Chapter 18

Good Bye Baby

After a couple of days, Junhyung was walking when he saw Kikwang with another girl

 he glared and marched towards him

" Junhyung pulled his collar and crushed him against the wall, he raised his hand and punched him so hard that blood started coming from the corner of his lips

Fei screamed at Junhyung "what are you doing??"

"That’s for Min" Junhyung spat, he turned to Fei "you better leave him now, if you don’t want to get hurt" he advised and left

Fei looked at Kikwang with doubt   "who's Min?? And what is he talking about?!!"

Kikwang wiped the blood with the back of his hand, he chuckled and got up, he looked at her *I guess I can't hold the truth anymore* "Min was my girlfriend, until yesterday" he told her the truth

Her eyes widened *he was cheating on me all along??*

"Oh, and I was using you for your money" he added quickly

Fei raised her hand, and slapped him hard

She left quickly, with tears that threatened to fall

She bombed into someone and fell on the ground, CAP's hat fell on the ground, he expected to hear fan screaming, but weirdly he heard sobs

He looked to see Fei crying, he worriedly bent down "a...Are you alright?? Did I hurt you?? I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to"

Fei just continued crying *that jerk, I should've not trusted him*


CAP sat Fei on a bench, seeing a beautiful girl like that crying, and not knowing what to do, he felt helpless, and he didn’t really know how to act in front of women

*damn it, what should I do now?* he thought quickly, he looked around his pockets, he found a chocolate bar, he rose it to her "want some chocolate?"

She stopped crying, sniffed and looked up at the stranger that was offering her chocolate "no thank you, I don’t eat that stuff" she quietly said

"Have a taste, it's delicious and it will make you feel better" he opened the wrapper, and took her hand and handed her the chocolate

She stared at it, then looked up to him

He nodded encouraging her "go on, eat it"

She swallowed her, since she was young she wasn’t allowed to have chocolate, because her mom used to said that it'll make her fat, she opened slightly, and took a tiny bite, her eyes widened and she looked up at him "its… delicious"

He grinned widely satisfied "see, I told you so, have more"


She nodded, and ate with big appetite, CAP patted her back "eat slowly or you'll choke" he chuckled, and then he noticed something *why am I caring for a girl  I barely even  know…*

She looked up, after finishing the chocolate

CAP saw some chocolate on the corner on her lips "you have some chocolate"

"here??" she touched the wrong spot, "no, here" he got closer and wiped it with his thump "there you go" he smiled softly, Fei felt her heart racing when he touched her lips, he looked up and saw how close they were

He gulped, and slowly pulled away, he awkwardly looked at the ground, Fei got up "I have to go"

"Wait" CAP got up and whirled her around *I can't let her go, like this* "I… I want to get to know you more" he stuttered

*even though he looks like a good man, I can't do this mistake and trust him, what if it ends up like Sung Gyu and Kikwang* her heart ached remembering

CAP noticed her sad expression

She bowed "I'm sorry" and quickly walked out, "wait" he called after her

She harried into a cap , and he quickly sped away, leaving the frustrated CAP, he ran his hand through his hair *I can't believe that I lost her* he felt pain in his heart





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4everhite #1
Your story is really great! I hope you continue making them! I love Min's story the most andshe is probably my bias in miss a. I hope you make another story for her :)
Take that Lee Gikwang~! I hope you die a lonely person~! Uh-huh... well the Gikwang in this story. Not in real life >_<
Omo, I might get in trouble if I start reading this now so I'll just save it for later~ the story seems interesting too
lisitha #4
really like this story.
And the end... adorable>°<
Aww great ending!!! :P
Vrisbogh #6
happy ending.. XD
this is the great ending XD <3
He's such a jerk. Bleh. ><
ahhh....happy ending...i love happy ending and each one of them have a baby/babies...junior miss A...cute...thank for the nice story admin!...i like it...thank you so much!..^O^
Vrisbogh #9
i love this chapter.. cuteeeee
MsKrazy #10
Love this couple.... Super cute