chapter two

chubby bunny
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"ah, it's so nice to be back in korea!" sehun exclaims, dropping his suitcase handle to place his hands on his fur coat covered hips. sereyah nods in agreement, scanning the area, getting stares from random pedestrians. 

when you live here for over 20 years, you get used to the stares, but i'll never get over when people try to touch my hair or the little kids try to my skin. but, i can't ever seem to leave this place for a long period of time.

"i am just so ready to go to bed!" jongin shouts excitedly, running up behind them, his hands wrapped around his and yixing's carry on bags. sehun and sereyah give each other looks and he snorts.

"you sleep the entire flight and you're still tired?" sehun asks as if he didn't know that to jongin, sleep is everything. he would probably divorce yixing if that meant sleeping all the time.

"he's just a baby! leave him alone!" yixing appears defending his husband, rolling both his and jongin's suitcase behind him. jongin gives them a smug look and gives yixing a peck on the lips.

"thank you, daddy." he purposely enunciates the nickname, batting his eyelashes. are sehun and him both spoiled brats? 

"speaking of daddies," sehun suddenly speaks up, holding his phone with a goofy smile. "my jundaddy is here to pick me up!" 

"alright, have fun, but not too much!" 

"do anything that i would do!"

there are two types of people in this world..

"bye peasants!" sehun dramatically exits, swinging his hips as walks through the automatic doors. when he leaves, sereyah turns to yixing and jongin.

"food anyone?" 


"it's so good to be home!" sereyah groans, slipping her heels and coat off. she drags her suitcase behind her until she's in her living room. "man, i'm hungry."

yixing and jongin ended up rejecting her food offer, claiming they needed 'alone time' and she didn't feel like being a this early. plus, they were gracious enough to give her a ride to her house because her car is currently in the shop. damn sehun and his joyrides as if he doesn't have a man that would buy him a car in an instant! 

she walks into her kitchen just as her stomach growls. she looks in her fridge, seeing nothing but two water bottles and half a gallon of milk. groaning, she checks her cabinets to see if there was anything. nothing. 

sereyah groans to herself, picking up her house phone and seeing the time. 10:36 am. 

"why does the world hate me?" she moans to herself, realizing that she might actually have to go grocery shopping because she's in  the mood to make her food. her stomach growls again, reminding her that she is infact still hungry and unfed. i guess i'm going grocery shopping.

she trudges out of the kitchen, grab her purse from the living room and slides on her coat and p

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Ayanomehhh #1
Chapter 2: I just want to spoil Minseok!
Ayanomehhh #2
Chapter 2: Aww he's so cute! <3