Press conference


Strangely, within one day when @Shantokki32 uploaded that write-up article about Kyuhyun, the hashtag  #superbrilliantexconvict was trending in social media rapidly. Most of those who RT the article, praised 'gamegyu' for managing to get back into society and proved that his talent were not put to waste.

Even the detention Centre where he was previously detain, called him up to seek permission to publish his successful story as a guide to the fellow inmates that they are not useless in society.

Sungmin took this opportunity to explain to his father regarding Kyuhyun's past, and together with senior Mr Lee, they engaged a top lawyer to re-open the case to clear Kyuhyun's name. Together with Kyuhyun, who was so touched that the Lee's care about him more than his own family, they went back to the shop premise and the shops around that premise, to request for camera footage to prove that Kyuhyun came in later after getting a phone call from his friend, the real culprit. And that he didn't take anything from the shop.

Ryeowook helped to piece together the sequence of events from the time Kyuhyun was wrongly convicted, to the skills that he took up during his inmate days, to the time when he was released and started working at Mouse Rabbit, and rest of the story was on how brilliant Kyuhyun was on programming the game, Luxor, and the latest Luxor Galaxy . 

With this write-up, Sungmin got Shindong to arrange for a press conference the following Friday, to clarify to the press about Kyuhyun or 'gamegyu' so that everybody could see how Kyuhyun became a victim and through sheer hardship, strong willpower and determination, he managed to get up from his fall, and became a successful person.

During the press conference, a lot of queries raised from the press, from game magazines, from program distributors, from game enthusiast, etc, and when Sungmin introduced Kyuhyun (who was sitting indoor watching the conference from a room), the whole audience got up and gave him a loud round of applause which surprised Kyuhyun, and even senior Mr Lee. Sungmin and Ryeowook were beeming with pride and were genuinely happy for Kyuhyun.

"Ohmygod, you mean they didn't "boo" me? I thought I will get that" Kyuhyun whispered to Ryeowook, after sitting next to him. Sungmin and senior Mr Lee were on his left. Before he was seated, he had earlier bowed to Senior Mr Lee and to Sungmin too, who smile happily for him. 

"Of course not, you dimwit. They are all happy for you!" Ryeowook whispered back.

Sungmin started requesting those who has queries to come forward  to the mike to ask questions.  As there were too many of them with queries, Sungmin has to limit each of them with a 5-minute grace period only. 

Amongst many questions on the game, on his barista work, his famous latte, there was one question that made him hesitated, which was "Gamegyu, do you have somebody special in your life right now?". 

Sungmin cleared his throat but remain quiet. He leaned back on his seat while waiting for Kyuhyun's answer. 

"Hmm, well, it's quite a personal question, but I will still answer it" Kyuhyun said slowly, with lots of nodding and clappings. "Yes, I have someone very special in my heart right now" which resulted in some loud noises from the audience, and Kyuhyun continued "but I will not disclose more, sorry, and just to add, I also have 2 other very special people who believe in me and have helped me to stand up again. I will not disclose their names as well. So, I want to thank them, as well as Senior Mr Lee and Mr Lee Sungmin who put their trust in me and help me to succeed all the way" and there were a loud appreciative applause from the floor. 

"Hmm, do I win a prize if I can guess who are the 2 special people that you mentioned?" Ryeowook whispered, smiling. 


"Tsk, so stingy!!" Ryeowook whispered with an annoyed expression, earning a chuckled from Kyuhyun. 

The whole press conference session ended with positive note, the reporters were happy with the info that they got, and all reporters were given a link to the preview of Luxor Galaxy, and were invited to the grand launch of the game. They applauded loudly when Kyuhyun stood up and bowed and a few of the front row reporters even shouted "Fighting" to Kyuhyun as a form of encouragement. 

It was a blessing in disguise for Kyuhyun. He was glad that he don't have to hide his past and he was happy that the society accepted him for what he is. Maybe there are many people who will dislike him due to his ex-convict status, so he hope that slowly, he could gain their trust and prove that ex-convict can be successful too. 

To Sungmin, his next task is to clear Kyuhyun's name as soon as possible. It's not that he was ashamed that his boyfriend was an ex-convict, but he believed that if Kyuhyun was innocent, why should he continued to bear the burden of being an ex-convict? 

Also, Sungmin was determine to find Kyuhyun's family too. He wanted Kyuhyun to be happy in every aspect. Maybe when Kyuhyun's name is clear and that his family knew that he was talented, they will find him. Sungmin has started to be hopeful on this. 

He was glad that the press conference happened on Friday because he could have Kyuhyun for himself. He always looked forward to Fridays because he could be with Kyuhyun whole night and whole Saturday! 

"Errm Sungmin, your mother ask you to come back home and sleep over tonight because tomorrow is her birthday. So, you come home with me" senior Mr Lee told Sungmin. 

"What? I can drop by tomorrow, father" 

"No, it's your mother's instruction. Come, let's go home". 

Sungmin hesitated and looked back to where Kyuhyun was standing, talking and laughing away with Ryeowook. If he were to spend his time with his parents, that means he couldn't spend his time with Kyuhyun. "Aisshhh, I forgot mother's birthday! Now I can't spend my time with Kyu!" Sungmin sighed. 

"Father, give me a minute, I just let Kyuhyun and Ryeowook know that we are leaving" Sungmin told his father. 

"Ok make it quick". 

Sungmin walked over to the 2 guys. "Wook, can I borrow Kyu for 1 minute?" and when Wook nodded and gestured him to go ahead, he pulled Kyuhyun to one side "Kyu, I need to stay over at my parents' home as tomorrow is my mother's birthday" Sungmin said, with regrets. 

"Oh ok, send my regards to her and wish her a happy birthday!" Kyuhyun said smiling.

"Ok. Sorry we couldn't spend time together this weekend". 

"Don't worry about it. Spend time with your mother. She must be happy to have you for company on her birthday" Kyuhyun smile, feeling happy for Mrs Lee. 


"Don't worry about us. We can be together next Friday" 

"Okayyy. Take care" Sungmin said, looking up to Kyuhyun with a sad face. How he wished that they could kiss. 

"You take care too, and don't forget to wish your mum for me!!" Kyuhyun said, squeezing Sungmin's arm, and smile at him, before moving back towards Ryeowook. 

Sungmin took a deep breath and turned around. Sometimes he felt that he was the one who missed Kyuhyun but Kyuhyun didn't miss him. Why did he always feel that he would lose Kyuhyun any time? He don't understand himself sometimes. He looked down sadly and started walking behind his father. 


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lindatan #1
Chapter 33: Happiness always !!!!! Thanks for the ending authornim
Chapter 33: Thank you for the wonderful story
LeeLenaMx #3
Chapter 32: I really liked this story! Is very well written and even it has a sad background for Kyu, I loved that there is not additional drama or misunderstandings that some times just make stories longer. Yes, there are issues and insecurities but at the end they go thru them like it could happen in a healthy relationship... with communication, love and trust in each other.

It also felt very natural how things worked for Kyu with the help of Wook and Yesung, and all the hard work he did to get his life on track... he really never imposed to any of them neither Sungmin, they just helped him because ... they trusted him and recognized his value.

Also all the development for the application issues are very well described and documented.
Thank for sharing this interesting and lovely story.
Chapter 32: It's sad that's over I really liked the story
lindatan #5
Chapter 31: Omo wat happen ? Hopefully can resolve soon
lindatan #6
Chapter 30: Hope tat both sides families wil accept their relationship
lindatan #7
Chapter 29: A reunion at last ~~~
someday1965 #8
Chapter 28: I am so happy for Kyuhyun to finally have his name cleared. And also happy that he has such caring friends and boyfriend. Whoa, cliffhanger.
lindatan #9
Chapter 28: Thank god he cleared his name finally !!! Hope kyu find his family soon
Chapter 27: oh kyu kyu they are not ashamed of you, they are helping you clear something which you have never done