
The Wife System
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I stood there holding my aching wrist. In a fight or flight situation, I suddenly realized I was the deer caught in headlights. My body shook and I couldn't move. Silent tears cascaded down my face. Again, it was one of the maids who found me and ushered me to my room. Before leaving, she bandaged my wrist with a sad look on her face.

Was I dreaming? My marriage teacher 'oohed' and 'aahed' over life with a husband. She said they'd be sweet, caring, and unable to stop touching you. Our lives would be filled with precious giggles and sweet nothings. I understood it was only my second night but shouldn't there be something more? Why wasn't he like how they said he'd be? Was it too late to ask for a different husband?


I couldn't believe I was even thinking this way. They chose me to be with him. It was my job to be what he wanted me to be. If a shadow is what he wanted I would be that. We were trained for all sort of situations, even a heavy handed man. They said the probability was low but if we did something wrong to expect it. So that answer was simple, I had done something wrong.

With a new resolve to be better, I took in a deep breath. This is what I wanted, what I worked hard for. It didn't matter how he treated me. I was his wife and I would be anything he wanted me to be.

My hand brushed against my once long hair.



Jinyoung's POV

She stood there in shock, only letting a few tears fall. I leaned against the balcony. "See to her." The maid bowed to me and went down to fetch the robot. Once they were no longer in sight I turned to enter my room.

Guilt tore at my gut. I was a tough guy but I wasn't cruel. Never in my life would I have imagined myself man handling a woman. I was just so mad. A part of me knew it wasn't her fault, she was just as much a victim as anyone else. Even more so. She was the one torn away from her family and forced to live in that horrid school, all to learn what it meant to be a good wife.

To this day, I remembered when they came for my little sister. It solidified my anger and distrust of the system. No family should have to go through that. The world shouldn't be this way.

I slammed my hand against the door frame. The whole situation infuriated me. I looked down at my hand that had grabbed her. It wouldn't happen again. There was no reason for me to treat her cruelly, but that didn't mean I had to like her. I only had to tolerate her existence until Shin Woo could find a way to send her back. It'd be better for her to be with a man that wanted a wife. Someone who would care for her and give her what she wanted.

That man wasn't me.



The next day she waited for me by the breakfast table. Even after what happened last night she placed food on my plate, although I noticed it wasn't anything I had picked around before. She had paid attention. My eyes went to her wrist that was hidden by a longs leave. Did it bruise? She seemed able to use her right hand well enough. I gave a mental shrug, finished my breakfast, and left for work.


Jiyoon's POV

My wrist ached and it took everything to not show any pain. The chopsticks wobbled a little on the way to my mouth. I took in a deep breath that hopefully went unnoticed. The maid who had been my chauffeur these past few nights, Moon Haewon, placed a hand on my shoulder. She saw everything.

Jinyoung got up to leave and I stood, keeping my head bowed. Without a word he left the house. Bang Hira and Moon Haewon started clearing the table. I couldn't even summon the energy to help them. It was clear now that I would need to find something to fill my lonely days. There were many activities that I could partake in as long as they would benefit my husband in some way. It would be a bit more of a challenge to find something the maids and butlers weren't already taking care of. But I could do it.

"Aja. Aja. Fwighting."



Jinyoung's POV

Sandeul was at it again. "How about now? Night number two! Anything exciting happen?"

"No. Don't ask again." He wasn't perturbed by my s

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It's Violet! Just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be updating today. I'm headed to work and then the hurricane is going to hit sometime Monday morning. It'll be next Saturday before you see another update from me. See you then! ~ Violet


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194 streak #1
Chapter 27: Would love to read "Tied by Ribbons" but needs an invite from you please and thank you!!
194 streak #2
Chapter 27: 👍 Finally finished rereading! Enjoyed it more the second time!
194 streak #3
194 streak #4
Chapter 24: 👍🔥
194 streak #5
Chapter 22: 🥰
Chapter 27: andddd i’ve finished it once again 🥹
lemme come back here some other time again 🫡
Chapter 26: this never fails to get me 🥹🤌🏻
Chapter 25: i’m gonna break down ahsgajshs 🥹
Chapter 24: that’s it. go beehh!
Chapter 23: soomyun ‘ya piece of crap. istg this lady never fails to piss me off 🤺