“If you see it as a sound request, Your Highness then I have no right to reject it.” Minho replied, Junmyeon closed the carriage’s window. Baekhyun simply huffed in muted delight as the window was finally closed, snuggling into Junmyeon's shoulder, therefore not allowing the cold air to continue entering the carriage. 


“The Prince’s Southborn fiance will be here at any moment.” Zhoumi mused out loud as he sat on his horse, on the outskirts of the city. He was trusted by the Emperor to take the Crown Prince’s fiance and his accompanying party into the palace walls. The Crown Prince’s most trusted friend and guard, General Chan Lie had also been appointed with the task of escorting the Prince’s betrothed to the castle. 


“There comes the carriage.” Can Lie commented as he saw the carriage approach before he yelled a command, he was only a little bit taller than Zhoumi but he was also younger and more trained in military tactics unlike Zhoumi was. Upon hearing the command, the men instantly filed in a line along the entry road towards the city walls, only Zhoumi and Can Lie remained in the middle of the road. They could see how the relatively simple black rosewood carriage was approaching, being flanked by over a dozen soldiers all of them wearing the royal Asterranian military uniforms; the lead General was the one walking in front of them all, once he stopped everything else stopped. The General dismounted his house and walked towards Zhoumi and Can Lie, bowing respectfully towards them. 


"A pleasure to meet both of you, my Lords. I am Royal General Choi Minho, and I come as to Prince Junmyeon of Asterrania for his betrothal to Crown Prince Yifan." Minho said respectfully. 


"The pleasure is all ours as well, General Choi. I am the Emperor's most faithful servant, Advisor Zhoumi and this is the head royal military General." Zhoumi bowed after explaining, Can Lie and the other soldiers all followed suit to show respect. 


Junmyeon dismounted from the carriage, sheltered by the bitter cold by the cloak made from a winter fox's pelt, he wore leather gloves on his hands to shield him. He felt chilled to his bones but he couldn't let that be seen as a weakness.


"Eventually I'll have to learn to brave this cold if I want to gain the people's favor." Junmyeon thought as he walked with his head held high towards General Choi and the Yiwen , he could hear the Yiwen soldiers whisper at his appearance. It wasn't anything degrading per say instead it was more along the way of complimenting his looks. Minho noticed Junmyeon walking towards them and introduced Junmyeon to the men. 


Once he arrived towards the General and the , he lowered his body into a bow (not deep enough to seem that he was submitting himself but not too superficial that they would find it an insult if he didn't lower enough, no one would gain the right of submission from the prince. Not even his own husband) and rose with a piercing smile framing his face, making him seem brighter than he was. Both of the men seemed surprised at this. 


"My Lords, it is a pleasure for me to meet you both and to also have arrived to this country. I place myself in your trustworthy hands to be able to reach my fiance and to guide me as well." Junmyeon said courteously as he looked at the men. 


"The pleasure is all ours, your Highness." Zhoumi replied with a smile. "I swear to the Gods, if Yifan doesn't do well in this marriage I'll kill him myself. He's too good for Yifan, the self centered brat. Maybe he'll help tone down Yifan's brattiness." "Shall we go ahead? There is a welcoming party for you at the castle and the Emperor hopes to introduce you to court as soon as possible."

"Of course." General Choi replied with a nod as he walked Junmyeon back to the carriage and mounted his horse, they all made their way into the city walls. Jongdae watched the crowds from the window in the carriage, the people going on their daily motions through the cold, some people would stop to look at the party with interest while others simply looked at it with boredom since it was blocking the path. The carriage continued to make its way to the palace walls, Jongdae could see a welcoming party of an entire household waiting by the main doors; he also saw Emperor Hangeng, Empress BingBing and a man who seemed like the Crown Prince. As the carriage was being halted, Jongdae could see that Junmyeon was being coddled by Seungwan and Hakyeon who were making sure that his hair was appropriate, that his cloak was well placed to be presented. 

“Go get them, hyung.” Junmyeon looked at his brother with a smile before breathing in and out in order to calm himself and mostly likely summon courage to present himself. Once the carriage stopped, and General Choi opened the door for Junmyeon to walk out, Junmyeon walked out with such grace that Jongdae couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He was soon also escorted out of the carriage and he made his way to present himself to the Yiwen Royals along with Junmyeon who waited for him to continue walking.

“Prince Junmyeon, you are quite a sight for my eyes.” Emperor Hangeng smiled as he saw both Junmyeon and Jongdae bow respectfully towards them and doing the same himself. “I hope that your journey here was without any problems.”

“You flatter me too much, Your Grace.” Junmyeon laughed, a bell like trill, before continuing. “Don’t worry Your Grace. The travel here was fine, there was no troubles faced on our way here. Your country is quite beautiful, Your Grace.”

“It will soon be your country as well, Prince Junmyeon. Allow me to introduce you to my son, Crown Prince Yifan.” The tall man next to the Emperor and the Empress walked forward, he was quite handsome and tall, very tall.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Prince Junmyeon, I have heard so much about you from my father and mother. You seem to have left quite an impression on them during their stay in your lands.” His voice was deep and husky as he bowed forward to greet Junmyeon. His eyes were dark colored in the same almond shape as Luhan’s were but they were more stern than Luhan’s, his cheekbones and jaw were much more prominent, his skin was lightly tanned as though he spent various hours under the sun.

“As it is mine. A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.” Junmyeon smiled back to the taller man and even bowed slightly.

Thank you for reading. Please comment your thoughts, thanks.

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 13: I need un update soon TT It is beautiful
SuhoSandi #2
Chapter 13: oh my authornim, I can't even express my happiness when I found your update...thanks so much! eeek finally their wedding!!!
flowergirl #3
Chapter 13: Aww Yifan is captivated with Junmyeon’s looks but I hope they develop a deeper, more emotional relationship if they’re going to be happy together! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 13: I am so happy seeing the new update. Thank you so much. :)
2447 streak #5
Chapter 13: Jun's wedding outfit is fireeeee! all the reds, golds and yellows!!! the jewels and the decorative pieces! im sure it's beautiful!!! the phoenix even!!! and I'm also certain Jun looked so beautiful in it! and seeing how smitten Yifan was when he saw Jun, I'm even more certain that i am right! HAHAHA

may they have a blessed marriage indeed!
thank you for the update authornim! good luck on your studies!
2447 streak #6
Chapter 12: well, if Jun had Sehun... ofc Yifan had someone too!
everybody in Yifan's land has been smitten by Jun already! i like that, it's just a matter of them two actually falling for each other or not... but Jun just seems so lovable and nice, and he's determined to maintain the good relationship of his homeland with the land he's in now, so i doubt he'd act ruthless or anything... let's see :)

thank you for the update authornim! it's really been a while! :)
fiqahaina #7
Chapter 12: Not surprise when yifan has his side biss..but yeah im rooting for junmyeon to be a lovable person for his country. Hwaiting authornim!!
flowergirl #8
Chapter 12: TT if Yifan hurts Junmyeon I’m going to kidnap Sehun and we will go kidnap Junmyeon together TT
Why my heart starts to ache for Junmyeon? *sigh*
Thanks for the update :)