
F Minus

Shin Hye was out of breath, “I made it.” She panted as she stood by the bus stop. She glanced at her phone, “Good, it will be coming in three minutes. Just in time.” Her hands were trembling, she was unsure if she was doing the right thing. She hasn’t seen her grandma in many years, ever since her father died. It's probably..a bad move. She thought to herself. Ever since she was young, she had always felt the negative vibe from her grandma, that her grandma never liked her. A simple greeting was all she got from her grandma. The look of disdain and disappointment would appear on her grandma’s face when ever they crossed paths. She didn’t understand why. Shin Hye had always felt most of the problems that arose in the family was her fault. She was certain it was her fault. She took her hand out to signal the upcoming bus and then entered the bus.


“So what’s up?” Yong Hwa had parked his car in Baekhyun’s driveway and came towards Baekhyun who had just opened the door of his house, sensing Yong Hwa had arrived.

“Hey! The boxes are inside, I’m just going to open the trunk. My mom is inside.”

“Alright, I’ll go say hi to her.” Yong Hwa entered the house. “Hello!” he exclaimed while semi bowing wondering where Baekhyun’s mom had went. He walked around the living room reminiscing the days him and Baekhyun would play video games and play instruments together. “Seems like they rearranged the living room again.” He muttered. He noticed there were photos scattered throughout the sofa. “Oh when Mrs. Byun was younger.” He chuckled. “Pretty.” He picked up another photo, why does she look so familiar? A lady was standing next to Baekhyun’s mom in the photo. It was in front of a mansion with a grandma, really young daughter that held her father’s hand. Yong Hwa assumed its the family of the lady beside Mrs. Byun. She looks really familiar but I can’t think of somebody.

“Yong Hwa! Looking at the photos, huh?” Mrs. Byun walked into the living room.

“Hello, nice to see you! And yeah, I am. Sorry.” He bowed his head.

“No, don’t be! I found these photos while cleaning my closet out today. Which photo were you looking at?” She patted Yong Hwa’s shoulder.

“This look great!” He showed her the photo.

“Ahh, wow. This family. We are going to that place today to drop off what Mrs. Park had ordered. She’s a great client, but I feel pity towards the daughter in law.” She pointed at the lady that was beside her in the photo.

“Oh. Why?”

“Being really rich must be tough. The husband’s family did not like her at all. Park Soo-bin, she was a good friend of mine. But after her husband died she disappeared. I have no way of contacting her anymore. I hope she is doing fine. My client won’t speak of her. Ah. Soo bin’s daughter must be so beautiful and grown now.” Mrs. Byun heavily sighed.

“Wow, that's really sad. Do you think we can change the mother in law’s mind?” Yong Hwa was concerned seeing the worried expression on Mrs. Byun face.

“Let’s see if we can.. She really likes Baekhyun so maybe with Baekhyun’s cuteness...maybe.” Mrs. Byun sighed.

“Where are the other boxes of clothes?” Yong Hwa asked, reminding himself that he came over to help.

“Ah, that's right! Those over there.” She pointed at the boxes that were by the dining table.


Shin Hye arrived in front of the mansion..well her old house. It still looks the same, she sighed. The front yard has always been well kept, the same fountain is still there..the water is flowing smoothly. The trees are well kept, still going on strong. It's still there. The swing that her father had placed on one of the trees, she can still smell the scent when her father would pass by her as she sat on the swing.

“Father..” she would faintly whisper. Her father knew very well how soft spoken Shin Hye was.

“Shin Hye? You want to be pushed?” He asked with an endearing smile which comforted young Shin Hye. Those smiles comforted her because there were only frowns and serious faces around her. A feeling of not belonging anywhere is how she felt up until this day. That was the only moment where she felt she belonged somewhere. She would nod her head excitedly.

“Ah, why are you calm Shin Hye? Scream, say YES!” He would walk towards her. A shy smile would appear on her face.

“It's going to be okay.” He would mutter. Shin Hye could only nod her head. Before he would begin to push her on the swing, he told her “Whenever you’re sad, go on a swing. Let your worries be free as you look up to the sky. Focus on your prize, which is freedom. Freedom from those sad thoughts, freedom from those bad people. Let the wind dry away your tears as you swing. Let the positive energy overtake you. Breathe in and out.” She memorized those words and engraved them into her heart.

“Will I ever reach freedom?” She softly asked.

“If you keep on swinging, Shin Hye. If you find someone to swing with, even better.”

“Then why don’t you put another swing here?” She looked at her father with innocent eyes.

Her father chuckled. “I guess I should.” With that, he began to push Shin Hye on the swing.

But he never did place another swing. Shin Hye waited and waited but her father would always come late from work and the doctors. Nobody would explain to her what was going on.

Young Shin Hye opened the door just a bit but enough to see what was going on. She held in her gasp as her grandma dropped the glass cup with lots of anger.

“It’s all your fault my son is like this! You and Shin Hye!!” Her grandma would shout.

Why is it my fault..what did I do? Her thoughts came attacking her, bombarding with horrifying thoughts. Should I just..die? Her hands would begin to shake and sweat.

“He accepted me this way. We both love each other! He loves Shin Hye! I am doing my best to be a capable wife. I am taking care of him very well! I am sorry-”

“GET OUT. I don’t want your lame excuses and lies.”

“But please..” Her mother’s eyes were filled with tears.

The swing. I must go to the swing. Maybe dad will be there.

“He’s not here…” She sat on the swing as her tears poured on her cheek. “Freedom? Does that really exist?” she muttered.


Shin Hye’s hands were shaking as she rang the doorbell, hoping that they do not kick her out. Facing her grandma is probably one of the toughest things that she has ever done...why am I doing this? I did not think this through. She doesn’t want to see my face because I guess is my ..fault. Should I run I have to do this. I have to.


“Who is at the door? I am expecting some dresses today...I guess time passes by quickly.” Park Ji In announced as she was reading in the living room. “Young Chul!”

“Yes madam?” Her butler scurried towards beside her.

“Go get the door. Please welcome them in.” Park Ji In, Shin Hye’s grandma commanded thinking it was the delivery of her dresses.

“Yes.” He politely bowed his head and quickly obeyed her commands. He opened the door, “Welco-” His eyes widened, he couldn’t believe it. His gasp could be heard from ten miles away. “Park Shin-” He couldn’t even finish his sentences from how shocked he was. He covered his mouth.

“Kim Young Chul. Nice to see you again.” Shin Hye gently smiled, she was glad to see him again. He would do his best to cheer up Shin Hye without her grandma knowing. Kim Young Chul would secretly give Shin Hye food from the parties that her grandma would throw as he was allowed to bring some food for himself.

“It’s been more than five you grew up so well.” Tears began to form in his eyes. You look so tired and beat up Shin Hye..are you eating well? That's what Young Chul wanted to say. Those eyebags..I have some creams I can give to her.

“Still dramatic, Young Chul?” Shin Hye was happy to see that he hasn’t changed. He was still the overly dramatic and kind butler..but mostly her first friend. The grandma had put a restraining order against Shin Hye and her mother. Her employees could not meet up with them at all or their job was on the line. The last day of their departure from the mansion was tough, filled with hidden cries. Her father chose to leave the mansion when she turned fourteen but she never knew the reason why. She didn’t bother asking because everything in her life was a secret. However, she assumed that her father didn’t want any more arguments with her grandma.

“Young Chul..I’m going to be okay. Please don’t contact me no matter what. You need this job, you need the money to pay for your mom’s hospital fees.” Shin Hye said without emotion so Young Chul’s tears would stop. “You will be in my thoughts.”

“Before you go, take this.” He handed her a bag of popcorn. “You’ll probably be hungry along the way.”

“Thank you.” She grabbed the bag of popcorn that was her favorite flavor, cinnamon. “I’ll be back..I have a feeling I will. Farewell.” She bowed and turned around quickly so he wouldn’t see her cry for the last time.


“Still emotionless, Shin Hye?” He laughed at his own comment.

“Young Chul?! What happened to the guests? Stop telling them your cheesy jokes, aish.” Park Ji In shouted from the living room.

He cleared his throat. “That's right. Please enter. You are always welcome here.” He bowed as Shin Hye shyly entered.

Lies.I’ll never be. She took off her shoes as fast she could. Her heart and thoughts were racing.

“Would you like to speak to your grandma?” Young Chul sweetly asked. Shin Hye nodded her head. “This way, madam.”


“Here is an unexpected guest.” Young Chul announced. Park Ji In immediately lifted her head from the book she was reading. Annoyance began to emerge inside of her, how can she look so different from her son but have the same qualities of her son. The way Shin Hye stood with confidence but with humility. It annoyed her so much. Seeing her with horrible eye bags, lips chapped, a sad expression on her face and ashy knees, a sense of pity arose but it wasn’t enough to be compassionate.

“Who is this beggar that you allowed into the house, Young Chul?” She her face away.

“It is your lovely granddaughter, Shin Hye.” Young Chul was scared but he would do anything for Shin Hye if it's in his hands.

“Granddaughter? I don’t have any.” Her voice was stern.

“Even if you don’t see me as your granddaughter, may we speak as humans then? With no blood relation.” Don’t be scared. Shin Hye faked her confidence. I’m dying inside.

“There’s nothing to speak of. You can leave.” She gestured with her hand, “to leave”.

“Please, I need your help. I truly do. For the sake of my father. For the sake of your son. I am the only here to save his name. The name that you gave him. I rather be in debt with you than that has no mercy.” Shin Hye fully bowed even though she was aware that her grandma was not facing her way. Her grandma bursted out in laughter as she turned around seeing Shin Hye on the floor begging.

“For the sake of your father?! Are you that stupid?” She laughed and laughed. “Unbelievable.” Park Ji In muttered. “He’s not your father. You didn’t know? Haven’t you thought why you look more like your mother and how you don’t look like him?”

“” Shin Hye looked up from the floor.

“You think I would lend you money for the problems you and your mother caused? You’ve got to be kidding me.” Her voice became sterny and scary again.

“What are you talking about?” Shin Hye stood up once again seeing it was no use to still be on the floor. Not my father? How? Why?

“Your mother came from a poor neighborhood and my dumb son so called fell in love with her. I don’t believe in that type of love, those poor people only want money. Either way, she was pregnant with you from another man before she met my son. My son accepted her that way. They both lied to me saying you were his daughter, which is unacceptable. Everything about this situation is unacceptable. Everybody found out the truth. When you’re a CEO of a company, having scandals is not good for the image and reputation. It's your fault that your father died. If you didn’t exist I would still have my precious son.” Park Ji In looked at her with disdain and pain.

Shin Hye froze in place without any expression on her face. My fault? Its. not..

“Young Chul, show her the way out. I don’t want to look at her face anymore. How tiring.”

I need that money. “I’m sorry. I will take all the fault. How irresponsible of me being born. I should have died instead of my father. I mean, your son. Please accept my apology. Help me clear his name..” Shin Hye slightly bowed. Kill them with kindness right?

“Disgusting! With a simple apology, you can’t bring back my precious son.” Her grandma marched towards her. Bam. A slap across Shin Hye’s cheek. “Get out before I call the police.”

Young Chul was holding back his tears. He did not expect the madam to do that, seeing Shin Hye hurt once again made his heart ache. Not a single emotion from Shin Hye was shown.

“I agree. Goodbye.” Shin Hye left the living room with Young Chul walking behind her until she stopped at the front door.

“Did everyone know except for me?” she softly asked.


“Very well then.” Shin Hye quickly put on her shoes.


“No, YoungChul do what you need to do. Don’t worry about me.” Shin Hye quickly ran outside the mansion. The night was dark but little lights that are on the ground lit up. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Those thoughts ran through her mind. How did I not know ??

Boom. She ran into a semi- hard surface.

“What..was that?” Yong Hwa moved the box so he can see what he had hit. “Oh! I am so sorry. Wait..” Shin Hye? What is she doing here? Why is she everywhere?

Shin Hye couldn’t see clearly because everything had become blurry due to the fact tears overflowed in her eyes. “Its..okay.” Run, I must run. Run to freedom? She ran past Yong Hwa before he could say anything else.


A/n: HI!! spring break, had time to update! thank you for your patience! ill try to be more frequent, update once a month. Ill try. :D sending you all love! I decided to incorporate some flashbacks of Shin Hye's child hood so you can have more of an idea of her character. Would love to hear your thoughts!

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Wendy-1977 #1
Interesting story update soon
Nelago #2
Chapter 12: me gusta mucho por favor sigue actualizando
danie1822 #3
Chapter 12: Me gusta mucho que triste es la historia de shin hye me hizo llorar que mala que es la abuela espero que el profesor yong la ayude. Gracias por actualizar estare esperando el proximo capitulo.
ssinz39 #4
Chapter 12: Thanks for updat. Will wait for next chapter
Chapter 12: Oh! Btw i'm glad u still keep on writing this fic. Arigatou ^_^
yongyonglove #6
Chapter 12: Like it.
Chapter 12: Yay! Thank you for still updating. It so sad when shinhye went to the swing thingking her father would still be there *cries*
Hawaali #8
Chapter 12: Why do I feel this way knowing shinhye status well it's just stories I'll enjoy it. Fighting authornim
Chapter 11: Yay! Excited for the update. Thank u
Chapter 1: Whoaa! Dorm leader thing so cute!