Oats and Mud

Magic in the Making
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Rain continued to patter against the windows of your house, as you thumbed through the book Kihyun had lent you last week. You had decided the night before, that you felt comfortable enough with the book by now to try a simple spell today. You had picked out a short cleansing spell that required both sun and moon as a nice way to transition from your usual day magic to that of the night, and had some moon water already charged. Unfortunately, the weather seemed to have other plans as it had started raining sometime in the night, and continued even now, just past lunchtime. Sighing, you continued to browse the spells in the book, settled in a comfortable armchair with a warm blanket thrown over your lap to ward off the slight chill of the rain. Being stuck inside all day, was obviously not ideal for you, as you felt restless just sitting around the house, having already done whatever chores there were to do. You flipped one more page, eyes trailing down the words absentmindedly until one jumped out at you, rain. Now more attentive, you re-read the sentence. collect rainwater from the leaves of a birch tree and mud from the base of the same tree. Excited at the prospect of learning a new spell despite the weather, you quickly start reading from the beginning of the page. 

A Spell For New Beginnings, Protection, and Blessings

8 drops rainwater 
1 spoonful mud made of rain
1 half cup moon water 
1 spoonful oats
ash of 1 birch leaf

rainwater- fresh spring rain can bring luck and joy
mud- keeps you grounded as it is of the earth
moon water- general use in any spell once charged
oats- for blessings
birch- purification, protection

Take half cup of water, and charge by moonlight for one night. After rain, in separate containers, collect rainwater from the leaves of a birch tree and mud from the base of the same tree. At night, in the moon’s light and with a clear mind, mix the rainwater, mud, and moon water together in a bowl, add in the oats as you stir. Sprinkle the ash onto of your mixture. Charge by moonlight for 1 night. To put into use, with a brush or your fingers, streak the mixture on the bases of all entrances of your house including windows. Can also be spread on mailboxes. 

Delighted at finding such an appropriate spell for having just moved into a new neighborhood and house, you quickly got up and cleared a space on the table in your living room. Placing a scrap of paper in the book to keep your place, you went to fetch your moon water, some jars, a spoon, and a basket before returning to pack the book in amongst the tools for the spell. Glancing outside, the rain was lightening up, but still remained at a drizzle. Frowning slightly, you set the packed basket on the table, and decided to spend some time looking for oats in your pantry. 

No oats. None in the pantry and none in the previously packed boxes in the kitchen. Perplexed, you looked out the window, the rain now misting, and mulled over how to acquire a spoonful of oats. Perhaps, you thought, maybe Shownu would have some oats to spare. Grinning at the ease of which you had come up with a solution, you stepped out the door and over to your neighbors. Knocking three times upon his door, you step back and peer at the sky. It hadn’t completely stopped precipitating, but the weather was almost at peak spell-performance level sans the soon to rise moon. 

“Hello?” a soft voice brings you back to where you are, and you’re met with broad shoulders and a kind face. “Are you y/n? The pie was so good, thank you again.”

“Hi, yes, I’m y/n,” you smile up at the man. “I’m glad you enjoyed the pie. Actu

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Full time university and work causes my updates to be slow, but I’m trying my best to write whenever I can! Thanks for your patience and understanding <3


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748 streak #2
Chapter 8: Hello, I literally just started reading this story, so I will be looking forward to the rewrite. In the meantime, I will check out what you have on Tumblr. Thank you and stay safe.❤️
Chapter 5: Very good story, i will wait your updates and good luck at work and lessons.
Chapter 2: Am really liking this story. Can't wait for more :)
Chapter 4: Super excited to see where this is going ♡♡ kepp uo the good work :)