Lost I

Magic in the Making
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Everything is hazy and purple. You sit up slowly, checking for any injuries and finding none. You remember walking with Hoseok and tripping, but you don’t understand where you are now. Standing to look around, a wave of dizziness hits you and you reach out, searching to find something to lean on. Your hands find a smooth surface and you lean on it, peering in to the purple mist around you. Slowly, forms come into shape, and you realize you’re leaning on one of the many trees around you. You run a finger over the impossibly smooth bark that swirls with dark and light browns. You must still be in the forest near town you conclude. Everything looks the same, except for slight changes you’ve yet to discover more of. 

    Wracking your brain for a reason as to why the forest has suddenly changed, you find no explanation comes to you. Maybe, it was all a hallucination of some sorts, or the result of an accidental spell casting somewhere. Frowning, you decide to head back down the path towards your house. As you walk a slight shiver runs down your spine. The feeling of unseen eyes watching you ebbs from the shadows, and you quicken you pace. 

    You’re almost at the end of the path when a snap freezes you mid-step. Slowly turning, you’re met with a pair of light pink eyes staring at you from the foliage off the path. Staring at each other, the silence stretches. Too scared to move, your brain is all over the place trying to figure out what creature might be staring you down. Your thoughts race with the realization you are probably not in your world. Hyper aware of every sound in the once familiar forest, you slowly start to back away when the eyes blink and disappear. You stay standing where you are, re-evaluating your situation. Assuming you’ve somehow entered into a different realm, your house probably a) isn’t yours, or b) doesn’t exist. This leaves you stuck without shelter, vulnerable not only to the elements but to whatever resides in the forest as well. 

    It’s only been a few minutes, but the rustling of leaves brings your attention back towards the path of foliage. The pink eyes reappear, and a small hand beckons you to come closer. Tentatively, you step closer, and the hand disappears back into the bush. You inch your way over until the bush is about three feet away, and you stop. Looking down into the mysterious eyes, you slowly lover yourself until you are level with them. Light pink eyes, flecks of gold and slight swirls of magenta. There is no animosity in them. Slowly, the bush parts and reveals a passageway of sorts. The eyes have disappeared, but a faint glow is slowly fading farther into the tunnel leading underground. With more curiosity then fear, you enter the tunnel on your hands and knees, following the light around the bend of the downward sloping path. 

    After a few minutes, the space widens into a large cavern, with passageways leading off in different directions. However, it is the small creature standing in front of you which captures your attention. Slender limbs, standing about 3 feet tall, and emanating a soft glow. The creature says something to you and you shake your head in confusion, not understanding the sounds coming from the t

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Full time university and work causes my updates to be slow, but I’m trying my best to write whenever I can! Thanks for your patience and understanding <3


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748 streak #2
Chapter 8: Hello, I literally just started reading this story, so I will be looking forward to the rewrite. In the meantime, I will check out what you have on Tumblr. Thank you and stay safe.❤️
Chapter 5: Very good story, i will wait your updates and good luck at work and lessons.
Chapter 2: Am really liking this story. Can't wait for more :)
Chapter 4: Super excited to see where this is going ♡♡ kepp uo the good work :)