The Savior


"Thank you for coming!"

Hebe and Wang Zi sighed as they got out of the supermarket, each carrying their own share of shopping bags.

"Is that all?" Hebe asked.

"Jie, can we drop by at the hobby shop just around that corner?" Wang Zi asked.

"Okay, but what for?" Hebe asked/

"There's this REALLY COOL CAR I wanna show you." Wang Zi smiled.


"So this model is GT-JAGI501. It's the newest and most developed unit in the whole series." The seller proudly stated while Wang Zi swooned over the cool features of the blue sportscar infront of him, while Hebe stood in the corner, their shopping bags in the package counter.

"Jie, isn't she GORGEOUS?!" Wang Zi cheered. "I'm gonna save money for this!"

"Wang Zi, we can barely afford to go to school, what makes you think that you can buy that?" Hebe asked.

"Jie, there's always hope!"

"I'm sorry sir, but that model is already reserved."

"HUH?! WHAT?!"

The three turned to the shop manager who just came in along with a VERY FAMILIAR FACE.


Hebe let out a small panic, causing everyone to turn to her.

'I-It's Aaron!'

"Well, well." He smirked. "If it isn't the girl who bathed in the pool. By the way, did you get the cake off your face?"

"What?! I didn't take a bath!!! I was pushed... PUSHED!! P.U.S.H.E.D!!"

"Oh really...? I saw you bathing with alll your might... you looked like a frog.. with all the bubbles and stuff."

"It's called 'drowning', !" Hebe angrily stated.

"Oh? Look who's talking, black-lister. Is that your way of saying thanks to your savior?"

"What the hell are you saying?!"

"Oh!! That's why you're here. You stalked me, and you knew that I'll be visiting the hobby shop and you prepared a cake for me. Sorry, but I'm not fond of sweets."

"Don't be so full of yourself! Why would I even give you anything?!" Hebe turned her attention to her younger brother. "C'mon, Wang Zi. Let's go home."

"What?! B-bu-but I still want to take a look at the cars over there." He whined as he pointed on the cars in the other side of the hall.

"I said come on!" Then she quickly pulled her brother's arm and went straight to the counter to get the groceries, gritting her teeth.

"Really. I hate him." she turned to her back and gave Aaron the glare. "I REALLY HATE YOU, !!!" she shouted, finally running towards the exit.

"She is rather cute, isn't she?" the manager stated.

"Really? Cause I find her more of the annoying type. Wait, not annoying... more like scandalous is more appropriate... shouting as if she owns the world."

Both the manager and the seller looked at Aaron as his eyes followed Hebe.

"What the hell is he saying?!" Hebe murmured as she was power-walking along side with Wang Zi who couldn't even catch up to her anymore. "Cake?! Why would I, Hebe, give THAT a cake?! I would never...!!! NEVER IN A THOUSAND YEARSSS!!! Tch... 'savior' he says.... Who would even think of him as a savior, HUH?! He's so RUDE!! Making fun of me while I was drowning...DAMN IT!!" she paused in her tracks with a little gasp coming out of her.

"How in the world did he know? Was he even there?" she asked herself as she backtracked her memories back into the time when the es pushed her into the pool.

While she was flapping her arms with all her might just to live, the three girls suddenly jumped in and brought her to the corner. There, an unknown man helped her up and got her out of the pool and scolded her. As she was about to thank him, Hebe remembered in her mind, the person's face was blurry. She gave herself a few more seconds to remember it. Little by little, the blur became clear, revealing a person with reddish-brown hair and a grumpy expression on his face, saying 'Don't get me wet!'

Hebe dropped one of the bags and covered .

"A-Aaron.. AARON SAVED ME!!"


"Ugh... He saved me and yet I spouted those words at him." Hebe whined, bumping her head over and over onto the wall, while Wang Zi weirdly watched her, sitting on the other half of Hebe's bed. They were sleeping together.

"Jie, what are you doing? Who's that guy you just had a fight with at the hobby shop? IN fairness, he's a rich guy. How can he even afford that car? Damnit. Rich people has their own connections." Wang Zi cursed.

"That guy is... the demon who saved my life yesterday." Hebe replied. "Ugh, I have no idea what I will do to thank him!"

"Demon? How can he be a demon if he saved your life?"

"Ughhhhhhhhh~~ LOONG STORY. He's like... Ahmon in Devil beside You... and he has a twin brother who's just like Yuan yi... and-" Hebe paused. "Wait!! If he's Ahmon! Then that makes him the exact opposite of Roan? If Roan likes sweets... then Aaron = devil = opposite... is.. probably.. errrr... he likes salty stuff?"

"Jie, you can't assume everything in just one go. Every person has their own uniqueness, I guess."

"yeah, you're probably right. I should rethink this over."

"By the way, it's already eleven. Aren't you gonna hit the sack? You still have part-time tomorrow, right?"

"Oh... yeah."

"G'nighty then."



The cafe smelled wonderfully of lattes mixed with the sweet scent of chocolate, plus the scrumptious aromas of those pastries being made. Ten in the morning and Hebe went to do her job infront of the cashier, serving those customers visiting for coffee.

Happily punching the orders on the machine, she tore the receipt and gave it to the last customer. Then she turned to the new one waiting in line.

"Good morning si-"

Hebe felt her whole world just broke loose when she saw the Aaron and Roan infront of her.


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m0zarts0nata-- #1
Although I am a Guilun fan, I like this story!!!!
Where's my update?
CharleneSa #4
is this the fic with the multiple trailers in youtube?
grace_leeu #6
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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Musical Sweets
Aww, Happiness XDD part 4 is under construction and I dunno when I'll be able to update that LOL> but anyways, thanks for the support!
Happiness #8
Hi there! So I see, you make your way to asianfanfics! Although I've read it all the way to Part 3 of ILYWTBOMH, I wouldn't mind reading again! It's such a nice story! I'm going to read Part 4 soooon! Okay, anyway, hope you would adjust here but don't forget to update your stories in winglin! Hehe! All the best! P/S: I'm the same Happiness in winglin! :)