🎼 Final Playlist

The Melody of His Heart

Oh, .

I flutter my eyes open when Baekhyun unwraps his arms around my body and throws the blanket off himself before scrambling down the bed. He notices me squinting at him in his haste. As he slips his feet into his bedroom slippers that are now permanent in my home, he bends over the bed and gives me a chaste kiss on my temple.

“Super late for training,” he mumbles quickly. Then he fixes the blanket again so that I am all snuggled up. “Go back to sleep. I’ll see you later.”

I take in a deep breath and fall back asleep easily, listening to Baekhyun moving about my room in a rush. I am not awake when he leaves, but when I get up two hours later, I notice a small note on top of my phone with Baekhyun’s messy scribble.

Sorry for making so much noise early in the morning.
I’ll make it up to you
Sleep well
- B

I smile unknowingly. I set the note down and stretch my body, grunting in the process. Then, I stand there, looking around my room.

Baekhyun and I have been together for almost a year now. Just like the Crescendo sign on our wrists, the desire to be with each other and the love we share only increase over time, never getting smaller, never really dwindling. We have gotten so close already but yet it seems like there is still so much more to learn about each other.

I fix the bed and go and get ready to go out. Since it is the summer holidays, Baekhyun and I are free of our classes. But it is the season for inter-school rugby competitions, and Baekhyun has been busy training every weekday. I don't watch him practice now, but I meet him after. Just like right now. We have a double date to go on with Chanyeol and his soulmate (he found her in the club, and she was the DJ, which was how he actually knew. I wondered if Baekhyun and I were the only couple that consisted of two opposites). I leave the house after dressing up, wearing a white dress that Baekhyun bought me.

I am on the bus, finally plugging in my earphones to listen to Baekhyun’s and my playlist. The heart on the top right hand corner that had been just an outline before is now a full heart. And the three lines on top of it, each one longer than the other, replicates something similar to the wifi icon. I blink when they light up, indicating that Baekhyun is on it too.

I stare at our playlist for a long while before a rap song is added. I watch in amusement when more join in the mix. This can't be Baekhyun. The first time I took notice of Baekhyun, the day my playlist started playing EDM, Chanyeol had been messing with his Music app. This time can't be any different. Knowing that it is probably one of the boys who is doing this, I decide to add a song of my own too.

Stop it - B.A.P

The addition of songs pauses for a moment. I bite on my bottom lip as I wait for their next move. It takes a while but when it comes, my lips quirk into a smile.

Do As I Want - SQUARED

I don't respond to that, only because my destination is in two more stops. I lock my phone and look out the window, watching people on the streets. Almost everyone is in groups, if not, they would be in pairs. You hardly ever see anyone alone in this world. Even as I subtly look around the bus, I notice that I am the only one sitting alone. After all, it is summer. Students are always hanging together. And since it is only noon, there are no office workers.

I press the bell when the bus is nearing the stop close to uni. I make my way towards the campus when I get down, easily finding the field where half the team is running and practicing while the other half is on the bleachers, taking their rest. I push open the gates into the field and enter the grass patch, making sure to close the gates again when I am in the area. I scan the stands, immediately spotting Baekhyun sitting in the middle of the second row, staring at me. Sehun is right next to him with Baekhyun's phone in his hands. I quicken my pace and heave myself up the big steps to take a seat next to my boyfriend.

“I knew it wasn't you,” I mutter, talking about his playlist while darting my eyes to Sehun intentionally.

Baekhyun glances at his phone in Sehun’s hand before turning back to me with a huge sigh. “I’ll delete them later,” he promises.

“No, you're not going to,” Sehun pipes up.

Baekhyun only rolls his eyes. I smile at him. Ignoring the fact that Sehun is right next to us, Baekhyun rests his chin on his palm, his elbow propped on his thigh. He turns to me with affectionate and warm eyes.

“How was your sleep?”

“I had a dream,” I tell him a little excitedly.

He chuckles and nods, giving me the permission to tell him. I have really weird and vivid dreams that are sometimes funny. I like telling Baekhyun about them and he likes to listen to them. Last night, I had dreamt about Chanyeol wearing a wig and we were having something along the lines of a birthday celebration.

“That must have been a nice dream,” Sehun mumbles when I am done recounting it. I look at him to see him staring at me thoughtfully with a tiny pout on his lips. “It must have been nice to see Chanyeol in a pink wig. Like Sailor Moon. But monstrous.”

I laugh at that just as Baekhyun does, shaking his head. Just then, their coach blows the whistle and now, the team that had been training has their time of break while the team resting now has to return to practice. Baekhyun grumbles and stands, shaking out his legs. He gives me a gentle smile though.

“We’re finishing soon. Just wait a little bit, okay?”

“Definitely,” I promise, smiling back at him.

He keeps his eyes on me for a long moment, his brown orbs softening more and more as they slide across my face. Then, he smiles tenderly and jumps down the stands. Without a word or a look back, he starts jogging towards his coach where the others are converging already to await their next set of instructions.

Half an hour later, their practice ends. The team returns to the bleachers and while everyone starts changing out of their cleats, their coach briefs them about the game that they'll be playing tomorrow. I watch Baekhyun listen intently to the older man, his expression stoic and his lips pressed into a straight line, the dot above his mouth just calling out to me (it's my favourite part to kiss and he knows it). The sun is beating down on us and the rays only highlight the brown in Baekhyun’s eyes, and the shine in his sweaty hair.

“Yes, Coach!” the boys echo loudly finally and that is officially the end of their practice for today.

Baekhyun finally turns to me then, just as I reach out to brush a lock of his sweaty fringe from his forehead, causing me to stab him with my finger. My eyes widen and he whimpers.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry!” I fluster, my other hand now cupping his face while the guilty hand rubs on the spot I poked.

Baekhyun doesn't say anything but when I glance down into his eyes, they're sparkling with laughter. My eyes drop down even more and I see his lips stretched into a grin. I flicker my eyes up to meet his again.

“What?” I mutter, still rubbing on his forehead, trying not to make it seem so obvious that I am embarrassed though the tint on my cheeks probably doesn't help.

“You're just so cute,” Baekhyun says easily.

I don't say anything to that, but I give him a shy glance, my lips tilted upwards in a tiny smile, letting him know that I appreciate his compliment. I drop my hands from his forehead. He frowns and all of a sudden, I have him leaning forward toward me, his face close to mine. I hold my breath and blink my wide eyes, my heart pounding terribly in my chest.

“Is that a new colour?” he mumbles, his lips unconsciously. There is a slight crease between his brows.

“What?” I breathe, dazed at how close he is to me. Even after a year together, I will never be able to get used to Baekhyun’s advances and actions.

His eyes dart from my lips to my eyes. “Your lipstick. Is it a new colour?”

“Y-Yeah,” I stutter. “I bought it yesterday while I was shopping for body lotion.”

Baekhyun hums then, still keeping his eyes on my lips. It is making me very fidgety, especially when he takes my chin in his soft hand, turning my head this way and that gently.

“Looks nice on you,” he murmurs softly. He swallows and glances up at me. “What flavour is it?”

“I don't know,” I answer breathlessly, holding his gaze. I dart my tongue out to the gloss. There isn't a flavour to it. “There's no— Mm!”

I squeak when Baekhyun simply presses his lips to mine, transferring my lip gloss to his mouth. He doesn't deepen the kiss or anything, but he just keeps our lips intact for a few seconds. My heart is beating crazily. When he pulls back, I watch hazily as he his glossy lips, watching me with tender eyes. Even though I already know what my new gloss tastes like, I still find myself waiting for him to tell me what he thinks.

“Tastes like you,” he comments, a side of his lip curving up in a soft, handsome smirk.

My mouth opens but no words come out. I am just staring at my boyfriend, my heart still thumping at his sudden kiss. Right then, someone clears his throat loudly. I still don't look away from Baekhyun but he looks down and sees his friend waiting for him.

“I would appreciate it if you hurried up instead of kissing your girlfriend like you're not in public,” Chanyeol grumbles, making me blush red even before I turn away from Baekhyun to look to him. He finally sees me and grins. “Hello!”

“Hi,” I manage to squeak.

“It was just a peck,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. He stands and slings his duffle bag on his shoulder. He looks down at me. “We’re going to go to the locker room and take a shower. Where do you want to wait for us? My car?”

“Can I?” I ask shyly, wearing my small bag across my body as well.

My boyfriend smiles and fishes out his car keys from his bag. He holds it out to me. “Take care of her.”

“Me, or the car?” I raise an eyebrow.

“You can't make me choose like that!” Baekhyun playfully grumbles, jumping down the stands. He holds his hand out to me and when I put my hand in his, he helps me down carefully.

“Just like how you made me choose between you and Lee Junki?” I tease, walking next to him and Chanyeol. I turn around briefly to greet the others goodbye.

Baekhyun scowls. “Okay, that's a different story. Lee Junki is a real person.”


He stares at me incredulously. Baekhyun being jealous always makes me want to laugh. “So?!” he repeats. “So your boyfriend doesn't like being compared to a stupid actor, okay?!”

“But you're hotter.”

I’m hotter?! He—” Baekhyun stops his rant abruptly. He blinks and I can see him backtracking our conversation. I am grinning when he frowns at me. “What did you say?”

“But you're hotter?”

He opens his mouth, probably having assumed that I wouldn't have said that he was hotter than an actor. But when he doesn't know what else to say, he only his head to the side unsurely.


I grin at him, noticing Chanyeol shaking his head in silence next to him. “Have a good shower,” I pat Baekhyun’s arm, already walking away from him to split up and head towards the car park.

He hums. “Close to the gantry!” he informs me out of the blue.

I don't even need any brainpower to need to understand that he is talking about his car. We split up and while Baekhyun and Chanyeol go and shower, I head to my boyfriend’s car. I find it easily, unlock it, and sit in it patiently with the engine on. I wait for Baekhyun to finish while I play our playlist through the speakers.

I am reading my novel when the back door opens half an hour later. I lift my head just in time to hear Baekhyun throwing his bag onto the seat. I bookmark my novel and close it while I wait for him to enter the vehicle. I turn to him when he slips into the driver’s seat. He has his hair already blown dried and he is wearing a plain black shirt tucked into his jeans, a silver watch on his wrist. He turns to me with a smile.

“We’re going to have sushi,” he tells me, knowing that I have been craving for sushi for the past two days. “Excited?”


He chuckles and nods. Just before he starts driving, he turns the music down, so that our playlist acts as our background music. Because after all, we don't need it, or anything, to fill in our silences.

“The boys are planning to go to Busan for a few days after the finals,” Baekhyun mentions when we leave the campus. He glances at me. “Are you keen?”

“Is it just the boys?”

He seems a bit reluctant to say it but he does anyway, with a sheepish look. “I think they invited some girls, too. And maybe a few other friends.” I give him a face. He sees it and just briefly, I notice his lips jutting out in a pout. But a second later, he pulls his lips up into an amiable smile. “That's okay, we’ll have more time by ourselves, then.”

“We can go,” I say quietly, relenting because I know how much Baekhyun wants to go. “But I don't want to share a house with them, if that's okay?”

Baekhyun quickly looks at me and nods his head. His face is shining with radiance. “Yes, of course! We don't even have to hang out with them the entire time.”

I give him a grateful smile, to which he returns with a wide and happy one of his own. For the rest of the drive to the restaurant, the both of us talk over the details of the Busan trip. By the time we have parked the car, we are already set on going there and coming back with the rest, but we would stay in a hotel away from them but still be close enough.

We leave the car and take a seat in the restaurant first. Since Chanyeol is picking up his soulmate, Baekhyun and I peruse the menu while we wait for them. We have separate menus but Baekhyun leans over every so often to point out something yummy.

We don't show much affection to each other when we’re in public. Baekhyun seems to be the kind to enjoy public affection, but because he knows that I don't (he has long figured out that the blush on my cheeks whenever he kisses me outside is an embarrassed and shy blush), so he has cut down a lot on the PDA. Though I have to admit that his occasional kisses are heart fluttering (because I don't get them often outside). When we’re home though, it's a different story. Baekhyun likes cuddling up to me, so I read on my bed while he plays his game on his phone, his head on my lap, my hand in his hair. He gives me good night and morning kisses too, which I have to admit are my favourite moments of the day. There are many, many things Baekhyun likes to do with me but it would be too long to list them all out.

“Grilled salmon and cheese?” he suggests, leaning over to point to the sushi picture on my menu. Our shoulders are touching and his face is close.

“Mm,” I hum softly. I point to another picture on the adjacent page. “Takoyaki?”

“Of course,” Baekhyun says with a loving tone in his voice. I look up and see him smiling. He knows how much I like takoyaki. When he notices me staring, he looks up and locks eyes with mine. “Should we order first? Or should we wait for Chanyeol?”

I nibble on my bottom lip in contemplation. “Are you hungry?” I finally ask.

“Yeah,” he answers sheepishly.

I can't help but smile. “Then I’m sure Chanyeol would be hungry too. Let's just order first. Sushi doesn't get cold anyway.”

Baekhyun beams at me. So we order a whole lot of food and when we’re no longer occupied with the menu, Baekhyun and I talk.

“Coach says I need to go on a diet,” my boyfriend tells me with a rather grumpy tone.

He looks rather put off by that comment, so I move a little and press my thigh to his. Immediately, he moves closer, seeking my touch, so that my shoulder is hidden behind his in a rather secure and warm manner.

“But you look fine to me,” I tell him.

He pouts at me. “Coach says I’ve been eating too much during the summer.” Then he pinches his cheek and frowns even more. “See?”

I giggle. His eyes sparkle at my laughter, his lips tilting upwards already. “I think you look fine. I like your cheeks like that.”

“But they're so chubby.”

“They're nicer to kiss.”

Baekhyun gapes at me, not expecting me to say that. After all, I am not very vocal about my feelings towards him. Every time I say something like that, it would always surprise Baekhyun.

He opens his mouth, trying to get a word out, but he can't seem to do that. So he shuts his mouth and blinks at me. I give him a smile and pat his thigh. Just then, Chanyeol and his date appears, sliding into the seats opposite us. Baekhyun and I separate just a little and look up at them.

Chanyeol’s soulmate is quite a petite girl and she seems so shy, someone so different from Chanyeol. She’s so cute looking; her small lips painted peach, her big eyes sparkling just like Chanyeol’s, her cheeks rosy. I would never have associated such a girl with the giant. It reminds me of Baekhyun’s and my relationship.

“Have you ordered?” Chanyeol asks, taking a sip of his tea, only to scald his tongue. He hisses.

Baekhyun sniggers while I nod my head. I look to the girl and smile at her. “Hello,” I greet her in a soft voice.

She replies in a similar volume. I sense the two guys keeping quiet, their eyes on us. We introduce ourselves to each other; our names, our age, our majors. I find out that she is a year older than me, and that she is from another university. After that, I introduce Baekhyun to her and from there, he engages her in a conversation.

Between the both of us, Baekhyun is the spokesperson and he does a better job than I do in talking to people. So most of the time, he talks for the both of us while I listen and watch him, a tender smile playing on my lips.



The double date goes by smoothly. The tension and awkwardness that came from our first meeting are now gone and suddenly, Chanyeol’s date is a lot more talkative. She definitely isn't shy anymore. I input some comments here and there but most of the time, the three of them are the ones that make up the noise and laughter. I am content with just watching them, chuckling every so often.

When we’re done with lunch an hour and a half later, Chanyeol goes to pay. Then, we leave and go to a nearby café for dessert. Chanyeol and Hyera walk in front of Baekhyun and I, their height difference contrasting starkly though I have to admit that it is cute. They walk close to each other but they don't hold hands. I glance down at Baekhyun’s and my hands, only brushing each other, just like the hands of the two people in front of us, as if we're still on our first date.

Tentatively, I slip my hand into Baekhyun’s warm and soft hand. Instinctively, he tightens his hold. I look up shyly and see that he has a soft smile on his face, but he doesn't look at me, knowing that I would blush. I walk even closer to him.

“Look at that puppy, baby.”

Baekhyun squeezes my hand to grasp my attention. I look up and see him pointing in the direction of a small golden retriever. My lips spread into a wide grin. I can't help the squeal that comes out of my mouth. Baekhyun knows how much I love dogs.

“It's so fluffy!” I coo, resting my chin on his shoulder absentmindedly to see the dog better.

Baekhyun chuckles, turning his head to kiss my hair. I lean away from him and see that he has a soft smile on his face directed at me. Blushing, I turn my head quickly, just in time to catch Chanyeol and Hyera entering a cake shop. I tug on Baekhyun’s hand and lead him to the shop. We enter behind them and take a seat at a square table. This time, Baekhyun and I share a menu, our heads huddled together to read it.

“What do you feel like having?” Baekhyun murmurs.

“Hmm… Strawberry shortcake,” I point to the picture and look up. He glances up and lets his eyes scan my face for a moment. He smiles and lifts his eyebrows in approval. “Wanna share with me?” I ask even though I know he wouldn't.

He crinkles his nose slightly, endearingly. “Just a bite. You know I don't like sweet things.”

I bob my head and lean away from the menu on the table. I catch Hyera glancing at us. She blushes and looks away quickly when she is caught. I don't say anything though. When Chanyeol and his soulmate have settled on a cake to share, we call over the waitress and make our orders. When she leaves with our menus, Hyera shyly asks Baekhyun and I a question.

“How long has it been since you Synced?”

I look to Baekhyun, who is already staring at me. He has spoken a lot already and he wants me to answer this question now. I turn back to the girl.

“Close to a year.”

“How did you find each other?”

I think about it. When? There were many times our paths crossed. But the very time we actually interacted with intention was a while after those little bump-ins to each other. How do I answer that question? Uncertain, I turn to Baekhyun instead. He sees the look on my face and answers for me.

“In the library. She let me listen to her playlist.”

“And you knew right away?” Hyera questions.

Baekhyun shakes his head. “Not right away. But I had my speculations.”

So he goes into a long story about how we met. It is much different and much longer than the story of how Chanyeol and Hyera met. But I guess that is what makes our relationship more special.


“Mm…” Baekhyun moans loudly as I undo a knotted muscle in his shoulder.

I am straddling his back as I massage him, helping him get ready for tomorrow’s match. He has his cheek resting on his arms, his eyes closed blissfully.

Three weeks after the first night Baekhyun spent with me, I asked him to stay with me. I talked my housemates into letting him stay and though they were reluctant, they have grown to be quite familiar with his presence around the house. And since my place is closer to his training ground, it was a benefit for Baekhyun. After a lot of worrying on his part and a lot of reassuring on mine, he finally moved in with me, though he still goes back to his place every so often. (Baekhyun is born from a rather wealthy family so he doesn't even move out from his apartment even though it's simply a storage place for him now.)

“How much was lunch, by the way?” I ask in the silence, suddenly remembering the expensive prices of the sushi we had.

Baekhyun hums. “I forgot,” he says dismissively. “Lower, baby.”

I listen and he moans in satisfaction when I loosen his tensed muscle. “But didn't Chanyeol pay?”

“I’ve paid him for our share,” he mutters. Knowing that I would want to pay as well, he says rather playfully, “You're paying with your massages so you'd better do a good job, hmm?”

I quirk a smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Baekhyunnie.”

“Baekhyunnie?” he chuckles, fluttering his eyes open to look at me. “You do know I am older than you?” he teases.

I giggle. “Baekhyunnie, Baekhyunnie, Baekhyunnie!” I say with kisses on his cheek, being more comfortable with showing affection when we're behind closed doors.

He laughs, sounding so affectionate and tender that it has my insides all fuzzy. “You're lucky you're cute,” he clucks his tongue.

He turns his head and puckers his lips slightly. I peck his lips but he doesn't let me go when I move away. Baekhyun slips his arm out from under his head and brings his hand to my nape, pulling me closer. He deepens the kiss, spreading my lips, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I relax into his body and press my lips even more to his. I can feel him smiling. For a long time, Baekhyun kisses me passionately, lovingly, slowly. The longer it goes on though, the louder our smooching seems to get, steaming up a room quite a bit. Baekhyun pulls away before he loses control.

I look down at him, noticing his swollen lips. When I look into his eyes, he is watching me in a daze but his brown orbs are swirling with so much love and tenderness. I swallow and crawl down his body. He turns around slowly, facing me with his arm slinging around my waist loosely. I swallow.

“Wanna go home, Baekhyun?” I whisper with a shaky, nervous voice.

We’re already at home. But Baekhyun knows exactly what I am talking about. After all, we have been getting closer and closer to home since reaching third base, patiently stretching our limit every time.

“Are you sure?” Baekhyun whispers back though I can tell that he wants to.

I bob my head. “Be gentle with me,” I request.

“Always,” he says, sitting up to take off his shirt. “But you have to be gentle with me too. I can get scared too, you know.”

At that teasing, I feel my nerves leaving me. I giggle as I take off my shirt too. Baekhyun is staring at me in awe, his eyes just running down my body in appreciation, making me shy. I move forward and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I will,” I promise against his lips.


“I didn't think my love for you could even get any bigger,” Baekhyun murmurs into my hair, his delicate fingers fluttering along the side of my thigh. “And now it's just… overflowing.”

I chuckle softly, rubbing his forearm that is around my body as I lay my head on his bicep. “Go to sleep, Baekhyun. You have a match tomorrow,” I whisper.

He pushes me closer to him, tangling our legs even more. He slides his hand from my thigh to my waist. “You're coming to watch me, aren't you?” he asks.

“Yeah. Do you need me to bring you anything?”

“Just enough energy and love for yourself to cheer for your boyfriend.”

“Already all packed in my bag,” I answer, giggling a little.

“Then no, I don't need anything else,” Baekhyun mutters into my neck, nuzzling his nose in my hair. “Good night, my baby.”

“Good night, Baekhyunnie.”


While Baekhyun opens the huge beach umbrella and sticks it into the sand, I put our stuff down. Some of the boys and their “companions” have already run off into the waters after dumping their things on the ground. The only ones on land are Minseok, Kyungsoo, Yixing, Chanyeol, Hyera, Baekhyun and I. Most of them are simply going to suntan for a bit before going out to play.

“Are you coming into the water?” Baekhyun asks me before taking off his shirt. I shake my head. He sits in front of me and hands me the sunblock. While I caress and spread the lotion on his upper body, he reaches out to lift my oversized shirt (it's his, actually). “But you're in your bathing suit.”

“But I’m shy,” I mumble, pouting a little.

“But it's not even a bikini.”

“Still,” I make a face. “Turn around.”

Baekhyun turns so that I can do his back. “But you're on the beach…” I don't say anything to that and he knows that my decision is final. He sighs. He turns his head slightly and tries one last time, “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” I tell him gently, moving forward to rub the lotion into his arms. “Go and have fun. I’ll be here, reading.”

“Even if I have to carry one of the girls on my shoulders when we play water polo?” Baekhyun tries desperately to make me jealous so that I might change my mind and go into the water with him.

I chuckle at his attempt. I slide my fingers between his and massage the lotion into his hand. “As if you'd even do that.”

He scowls. The both of us know that Baekhyun wouldn't even sit next to one of these girls if he could help it. Still, I commend his tenacity. I finish up by rubbing the lotion into his nape before applying it to my own body. Baekhyun turns around and watches me.

“So you'll stay here?” he asks again.

“Yes,” I smile at him. “Go and play with the boys. You guys deserve the time off for winning the nationals.”

He sighs and nods, leaning forward to plant his hands on either sides of my stretched out legs. He pecks me on the lips and this time, I don't blush. I only give him a smile and tip my head in the direction of where the boys are. Baekhyun doesn't move away yet though, he just keeps his eyes on mine, reading through my expression. When he sees that I really have no intention in joining them, he kisses my forehead and stands. I watch him wear his sunglasses as he makes his way to the water where his friends are playing water polo.

For the next hour, I lay under the umbrella, reading my book, my earphones plugged in to drown out the noise around me. I am the only one here now, watching over our belongings. I really wasn't lying when I said that I am one of the six in 100,000 who doesn't really enjoy being around people.

It is an hour and a half after Baekhyun leaves when I gasp loudly as someone lays on top of me, his body hot from the sun, whatever little water droplets on his body seeping through my shirt. A pretty hand is holding a cup of ice cream in front of my face, blocking my view of my novel. I smile and take it from him as Baekhyun takes out my earphones. He presses his cheek to my ear.

“Nutella, pistachio, and Speculoos,” he points to each scoop of ice cream, letting me know what flavour they are.

I turn my head to look at him. “Where'd you get it?”

“There,” he stretches his arm to point to an ice cream parlour that is b with people. He moves to lay on our mat next to me, on his side.

I glance back and see some of the guys already back with ice cream in their hands. “Break time?” I ask Baekhyun, holding out a scoop of ice cream to him.

He takes it and nods his head. “And I think some of them brought the girls to…” I raise an eyebrow. He nods. “Seriously.”

I make a face. “That's…” I trail off there. But I don't have to say anything else.

Baekhyun nods his head and crinkles his nose. “I know.” He wiggles his body so that he is closer to me. I move to the side so that he could be under the shade too. “So I guess we’re having a break. I’m beat anyway.”

I put down the ice cream cup and get my towel to put it under Baekhyun’s head. He hums as thanks. He moves the towel closer to me so that his head is close to my collarbones. He is so close that I can feel his hot body pressed to my side. He rests his arm around my waist.

“Don't get ice cream on my face,” Baekhyun murmurs jokingly.

I giggle. “I’ll try not to.” I smile down at him. “Sweet dreams.”

He smiles back and closes his eyes. I read while I enjoy the coolness of the ice cream Baekhyun got me. When I next glance at my boyfriend, he is already sleeping. His lips are sealed, the ends naturally turned down cutely. His droopy eyes are shut, his straight eyelashes resting on his cheeks. I can't help it when I lean down to press my lips to his forehead for a while. Unconsciously, Baekhyun moves to snuggle even closer to me. I go back to finishing my ice cream and reading my novel.

Baekhyun takes a 25-minute nap and in that time, I am already done with the ice cream. He wakes up and rubs his eye, looking at me blankly like a child. I grin and shut my bookmarked novel.

“Nice sleep?” I ask, resting my head on my hand so that we are facing each other.

He bobs his head. The butterflies in my tummy are on a rampage when he asks in a voice that is low and husky, “How long have I been sleeping?”

“About half an hour,” I murmur, brushing his hair out of his face.

“That felt like hours,” Baekhyun mumbles to himself.

I watch him move to stretch his body. Then he turns to lay on his back, his arm that is closest to me stretched out under me to hug my shoulder and bring me in. He is looking over at the others, wondering what they're up to. Some are sunbathing while some are back in the waters. Then he turns back and dips his head so that he is looking at me laying on his bicep, my hand on his chest.

“What should we do now?” he wonders. I bob my shoulder wordlessly. He hums, letting out a deep breath. He doesn't say anything for a while as if thinking. “Ah,” he remembers. “We’re not going to join the boys for dinner tomorrow.”

“Why not?”

“Date night,” he grins boyishly at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh, pushing myself up on my elbows. Baekhyun keeps his arm around me. I rest my forearm on his chest. I realise belatedly that my legs are unknowingly curled around his. I don't move away though.

“I didn't bring anything date-worthy to wear,” I tell him with a frown.

“You could wear anything and I’d still fall in love with you all over again,” he says, rubbing my back tenderly. I shake my head and blame the sun for the heat in my cheeks. I move to rest my chin on my hand that is on his chest. “I’m just thinking if we should join them afterwards,” Baekhyun hums thoughtfully. “They were talking about drinking on the beach and watching the stars.” He is quiet for a while as he rubs my back distractedly. He finally glances down at me. “What do you think?”

“I don't mind anything,” I murmur. “We could just see how it goes tomorrow.”

He nods. We move onto another topic from there. “So when are you ready to meet my parents?” I blush at that question. He lifts his other hand and smooths the back of his fingers on my red cheek. “You've been thinking for a terribly long time. Besides, if we’re going to get married, it's only a matter of time, right? Might as well get it over and done with?”

I keep quiet for a moment before sighing. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Baekhyun repeats, sounding quite in a disbelief that I would agree to it so quickly. After all, he has been trying to get me to meet his parents for the past three months. I bob my head bashfully. “Okay? Okay. Okay,” he repeats to himself. I think I can hear his heart beating quickly in excitement. “Could you get me my phone, baby? I need to tell my mom. She's dying to meet you.”

I’m glad for the task he requested of me to do because I am flushed red. I move to get his phone, passing it to him. Baekhyun takes it and frowns slightly when he unlocks his phone. I watch him tap on something before a loving smile grows on his lips. He flickers his eyes to look at me from behind the phone. He is smiling at me with so much love and affection that I am a little confused because I didn't even do anything. Without a word, he turns his phone and shows me a picture of me with my head lowered to kiss his forehead while he had been sleeping. Just when I thought I couldn't be any redder, I am dead wrong.

“Guess I have a new lock screen now,” he sings, already forgetting about telling his mother about my decision in meeting his parents. I look towards the boys, wondering who took the picture. Sometimes I wonder if Baekhyun is a mind reader. “Yixing took the picture.”


“At least it's not Sehun or he’d tease you endlessly for it,” Baekhyun points out. I sigh and shake my head. He locks his phone, only to unlock it again. He grins at the lock screen. As the screen fades to black, he holds the side of my face carefully as he brings me closer. “Kiss me when I’m asleep even when I’m 80,” he murmurs, his gentle brown orbs darting from my eyes to my lips.

I can't seem to say anything as I swallow and nod my head wordlessly. Baekhyun’s lips tilt into a small smile before bringing me in for a kiss. And right at that moment, his phone buzzes with two new messages. Baekhyun lets go of my face and breaks the kiss. The both of us turn our heads, just in time to catch Sehun pointing his phone in our direction, an evil grin on his lips. He looks surprised that we've caught him in the act, but then the shock disappears and his evil smile widens.

“He's going to tease us endlessly about it, isn't he?” I mutter, deadpanned.



“Where are we going for dinner?”

Baekhyun grins at me as we walk down the lit up streets. “Seafood.”

“Like prawns and crabs?” I wonder, moving closer to him when a group of guys pass by me.


“You're making me peel shells on a date?” I ask incredulously.

Baekhyun laughs, squeezing my hand. “I’ll peel them for you.”

We make our way to a seafood restaurant, a rather fancy, western styled one. It is comparatively more expensive than the other restaurants around, which explains why we are able to get a seat so quickly. Baekhyun pulls the chair out for me before taking his own seat opposite me. He glances up and smiles at me. In the dim lighting, Baekhyun eyes twinkle even brighter and his gentle smile is even softer. My heart pounds with love for that man.


I chuckle softly but nod anyway. He really is going to make this the whole romantic date night experience even though he's only in bermudas while I am only in a sundress. So I give Baekhyun the responsibility to choose the wine. We order our food and when we’re facing each other and not the menu booklets anymore, Baekhyun tilts his head. Abashed, I curl my hair behind my ear.

“You look so radiant, baby,” he compliments.

I guess since it is Date Night, he is permitted to drop praises every so often. Though it still makes me blush a deep shade of red.

“Thank you,” I murmur softly, making him chuckle at my shyness.

Baekhyun will never get used to the fact that I blush at every touch and every compliment from him. (Though I know he loves seeing me all shy and bashful.)

We talk for a bit, the air around turning a little awkward at first from the sudden change of having our normal dinners to actually being on a date. We have been on several dates before and they always start off like that since we don’t do many dates anyway. But after the first few awkward moments and we start to ease into the Date Night vibe, we become more comfortable with each other, though still possessing that usual self-consciousness when it comes to being on a date.

The date is fun and even though we both have our own bibs and gloves, Baekhyun still goes through with his promise to peel my prawns for me. I have to lean forward for him to feed me but that is okay. We’re both having fun anyway, always giggling and laughing whenever we try to feed each other and the juice just drips down our chins. I don’t know if it is just the messiness of the dinner or if it is just the summer vibe, but I feel more comfortable than I normally am on our Date Nights. Baekhyun notices it too and he has a constant smile on his lips as he watches me, always giggling and making jokes. I think I enjoy this Date Night the best out of all other Date Nights.

Even after our date, when we go for dessert, Baekhyun doesn’t stop making me giggle. I would blame it on the wine, but we only had a glass each, so that is just out of the question. Whatever it is, our Date Night went really well and by the end of it all, Baekhyun and I have radiant smiles on our faces. And when we meet the others on the beach, I can see the slight surprise and curiosity when they see me hugging Baekhyun’s arm with our hands still intertwined, our faces close as we laugh at a joke shared between us. We’re probably the least publicly affectionate couple among all other couples they’ve known, so the sight of us being so close and touchy in public is extremely rare for them.

“That’s a lot of bottles you’ve had,” Baekhyun comments when we get to the big circle. There are almost 12 empty soju bottles behind them. I rest my chin on his shoulder, a lingering grin still on my lips as I nod my head.

“It’s almost midnight,” Minseok points out.

“And there are a lot of us too,” one of the girls says as a reminder.

“Come and join us,” Jongdae beckons, scooching over to make space for us on the sand.

We walk over to him. Yixing next to him moves as well. Baekhyun and I sit on the space they make for us, my body slightly behind his so that my folded leg rests on top of his lap. We still don’t let go of our hands and Baekhyun continues letting me hug his arm, my body leaning forward slightly.

“How much did you guys drink?” Sehun asks us, his eyes darting between my boyfriend and I.

“Yeah, why are the both of you acting so weird?” Jongin agrees.

“Weird?” Baekhyun repeats like the word is foreign to him. He raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Thank you,” I smile at Jongdae when he passes me a paper cup the size of a shot glass. It is filled with soju.

As Baekhyun takes his cup from Jongdae, Sehun shrugs. “Just… You’re being touchy.”

“They’re in a relationship, of course they’re supposed to be touchy,” the girl sitting on his lap rolls her eyes playfully.

“No, it’s just—”

Junmyeon interrupts him with a sigh. “I think he just meant that you guys are not normally this touchy. So it’s a refreshing sight for us.”

Baekhyun glances down to look at me. I can see the question in his brown eyes even though he hasn’t said anything. I bob my shoulders. He turns back to his friends.

“We don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says simply.

“Ignore them,” Minseok shakes his head, glaring at the others. “It’s nice that you guys don’t show as much PDA as other people,” he emphasises while eyeing Sehun, Jongin and Chanyeol purposefully.

They scoff at him. I giggle while Baekhyun chuckles when they start squabbling. Baekhyun turns to me, holding his paper cup in front of him. He bites on his bottom lip even as his lips stretch into a big grin. I return a cute smile.

“On three?” He nods. I count, “1, 2, 3!”

We down the alcohol in the cup at the same time. I shiver and make a face when the liquid burns my throat. Baekhyun laughs at me. And that is only our first shot of the night.

It is almost three in the morning when we run out of alcohol and people to keep playing games. (Most of them are already back in their beach house to do... things. The only ones left are the ones who just want to hang out and chill, which only turns out to just be Junmyeon, Minseok, Kyungsoo, Yixing, and two other girls.) Baekhyun and I are already almost draping ourselves over each other, having drank almost two bottles cumulatively. That’s a lot, considering how little Baekhyun could drink. We finish our drinking session then, promising to text each other when we’re awake the next day before we split up and stumble back to our accommodation.

The moment Baekhyun and I get back to our hotel room, I yank my boyfriend back by the shirt when he heads straight for the bed.

“Shower,” I poke his cheek.

He whines. “But it’s late,” he complains even as he lets me pull him into the bathroom. “I just want to go to sleep.”

“But you’re gonna get the bed dirty,” I say slowly, trying not to slur.

We take off our clothes slowly, our movements lagging due to the alcohol fogging our minds. When Baekhyun sees that I am and waiting for him to shower together, he eventually shuts up and joins me to shower. We end up kissing a whole lot more than we do washing ourselves up. And by the time Baekhyun and I are done with our shower, he barely even dries our bodies and hair before hurriedly carrying me to our bed.

That night, we get our bed wet in the name of love.


“If you love me, you’d take them.”

“If you love me, you’d stop threatening me like that.”

I am glaring at Baekhyun who has an amused look in his eyes as he holds out three chocolate bars out to me. He says that the chocolatier has came out with a new series of limited edition flavours — lavender, elderflower and roasted green tea — and he had bought them for me despite the limited edition prices as well.

“Just take them,” he sighs, placing the chocolates on my opened notebook. He pulls out the chair next to me and sits on it, facing me. “I bought them this morning and they’re out of the way. So you’d better take them.”

“Why do you keep going out of your way to get them, then?” I give him an exasperating look even as I pick up the first bar, looking at how the chocolate is dotted with the lilac lavender petals.

Baekhyun smiles when he sees me inspecting the chocolates. He doesn’t answer to my question. Even when I look up, expecting him to answer me then, he simply grins at me and tilts his head. He taps his cheek with his finger. I glance around the library and when I see that we’re not garnering any attention, I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I murmur, already opening one of them.

Baekhyun simply smiles at me. He checks his watch and sighs when he sees that it is almost time for practice. He looks up with droopy eyes. “Can’t you study in the field?”

“Not today, Baekhyun.” I give him an apologetic look. “I have to get my notes done and I need a table for that.”

He gives me a pleading pout but when I only shake my head, he sighs in resignation. “Fine,” he grumbles. Baekhyun stands and pushes in the chair. He hovers over me then, making me look up at him as I nibble on the chocolate. “Meet me at the field after?”

I bob my head, on the sweet treat a little. Baekhyun watches me for a while, eyes twinkling at the sight of me nibbling and enjoying the chocolate he bought for me. He knows that no matter how much I complain about him spending unnecessary amounts of money and time on getting the expensive chocolate, I still like them, especially because it is now some sort of icon that represents Baekhyun and his unending pursuit for my love and affection.

A tender smile spreads slowly on his face. “See you later, baby,” Baekhyun finally murmurs, a careful hand holding my nape as he bends down to kiss my crown.

I watch him walk away then, the sight of his broad back making me already yearn for him, the lingering warmth on my cheek that reminds me that Baekhyun was here. I can’t help myself when I blurt out his name in the library, causing heads to turn, including my boyfriend’s. He looks worried. I stand from my seat.

“Wait for me,” I tell him.

I briefly notice the bright smile on his face before I turn back to the table, packing up quickly. Then, I quickly make my way to Baekhyun, who is waiting for me patiently. He leans down to kiss me on the lips as a reward for going with him.

“Such a sweetheart, you are,” he coos, taking my hand in his before leading the way out of my home base.

I have been learning how to cross lines so much from my rugby player boyfriend now that sometimes, I wonder if the library is even my comfort zone anymore, or if it is the field where Baekhyun is.


Author's note:

This was SO long! I really hope you guys liked it. I tried to include everything that I mentioned in the first few chapters but there’s just so many things to add! So it just got longer and longer. And I’m still not done! So, you guys can definitely look forward to an epilogue, but I will have to warn you guys that it isn’t going to long. It might even just be 2K words bc I intend to wrap everything up quickly without dragging anything on for too long. So yeah, I might be able to update that tomorrow night, or something.

Also, please upvote if you guys enjoy this fic! Even if you don’t comment, let me know how you feel by upvoting this story! I really wish to see TMoHH receive lots of love since I really enjoy writing this. Thank you!


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Chapter 6: Usually I avoid soulmate stories but lately it’s been coming up and I’m so glad you wrote in this au! You write him in such a way that I immediately feel for him. You make me fall in love with his character over and over again. I don’t believe in love much anymore but stories like this, like yours makes me wanna do so and contemplate the possibility. Anyway- hope life is treating you well if you see this💕
Chapter 6: I have read it so many times, but it never fails to flutter my heart 💕 I love this✨
Chapter 6: This story is so cuteee....I’m dyinggg
Chanyeoltwinkle #4
Chapter 6: This was so cute🤧
Chapter 2: it is so unfair that i don't have this baekhyun in my life
Chapter 6: i wish i could upvote whenever i reread this storyyyy

thank you for letting us enjoya good storyyy
their love story never fails to make me jelly all the time
Chapter 6: I love this!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭😍😍😍😍
Chapter 6: 😭 again, really, you always amazed me how you are so creative at all these proposal scenes ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ and it really matched with each character in each story oemgee
Chapter 6: I find the whole last chapter awesome! NOPE NOT JUST THIS CHAPTER, THIS WHOLE FIC IS AWESOME. I love it that the last chapter is titled The Last Song, I love it that its called Syncing. It's just so original and the fluffiness oh my god.

But really, the last chapter just hits different.