Nightmares & Texts




Still April 2015



At the top of a purple sky you can see a dominant and aggressive sun, which envelops everything in the midst of a fury of colors. Red, yellow, orange, everything is very bright. The heat is suffocating, it is almost impossible to breathe. In the distance there’s a beast with big fangs and scaly appearance. You can see that he has Great Claws and yellow eyes.

Its color is black, sometimes it looks red. But that red you can only see in the blood. You can hear and see how it swallows a brain, before the pleading look of a child. Suddenly, the beast looks up and looks at the child. He leaves his entrails aside and his enormous claws advance towards the little kid, who in terror can’t even utter a sound. The beast moves slowly at first then start to run and jumps over the little kid who didn’t have a chance to flee. The beast bites its stomach and the blood runs like a river with no intention of stopping.

I wake up screaming trying to stop the beast. At first I don’t understand what it happening. I don’t know where I am or where the beast and the little kid have gone. Slowly I caught my breath, looked around me and I calmed down to realize that I am in a hotel room. I'm drenched in sweat and my throat hurts. I feel it dry. I get up for a glass of water and wash my face. It's 4:35 am. And like so many other times that I have woken up by this kind of nightmares, I know that I will not be able to go back to sleep again.

How many years have passed? Ten years? Fifteen years? And those moments keep torturing me. I hate the night, I hate the darkness. My demons come alive every time I close my eyes. I can’t remember the last time I could sleep more than two hours without being afraid. Sometimes I feel that all these demons living in my head are getting stronger and are gradually are gaining this war.

I don’t wanna do anything today. I’m exhausted. The nightmares keep repeating over and over again in my head. It’s been a while since I talked to about this with someone, and I guess my mind is over stressed. I hate myself for not get over this situation.

I don’t know how long I've been standing when I feel my phone ring. I must have fallen asleep, I look at the time. It's about ten o'clock. My phone rings again and when I see the name on the screen my moodiness is gone.


"Hey miss-I'm-a-great-tour-guide. What's up?"


"Where are you? I've been waiting for you for almost an hour!"


"I'm sorry I’m late. I pass for you in five minutes"


"You have two"


Usually when someone is so dominant and bossy, immediately cut off all kinds of contact. I hate that other people impose things on me and give me orders all the time. But for some reason, I can’t get angry with Krystal. The way she does it is almost adorable. She’s so cute without even try it. So I just resigned myself to hurry and pass for her to her room practically running.

Krystal is strange, not in a bad way. Just different. Most of the time I don’t know what she’s thinking and she has this tendency to keep quiet for a long time. Then she starts talking about what she was thinking. And for that reason you’re left somewhat bewildered and not knowing very well what to say and for that reason she assumes you know what she’s talking about. Sometimes I feel that I'm too simple and boring and that's why she stays silent.

During our tour I discovered some details of Krystal. She is very fussy about the food. And always, and I mean always, she smell the food. She says that you can feel the taste through the smell of food. I think it makes some sense.

She loves taking pictures of everything, especially when she sees me doing some nonsense. I'm pretty clumsy and Krystal is lucky because every time I hit something or I stumble she's there to see it. And of course, save it in a photograph, which rubs me in the face every time she wants to make fun of me, and bully me.

I'm surprised how detailed she can be. If weren’t for her I wouldn’t have been able to perceive every small detail of the city and the places where we were.

The day was really fun and different because of her company. By sunset we decided to photograph it and thanks to one of my many useless skills, we managed to sneak on the roof of a large commercial building.

As the sky begins to change color, I remember my nightmares. I guess I must have been lost for a long time in my thoughts because when Krystal finally catches my attention the sunset has already turned into night, and I already lost all opportunity to photograph it.

As we leave the building I notice that Krystal is quieter than normal and all she does is look at her cell phone. I think in some subject to talk about but my mind is still a bit stunned by my nightmares, so I finally give up and walk silently next to her.

Because I usually walk the street alone, I hadn’t noticed how easy it’s to infect the bad mood in others. Finally, after giving up completely, I decide to leave Krystal at the hotel and lock myself in my room. I don’t even want to go down to eat, much less see anyone.

Near midnight of course I can’t sleep. But this time it's not just because of the fear of my dreams or my usual insomnia. This time the idea that Krystal has misunderstood everything and believes that my bad mood was because of something she said or did, it doesn’t leave me alone. I have never worried about what others think of me. I've never had ties so close to makes me care. But I can’t get out of my head the look that Krystal gave me when I told her I didn’t feel well and wanted to go back to the hotel. I couldn’t quite recognize her attitude at first, and then I realized she was upset. And now the idea that she no longer wants to talk to me doesn’t leave me in peace.

It's close to 1am and I still can’t sleep. I've been looking at my cell phone for almost an hour and trying to write something for Krystal. But I don’t know if she will still be awake or maybe I’m gonna bother her or she just gonna ignores me. What am I supposed to do now?! Finally after several attempts and several deleted messages I decided to try my luck and talk to her.

[Amber 1:31]

<< Hello. Are you awake? >>

I waited about 10 minutes and had no response. I guess she's asleep, or she just doesn’t want to talk to me. I guess I'll have to wait until morning to talk to her. I hope I can reach her before she leaves. We will each have separate activities. And Just when I had resigned myself and was going to try to sleep, my cell phone rang indicating that I have a new message.


[Krystal 1:43]

<< Yes I’m sorry. I was getting ready to sleep. Everything is alright? >>


[Amber 1:44]

<< Yes all good >>


[Krystal 1:44]

<< Oh Okay. Then good night >>


[Amber 1:44]

<< Good Night >>


[Amber 1:46]

<< Krystal, wait ... >>


[Amber 1:46]

<< I really wanted to talk to you >>


[Amber 1:46]

<< Well, I guess you’re slept already. I'll still write to you, so you can read it when you wake up >>

[Amber 1:47]

<< I am sorry for acted like an idiot today. Well maybe you didn’t even notice it. I don’t know. The point is I felt that everything became a bit uncomfortable when we returned to the hotel. I just wanted to tell you that sometimes my mind takes me to a place a little dark and without realizing I hurt or make others feel uncomfortable >>


[Amber 1:48]

<< I really regret if at any point you felt that I didn’t want to be or talk to you. Sometimes it's hard to be sociable >>


[Amber 1:49]

<< I hope we can keep talking. Sorry to write so much lol

Goodnight. Have a great day :) >>


[Krystal 1:51]

<< Wow, you wrote a lot actually Lol.

The truth is I thought you were upset about the photos I took. Sometimes I can also be annoying and not realize :( sorry >>


[Amber 1:51]

<< You were awake!

I would never get mad for something like that. And you will never be annoying to me. The truth is that I had an incredible time today. I laughed a lot. And I must confess that you surpassed my expectations with the tour. It was great. I am the problem. Sometimes my mind just will not let me think clearly >>


[Krystal 1:52]

<< In what things do you think? >>


[Amber 1:52]

<< Only ... things >>


[Krystal 1:52]

<< Good things or bad things >>


[Amber 1:53]

<< Mmm ... I don’t know. I guess it depends on whether it seems good or bad >>


[Krystal 1:53]

<< You know. I was worried. Today you looked a little down. At times angry. I didn’t know how to ask you if you were okay. You didn’t even want to go down to eat ... >>


[Amber 1:53]

<< I know and I'm sorry. Like I told you, it wasn’t you. Since we arrived at the hotel I wanted to talk to you and explain what happened. But I didn’t know if you were upset >>


[Krystal 1:54]

<< I thought YOU were upset >>


[Amber 1:54]

<< Hahaha Then I'm glad we talked about it and clarified everything >>


[Krystal 1:54]

<< You haven’t told me yet what happened to you >>


[Amber 1:55]

<< It's nothing important >>


[Krystal 1:55]

<< It is if it makes you sad and maybe if it's important to me. That's something I should decide, don’t you think >>


[Amber 1:56]

<< Okay. I can’t argue against that argument >>


[Amber 1:56]

<< Nightmares… Sometimes I have these horrible nightmares and I just can’t sleep. Stupid isn’t >>


[Krystal 1:57]

<< I don’t think it's stupid. Sometimes I have nightmares too. These times I go to my sister's room or my parents' and I stay there. But they're only nightmares, right. They can’t hurt you >>


[Amber 1:58]

<< Krystal, Have you ever been told that you are special? >>


[Krystal 1:59]

<< My sister always tells me that I’m weird >>


[Amber 1:59]

<< hahahaha XD I didn’t mean it like that. Usually when I say I have nightmares, no one takes it seriously. You’re the first person who doesn’t tell me that it’s stupid and childish >>


[Krystal 2:00]

<< Everyone has nightmares. Just don’t let them affect you. It worried me to see you so melancholy. At times it seemed as if you wanted to jump from the roof >>


[Krystal 2:02]

<< Amber? >>


[Amber 2:03]

<< Here I am. Thanks Krystal >>


[Krystal 2:03]

<< Why? >>


[Amber 20: 3]

<< For listening to me. For reading me. Sorry to bothered you so late >>


[Krystal 2:04]

<< If you invite me to eat, I forgive you >>


[Amber 2:04]

<< Are you serious? (・。・) >>


[Krystal 2:04]

<< Of course, I never joke when it comes to food. (◕‿‿◕.) >>


[Amber 2:05]

<< Very good then, Food will be :) >>


[Krystal 2:05]

<< Don’t you think I will forget it >>


[Amber 2:05]

<< don’t worry. I will not forget it >>


[Amber 2:06]

<< I think it's time I let you sleep. Thanks for everything Krystal >>


[Krystal 2:06]

<< You can talk to me whenever you need :) >>


[Amber 2:07]

<< I will keep it in mind. Good night, Soo Jung-ssi. Rest well >>


[Krystal 2:07]

<< Good night Amber-ssi, have nice dreams. <3 >>


[Amber 2:07]

<< Sleep well weird girl >>


And that's how I didn’t have beautiful dreams precisely. But I didn’t have nightmares or woke up in the middle of the night either.

Jung Soojung, what are you doing to me? 














Hello guys!! finally the update!! :)

Sorry for take so long. but gosh! this chapter was hard to write. the text thing its very hard to write >.< i hope you ca understand everythig, and if is not like that. please let me now. ill do it better next time.

thans for reading, commenting and suscribed :) i love you all guys, even if you never comment Lol

thanks for the patience and sorry for the slow chapter, but soon its gonna be a real kryber moment.

Love and peace XOXO

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hello everyone. im so sorry for being off for so many years. many things happened. but i neves forgot this story, so i hope this time i can finifh it and give to kryber a happy ending. i hope every person who read this is fine and doing okay.


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 20: we need moree!!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: Welcome back and thank you for writing this
Appledots5 #3
Chapter 19: Oh no T T
Anw thank you… thank youuu author!
Thanks to you for keep reading :)
2076 streak #5
Thanks for the update!
2076 streak #6
Chapter 18: I like this chapter
2076 streak #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update
amhar03 #8
Chapter 17: Okay trouble coming, and is that soojung at the end?

Though i wanted to keep it positive that she has a reason for doing that. It would be more challenging if we got some problem but not too long pleasee just like 1 or 2 chap then they resolve the problem i can't bear with angst phase for too long..
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 17: moree pls 🤧
2076 streak #10
Chapter 17: Oh god no soojung