Part 4

A Guardian's Purpose

The Hounds

            Three weeks. It has been three weeks of endless agonising heat. Even though Guardian could call on the rain...none came. Feeling Forest shift slightly on his back, he looked over his hazy form. There had been droughts in the valley beforec but none like this one. It felt different than ones Guardian had experienced before. Something was amiss. So many spirits had become quiet as the heat grew worse. Guardian wasn’t sure what to do. This was increasing the risks for fires every day. Not even the nights gave reprieve.

            “Maybe...” Forest began. “Maybe they finally want to punish me.” He said tiredly.

            “The great sun isn’t punishing you, Forest.” He chided lightly as he found a deep grove. “Min-Jun said many in the west are suffering from the heat, too.

            This only roused a heavy sigh from Forest and he was smoothing his hands through Guardian’s fur. “It doesn’t feel natural...”  He said after a while. “The humans have also said that the soil has been extremely dry this year. Many animals have also left...

            “What does it feel like?” He asked, wanting to know what Forest sensed.

            “It feels like we’re in a barrier.” Forest mumbled and then sat up. He spread his arms open, “a huge one.”

            Guardian felt a burning in his paws and his nose became irritated. Something was beginning to disturb the air. It never lasted long, but it bothered him. Ever since he first experienced these sensations with Min-Jun a year ago, they came at random times. Strange things had been happening in surrounding lands too. Other forests were getting sick and shrinking, rivers and lakes were experiencing pollution. Something was moving towards them and at steady pace.

            A warning sensation barrelled through Guardian’s gut and he looked southward.

            “Yes...” Forest gripped his fur. “More humans...”

            Feeling Forest beginning to rise, he watched as he ascended up into the sky. Beginning to feel tremors in the earth, Guardian closed his eyes. There were so many and none relating to the villagers.

            *Forest and Guardian, please, I need to speak with you*

            Both vanished and appeared at the shrine. Hwang stood there with a forlorn expression.

            “Others have come.” Forest said simply.

            “Yes, they arrived several weeks ago inquiring about your trees. They say that the land in the southern regions is rich in resources and will begin extracting.” He informed them. “They asked the village if we would be willing to accommodate them and help. We’ve all voted no.”

            “They will continue despite your lack of involvement, then.” It wasn’t really a question. Guardian knew the humans would proceed without the consent of the villagers.

            “I have an idea for how to protect you from things like this in the future. Unfortunately it requires hefty amounts of money – human currency. I have enough to protect the immediate valley, but I wanted to speak with you about how to extend the protection even to the edges of where you stop.” He motioned beyond the hills. “I have my own propositions, but I will need your help if you so wish.”

            Forest sighed and sat himself down. “You wish to take up some resources to gain wealth...correct?”

            Hwang nodded, “only enough that I can afford to give you the protection you need.”

            Forest looked upon him then, an aching masked his features, but Guardian could also tell that he was angry. “Has the world of humans changed so much, Hwang,” he slowly turned his attention back to the human, “that even my Guardian will not be able to stop them?”

            Hwang’s expression deepened. “You will have to expose yourselves and then they will bring other weapons to deal with you. I want to go the route with less damage to you, Guardian, and other spirits. human politics, but I’m very good at those. I come from a well-to-do family in the east. It might take me a while but I would be able to do it.” He paused and looked over them.

            “Your confidence as usual is inspiring.” Guardian chuckled. “Or perhaps, I should say your perseverance to attain what you wish, Hwang.”

            This made the man smile, “I have the privilege of calling this place home. I want to protect it.”

            Without warning, a wave of excruciating pain shot through Guardian’s body and Forest screamed into the air. Lacerations appeared all over his body and he collapsed against the ground in pain. Guardian sealed him in a bubble and looked south.

            “It appears they have already begun.” He said and looked over Hwang. “How long will your plan take, Hwang?”

            Hwang looked just as unsettled and tried to keep his composure. “I’ve already submitted the paperwork for the valley. I have also paid in full what the appraiser said the valley was worth. For the exterior’ll take me longer but I can do it. If my family backs me it’ll happen even faster.”

            “How can I help you make this go faster?”

            Hwang looked troubled now and sighed.

            “How much land would Forest need to relinquish?”

            “Only a little, I promise. I already have the permits and will show you the areas. It will take time but I know the profit will be enough. I have tried to ensure they are places I know are...that will hopefully hurt him less, but you both can make the final decisions. I tried to go with many and have visited the areas and provided my offerings already.”

            “How long have the humans been speaking with you, Hwang?”

            “They started coming nearly two months ago.”

            Guardian’s thoughts were moving quickly now. Forest would be safe from further pain in the barrier but it needed to be his decision to proceed.

            “Are they the ones that have been corrupting other forests nearby?”

            Hwang nodded, “I do believe so, yes.” He became very quiet though, and it unnerved Guardian.

            “What else, Hwang?”

            “I thought I had been imagining it at times whenever I have returned from their encampments. They...have these strange...dogs.” He said and rubbed his arms. “I thought others could see them, but they can’t. When I made an off comment last week that the logger’s guard dogs scared me I got strange looks.”

            Guardian snarled slightly.

            “No one else can see them but me.”

            “For now you have done enough to protect the valley, correct?

            Hwang nodded, “yes.”

            Guardian looked over Forest slowly. He could still feel the violent spikes of pain. He shifted into his human form and Hwang knelt down immediately. Guardian extended the barrier around Forest so that the pain would be nothing more than bothersome sensations. He then went down on one knee before Hwang and tilted his head up. “Take me to where the humans are.”

            They travelled by horse-drawn carriage for much of the way. The air became rank with strange smells. Soon they came to the site of devastation. So many trees had been cut down. Guardian felt the heaviness immediately and gripped Hwang’s hand. He tried so very hard to call forth rain, to call for anything to hinder them, but he couldn’t. No matter how hard he tried, it was like his energies – the very essence of his being – was blocked.

            “They have done something to you.” Hwang said quietly.

            He didn’t want to admit it, and damn Hwang for being so perceptive now. Somehow, in some way, something happened to him. Forest speaking about the barrier filled his thoughts and he looked up. If something like that had happened he should have been able to sense it.

            Then, he spotted them.

            The black hounds were definitely spirits. Their eyes were orange like fire, their coats black like charcoal. He caught the whiff of smoke and saw plumes of it release from their bodies whenever they moved.

            “Lava...” He whispered.

            “There are no volcanoes around here.” Hwang said, surprised.

            “No, there aren’t.” He said as he looked over them.

            “What I can say is there are many who are envious of the love he gives and the love he receives... I just think it is quaint what you both have, and have had for all these years.”

            Min-Jun’s words cut through him again and again. He recalled the stinging sensation of smoke and how the earth felt hot just for that second. It was intentionally conveyed to him, specifically. It had started that day. For some reason, Guardian knew that he was the cause behind this and why Forest was being targeted. Someone wanted to hurt him, and they were attacking what they perceived as his weakness.

            Someone was jealous.

            “You’ve realised something.”

            “Yes...” Wooyoung looked at Hwang. “A spirit is behind this.”

            “Through humans?” Hwang asked and looked over him slowly.

            Jaw tightening, Wooyoung nodded curtly. This was a challenge, and while he didn’t want to believe it, Min-Jun was also playing a part in it. Wooyoung should have been able to tell this was coming ages ago, but the winds had been coming from the north for so long. He had thought nothing of it until now.

            “Use me.”

            Hwang’s words cut through his anxieties and Wooyoung looked over him slowly. “Use you?”

            Hwang nodded, “yes, you can work through me.”

            Brows raising he looked over Hwang curiously. “And why do you think that would work?”

            “If I’m dealing with spirits I’m going to need help. I don’t know what happened to me after...well, we both know without my needing to say it.” Hwang said and looked over the land. “If they are challenging you like this they don’t have the fortitude to face you head on. They’re cowards. So let us meet them at their own game.”

            The man always surprised Wooyoung.

            “Use me, Guardian.”

            “I’ve never made a connection like that with a human before.” He admitted.

            “First time for everything, right?” Hwang said and turned to him fully. “I know you are strong, and I don’t know if what I’m saying makes any sense, but I feel it is right. Work with me to save Forest, together. You handle the spirits; I will handle my fellow humans.”

            A strange feeling arose within Wooyoung. The same he felt when Hwang saw them after Forest returned. It was the first time he truly felt awed by a human, that he could trust one of them. There had been many who surprised him but Hwang was different. Not to mention he had been gifted sight by the Great Spirits, which Hwang seemed to realise did have importance. He didn’t know why but Hwang just...comforted him. Wooyoung had always been the one to take care of Forest, and while he could feel threatened by this human for assuming he had any right to do the same, he didn’t. Hwang wanted to help him.

            Feeling a gentle hand upon his cheek, Wooyoung slowly met that gaze. “You do not have to fight alone – you or Forest.”

            Smirking, he reached up and hauled the man down to his eye level. “You’re such a cocky human.”

            “I know. All a part of my charm.”

            Snorting, he tilted his head. “Prove to me, Hwang, as you always do, just how much you want to protect us.”

            “I will rise to meet that challenge.” Hwang said, with stout heart and voice.

            Turning his attention back to the hounds, Wooyoung levelled them with a heavy stare. He was not going to confront them head on. He wouldn't take the bait. There were other ways to tackle this and he wanted to go Forest's way.

The Pledge of the Deer

            They not only cut the trees but they razed the very earth they stood upon with fire.  Guardian stood beside Forest quietly. His gentle love was kneeling amidst the charred remains of his stolen trees.

            “I thought...I could finally distance myself from them.” Forest began quietly. “I’m so tired of humans and their troubles, and their endless pursuit for more.” He began to shake.

            Sighing deeply, Guardian came to sit beside him and took his hand into his own. “This time, my Forest, this time this is my fault.” He said firmly. “It isn’t just humans that are causing this pain.”

            As Forest began to shake his head, Guardian turned him so they were face to face.

            “Yes, I...” He paused and looked down at their joined hands. “I have a feeling I know who is doing this.” He admitted and finally managed to meet Forest’s gaze. “They are trying to hurt me, through you.”

            It was instantaneous. Forest’s eyes blazed orange. “Who is this pathetic spirit, Wooyoung?”

            Shuddering as Forest’s aura washed over him, he could feel all of his protectiveness and his authority. “My...” He gripped Forest’s hand tighter. “I never wanted to talk to you about her.”

            Forest encouraged him gently.

            “My sister.”

            It was silent between them for a long time. Sometimes Forest made to speak but then he just looked confused and tilted his head. “She must not be very nice if you’ve never told me about her, and we have been together for a very long time.”

            Guardian couldn’t help but shake his head, “no, she is not kind.”

            “Why only now, then?” Forest couldn’t help but ask. “You and I have been together for so very long, and you wandered much before finding me, so...why now?”

            Exhaling deeply, Guardian could only shrug. “I don’t know. Min-Jun said that many were envious of you and all the love you give and receive, envious of us. I don’t understand why they only wish to strike at me now.”

            Forest tugged him closer. “Do they really think that by hurting me they will make me wary of you?” He chuckled.

            Guardian couldn’t help but smile. “No, but it does hurt me.”

            Forest shrugged, “Wooyoung, my beloved weather bear, you must know,” he said lifted both of Guardian’s hands to his lips, “a vast forest has many secrets.”

            Indeed. There were many things he still didn’t know about Forest.

            “You have your own, too.”

            Surprised, he let himself be pulled closer.

            “There is a deepness in you, too, my Guardian. I guess it is about time that someone got scared of that.” He said mysteriously.

            This was the Forest that Guardian seldom witnessed but he craved. Even if Forest was younger than him, there was something about him that made him seem older. The vastness that Guardian always experienced, glimpses of a deep latent power only revealed snippets of his true nature. Most times he maintained his child-like persona, in awe of all things beautiful. Forest was no doubt triggered by the loss of his trees to be shedding that and showing his confidence.

            “I don’t mind depending on Hwang. Anyone who has been gifted sight by the Great Spirits is trustworthy.” Forest said as he relaxed against him. “But...”

            Guardian could feel him trembling again.

            “The fact that you trust him...makes me believe he will be able to help us.” Forest admitted and looped his arms about Guardian’s waist.

            “If it is my sister, Forest, I will have to face her.” He said, feeling oddly calm. “I will not be merciful.”

            “Do not do it in vengeance.”

            Guardian nodded.

            “What will you bestow upon Hwang?” Forest asked after a while.

            Guardian ran his hands through Forest’s hair and kissed the top of his head. “The power to also protect you and help his fellow humans.”

            Forest looked up at him with immense fondness. “You do like him.”

            “I do, I won’t deny it.” He said and brushed his thumbs over Forest’s cheeks. “Don’t cry.” He whispered. “You can’t afford to lose water.”

            Forest bit his lower lip hard and gasped, “they won’t speak to me!”

            Guardian hugged him tightly and kept him close. He didn’t want to believe it either. The damage had been done. The clearing around them...had been burned with spiritual fire. All of the trees, the little saplings, everything...was gone. Their voices had been completely erased, even from the spiritual realm.

            “They...they took their very existence away, Wooyoung...” Forest cried weakly. “I’m...trying so hard not to cave to the darkness inside, but they took my trees, they took a part of me and I will never get them back. They want to take so much more, I can feel it.”

            “Shh.” Guardian hushed although he did fear. He could feel it growing inside Forest. He could taste the bitterness on his tongue. It was the same as when he had punished Hwang, only amplified and much stronger. It was as if some part of Junho had been unleashed. “Even if they are silent, they were yours, and you loved them. Do not tarnish their memory.”

            Forest nodded.

            “When you’re ready, and only when you are ready, Junho, you must let them go.”

            It was very raw right now, the loss. If pushed the wrong way Forest could be overcome by darkness. This wasn’t just humans anymore. Now, they had to face their own kin. How dare his sister try and come between him and his purpose. How dare she try and tarnish their love with her pitiful resentment. He would not let her win.

            “Will you oversee the ceremony with Hwang?” He asked softly.

            Forest perked up slightly at that. “Yes, I want to see.” His eyes finally changed to the very earthy brown.

            Trailing his fingers across Forest’s cheek, Guardian kissed his nose. “It hurts because you love so strongly. Don’t let anyone change that about you, do you understand?”

            Forest’s eyes instantly went to that lovely purple-yellow.

            “Don’t let anyone take away how much you love life, how even when things die, you love them. You love them because life is this cycle, Junho. You grow things and they pass on, sometimes not by choice. However, as we both know, and have experienced, life is very precious.”

            Forest closed his eyes as more tears fell. “It’s so precious.”

            Kissing his forehead and his cheeks, Guardian hugged him close. “You cannot have life without death, and vice versa. It is delicate – you showed me that. You have shown me in so many ways how precious life is and that when we lose those who are precious to us, we have to go on. We will never be the same, but that’s just how life is, right?”

            Forest nodded.

            “We’ve overcome so many things. We are not going to stop here.”

            Forest’s hold on him was so tight it hurt.

            “If we have to move again, we will. You and I are capable of anything together. That scares people, so let them be jealous and afraid. They could find love too if they wanted.”

            Forest chuckled softly, “They could! I hope they can be loved as much as me. You love me so well, Wooyoung.”

            “I try not to be possessive, but sometimes...sometimes...” Guardian trailed off and Forest encouraged him. “No one can love you like I can.”

            “Mmn!” Forest kissed him deeply, “ one can.”

            Lifting Forest up, Guardian still kept him close. “Do you need more time here or should we go meet Hwang?”

            Forest shook his head, “let’s go. The more I mope the less time we have to prove to them they will not control our lives.”

            Guardian couldn’t help but grin, “yes.”

            Forest looked over him calmly. “I need to feel it though, like every other time.”

            Guardian nodded, “feel it, but remember you must move on.”

            Forest smiled and then kissed him softly, “I will.”

            They appeared at the shrine and found Hwang with Lee Eun-Ji, his wife. They bowed immediately.

            “Forest spirit...we’re so sorry for the loss of your trees.” She spoke first. “We tried so hard to make sure they wouldn’t be able to, but we were too late.”

            “Don’t worry, I know you tried.”

            “I do have the rights to the valley now. I got word this evening that my purchase was approved.” Hwang said and produced a number of papers. “I know...they are written on what was once trees, but these are the land permits.” He held them up.

            Forest waved his hand. “You keep them. To spirits they mean nothing, but if they are important in your politics then you should have them with you.”

            Hwang nodded and placed them back in an envelope. “I also have word from my father that he will support my business.” Hwang said as he laid out a map.

            Guardian led Forest over and they sat down in front of the Hwangs. It was unprecedented to him that they were even in this situation. He never thought that humans would be the ones to help them, to save them.

            “You can take from these areas. However, I will need a couple days to prepare them for you.” Forest said as he pointed to a number of locations on the map.

            “That will be fine.” Hwang said as he made notes.

            “Is there anything that we can do to ease the pain, forest spirit?” Lee asked.

            Both of them looked at each other before facing them again.

            “You’re doing all you can –

            “What about the spirit hounds? There must be something we can do to keep them from going to places they shouldn’t?” She pressed further.

            Guardian couldn’t help but be impressed. Both Hwang and Lee were a very good match, but he knew the Lee family would always arise to the situation, they always did. That was just how the Lee family were, and he hoped they remained that way.

            Forest gripped his hand.

            “I can make you counterpart guardians.” He said.

            “We would be able to act in your capacity as guardian?” Hwang asked.

            Forest nodded.

            “You...” Lee began and then became emotional. “Such a great honour, I...I would be proud if our family could protect you both spiritually and from our side as humans.” She bowed deeply. “In all the history of our village I know my ancestors would be proud.”

            Guardian smiled. “They would indeed.”

            “Is there a ceremony?”

            “Not really.” Guardian said and held out his hands. “Are you both sure? This responsibility will be passed down from generation to generation.”

            Both Hwang and his wife looked at one another and nodded, “we are sure,” they said as they faced him again.

            They each took a hand and Guardian focused on his spiritual energy. He could feel Hwang’s own beginning to mingle with his, and it was shortly followed by Lee’s.

            “I bestow upon you the responsibility to act as my counterpart, to protect the forest spirit Junho throughout time, through whatever means you consider necessary. You will have the ability to draw from my spiritual being, and to create your own familiars to assist you. Do you accept?

            “I accept.” They both said with confidence.

            A burst of energy flared between them before shooting up into the sky. It then shot back down and knocked them back. Exhausted from the exchange, Guardian looked over at Hwang and Lee only to find their eyes reminiscent of his own. The yellow glow is matched by the familiars beginning to form in front of them. Feeling Forest’s hands on his shoulders they both faced two deer. The energy of their auras still rippled through the air.

The Black Tree

            In the days following the exchange between him, Hwang and Lee, Guardian felt like something was draining his energy constantly. He was trying to pinpoint when exactly it had started, and as he began thinking upon the past couple years only certain things stood out as the cause.

            Seated at the edge of the barrier, which was humming annoyingly before him, he had been thinking upon their situation. While he didn’t want to, Guardian had also left Hwang to deal with the human side of things. They were not impacted by the barrier currently containing both him and Forest. They needed to find the source of it and dismantle it. What was bothering him most was that he knew this energy – this spiritual essence. It was one he hadn’t felt in a very long time. It made him furious to be a victim of ‘hers’ again, and not just him but Forest as well.

            Speaking of Forest, Guardian knew that he was putting on a brave face. The humans had begun to take more trees and caused more wounds to appear on Forest’s body.

            This left him feeling powerless. Facing the infuriating barrier once more he became anxious. Neither of them could reach the places the humans were harvesting trees anymore. The barrier had become smaller and only surrounded the area that Hwang managed to get under his protection.

            “How can the great spirits let this happen?” Forest asked.

            The same question had been on Guardian’s mind. There had been conflicts between spirits before, but neither he nor Forest did anything to warrant this, and none of them came to try and assist. He hadn’t met a volcano spirit before, but he knew they were amongst the oldest of spirits as they created land.

            “I don’t know.” It was the only answer that he could provide.

            “This began a while ago, didn’t it? It’s been slow like poison.” Forest said, seating himself beside Guardian.

            To this he nodded, “yes, but I...” He trailed off, the same nagging thought that had been on his mind for a while now was all he could focus on. This had all started on that day. It started when Min-Jun first brought up his family, and that other spirits were envious of them. He remembered how his snout had been irritated and the heat he felt in his paws.

            “What is it?” Forest asked as he looked over him.

            “Min-Jun...” Was all he said and this caused Forest to grip his arm. “Min-Jun helped them.” This he said without hesitation. “It all started on that day, Forest, when Hwang cut down the first tree."

            Forest slowly began to grow wearier and disheartened. “I didn’t...want to think like that, but the winds had been blowing from the north constantly. Min-Jun also said something strange to me.”

            Looking over at him fully, Guardian nudged him to speak.

            “He said it must be nice that we could live so comfortably.” Forest kept him close. “He then asked me what I would do if someone took you away from me. That was why I got so angry that day...because it was like...” Forest went quiet.

            “Like I knew something...”

            Forest nodded, “It scared me. I thought you were going to leave me.”

            Guardian looked up into the sky. Why would Min-Jun help someone who wanted to hurt them? What had they done? He had known the sky spirit for so long, why would he do this?

            “I don’t understand...”

            Something had fallen upon Guardian’s skin, a little dark speck. He brushed his fingers across it, causing a black streak on his arm.

            Then, more little specks of black began to fall from the sky, as gently as snow. The air became heavy and suffocating. Darker clouds filled the sky, sometimes illuminated with flames.

            Standing up, a violent tremor shook his body. Forest cried softly beside him in absolute pain. Looking straight ahead, he could only watch as the molten heat of the volcano spirit scorched huge swaths of earth. The damage began to appear on Forest’s body, and Guardian didn’t know what to do. Even now, Guardian tried to call forth rain and nothing came. How could this be possible?

            Reaching out, he touched the barrier and it prickled against his skin. He was desperate. He needed help...from someone, anyone.

            “Wooyoung...volcano spirits are ancient, right?” Forest asked.

            “Yes.” He answered and looked over him.

            “Aren’t water spirits older?”

            “Yes.” He looked over at him curiously.

            “What about...water from within the earth?” Forest asked shakily.

            Cursing his lack of effort, he knelt down and pressed his hands against the land. He needed to focus. There wasn’t just water above, to which he was used to. There was water in everything, and both above and below the earth.

            Focusing as hard as he could, using what strength he had left, he waited. Please. He thought desperately. Please help us.

            Then he heard it: The soft sound of flowing water.

            Plunging his hands into the earth, he felt a cool energy begin to surround him. Slowly, he could feel his aura connecting with the being far within the earth. As the ground began to shake, Guardian closed his eyes. He could feel it. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it before now.

            A loud cracking noise reverberated through the air and he opened his eyes as the earth opened up, his hands clasped by a water spirit. As they broke through the surface, he could feel the cold reprieve of water flowing through him again.

            It was instantaneous. A heavy rain began to fall over the forest, and Guardian could feel relief.

            Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with an elderly woman who was smiling at him fondly.

            “Hello, little weather bear. It is about time we’ve finally met.”

            Smiling, he held out his hand to Forest who came to lean into his side. “I had always wondered who kept the calm below us.”

            “Yes, and you have provided much through your plants and the soil.” She said as she looked over the barrier. “Oh, no wonder I haven’t been able to taste your wonderful water.”

            “We need your assistance.” Guardian said softly.

            “Anything for you and your precious forest, weather bear.” The spirit said with adoration and looked over them. “The rain you give, coupled with Forest’s goodness, is most wonderful.”

            Not being able to stop the blush rising to his cheeks, Guardian couldn’t help but grip Forest’s hand.

            A heavy tremor shook the earth and they looked south.

            “It appears our opponent is calling.”

            “Indeed...” Guardian said.

            The southern mountains were enshrouded in black clouds. Every so often fire would spark, unleashing toxic fumes into the air.

            “Until we destroy the barrier neither of you will be able to confront them.”

            “Unfortunately, yes.” Forest agreed.

            Guardian was sure he knew who was guarding it. “We know it is nearby-

            “There.” The water spirit pointed to the southern plains. “You are both still weak, but together we should be able to overcome them. It’s been thousands of years since I’ve been so near a volcano spirit.” She said and sighed. “Much has changed it seems...” She looked to them once more. “Do not fret or be anxious, neither of you are alone, you’ll see.”

            Before either of them could say anything she vanished beneath the earth.

            “You know...” Forest began. “Perhaps we did become too focused on one another. I didn’t know we had been helping out a groundwater spirit this whole time, and an ancient one.”

            Guardian nodded in agreement. “Well, we do tend to get caught up in one another very intensely, don’t we?”

            Forest blushed immediately.

            Guardian finally had the chance to look over him properly. His wounds were nothing more than scars; ones that would fade in no time at all. Holding out his hand to him, he smiled as Forest’s fingers curled with his own, and tugged him closer.

            “I think it is time we got reacquainted with our spiritual kin, beloved.” He said softly. “It would be worthwhile to re-establish and make new connections.”

            Forest smiled, “we have so many friends already. Are you telling me you wish to wander for a bit?”

            Shaking his head immediately, he was surprised when Forest’s hands cupped his face firmly.

            “If you want to please don’t worry...” He said softly. “Because then you would have so many more new stories to tell me.” Forest kissed his nose and then gripped his hand. “I can feel all the trees in the barrier being provided with water. She’s amazing.”

            Guardian looked over Forest slowly. The thought of leaving Forest had never crossed his mind, not even to pursue selfish interests. Forest couldn’t leave his trees for long if he did want to visit somewhere. They could also go to the spiritual realm but he would be worried about certain spirits. “I’ll think about it after we become free, Forest. After we deal with certain individuals who sought to do us harm.” 

            Forest looked up at him and smiled, “I know, and I don’t want you to face her alone.”

            Guardian made to speak but then he felt the barrier crashing down. Voices of friends who had often come to see them surrounded them, and spirits from all over began to appear around them.

            “Forest spirit, are you well?

            “Guardian, we were worried for you!

            So many spirits. So much energy began to surround them, healing them, replenishing what had mysteriously vanished without him even knowing.

            Then, he felt it. He felt a heavy, toxic and poisonous air come down around them. Turning, he steadied himself.

            This was the first time he was seeing his sister in well over a thousand years. She looked quite different.

            Long gone was her beautiful brown fur. It was a deep grey, and ash fell away from her body. Her eyes were the same violent orange as the hounds, almost red. Coming behind her was the enormous volcano spirit.

            It’s voluminous form exuded the smoke and thickened the air with horrible fumes. The crackling sound of fire as it walked, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake, sent violent tendrils through the earth. Fires began to spread in every direction, making Forest shudder from pain.

            “” She greeted with that same venomous tone. He didn’t miss it.


            “Did you like your imprisonment?”

            “Why are you here?” He asked, ignoring her taunting.

            “I missed you.” She said. “I didn’t know where you were for the longest time, and wanted to pay you and your...forest...a visit.”

            He watched her closely, how her gaze drifted to Forest and looked him up and down.

            “I see he treats you most well, brother.”

            “You don’t have the right to call me brother. Or did you forget that mother disowned you?”

            The loudness of her roar reverberated against his ear drums.

            “Wooyoung...perhaps you shouldn’t antagonise her...” Forest said gently.

            Guardian gripped Forest’s arm briefly.

            “You vile miscreant, how dare you speak so lowly to me!

            She sent a violent volley of winds, with the force of a tornado, at Forest. Guardian stepped before him and clapped his hands together. He stepped forward and jut his hands against the blast, dissipating it into nothing.

            “You are not welcome here, you and your volcano.” He stated boldly.

            “We have seen what you have done to other lands.” A spirit from behind him shouted.

            “You should both be ashamed!

            “You have killed earthly and spiritual lives!

            “So what?!” The volcano spat and came to crouch down. “The land is infected with what the humans have done. You spirits think you can co-exist with them but you ignore their true nature. It is time we cleansed the earth of them. If that means getting rid of spirits who protect them, and those who cherish humans, thinking they are worthy of knowing us and reaping the benefits of our world, then so be it.”

            “Scared of humans, are you?”

            They all looked at the ancient water spirit.

            “You are responsible for creating land, volcano spirit. Long ago you were given this duty, without you and your fellows many spirits would not have the means to grow. In essence you are the life giver to land, however, you cannot do that without water.” She lifted both hands and water shot up all around the volcano spirit.

            “You vile spirit!” His sister roared.

            The air shifted all around them.

            Guardian looked up as Min-Jun descended from the skies. How dare he come.

            “Oh, don’t look at me that way.” He said.

            “Look at what you have brought here!” Guardian snapped at him. “How could you, Min-Jun? Have we not been friends for a long time?”

            “The Great Spirits determined that you should take care of your family.” Min-Jun levelled him with a heavy gaze. “You are the only one left.”

            It was callous – heartless the way Min-Jun said it. The words struck him terribly upon realising just what his words meant, that he was the only one left. The silence that had surrounded him was invaded by only one sound: the slow increase in the loudness of his sister’s laughs.

            You must find your purpose.

            As he came to face her, he felt something inside of his breaking, unleashing unchecked emotions and feelings.

            I hope you can forgive me for not noticing.

            A pain he had never experienced before erupted in his chest. He could hear nothing but her laughter, and the violence of the storm that was now surging around them. An equally disastrous force came from his sister, trying to match his own. Nothing else mattered. Until, the gentle scent of sweetgrass descended over him. He looked before him and found his Forest standing amidst the chaos surging around them.

            Do not do it in vengeance.

            The words came to him and struck him horribly. He had promised. He was breaking his promise to Forest.

            Then, he was back to the last day he saw his mother. He remembered how emotional she was, how hard she embraced him.

            Remember not to storm too hard when you’re upset.

            It broke him. He closed his eyes and couldn’t contain the sadness. Then, he was enveloped in warmth, caring, gentle, calming, warmth.

            “I’m sorry, Wooyoung.” Forest said emotionally. “I’m sorry...but please, please...” He soothed. “Focus on me.”

            “How pathetic you are! Coddled by your foolish forest spirit!

            Gripping Forest hard, he began to shake. “I never got to see her again...” He said weakly.

            “I know. I’m so sorry.” Forest apologised over and over.

            Anger raged within him, and he broke from Forest’s hold. He didn’t make it far, Forest kept a tight grip on his hand. Facing her, he shook his head. “How could you!?”

            “She made her choice.”

            “And what was so wrong with me being born, huh?!” He shouted. “You were just as precious to her, so why?” He held Forest’s hand even tighter.

            Watching his sister transform, his eyes widened. This was no longer his sister. She was covered in scorch marks, her very essence diminished.

            “What are you?” He asked.

            Her eyes went black and she ran at him.

            Before he could act he watched as she was encased in water. As the volcano spirit made to attack the water spirit, she sent a volley of water through its body. This sent a shock through the earth and the volcano spirit collapsed heavily into the earth.

            “Tainted,” the water spirit said, “driven by jealousy and pain, this has corrupted them both, and it has made them weak.

            Watching his sister break free of the water, her skin went ashen and her face gaunt. Without thinking, he raced over to her and caught her body as she collapsed. She was trembling in his arms, and looking up into the sky.

            “I just...” She gasped. “I just wanted to be loved, like you, brother.”

            “You were...” He said gently. “Mama loved you.”

            She laughed and looked up at him, black veins beginning to appear over her skin. “She...she said that...when I saw her, but it was too late. I let my pain win.”

            Brushing his thumb over her cheek, he swallowed hard.

            “You hate me.”

            He shook his head, “I don’t know you, and you never gave me the chance. You will always be my sister.”

            She looked surprised. Then her lip began to tremble, “why can’t you just hate me?!”

            Holding her even tighter, he closed his eyes. He could feel her fading now. “ deserve peace.” He said quietly and smiled. “Don’t hurt anymore.”

            Her eyes went that solid black. “I still hate you.”

            All he could do was nod. “Look at where it got you, sister.” He said and let her go. He was pulled back by Forest, and held within his arms, but briefly. Then, Guardian was pushed back. Forest knelt down and pressed a hand against her chest, and held out his other to the volcano spirit. Instead of his usual green aura, he was glowing yellow and blue. This began to shimmer throughout the air between his sister and the volcano spirit, coaxing both of their true forms forth. Slowly the wind began to pick up around them.

            Guardian watched as the energy began to swirl together, condensing and solidifying. It was a little while until he realised what Forest was doing. He was making a tree. As it took form, it stood stark against the vibrant colours of the sky and the land around them.

            A black tree arose and bloomed leaves of the same colour.

            It is your turn, Guardian.

            Feeling something deep within him release, he looked up. Great Spirits surrounded him and they all indicated to the tree. He lifted both hands and took a deep breath. The energy broke from his body and began to surround the tree. Lines of gold wrapped round and round, tightening and locking into place.

            When things grew calm, he heard a soft chuckle behind him. He turned and found his mother and sister. His mother waved and then held out her hand to his sister. His heart skipped a beat when his sister smiled and grasped it tightly. The brightness disappeared and he was looking up into the sky, the stark blackness of the leaves of the tree also there. He didn’t wholly understand what had happened, but what comforted him was that his sister and mother were together and at peace.

            Noticing Forest laying beside him, his hands were black as night. Sitting up abruptly he took hold of him, linking their fingers together tightly. The ancient water spirits hands came to rest against his own and water surrounded their clasped hands.

            “You are both powerful, no doubt. is okay to depend on others.

            Other spirits soon began to surround them, each placing their hands on them. More and more energy began to flow throughout the air and between their bodies. Forest had opened his eyes, and Guardian smiled at the vibrant green orbs looking upon him, matched with an equally breath-taking smile.

            “We have so many friends.”

            Guardian nodded, "Indeed."


A/N: Ahh, the 'final' part. Writing this short little story has really been interesting. There is obviously a lot that I left out, some things intentionally because certain things will be covered in Let Me Paint You. I do have a part 5 ready and waiting but I have to post Part 4 of LMPY before I can unveil it.

Thanks for reading, commenting and subscribing! Please be sure to check out the rest of the stories for the festival if you haven't :)

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This story is now complete :3 thanks for all the comments and subscribes. Hope you continue on with Let Me Paint You!


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This was absolutely delightful and incredible to read. I, a person who isn't really into fantasy genre, got bewildered by this piece of yours. I can't describe how witty, adorable and wholesome was how Wooho's love turned into life, spiritual and green life to be precise.
A super bonus is it happened to be one of my favourite couples Wooho ~ is a pleasure to read you
sehijaudaun #2
Chapter 5: Love love love
That is all. =D
2492 streak #3
Chapter 5: This was such a beautiful story. :') I love how you expanded on this AU in this short side story and the fact that it featured WooHo was a plus. ^^ They're rarely featured as mains, so to read such a lovely story about them made my heart sing. x] I'm going to miss this, but there's still LMPY, so hopefully there are more interactions there! :D Thank you for writing this and contributing to the 2PM fic community! :)
a side story for LMPY how amazing! especially it‘s wooho miss this adorable couple so much... just sad I only found it now
Chapter 5: spirits! guardian and forest had children together?! that's so cute! omg why are those two so fcuking adorable T________T<3 i love them to death huhuhu

mhhh the teasing/blushing part is always making me coos. sobs. why do they have to be so bashful after all those years being together huhuuuuu. cute. so extremely cute.

thank you Sam! im a bit sad to be reading the ending of weather bear and forest. im gonna miss this a lot! ❤️
hwootestjang #6
Chapter 4: I love you for taunting me to read let me paint you but also I hate you for making me read more taecho... kekekek. Just kidding. I love none the less
Chapter 4: Omg they kiss! Wooyoung and Junho kiss!
And now iam looking forward for taecho kiss muehehe
And iam still waiting for LMPY:"
Update soon authornim I miss ya
Chapter 3: omg i miss your update so much! T____T

AND! im so overwhelmed reading part three ><
the attraction between forest and guardian is so thick i can feel it. and still guardian need to share the love with others ;_; and forest has so so much love to give *wipe tears*

you just make me not like minjun. hes causing insecurities in both guardian and forest :(

i love to read when forest is so confident and brave. to say what he wants and for guardian to give so so much more (// //)

thank you sam for the update! xoxo
hwootestjang #9
Chapter 2: Awwww, I love this story. I miss you Sam
Chapter 2: this update is like riding a rollercoaster of emotions T^T

oh how i love guardians dedications on his purpose towards forest spirits ;) he must had felt really strong towards his purpose to travel that long to give him a special gift, i was so touched and i brt forest did too. and how much it brought me to tears when humans hurts forest T____T glad that guardian bear was there the whole time to mend forest back to his usual being :3

i love that you still make them tease each other and revives that feels which turns forest eyes to that lovely purple-yellow color. i wish i could see them with my own eyes!

thanks sam ❤️