🎼 The Last Song

The Melody of His Heart

Listen to Will You Marry Me? by Lee Seunggi for full experience!


Three years have passed. Baekhyun graduated that year we spent our first summer together. And instead of finding a job, his Coach recommended him and his group of friends to join the National Team because of their talent. Since it is their passion, the nine of them are now in the National Team for Korea. Some of them are doing part-time in their field of study; Minseok being a legal clerk, Jongdae being a small time director, Baekhyun being an engineer at his father’s aerospace company. The boys are all doing extremely well.

I, on the other hand, have just graduated with my physiotherapy degree. This also means that Baekhyun gets to take advantage of his girlfriend being his team’s physiotherapist (he talked to his new coach about hiring me as their part-time physiotherapist); whining and complaining about his aches until he receives kisses with his treatments, sometimes even going to the extent of faking an injury just so he could talk to me during practice. Other than that, I also work at a hospital when I'm not helping out with the boys.

I have moved out of my place and it seemed like an unanimous agreement that all four of us would move out at the same time. We didn't hug each other or anything (Joohyun and I actually did, but not Jennie and Rose), but we promised to at least have a tea or coffee together every once in awhile. Then, I moved in with Baekhyun (he finally agreed to move out of his previous place) in a beautiful apartment in the city. We have been staying together officially for a year now and I have to admit that I really enjoy this lifestyle.

Our playlist has yet to be abandoned; I don't think it will ever be. But instead of separately choosing new songs to be added in our Shared Playlist, we would cuddle up at night and open the app on either one of our phones, going through songs that we both like so we could add them into the playlist. Whatever new song that we have, the both of us approve of. I think we made a silent agreement that this is how we would expand our playlist from now on. Though I have to admit that I don't listen to it everyday since Baekhyun drives me to the hospital and back, and we would always be together when I’m with the team. And the times when I am alone, I would forget my earphones from being so accustomed to not needing them, causing me to have to take the bus back without any music.

Today, I find myself not opening my Music app again as Baekhyun fetches me from the hospital. He watches me enter the car and even when I am inside, he doesn't drive off immediately like he normally does. He is only staring at me with a speculating gaze. I frown at him.

“What's wrong, Baekhyun?”

He blinks at me, his eyes searching my features. Then, for the first time in years, that unreadable gaze that I was so familiar with when we first met covers his emotions and he gives me a small smile. I notice his fingers gripping the wheel a little tighter.

“Nothing,” he murmurs, shaking his head.

I frown even more when he starts driving without another explanation. Being such observant people who spend so much time together, Baekhyun and I know each other better than we do ourselves. And I know that right now, Baekhyun is not in the best mood. I just don't know what kind of mood he is in; whether he is angry, sad, or something else altogether.

“Where are we going tomorrow for our fourth anniversary Date Night?” I ask, trying to keep conversation light.

“You’ll see,” Baekhyun mumbles.

Although this time, when he turns to me briefly, I see the slight twinkle in his eyes and the small affectionate smile on his lips. Immediately, I grin back, knowing that he isn't mad or anything.

When we get home, we talk over dinner and it seems like Baekhyun’s sour mood has passed. He's back to his bubbly self, constantly telling me jokes and what he did in his day at his father’s company. Then, we go to bed together, cuddling and staying up until midnight to wish each other a Happy anniversary and share an intimate session before we fall asleep.

The next day, Baekhyun sends me to the hospital for my half day of work there. Then, I make my way to the field in the afternoon where Baekhyun is training, ready to treat his teammates if they so happen to have any injuries or pulled muscles. I forget my earphones again. But when I am at his training ground, I am so busy with the team that I barely even have time for myself.

I am glad when the day ends so I could finally unwind with Baekhyun. We shower using the facilities at the training ground before meeting up.

Baekhyun is cleaning his ear with a cotton bud when I meet him outside the girls’ bathroom. He is wearing slacks that flaunt his strong thighs, and a white dress shirt that is folded up to his arms. He has a black watch on his wrist, the same hand holding onto his blazer. I, on the other hand, am wearing a white flowy dress. Baekhyun told me to dress up for today and so I did, even going to the extent of putting on makeup and wearing heels.

He smiles when he sees me. “You look so pretty,” he says, sounding very much in awe as he reaches out to take my duffle bag from me.

“Thank you,” I giggle, casting my eyes downwards.

I have long learnt to embrace his praises than to feel embarrassed by them. Though I still can’t help but blush sometimes, too. I hold his hand, letting him lead the way to his car.

“I heard Minho tore a muscle,” Baekhyun says as we make our way to his vehicle.

I make a face. “Yeah. Hamstring. He won't be able to play for a while. At least, not rigorously.”

Baekhyun pouts slightly. “He's fun to train with though… And our next game is coming up in two days…”

“Maybe you could be the MVP of the team then,” I grin at him.

He crinkles his nose at me. “Yeah, no. I’m not even close.”

“It's okay, you’re my MVP.”

Baekhyun glances at me and sees the happy expression on my face. He smiles, chuckling softly as he shakes his head. I am feeling a bit too happy for a normal day but today isn't really any other day, is it? It is Baekhyun’s and my 4th anniversary.

We are at the tallest building in Seoul, the view of the city beautiful and breathtaking. But even lovelier than anything, I turn back to Baekhyun who is smiling from watching me scan the night view in awe. His pretty fingers are playing with the stem of his wine glass. His eyes twinkle just as bright as the stars above. His smile is tiny but endearing.

“Like it here?”

I bob my head rapidly. “Thanks, Baekhyun.”

He shakes his head with a small smile and takes a sip of his wine. I do too. When I look back at him, I notice a rather brooding look on his face. Before I get to ask him what's wrong, he questions, “Did you listen to… our playlist today?”

I sigh and shake my head. “I was busy the entire day. Why?”

I see him swallowing. He wears that indecipherable gaze again. He shakes his head with a pleasant but faraway smile. I stare at him, wondering if I did or said anything wrong. But Baekhyun, knowing that I am worrying over him, changes topics, helping me easily forget about his sudden change in behavior.

The Date Night is wonderful. The food is great and the conversations that we share make me feel lighter. The smiles that Baekhyun has on his face and the twinkle in his brown eyes are food for my soul. We have our dessert there and when it is almost nine at night, Baekhyun pays for the bill and takes me back to the car with my arm linked with his.

“How was dinner?” Baekhyun asks while we wait for the lift down.

I turn to him with rosy cheeks and burgundy lips from the wine. “It was so good, Baekhyun,” I tell him sincerely. “Thank you.”

He only smiles at me, leaning in to kiss the side of my lips. My heart pounds, probably from the alcohol and the affection. We enter the elevator with some other people, Baekhyun wrapping his arm around my waist protectively, pulling my body to his. The lingering atmosphere of our romantic Date Night has Baekhyun holding my hand the entire drive back home, our fingers interlocked, our hands resting on my lap.

When we get home, Baekhyun kisses my forehead and takes a shower first, reminding me that I am free to join him at any point in time. I am taking off my makeup when I hear Baekhyun singing a song in the shower, reminding me of his question about listening to our playlist. Baekhyun has never asked me such a thing before. It was an unusual question, really. Not to mention his change in attitude afterwards.

So while I wipe my eye makeup off with a cotton pad, I check my phone and open my Music app. It takes a while to open since I haven't touched it in almost a week now. I check my cotton pad and see that it is dirty with my foundation and all the other products I have put on my face. I take a fresh pad to wipe my makeup off and turn back to my phone. I tap on Shared Playlist and immediately, Baekhyun’s and my songs appear on the screen. Only this time, I see a new song that is unfamiliar to me.

I bring my hand down slowly from my face, picking up my phone. Every other song was added a few weeks ago and they are all familiar to me since Baekhyun and I had chosen them together. I swallow when I read the title of the song. It is something that Baekhyun picked on his own since I do not have the recollection of this new addition. And the song was even added to this playlist just two days ago. With a trembling finger, I tap on it, letting the song play.

Will You Marry Me? - Lee Seunggi

Truthfully speaking, I like you more than you like me / They say that's good in a relationship between a man and a woman

I will love you more / I will cherish you more / If you cry from having a hard time / If you're hurting, I will hurt with you

I will love you for all my life / I will protect you for all my life / Thank you for letting me meet such a wonderful person like you / I want to love only you everyday / Will you marry me?

My eyes burn and my nose prickles. No wonder he had looked so out of it when I told him that I hadn't listened to our playlist. And yesterday! He must have sensed that I hadn't known about it when I really already should have.

Letting the song play on repeat, I take off my earrings quickly and enter the bathroom where Baekhyun is still showering. Tears are streaming down my face now. I take off my dress, letting it fall to ground, pooling at my feet. I remove my underwear and enter the shower stall, my head tilted down.

“Finally,” Baekhyun playfully grumbles when I enter. “I was trying to lure you in with my singing. It worked, didn't it?”

I don't reply him, still standing away from the showerhead at the door. I finally look up and when he sees the tears running down my face, the playful look in his eyes changes to worry and his smile drops. He takes my forearms in his hands and brings me towards him. His touch makes my heart pound.

“What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying? What happened?” he asks all at once, cupping my face in his hands, wiping my tears on my cheek with his thumb pads.

“Baekhyun,” I try to say, only to end up whimpering.

Baekhyun’s face falls even more. Am I ruining the last moments of our anniversary for him? Noticing the panic and concern in his face, I swallow and force myself to speak. I am just too overwhelmed with emotions.

“Yes,” I say in a choked whisper. Baekhyun frowns even more, his eyebrows almost touching as they knit, wondering what I am on about. He must think I am crazy. “Baekhyun, I’ll marry you.”

The male stops. I wonder if he hears the ringing in his ears just as I do. He blinks at me, the frantic in his eyes now turning into apprehension and nervous affection.

“You will?” Baekhyun breathes.

I can only bob my head. I have the pleasure of catching a glimpse of his excited, loving smile before he pulls me in for a long kiss on the lips. I giggle into his mouth, letting my arms wrap around his neck, my fingers in his hair. Baekhyun bends down a little and carries me up gently, making me wrap my legs around his waist, bringing me under the water with him. I part from the kiss, wiping my face down from the water and tears.

“Yes? You said yes, right?” Baekhyun asks, just to make sure. I laugh, feeling hot tears streaking down my cheeks again. I nod my head with a smile on my lips. I chuckle when he squeals, squishing my body to his. “You made me so nervous, baby!”

“I don't listen to our playlist much anymore,” I confess in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I really didn't know until I checked it just now, because you asked me about it during dinner.”

He shakes his head, just glad that my answer is exactly what he dreamt of. He dips his head and kisses my jawline, giving me light nips and suctions. I play with his hair, a blissful smile tugging on my lips as I bite on my bottom lip.

“Why don't you listen to our playlist much anymore?” Baekhyun suddenly asks, lifting his head so that his nose is pressed to the spot below my ear. He gives me little kisses on my wet skin.

“Because you're the only song I want to listen to.”

Baekhyun pulls away from my neck. I look down at him, noticing his loving brown orbs staring back at me with warmth and tenderness. His lips tilt in a playful and happy smirk.

“Even my snores?”

Especially your snores,” I promise with a giggle, leaning down to capture his lips in mine.


Author's note:

And that is the end of this story!! Ahhh, my heart beats for this couple!!! This is probably so far my favouritest fic I've written!! Being able to venture into an au that I've never tried before, too. I'm so glad TMoHH received such positive responses from you guys as well. Thank you so, so much! 

I am now able to go on to update my other fics hehe. I'll slowly be re-reading and editing this too. And I hope you guys enjoyed this short ride!


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Chapter 6: Usually I avoid soulmate stories but lately it’s been coming up and I’m so glad you wrote in this au! You write him in such a way that I immediately feel for him. You make me fall in love with his character over and over again. I don’t believe in love much anymore but stories like this, like yours makes me wanna do so and contemplate the possibility. Anyway- hope life is treating you well if you see this💕
Chapter 6: I have read it so many times, but it never fails to flutter my heart 💕 I love this✨
Chapter 6: This story is so cuteee....I’m dyinggg
Chanyeoltwinkle #4
Chapter 6: This was so cute🤧
Chapter 2: it is so unfair that i don't have this baekhyun in my life
Chapter 6: i wish i could upvote whenever i reread this storyyyy

thank you for letting us enjoya good storyyy
their love story never fails to make me jelly all the time
Chapter 6: I love this!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭😍😍😍😍
Chapter 6: 😭 again, really, you always amazed me how you are so creative at all these proposal scenes ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ and it really matched with each character in each story oemgee
Chapter 6: I find the whole last chapter awesome! NOPE NOT JUST THIS CHAPTER, THIS WHOLE FIC IS AWESOME. I love it that the last chapter is titled The Last Song, I love it that its called Syncing. It's just so original and the fluffiness oh my god.

But really, the last chapter just hits different.