"Hello Amber... we need to talk"


Someone turns on the light and it takes me a few seconds to manage to look at the door. Without realizing it, I was in the dark all this time in the room. Krystal looks at me from the doorway where I sense that she is waiting to see my reaction. I stare at her for I don't know how long, trying to coordinate my thoughts with my emotions.


"What's going on Krytal? How could you do this to me?"

"Look, listen. Before you yell at me, get angry and say all the things that you are surely thinking and feeling right now, I need you to listen to me.”

"Soojung... I..."

"Please Amber. It's the only thing I ask. Let me explain you"


After thinking about it for several minutes and trying to control the urge to yell and demand answers, I sit next to Krystal on the couch, waiting for her version of her story.


“First of all, I'm sorry you found out like this, mom is not very reserved sometimes. I was looking for the best moment to explain and tell you everything. A while ago when I got home and mom told me that you had been there waiting for me and she told you who I went out with, I freaked out”

"So if it's true. Were you with Jongin?"

"Yeah. But it's not what you think. And if you take off that murderous face, I can explain to you what's going on."

“I can't control my face right now. But I hear you"

“Well, it all started a few weeks ago. Do you remember that I was working with Jongin and Taemin a lot? I had more time to talk to them, especially Jongin, and I started to think what would happen if I went out with him… please let me finish before you say anything.”


"Can I keep talking?" Good, the point is that after dinner with my parents and their clear rejection of same- relationships, the rumor of a possible gay couple in entertainment, our sneak dates I came up with a little plan. You see, contrary to what you think, I'm not Jongin's romantic interest. On the contrary, he is in the same situation as us."

"Jongin is gay?"

“Well, he says that he's not strictly gay, I don't know. Anyway, the thing is, he's seeing another guy. That's why while we were talking, he inadvertently commented on it and after the panic of his involuntary confession I suggested that we pretend to be dating. After all, my parents like him. It is something that favors us both. Everyone actually. To you, to me, to his boyfriend and to him”


I spent several minutes in silence trying to process everything I had heard. Krystal pretending to be in another relationship, Jongin dating another guy. I think my thoughts short-circuited. While I was trying to get my mind together, Krystal can't stand my silence anymore and she hits me on the arm to make me say something.


“Sorry…But c´mon. it's a lot to process in a short time. Why you did not tell me anything?"

"I know and I'm sorry. These days we have tried to match our schedules in order to make those closest to us believe that we are dating. And I guess it worked. I even cheated on you"

“It's not funny Krystal. Do you have any idea of everything I went through these days? You've been distant and glued to the phone receiving messages from him for days. Then when your mother told me that you were on a date with him…I felt like…god, I felt like the world fell on my shoulders and suddenly everything had lost its meaning. All I could do was ask why? What had I done wrong?? It was not nice"

"I'm sorry. That's why I wanted to be the one to tell you and explain it. But you must be so impatient that you went looking for me just because I didn't answer the phone."

“You had been acting strange for days. What did you want me to think? You know I'm not the kind of person that just sit around waiting when things go wrong."

“I Know, Amber and I'm really sorry. Really, I'm so sorry. But I really do worry that we might get caught, especially the paparazzi. It terrifies me the thought of being exposed like this. We are not in the most open and tolerant country in the world”

"I know. Still it's weird. And I have to admit it’s a good idea. But still I don't like the idea of you having to go out with him, even if it's all fake. It still feels weird…”

“Think about it like this, we can go out freely, have dates during the day without hiding, you can go home and stay every time without my parents or sister suspecting…”

“And what happens if the press finds out? Not only will you have the press on you, but the entire EXO fandom, which is very toxic in that sense. I wouldn't want you to receive hate messages just for wanting to protect our relationship."

“If that happens, we will just have to act as if nothing happened, as always. Besides, if we want to have a more normal relationship, it's just a small sacrifice to be with you."

“Mmm… I should have found myself a friend like that to have done the same. That way you wouldn't have to be the one exposing yourself."

"You are crazy? I would never let you fake a relationship. With nobody. You understand? NEVER! With NO ONE!"

"But how did you...?"

“I said never Amber. And now give me a kiss, because days have passed since we were together”

“You haven't ordered food. I guess he invited you to dinner"

“Mhm… you won't have to always buy me a meal anymore. See, another advantage”

“You really are something, Soojung. You are the devil… "

"I know. That's why you love me and you can't live without me."


In the end I just laugh at her irony and rub my eyes. I still feel a bit teary after believing that she was cheating on me. Krystal comes over and hugs me, and I can't help but sigh deeply in relief. I buried my face in her neck, trying to inhale her scent. Which, I realize, I had missed. That soft aroma of flowers that her shampoo leaves, mixed with the soft essences of her creams. I wrapped my arms around her as if I wanted to imprison her with me forever. Again a deep sigh left me, as if with that I could get all the anguish I had felt just a few hours before. Then with my face still buried in her neck, I muttered under my breath.


What will you do if the press discovers you?

"I don’t know. I guess just stick with the game for a while until they leave us alone."

“In the end that means that you will have to go out with him several times a week, so that everything is more believable”

"Not necessarily. He will go on tour to Japan in a few days, and next month I must travel to China to continue with the recordings of the new show”

“You're right… I had forgotten that you would leave again. This really ."

“I will be constantly traveling between China and Korea as usual. And besides, I have to take tango classes next week”

"Tango? Really? That's going to be fun. Do you think I can accompany you, as your best "friend" that I am?"

“Only if you do it with me at home afterwards”

"We're talking about dancing right?"

"Amber, don't be erted!"

"But I didn't say anything... you're the ert who think in ert things... by the way, would you like to take a bath with me?"


 I tried to light the mood, wiggling my eyebrows playfully.


"What are you doing?"

“Seducing you…”

"I don't think that's the way to do it"

"Show me the right way, princess."


I wonder if Krystal felt her face as red as she looked. Embarrassed, she carefully placed the cup on the table and averted her eyes to anywhere but my smiling face in front of her. Not knowing what to do, she slapped my Arm.


"What was that for?"


"I don’t know! For being so erted? ”


I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Firming my stomach until Krystal started slap my arm more.


"Stop laughing at me! Besides you promised! ”




I managed to ask between the laughs wiping my tears


"You promised you would do it with me at home."


As soon as Krystal finished her sentence, she knew she said it wrong. Krystal gasped, thinking of something else to say to fix what she just said, but I had already stopped laughing. I looked at Krystal and she bit her bottom lip. Then I slightly lifted her chin, smiled and gently caressed her cheek.




Krystal stammered, desperately feigning innocence. I raised an eyebrow letting go of Krystal's hand and stood up abruptly.


"I'll be in the shower"


I smirk as I left Krystal gaping as I disappeared into the bathroom. Eventually, I the water. Moments later I heard Krystal groaning and calling me heading to the bathroom.




Krystal walked in and found the bathroom neat and clean. Something that always criticizes me is that I do not maintain the cleanliness of this particular room. But I just hate cleaning the bathroom. But now the only thing that was dirtying the floor was my clothes. Krystal stayed by the bathroom curtain where I was taking a shower.




I heard my name being called again and I turned off the water.








I poked my lathered head around the side of the curtain smirking, which infuriated Krystal even more, but she just lifted her chin in an attempt at dignity, pulled the towel around her body and told me very haughtily.


"Could you move please? I'm going to take a shower too."


So I smirked and moved the curtains to the side to make room for Krystal. I took her arm and kissed her deeply, wanting to forget the bad time that happened before. She closed the small distance between us and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled a little before pressing my lips against hers. I could also feel how Krystal's lips curved into a smile. I closed the curtain tight before placing my palms against the smooth, delicate porcelain skin of Krystal's back. Our chests pressed against each other as the soft, then the tender kiss began to pick up speed. Krystal pushed me away a bit, reaching for the shower knob behind me. The warm water fell on both of us, dripping down our foreheads and cheeks. Krystal broke the kiss, quickly wiping some of the water off her face and began rinsing my eyes and hair. I closed my eyes, letting the soapy lather slide down my body, relaxing to the soft touch of Krystal's slender fingers massaging my hair.


"This does not mean that I am also going to massage your hair."


"Why not?"


With my eyes still closed, I gave Krystal a cocky smile. I took her hands and removed them from my head making her turn, leaving her locked in my arms.


"Because I'll be busy doing something else"


After a while where our hands and desires were free to express our need for each other, when we finally finished, I planted soft kisses on Krystal's back before she slowly turned around, looking at me with tired but happy eyes. She melted into my arms and nestled her head into my neck. I smiled softly pulling away slightly and lifting Krystal's head with my thumb, kissed her nose and wrapped my arms around her again like it was a cage. She was about to protest, but I cut her off.


“Krys. Soojung. I want you to know that what I feel for you is real. You are the most important to me. I love you"

"I know. Amber I can feel how much you love me. I would have to be very stupid or blind not to see how you feel about me. I was very stupid for not realizing it before. I feel like we wasted a lot of time."

"I think it’s okay. In the end, things happen when they should. Maybe things hadn't gone well before. I think this is our perfect moment.”

“I didn’t know you were so wise… you know I love you too, right? Trust me. I wouldn't be doing anything I do just to be with you like this."

"I know. I still feel like you shouldn't. But I thank you for taking a risk like this, so that we can be together calmly”

“I really hope everything goes well”


The next day I woke up early and Krystal had already left, leaving me a sweet note on my pillow. “I miss you already.” She can be so sweet and cute. I opted to check my cell phone and my messages, in case I had forgotten something. Only to find on all the portals and social networks, the scandal that Dispatch had decided to publicize in its typical stellar news on April fool’s Day.


“EXO's KAI and f(x)'s KRYSTAL are dating. Exclusive photos of their dates”


My phone was flooded with messages and calls immediately. This is how I started my day. With the news that my girlfriend and her fake boyfriend were discovered.




A new update. hope you like it. just a little comment. its not my intention to talk bad about exo fans. it was just for the chapter. i like them as band

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hello everyone. im so sorry for being off for so many years. many things happened. but i neves forgot this story, so i hope this time i can finifh it and give to kryber a happy ending. i hope every person who read this is fine and doing okay.


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 20: we need moree!!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: Welcome back and thank you for writing this
Appledots5 #3
Chapter 19: Oh no T T
Anw thank you… thank youuu author!
Thanks to you for keep reading :)
2072 streak #5
Thanks for the update!
2072 streak #6
Chapter 18: I like this chapter
2072 streak #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update
amhar03 #8
Chapter 17: Okay trouble coming, and is that soojung at the end?

Though i wanted to keep it positive that she has a reason for doing that. It would be more challenging if we got some problem but not too long pleasee just like 1 or 2 chap then they resolve the problem i can't bear with angst phase for too long..
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 17: moree pls 🤧
2072 streak #10
Chapter 17: Oh god no soojung