Part 5 - Final

A Guardian's Purpose


            “I’m getting old now.” Hwang said, seated beside Guardian. “I should be used to it, but it is truly a spectacle that you never age.”

            Guardian snorted, “I am a spirit, Hwang.”

            Hwang nodded but then looked up. “I remember when I first saw this tree...” He said and indicated to the black tree. “I thought something terrible had happened to Forest.”

            Guardian turned his attention upwards.

            “I’ve lived such a long life...thanks to you and Forest.” He said with a grin. “I...” He paused and brushed at his eyes. “I do think it time I passed on though. It has been over a hundred years since...since my lovely Eun-ji passed away. I miss her.”

            “I do as well.” Guardian said and then rose to his feet. “Come, let me bring you home.”

            Hwang gripped his hand and was helped to his feet. Guardian snapped his fingers and they were back at the Hwang household. The village was bustling with activity and he waved to some passerbys.

            Guardian helped him lie down and looked over him slowly. “You’re a very lucky man, Hwang. You were given the sight and longevity. Your children have also been blessed with this, although I wouldn’t doubt some will perceive it as a curse.”

            Hwang shrugged, “we have our duty to you.”

            Brushing his fingers along Hwang’s hand, Guardian smiled. “You have helped me protect Forest very well all these years.”

            Hwang smiled and gripped his hand, “my family will continue to do so.”

            Guardian nodded, “get some rest, it’s your birthday tomorrow.”

            Hwang sighed, “I had darn near three naps today, don’t you tell me to sleep you –

            “Yah, yah, yah, I know.” Guardian laughed and held his hand.

            Hwang had already fallen asleep, his snores loud as ever.

            “Silly human...” He said and then brushed his hand over his forehead.

            Hwang was always a laugh on his birthday. Everyone always tried to guess how old he was, but he never told. One year he had pulled both Guardian and Forest close and whispered, “I forgot,” and laughed. They of course also found this amusing.

            “Will you really not tell me your name?” Forest grumbled.

            Hwang shook his head, “I’m takin’ it to my grave, you sprout.”

            Forest of course got all huffy over being called a sprout. Guardian greatly enjoyed it. He loved to tease Forest.

            Hwang kept his word. He passed on shortly after his birthday, never revealing his age or his true name. The whole village mourned for a long time.

            Guardian felt immense sadness at the loss of him. Hwang had been...a wonderful human. His descendants were also kind and full of the same whimsy he had. Sometimes Guardian would see his spirit in his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren.

            They came and went, as Hwang did, continuing his legacy. Even now.

            It was night, definitely not the time for little ones to be wandering around. Guardian had thought he had been imagining the soft cries until Forest alerted him.

            ~A little one is lost. Close to where you are, love.~

            Walking, he came to a clearing and smiled. He knew this little one very well. “Are you lost?”

            The little one looked up at him, eyes filled with big bubbly tears, and he nodded. “Yes, I don’t know the way home.”

            “Oh, I bet it was scary, hey?” He asked and came to kneel before him. “You live near the shrine, right?”

            “I do. I just wanna go home to mama.”

            “It’s okay, I’ll take you home.” He held out his hand and the little boy took it. “How did you come to wander so far in the woods?”

            “I saw a pretty butterfly and I chased it, but then I lost it and didn’t know where I was.” He sniffled.

            “It’s okay now, see,” he pointed to the cabin. “All the lights are on, they’ve been looking for you.” He set him down. “Go run home now.” He watched him go until he felt the pull of his Forest.

            Coming to their grove, he smiled fondly. “Everything okay?”

            “Yes, it was little Chansung.”

            Forest cooed, “he’s so adorable. I could squish him!”

            Guardian kissed his temple and pulled him back into his body. “He’s very precious to me. His mother still doesn’t like spiritual stuff though.”

            “Yes, and Hyun Jae said her other children have decided to all leave.” Forest said as he cuddled down into him. “The little village grows smaller every year.”

            Guardian began to brush his fingers through Forest’s hair. “Times are changing again, Junho. I wonder what will come next.”

            Forest looked up at him, and smiled, “you have yet to tell me about your adventures in the north. Tell me some stories.”

            “Oh?” He trailed a finger under Forest’s chin, “thirsty are you?”

            Forest’s eyes went vivid purple-blue and gasped, “Wooyoung-

            Kissing him softly, he smiled against his lips and said lovingly, "so good to tease you."


            Guardian stood before the black tree, silently. He looked over it with pain and anguish. Walking up to it he could feel the heat emanating from within. It was time that that dealt with the tree properly. Nothing had been the same between him and Min-Jun following the sealing of the volcano spirit. He still bothered him of course, and now the tree was once more causing problems.

            Hearing soft footfalls behind him, he turned slowly and smiled. “Greetings, Hyun Jae.”

            “Hello Guardian.” She said and came to stand beside him. “How were the watermelons?”

            He chuckled, “they were delicious. Forest has been wanting one for so long.”

            She gave him a tender smile and then looked upon the tree. “In all the centuries that have passed since the tree was created...nothing like this has ever happened before.”

            Guardian nodded, “yes, but it was only a matter of time.”

            “Why now?” Hyun Jae asked.

            Guardian sighed and looked over the blackened leaves. He was reminded of the conversation he had with Forest once upon a time about why his sister had waited so long before confronting him. He still didn’t understand. “Sometimes...people just wait for their moment.” He said simply. “Whether it is days, centuries, or millennia, the reason sometimes can never be ascertained or given.”

            “It is more than the silent place...”

            “Yes.” He said and turned his attention back to the valley. “Ok Taecyeon brought something with him when he came.”

            Hyun Jae gripped his arm, “well, I’m glad to finally be of some use.”

            Clucking his tongue in disagreement he gripped her hand, “you’ve been so wonderful to us, Hyun Jae. I’m sorry to see how things have transpired within the family.”

            She shrugged, “I’ve got Chansung.”

            Guardian frowned, “I know you have other grandchildren, but perhaps it is time we broke the counterpart guardianship.”

            She looked at him with strong disagreement. “Absolutely not. I don’t know what will happen from here on out with the family, but we will figure something out. There are different ways to grow a family now, Guardian.”


            She laughed, “you look sceptical.”

            “Well...I doubt the Great Spirits would endow your grandson with the ability to conceive small ones.”

            This of course caused Hyun Jae to laugh even more. “You still need me. I’ve got to tell you about science.”

            Guardian tilted his head, “I have heard of science, Hyun Jae.”

            “Believe me, there are ways that Chansung could have children.”

            Guardian became flustered, “you must explain.”

            “Oh aye, I will, I’ll tell Forest too. But an important question, Great Spirits can help men...have children?”

            Guardian blushed heavily, “well...that’s not...”

            “Now I have even more questions.”

            “We should head back and check on everyone-

            “Is this why you also call the trees your children? Is that why they sometimes call you father bear?”

            “Hyun Jae!”

            “I’ve got to tease Forest about this.”

            Guardian groaned. He couldn’t help but smile though, he appreciated her curiosity but it was for something far too intimate and personal for him. Coming to the shrine, Forest was pacing back and forth and then looked at him.

            “Forest, I have a question for you.” Hyun Jae began.


            “No!” Guardian covered Forest’s ears.

            The look Forest gave him made him want to cry. “What are you doing?”

            “Please don’t, Hyun Jae.” He begged her. “We have to focus –

            “Now I’m really curious.” Forest said as he fended off Guardian’s hands. “I could use a distraction.”

            “Why do the trees sometimes call Guardian father bear?”

            Guardian all but slapped his face. He looked at Forest from between his fingers and watched as a blush slowly crept up his face and tipped his ears.

            “I could use a different distraction.” He said and turned away.

            “I tried to tell you!”

            “What were you even talking about that would lead to this type of question?” Forest grumbled and looked over them both with apprehension and mild curiosity. “Strange topic after visiting the black tree...”

            Hyun Jae was of course laughing heavily. “Ah, getting you two flustered is so wonderful even after all these years.”

            Forest sighed and then came to lean against him. “Well it is something you are very good at...something that Hwang was also good at, too.”

            Guardian held Forest’s waist and kissed his cheek, “he was indeed.”

            “We can’t do anything until he wakes up.” Forest said quietly.

            “I will contact my brother.” Hyun Jae offered. “He did specialise in afflictions.”

            “Tell him to focus on ones that have origins in the southern regions.” Forest advised.

            “What will we do about the black tree, Forest?” Guardian asked as he held him closer. “We both knew the sealing wouldn’t last forever...”

            Forest shook his head, “no, it is time to dismantle the tree. We would need the help of an ocean spirit and for a Great Spirit to help the volcano spirit ascend.”

            “How do we go about doing that?” Hyun Jae asked.

            Forest looked over him quietly and sighed. “We have to attend a gathering.”

            “A gathering of spirits?” Hyun Jae asked. “But you don’t like those.”

            Forest nodded, “I don’t, but we don’t have a choice now. It’s the only way.”

            “Why?” She asked.

            Guardian took his own turn to exhale, “The Gathering is the time when spirits who wish it are relieved of their spiritual selves. Sometimes this happens without a spirits consent if they have been afflicted. However, this can only be done by the elemental opposite of the spirit and a Great Spirit. Only together would they have the power and authority to make a spirit crossover.”

            “We would have the support of other spirits...but where I have only attended once, it might be hard to convince a Great Spirit to help us.” Forest admitted. “It’s our only chance.”

            Hyun Jae nodded in understanding. “I guess our family cannot help you there.”

            “I’m not sure.” Forest said honestly. “But I know you would in a heartbeat.”

            Hyun Jae smiled, “oh, you wouldn’t even need to ask. Well, best wait until he wakes then. We have two situations but they are both linked.”

            “Yes, I can take you home, Hyun Jae.”

            She waved her hand, “Chansung is waiting for me.”

            They watched her go before turning to face one another. “I...I know I’ll have to go.”

            “You won’t be going alone.”

            Forest smiled, “I might have to.”

            “No, you won’t.” Guardian promised. “As we always have, we will make it through this, you’ll see.”

            Forest wrapped his arms about him tightly. “You always compliment my confidence, but yours is a whole other level.”

            Guardian chuckled, “you give me strength.”

            Forest looked up at him, “you must tell me how you both got onto that topic, Wooyoung.”

            Sighing, he couldn’t help but blush. “I don’t want to.”

            Forest turned him back to face him, however, “oh, you’re so bashful about it.”

            “Don’t tease me.”

            Forest smiled, “I love teasing you, father bear.”


            This caused him to laugh, “I love you, my Guardian.”

            Holding Forest close, he kissed him gently. “I love you, my Forest.”


A/N: I had this prepared a while ago but with all the moving and changing cities I didn't have time to actual post the final part. Short and sweet! I'm sad to be moving on from this short little story but happy these two lovelies will still be in Let Me Paint You. Thanks for all the wonderful comments, for subscribing, and sharing your thoughts. I'm still anxious about being back and writing but your comments have really helped :) Thanks so much for the kind words and I hope you continue with LMPY!

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This story is now complete :3 thanks for all the comments and subscribes. Hope you continue on with Let Me Paint You!


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This was absolutely delightful and incredible to read. I, a person who isn't really into fantasy genre, got bewildered by this piece of yours. I can't describe how witty, adorable and wholesome was how Wooho's love turned into life, spiritual and green life to be precise.
A super bonus is it happened to be one of my favourite couples Wooho ~ is a pleasure to read you
sehijaudaun #2
Chapter 5: Love love love
That is all. =D
2481 streak #3
Chapter 5: This was such a beautiful story. :') I love how you expanded on this AU in this short side story and the fact that it featured WooHo was a plus. ^^ They're rarely featured as mains, so to read such a lovely story about them made my heart sing. x] I'm going to miss this, but there's still LMPY, so hopefully there are more interactions there! :D Thank you for writing this and contributing to the 2PM fic community! :)
a side story for LMPY how amazing! especially it‘s wooho miss this adorable couple so much... just sad I only found it now
Chapter 5: spirits! guardian and forest had children together?! that's so cute! omg why are those two so fcuking adorable T________T<3 i love them to death huhuhu

mhhh the teasing/blushing part is always making me coos. sobs. why do they have to be so bashful after all those years being together huhuuuuu. cute. so extremely cute.

thank you Sam! im a bit sad to be reading the ending of weather bear and forest. im gonna miss this a lot! ❤️
hwootestjang #6
Chapter 4: I love you for taunting me to read let me paint you but also I hate you for making me read more taecho... kekekek. Just kidding. I love none the less
Chapter 4: Omg they kiss! Wooyoung and Junho kiss!
And now iam looking forward for taecho kiss muehehe
And iam still waiting for LMPY:"
Update soon authornim I miss ya
Chapter 3: omg i miss your update so much! T____T

AND! im so overwhelmed reading part three ><
the attraction between forest and guardian is so thick i can feel it. and still guardian need to share the love with others ;_; and forest has so so much love to give *wipe tears*

you just make me not like minjun. hes causing insecurities in both guardian and forest :(

i love to read when forest is so confident and brave. to say what he wants and for guardian to give so so much more (// //)

thank you sam for the update! xoxo
hwootestjang #9
Chapter 2: Awwww, I love this story. I miss you Sam
Chapter 2: this update is like riding a rollercoaster of emotions T^T

oh how i love guardians dedications on his purpose towards forest spirits ;) he must had felt really strong towards his purpose to travel that long to give him a special gift, i was so touched and i brt forest did too. and how much it brought me to tears when humans hurts forest T____T glad that guardian bear was there the whole time to mend forest back to his usual being :3

i love that you still make them tease each other and revives that feels which turns forest eyes to that lovely purple-yellow color. i wish i could see them with my own eyes!

thanks sam ❤️