Night out


Sungmin stopped the game at Level 15. He loved the game. 

"Kyuhyun, I love it! If you are agreeable, I would like to sponsor your game. If you could come up with the trial version, we release it as in-app first, then give the interested customer the link to go to Google Play or App Store. You have both laptop version and mobile version, right? This game can be played by both iPhone and Android phones? "

"Yes, for the mobile version, I've program it to read both Apple and Android configurations so that I don't have to do 2 versions of it. Mr Lee, I don't know what to say, thank you very much!" 

"Can you call me Sungmin? Please? Or just Min... " 


"Ok at least when we are alone?" 


"Ok what?" 

"Okay, Sungmin" 

"That's nice!" Sungmin chuckled. 

"I... if it's ok with you, I like more people to have a go at it first. I want to collect some feedback, then I can do minor corrections and do the trial version"

"Sure Kyu, let Wook or Shindong try too. We can discuss more on this business deal next week"

Kyuhyun did notice the nickname 'Kyu' but choose to keep quiet about it, instead he just said "Alright then. Anyway, how do you find the game, as in, is it easy to start the game, are the obstacles confusing or too difficult, or is it user friendly..." 

"Frankly speaking, I am not a gamer, I only play for fun. But this game made me think like a pro. I'm shooting like a pro, I can communicate with my base, I can use my brain to figure out the enermies' locations and how to strategies my attack. It's really good! You surprise me that you can come up with such a good game! What's your creator name, by the way? "

"You mean my gaming name? It 'gamegyu88' "

"Cool. 88 is your year of birth?" 

"Yeah.." Kyuhyun laughed shyly. 

"You are 2 years younger than me!" 

"Really? And you are already a boss" 

"Well, I'm heading it because it's a subsidiary of my dad's company! But I'm really a down to earth person and don't mind handling a lot of things on my own. Ok, are you hungry?  Shall we discuss more about the game over dinner?" 

"Errr..." Kyuhyun didn't know what to do. He didn't want to decline as he felt that Sungmin was sincerely asking for his company, but on the other hand, he didn't want to take advantage of Sungmin's kindness. 

"Don't decline me. Let's go, I'm hungry" 

"Ok, give me a minute, let me shut down and keep the laptop" 

"Wait, how do I save my login?" 

"Oh, click the menu, then save the settings, it will ask whether you want to save the ID and password" 

"Ok got it.. I'll shut it down for you" 

"Ermmmm Sungmin, can I use the washroom?" 

"Use the one here in my room. The door to your left"

"It's your personal washroom, you don't mind if I use it?" 

"Of course I don't mind, Kyu, especially you. Just go ahead" 

He could smell Sungmin in the washroom. His perfume, his apple fragrance handwash, in fact every item in here has Sungmin's aura, and made his heart beat faster. After he relieved himself, he washed his face and hands and tidy up his hair.  He was thankful that he decided to wear his dark blue sweater so he look presentable even if Sungmin decided to go to an upper class eating place. 

Sungmin went to his washroom next while Kyuhyun kept his laptop. Sungmin could smell a lingering fragrance of Kyuhyun’s body spray, which he think it should be Adidas, and he smile to himself. He just loved everything about Kyuhyun, and now he loved his body spray too. He chided himself for being hopelessly in love with that man. 

They took a lift to the basement carpark and Sungmin led Kyuhyun to his car. It was a BMW Series 5 and the leather was the most soft and comfortable that Kyuhyun had ever sat at. 

"Kyu, do you mind pizza? I don't know why I suddenly crave for it" 

"I love pizza. Have you tried Gino's NY Pizza 지노스뉴욕피자 at Yongsan-gu?" 

"No, is it good?" 

"Yes! New York style, and it's not too expensive! I used to go there last time when I got my pay from the part-time work during my high school days".

"Let's go there then! You know the way?" 

"Let me Google it. Here, 46, Noksapyeong-daero 40-gil, 2nd floor, 이태원동 457-3 2층, Yongsan-gu"

Sungmin's phone rang, and he told Kyuhyun to key the address into the GPS while he answered his call. It was from his dad from the way Sungmin was talking. As the GPS was on the driver's side, Kyuhyun has to move closer to Sungmin and stretched himself to input the address. Sungmin could smell Kyuhyun's shampoo and more of his body spray. He got giddy with happiness, which is something that he never experienced before. He was not sure why he felt like he just wanted to hug Kyuhyun right now. Kyuhyun's body now stretching in front of him didn't help at all. He was not sure what his dad was telling him and he has to ask his dad to repeat it all over again. 

Once Kyuhyun had input the address in the GPS, he moved back to his passenger seat. Sungmin, who by then finished talking on his phone, thanked him, took a deep breath and started the engine. 

"Some problems?" 


"Ermmmm, you took a deep breath after you got off your phone" 

"Oh that, err I wasn't paying attention to my dad's rambling and I have to asked him to repeat again and then only I understand. So I was glad that I got what he was saying" Sungmin replied. Of course he couldn't say that it was Kyuhyun's body that got him distracted! 

"ohh, if he needs you to go home to have dinner with them, I'm ok with it. We can go dinner another time" 

"No, no, I'm having lunch with them on Sunday. Dad was asking me to arrange meeting with a potential supplier on Monday. What this potential supplier do, was the one I wasn't paying attention". 

"I see. Heyyy I remember this area already. It should be the next junction"

"Oh great coz I'm hungry!" 

Luckily, they could find a parking lot and could even get a table at a quiet corner. They ordered salad to be shared, a hand-stretch thin hawaiian turkey pizza, and a pepperoni pan pizza. Sungmin asked for 2 glasses of warm water and told the waiter that they would order coffee later. The pizza were good, and Sungmin kept praising it. 

"Good choice, Kyu. I love the pizza here" 

"Yeah I love it too. Last time I told Wook that if I have someone special, I will bring that person here on our first date" Kyuhyun was smiling while taking another piece of pizza. 

"And, I can't be that special someone?" 

Kyuhyun paused. His pizza halted mid way to his mouth. He put down his pizza and looked at Sungmin. 

"Sungmin, if you know my background, I think you would pull back whatever you said" 

"What's wrong with your background? Just because you were in prison?" 

"You knew????" 

"Yes I knew about it, no, not from Ryeowook but through some guessing. There was one day we were driving back from a meeting with a software supplier at Kyeonggi-do, and Ryeowook asked me to drop him at one corner which I realised a walkable distance to the Detention Centre. When I asked him the next day, he said he was visiting his friend from high school. He was happy that his friend listen to his advice and took up the barista course eventhough it was vast difference from his friend's original passion, which was programming. When I got to know you and then you came up with the game, I put two and two together, and you are that friend that Ryeowook visited in the prison"

"And you didn't mind?" 

"Kyu, you amazed me everyday. I am so impressed with your determination to prove that you are worth it and you work hard for whatever you started to do. Don't look back at your time spent in prison. Look forward. Only recently when I asked Ryeowook about why you ended up in the prison, he told me the truth. That you were there for a crime you didn't commit and you lost your family because of that.  I want to clear your name, Kyu. I want your family to accept you back. You deserve it"

Kyuhyun was quiet. He didn't know what to say. "My family concluded that I am not worth to be their son. I'm an ex-convict anyway. Nobody will believe my innocence" 

"Kyu, don't say that. Believe in yourself" 

"Is that why you wanted to be my game sponsor? To help me?" 

"That is strictly a business deal. My helping you to clear your name is personal to me" 


"Because I like you and I want you to be happy"

"Okayyy, on one condition" 

"Tell me, Kyu, anything, just tell me" 

"Be my boyfriend... " 

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lindatan #1
Chapter 33: Happiness always !!!!! Thanks for the ending authornim
Chapter 33: Thank you for the wonderful story
LeeLenaMx #3
Chapter 32: I really liked this story! Is very well written and even it has a sad background for Kyu, I loved that there is not additional drama or misunderstandings that some times just make stories longer. Yes, there are issues and insecurities but at the end they go thru them like it could happen in a healthy relationship... with communication, love and trust in each other.

It also felt very natural how things worked for Kyu with the help of Wook and Yesung, and all the hard work he did to get his life on track... he really never imposed to any of them neither Sungmin, they just helped him because ... they trusted him and recognized his value.

Also all the development for the application issues are very well described and documented.
Thank for sharing this interesting and lovely story.
Chapter 32: It's sad that's over I really liked the story
lindatan #5
Chapter 31: Omo wat happen ? Hopefully can resolve soon
lindatan #6
Chapter 30: Hope tat both sides families wil accept their relationship
lindatan #7
Chapter 29: A reunion at last ~~~
someday1965 #8
Chapter 28: I am so happy for Kyuhyun to finally have his name cleared. And also happy that he has such caring friends and boyfriend. Whoa, cliffhanger.
lindatan #9
Chapter 28: Thank god he cleared his name finally !!! Hope kyu find his family soon
Chapter 27: oh kyu kyu they are not ashamed of you, they are helping you clear something which you have never done