Chapter 26

Good Bye Baby


Dongho kept staring at Suzy from a far in the cafeteria

"When are you going to confess to her??" his friend Eli told him

Dongho sighed dreamingly "I want to, but I'm afraid of getting rejected"

"You won't know if you never tried" he advised him

Dongho kept thinking about it *he's right, I like her since the first day I met her*

*flash back*

Dongho walked late into the school on his first day, the hallways were empty, and he turned around the corner, and heard some books falling

He jumped at the loud sound, he turned around to see a girl sighing as bent down and started picking up the books *I hate you Mr. Jung* she thought angry that he always order her around

Dongho couldn’t see her face clearly because of her beautiful  long hair that was in the way

He started helping her with the books, she raised her head and met eyes with me

Dongho eyes widened at her beauty, his heart skipped a beat

She got up, and with the free hand she pulled her hair behind her ears, a smile spread on her face "thank you"


He nodded slowly "ah… ne" he handed her the books

She left, Dong ho kept gazing at her as she left *this is my first time experiencing love at first sight* he thought feeling his quick heart beats

*end of flashback*

Dong ho got up determined, he lightly touched Suzy's shoulder, she stopped talking with her friends and turned to him, she looked surprised "yes?"

Dong ho forgot the reason why he even approached her, he snapped out of his thoughts "I have something to tell you after school"

"O...Ok sure" she was a bit confused ??*

He smiled slightly, and went back to his table

Sulli one of Suzy's friends choked on her food and Jiyoung spit out her drink

"OMG!! This is the first time I see Shin Dong Ho smiling" Hyeri said shocked "he totally likes you, and he is going to confess, it's so obvious"

"What?!! No" Suzy said  "were just classmates, he'll probably just ask me something about the home works" *I don’t want to raise my hopes up*

"You really are stupid" Hyeri said, she held Suzy's face and said very slowly and clearly "Shin Dong Ho likes you"


The bell ringed, Suzy went to her next class, and she couldn’t stop thinking about Dongho

"Bae Suzy!" the teacher yelled for the second time

"Huh??" Suzy jumped out of her thoughts

"Start reading" he told her

She flipped the pages, not knowing where to start

Mrs. Park put a hand on her waist impatiently

"Page 121" Dong ho whispered to her

She put on page 121, and started reading

After the class ended, Suzy went to Dong ho "thank you for earlier" she said

"No problem" he smiled to her, Suzy felt her cheeks turn red and quickly turned *ahh Otokae?!! Why am I feeling like this today?!! Am I falling for Dong ho?!! It cant be*


the school was dismissed

"Ahh what should I do Hyeri-ah?!! I can't face him!!" Suzy panicked

"Relax, go talk to him and see what he wants" she said, then she raised an eyebrow "but, why are you so panicked?!! Don’t you tell me you like Dong ho too?!!" a wide grin spread on her face

"Shhh someone will hears you" Suzy put a hand over looking around

Hyeri removed her hand "I'm so happy for you" she jumped up and down

"Yah Dong Ho is waiting for me, tell me what I am supposed to do?" Suzy said quickly

"Ohhh~~ don’t want to keep your new boyfriend waiting" Hyeri elbowed her

"Aish stop it please" Suzy pouted

"Alright, he'll confess, you're going to say yes, oh and give him the cookies you made" Hye Ri said

"Ok" Suzy took a deep breath, as Hye Ri pulled her towards the gates

She nodded towards Dong Ho who was leaning against the wall "go"

Suzy swallowed hard, and stepped towards him

Just then, "Dong Ho oppa" a girl Suzy recognized as Dasom called Dong Ho

She went up to him "oppa, I made you this" she held a small but beautiful decorated box "I hope you like chocolate" she looked into his eyes " oppa, I really like you"

Dong ho took the box, appreciating that she worked hard on it, he felt bad for her, Dongho turned and his eyes widened seeing Suzy, she quickly turned and left

"Look Dasom…..


Suzy sat on the swing "aish, I feel so stupid!!"

"And why is that?!!" a very familiar voice said from behind her

Suzy turned her head back to the front "what do you want?? Go back to Dasom" Suzy grumbled

Dongho chuckled "are you jealous?"

"What?!!" Suzy turned her head "No I'm not jealous, why wou…"

"I rejected her" he cut her off

"Muh??" Suzy was shocked

Dong Ho walked to her front"I rejected her confession, it's because of you, Suzy, I like you since the day that I first saw you" he said really meaning it

Suzy blushed madly, she looked at the ground "really?! That long?? But why did you only confess now??" she asked

"I didn’t have the courage to, I was afraid thinking that you'll reject me, but now I gathered my courage and finally did it" he said smiling at her

She smiled back "then I better not keep you waiting"

Dongho eyes widened  in surprise "you..." "

She cut him off "yes, I like you too Shin Dong Ho" she smiled to him sweetly

"I have been waiting for this" he said very happy, he leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips

He pulled back staring into her eyes, then they both burst into laughs

"Oh right" Suzy remembered, she searched through her bag pack, and pulled back a box "I made this for you"

He took it, and opened it "it looks delicious" he told her

She took one "Here taste it" she said feeding him, he took a bite

"How is it??" she asked hopefully he liked it, he raised a thump "daebak"

Suzy grinned happily "here have some more"

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4everhite #1
Your story is really great! I hope you continue making them! I love Min's story the most andshe is probably my bias in miss a. I hope you make another story for her :)
Take that Lee Gikwang~! I hope you die a lonely person~! Uh-huh... well the Gikwang in this story. Not in real life >_<
Omo, I might get in trouble if I start reading this now so I'll just save it for later~ the story seems interesting too
lisitha #4
really like this story.
And the end... adorable>°<
Aww great ending!!! :P
Vrisbogh #6
happy ending.. XD
this is the great ending XD <3
He's such a jerk. Bleh. ><
ahhh....happy ending...i love happy ending and each one of them have a baby/babies...junior miss A...cute...thank for the nice story admin!...i like it...thank you so much!..^O^
Vrisbogh #9
i love this chapter.. cuteeeee
MsKrazy #10
Love this couple.... Super cute