Chapter 2

Weird Love [ONESHOT]


Taeyeon POV


Few days after the school holidays, I went to OhSung Tuition Centre at 9am. Why? It’s all written in Wooyoung’s diary.

9am – OhSung Tuition Centre

I know very well that this is 100% wrong for stalking him like this, but  5 minutes is not enough. Oh God, please forgive me.

I slowly walked into the tuition centre. I was worried that people would notice me because I never registered there.

“Aren’t you going in?”

I was startled by the voice and turned around.

OMG! I nearly fainted as I turned around to find that it was Wooyoung who was standing in front of me.

“Class is going to start soon.” He added as he smiled.

OMG! He was so cute saying that.

“Huh? Oh yes… of course. I was on my way going in though. Just checking around.” I smiled awkwardly. Of course I’m not checking around, I was looking for him.




“Hm…. Looks like that is the only empty seat.” Wooyoung said, pointing at two tables near the window.

OMG! I just can’t believe I’m actually sitting beside Wooyoung.

“What a relief. You know, I nearly came late because of the train,” Wooyoung laughed.

I smiled. I actually don’t know what to reply to it. I was so happy, just watching at his face.

“Wooyoung.” He said.

“Taeyeon. Kim Tae Yeon.”

Wooyoung looked so cool today. This is the first time I saw him wearing casual clothes. He only had jeans, t-shirt and a jacket on. Then, he took out a glasses from his bag and wore it.

He looked so much handsome with those glasses on.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Wooyoung suddenly asked.

“Huh?.... I……” I stuttered. I can clearly feel my cheek turned red. I was so ashamed.

“Hmmm…. Why? Did you forgot to bring your textbook?”

Huh? Textbook? Wooyoung ah, I’m not a student here. How on earth would I know about the timetable… I’m here to stalk you….

“I’ll share with you then.” He smiled as he put the textbook in between us.

“Komawo…” That was the only thing I could say.

“By the way, is this the first time you take this class?” He asked.

Heok! I’m doomed…

“Erm… yes…”

Oh no! A white lie came out…

“I can figure it out because no one would dare to not bring books in Mr Kim’s class. He’s like a tiger. He will just kick out anyone who doesn’t bring textbook and doesn’t focus in the class. You know what? He made a record of kicking 10 students in a day. There was this one time when there is only 3 of us in the class.” He said.

Is that Mr Kim that scary? I’m doomed if he found out that I’m not a student here.

“Usually, students that didn’t bring textbook will always pray for the whole period of class. What even funny is they get scared easily. You just tap them on the shoulder, they would get shock thinking that it was Mr Kim who tapped their shoulder.” He laughed. He looked like he’s having fun telling all those stories to me.

I really like it when he laughed. If my secrets will be known soon, I will try my best to cover it. What important now is I feel so happy being with him.




10.30am – The first class ends.

“Wooyoung sshi, thank you for sharing the textbook just now. I was so lucky that Mr Kim didn’t found out that I didn’t bring the textbook.” I smiled.

“You’re welcome. By the way, what class are you taking after this?” Wooyoung asked.

“English class.” I said. Of course I’m having English class, it’s written on your diary!

“Whoa! Great! Me too. English class is on 3rd floor. I’m so happy to be in the same class as you. It’s nice talking to you.”

“Well, in that case, let’s take the stairs. Many people will be using the lift. “ He said leading the walk since I don’t know anything about this place.

Suddenly, two girls approached us.

“Annyong, Wooyoung ah!” A girl with blonde hair greeted.

“Who is she?” Another girl with a long brown wavy hair said, looking at me. I smiled at them, but they glared at me. I guess they don’t like me.

“Sunye, Yeeun, annyong! She’s a new student. She’s in the same class with me just now. She’ll be with me too after this.” Wooyoung smiled.

Hmm…. He seemed to be quite close with them since he dropped the formalities with them.

“What is your name?” Yeeun, the blonde hair girl, asked.

“Kim Tae Yeon.”

“Which school?” Sunye asked.

Huh, they sounded like police asking me such things. I can clearly see that they’re looking down at me.

“SooMan High School.”

“Soo Man High School? Seriously? Why would a student from the elite school wants to take a class here? Guess you’re not one of the elites, huh? I didn’t know that SooMan High School accepts sloppy student.” Sunye snickered.

Urgh! I just want to punch that girl in the eyes.

“Don’t treat her like that. All of us are here to study.” Wooyoung said.

I feel a bit at ease when Wooyoung said that. I feel like he’s defending me which makes me fell for him more.




Biology class had begun. Today, we have Biology test. Well, the teacher did that to know your basic knowledge about Biology. It was so hard! Well, I’ll do my best for the sake of Wooyoung. I’ll try to answer… At least one question.

12.00pm – Biology class ended

“Hm… What’s next….” I mumbled as I opened my diary. Actually, I copied every single thing of his schedule into my diary. I still bring along his diary in my bag.


He likes them?

When I turned around, I caught Wooyoung who was taking a peek at my diary.

“No… No… I didn’t mean to take a peek at your diary. I was just taking a look because you were so into it.” He said as he shook his head.

“By the way, I saw you wrote CNBLUE in your diary. That was the only thing I saw.” He said, worrying that I might get mad. I nodded as I smiled.

“They’re doing a concert today , right? I really want to see! If I’m not mistaken, the concert starts at 12.30pm.” He smiled.

“Actually, I already wrote it in my diary, but I left the diary somewhere.” He added.

Oh, all of a sudden, I felt like a thief.

“But the concert starts at 12.30pm, how are we going to go there? We don’t have enough time.” Wooyoung sighed. I could really see that he really wants to go to the concert.

“Let’s go.” I said. I said it on purpose because he looks like he really wanted to go see the concert.

He looked at me weirdly. I bet he’s thinking that I’m one of a kind of girl.

“So what if we only get to see them for only 5 minutes? It’s okay. At least we get to see them.” I said happily. I just want to spend more time with her.

“Let’s go!” Wooyoung grabbed my wrist.

When we were on our way out, Sunye asked where we were going. Maybe Wooyoung was so excited that he didn’t even bother to reply her.

I almost can’t believe it when he grabbed my wrist. It feels like I’m dreaming.


Author's Note : Updated... Kekeekekekeke... Love Wootae...

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Chapter 3: wootae!!!!
Oh hey! I remember reading a comic thats a bit similar to thi story. I LOVED IT! AND I LOVE YOUR STORY!
wootae13 #3
awwww so cute!
cant wait for your next wootae fic :)
wootae13 #4
awwww so cute!
cant wait for your next wootae fic :)
kyaa! mushy ending you got me screaming and smili8ng like a crazy girl today!
hope you can do more wootae fics in the future!
Cute ending! :3
Omg what a cute chapter! XD
Wooyoung is so positive thinking and I like it! XP
wootae13 #8
oh man, this is so cute. <3
lol, taengoo is such a creeper!
keep up the good work!:)

i wonder if wooyoung wrote in his diary that he likes taeyeon...

Update soon... I love wootae. I only ship taeyeon with wooyoung. Miss winwin. Anyway, what font did you use at the last paragraph?