❝ Butterfly ❞

Snow White and her Seven Knights

— //02// 〈〈Snow white & her seven knights〉〉


“I still can’t believe it Everything feels like a dream Don’t try to disappear”


I... gave up. I plan to sneak out but well damn, our house is fully guarded. I just think that if I die, then rest in peace to me.

“Well, if I die tomorrow, my life will be the most boring that will be written in the history.” I sighed.


And so tomorrow came.

“Snow, my dear! Your dad called me.” Aunt Grimhilde greeted me as I sat on my chair andlooked at her and blinked, “What did Dad said?” I asked.

Wicked smile form on to her face. I can't believe I'm talking to my murderer now. Can I scream help?

“He said he's allowing you to roam around the city! Isn't it a great news? But you should be home before dark, or you will be locked forever.” she said smiling. Oh, her plan. Great. I pretended to be shocked and happy receiving her 'good news' to me.

“Really?! I'm so excited! I can't wait to.. uhm,” to run the hell away from this house and hide from you! “To see the city!”

“Yes, sweety. But don't be too excited because you won't go outside alone, ofcourse. You're with Ben, our body guard.” Ofcourse. He's the one who will kill me right? If I didn't know this plan, I would be really happy.

“Oh.. I might be fine alone... right?” and my awkward laugh shows. Aunt Grimhilde's smile faded.

“No, Snow. You will be with Ben!” grinding her teeth, the way she said those words sounds like she's warning me.

“Okay, okay! I'm.. uhh, definitely fine with it.” after I said those, she immediately change her mood and smile at me again.

So after I ate, I immediately get dressed. I just wore a simple white shirt and top it with plaid button down shirt and a black jeans. I wore my sneakers and take my wallet. I won't bring my cellphone and cards so just in case I survived and had a chance to run away, they won't be able to trace me. Hah!

I go down and saw Ben waiting for me. “Let's go, Ma'am.” he said as he guide me where our car is.

I just looked at the window during the drive. I'm just a little bit excited since it's my first time going out. We stopped at the city's heart, where the shopping malls are located. I roam around the area, try different street foods, look everywhere while Ben just keep following me until the sun almost set and we arrived to a place where almost there's no people. Cold sweats came out. So.. is this the end of me?

I immediately look back at Ben and saw him pointing a gun to me. I couldn't scream in terror. I couldn't even move my feet to run. A tear fall and I accepted my faith. I close my eyes and wait for my death.

Seconds passed, I didn't feel any hurt.. wait, what?

I heard something dropped on the floor so I opened my eyes, “I can't do it... I can't kill you.” Ben said while kneeling down and the gun is also on the floor. He looked up to me with his begging eyes. “Run! Run and hide far far away! Save yourself!” he said.

And so I didn't hesitate, after he said those words, I immediately run as fast as I could. Away from him. Away from the danger. I just stopped when I became tired. I didn't know this place but I think it's far enough from the city's heart. I hold my chest to catch my breath. It's already dark.

“I didn't die because of a shot but I will definitely die because of exhaustion and dehydration!” I said while sitting on the bench near me. I stayed there until I am okay when I saw a blue butterfly flying around me.

“Oh, hey. Yeah I know I look weird right now.” I brushed my hair as I look at the butterfly. I may sound crazy talking to it but who cares. “You're pretty, but you'll be prettier if you can tell me where I could stay in here? I mean.. I can't sleep here you know?”

Oh, Snow, as if the butterfly could give you an answer. I sighed and my lips while I look around... then the butterfly blocked my view. I blinked. I stare at it until it flew away and I don't know, but I did follow where the butterfly going. I follow it until it stopped at a... coffee shop?

“Why would you bring me in a coffee shop? I said I need somewhere to sleep—” and when I look at the butterfly, it's gone. Nice! Stupid Snow, why would a butterfly help you anyway?

“Aaagh!” I groan out of fustration and messes my hair when the door of the coffee shop opened. I immediately stand up straight and fix my hair when I saw a handsome guy came out.

“Uhh, are you going in? We're already close though.” he said and smile at me. Close already? I wonder what time is it for a coffee shop to close. Hmm.. Today's not that bad, huh? He is handsome and tall. He got those broad shoulders too. He also look kind.

“Uhh..” I looked around and saw the board on the side. “You're looking for a helper?”

“Yup. Me and my brothers manage this coffee shop but we still lack in man power, you.. want to apply?” he asked.

“Yes! I.. definitely needed a job! You see uhm, I..” I ran away from home because my step-mom wanted to kill me— nah, you can't say that! “I am from the province and I tried my luck here in the city. You know, to uh, help my parents.” and there, I ended it with an awkward smile. Yep, nice job Snow.

He examine me, head to toe and tilts his head, “Are you sure you're poor because by the looks of it you seem... rich. I mean, your clothes are—”

“Ah, no! Uhm, I mean we're not really that poor, my parents’ money is enough but I still want to help them, you know. Haha!”

He nods and seem to think, “Well, if you really want this job, please come in. Me and my brothers have to ask you more questions regarding your job.” he flash his smile again. He opened the door for me and saw his brothers busy cleaning the shop.

“These are my brothers. Let's go.” I looked at him then his brothers.. wait, don't tell me...? “All of them are your brothers?!” I said in disbelief. He has 6 brothers?! And they are all good looking?!And I will work with them?!— wait, Snow, no! You're not even sure if you're qualified.

I looked at the shoulder guy again and he just nod and smile at me. Damn, butterfly!

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Chapter 4: Ooof that going to be tuff for her and please can you give a short intro who is who
Chapter 4: The name confuse me. I'm not familiar with the naming so I don't know whose who.... nice start though!
linhlinh1409 #3
Chapter 4: Do you have wattpad account? I really love your story.
linhlinh1409 #4
Chapter 3: Oh. I think they're have great name. You don't need to change their name. And the story is so amazing.
Chapter 2: This is so nice I'm crying
Chapter 1: I love this ❤