
F Minus

Yong Hwa straightened his tie as he stood in front of the podium. He looked at the attendant sheet and started calling out their names. As always the girls were paying the most attention and would try to record him of how he would say their names. He got to the name Park Shin Hye.

“Park Shin Hye?” No response. He looked up and his eyes scanned the room. It has been almost two weeks that she has been absent. At first Yong Hwa didn’t care but something inside of him was telling him to care. He did feel though that something was missing as he was teaching the past week. He didn’t see her tired and stern face.

“No wonder it has been much calmer..” “I didn’t even notice she wasn't here” “Maybe she transferred because of Hyorin” “Maybe she’s sick, remember that hit Hyorin gave her with the trays” “Wasn’t her family rich, i remember seeing her on a cover page of a business magazine. I’m not sure but isn’t her family in debt?”

YongHwa overheard these comments from the students. It sparked more of his curiousity. Now he wanted to find out what was happening with her.


On his break, he was on the computer in the teacher’s room. He entered the Shin Hye’s ID number and found all her information which is her date of birth, address, and her past school grades. He skimmed through the page and stopped at her date of birth.

What..she’s 19? Did she repeat a grade or repeating this grade? It only gives information until her junior year but that was in 2014-2015..?...Interesting.

He looked through her past grades and was completely surprised. All are excellent marks and she was the top in her class. He took out a post it note to write down her address.

Irene dropped by to talk to another teacher but she had noticed that Yong Hwa looked completely immersed on the computer screen. She came a bit closer without him noticing. She looked at the computer screen. Park Shin that the weird girl?

Irene saw that he was writing down something. She looked over his shoulder, “address? For what, Mr.Jung?”

Yong Hwa jumped a little inside. “Ah, she’s been absent from my class. So I’m going to send a letter of concern to her parents.” He lied and looked away. He didn’t want to blush in front of Irene. He didn’t want to give her the idea that he still might have feelings for her.

“Oh, okay. Carry on.” She walked away. Irene had mixed feelings about this but she was glad that he was becoming the teacher that he wanted to be. A teacher that actually cared for his students. The other teachers that were around started to secretly bash Irene because she acts like she's the principal of the school when she is actually just the head of disciplinary.


After school, Yong Hwa went directly to his car trying to ignore all the young girls waiting around the parking lot to just see him. He entered Shin Hye’s address into the gps and started to drive.


As he was driving, he accidentally took a left a turn when he wasn’t supposed to. The gps started to reroute. He drove through the small and curvy street, he saw someone struggling with a mop, broom, and cleaning supplies. He always liked helping people therefore he parked his car and got out of it. “Miss, miss!” He exclaimed as he semi jogged to her. The woman turned around. They stood before each other.

“Park Shin Hye..” Yong Hwa was very relieved to see Shin Hye alive.

“Mr. Jung..hi.” she semi-bowed her head.

He let out a big smile. Shin Hye seeing his smile felt confused. Why is he smiling..this is weird.. But also in awe because it has been the first time in her life that somebody, other than her mom, gives her a genuine smile. Well Junmyeon has but she hasn’t noticed.

“I can’t believe..” He muttered in disbelief.

Suddenly, Yong Hwa gently embraced Shin Hye. Her eyes widened,is this really happening? Is my math teacher actually giving me a hug?! She dropped her cleaning supplies in shock. For some reason, she didn’t struggle to get out of the hug. She liked the way it felt. Warm, gentle, kind and sincere. He smelled nice as well. A soft but manly scent he had. After five seconds, Shin Hye snapped out of it.

“Excuse me, what are you doing?” She asked still in his embrace.

Hearing Shin Hye, he let go of her and stood awkwardly before her. He rubbed the nape of his neck with his right hand embarrassed. “Shin Hye..You haven’t come to school for almost two weeks.”

“I know that.” Was her curt response. “Why’d you hug me?” She looked directly into his eyes.

“I was worried.” His tone of voice was delicate and strong simultaneously. Her heart started to palpitate..just a little bit. Her cheeks began to burn little by little.

“I need to go..” Shin Hye began to nervously pick up the cleaning supplies that she had dropped.Yong Hwa began to help her and picked up mop and broom. He walked towards his car.

“Get in.” He said as he opened the trunk and laid the mop and broom in there. Shin Hye had no other choice but to comply.


Seat belts buckled in, Yong Hwa asked, “ cleaning houses your job?”


“Is that why you have been missing school? You’ve been working?” Both of them were seated in the parked car.

“It’s none of your business.” Shin Hye looked outside from the passenger’s window. Yong Hwa smirked.

“You’re right. Its none of my business. “ He the car. So maybe her family is in debt?..

“Where are you headed next?”

“I’m done for the day. So my house please. Thank you.” Shin Hye avoided his eye contact.


The car ride was silent but it was only 15 minutes . So it wasn’t that bad. They arrived and parked the car in front of the small decent worn out building she lives in.

“I’ll help you bring in the stuff.”Yong Hwa got out of the car before she could refuse. She got out of the car to get the other part of the cleaning supplies.

Meanwhile, Junmyeon was in an arranged date with Solar. They just happen to be passing by in the car because that was where the gps was guiding them to their destination.

“I like this music. It’s so calm and refreshing.” Solar was trying to not be awkward so she would blab on about random things.

“” Junmyeon noticed that Shin Hye is outside..with someone. Who is that..

At that moment, Yong Hwa turned around and Junmyeon recognized his face. Her math teacher?!

“ everything alright?” Solar looked into the direction he was looking in. She sees the pretty young girl with a handsome tall man carrying some items. She tightly grabbed his hand that was resting on his lap.

He surprisingly looked at Solar.

“Junmyeon..don’t get distracted. We might die in a car accident. You’re with me today. Let’s have fun tonight.” She smiled at him.

“Oh’re right.”


“Mr. Jung! Enter! Enter!” Shin Hye’s mom sounded all excited.

“No, he can not.” Shin Hye tried blocking the door way.

“Ms. Park your daughter has been missing school for the last two weeks. Did you know?” Yong Hwa smirked.

“What?!” Ms. Park’s mood suddenly changed.

Shin Hye glared at him but gave up. Yong Hwa was let inside of the really small apartment.

“Please sit.” Ms. Park directed him to sit on the floor next to the tiny table. “Shin Hye bring out the yellow radishes and the rice.”

Shin Hye placed them out the table with the chopsticks.

“Thank you so much for coming and taking care of my daughter. Try my radishes!” Ms. Park insisted.

“Oh okay.” He tried three of them. They taste familiar… “They’re really good!” Yong Hwa looked at Shin Hye who was across from him and smiled. Shin Hye immediately stood up because she felt her cheeks turn rosy and burn. Flashbacks of the hug replayed in her head.

“ Look Mr. Jung.. I know she hasn’t been to school. It's all my fault. We have a tough situation.”

“I understand. You know as a teacher, we should tell the parents just in case.” Confirmed. They are in debt.

“Thank you so much for understanding. Have more of these side dishes!” The mother exclaimed. Shin Hye brought tea for all of them to drink.

“Shin Hye?” Yong Hwa made eye contact with her.

“Yes..Mr. Jung?”

“You know you missed lots of lessons and one test. Another test is coming up I advise you to start studying.” He drank his tea. Shin Hye sighed. “You haven’t picked up your homework or class lessons.” Yong Hwa took out the big packet of papers filled with math questions from his messenger bag. Shin Hye stared at the heavy load of math work. Yong Hwa handed the packet to her.


A/N: Ok thank you for waiting! Sorry for the long wait!! I hope you like this chapter!! :D
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Wendy-1977 #1
Interesting story update soon
Nelago #2
Chapter 12: me gusta mucho por favor sigue actualizando
danie1822 #3
Chapter 12: Me gusta mucho que triste es la historia de shin hye me hizo llorar que mala que es la abuela espero que el profesor yong la ayude. Gracias por actualizar estare esperando el proximo capitulo.
ssinz39 #4
Chapter 12: Thanks for updat. Will wait for next chapter
Chapter 12: Oh! Btw i'm glad u still keep on writing this fic. Arigatou ^_^
yongyonglove #6
Chapter 12: Like it.
Chapter 12: Yay! Thank you for still updating. It so sad when shinhye went to the swing thingking her father would still be there *cries*
Hawaali #8
Chapter 12: Why do I feel this way knowing shinhye status well it's just stories I'll enjoy it. Fighting authornim
Chapter 11: Yay! Excited for the update. Thank u
Chapter 1: Whoaa! Dorm leader thing so cute!