
Third Way of Love
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Byulyi left, but she didn’t return quickly. From the States she left for China, then to Japan. Despite so, Byulyi still managed to make daily calls to Yongsun. Her surroundings would always be quiet, Byulyi would always go towards a corner where there isn’t anyone before she makes a call. As for Yongsun? She would always make sure she has a portable charger to make sure that her phone is always switched on.

Even while she’s on the filming set she would make sure to have it on herself, unless her outfit doesn’t allow her to carry her phone on her she would then ask a favour from Wheein to keep it on her while checking if Byulyi calls. Knowing their relationship is a secret, Wheein of course knew what to do, she felt like it’s her job to make sure their relationship works, she’s their love cupid.

“And… CUT! Let’s take a break.” Immediately, everyone scrambled out of the set to search for warmth.

Quickly, Wheein rushed over to Yongsun and quickly helped Yongsun to wear the padded long coat. Pulling out the heat packs in the pocket, Yongsun held it close to her neck.

“Where’s my…” Yongsun said softly while shivering.

“Phone,” Wheein finished up the sentence for Yongsun while shoving her phone in her hands. “This is literally the first thing you asked me when you see me every single time.”

Grinning, Yongsun murmured a soft thanks, unlocked her phone and quickly browsed through her notifications. She ignored every other notification, specifically looking for only one.

“She called like maybe around 10 minutes earlier? She said she’ll call back soon.”

Wheein could see a disappointment in Yongsun’s face, she wanted to tease Yongsun but couldn’t bear to, knowing that the two love birds already couldn’t meet in public before, now they can’t even see each other in secret. Suddenly Yongsun screamed.

“What?” Wheein looked at Yongsun flattering her hands about.

“It’s her! She’s calling!” Yongsun shrieked.

“Pick it up!” Wheein screamed back in excitement too. “And calm down!”

Yongsun took a deep breath, slightly panting “Hi…!”

“Are you exercising? Since when do you exercise?” It was really soothing to hear Byulyi’s voice. It was the first time hearing it today, Yongsun really missed it.

“No… I just… finished a scene. And excuse me, I do exercise.”

Byulyi hummed a response. “I guess, since you have firm abs. I missed touching them.”

“Hey! What do you-"

“I’m really sorry, I wanted to come back earlier but it’s taking longer than I thought.” She was always apologetic in all their phone calls.

“It’s okay, take care of yourself. Don’t fall sick, don’t get a cold.” And Yongsun would always try to be as understanding as possible.

“Did you miss me?”



“Yes I did.”


“Before you called?”

“But I’m different. Only when I’m hearing your voice, then I can stop missing you.”

“You’re even able to make me cringe even over a phone.” Yongsun spat out in a disgusted tone.

“You love it.”

Yongsun admitted it, but she loves Byulyi’s deep raspy vocals more, it would always calm her down despite all the cringe-worthy words. After they hung up their usual daily call, Yongsun stared at her phone, smiling at the ended call display.

“Miss Kim,” Wheein snapped her fingers at Yongsun, trying to get her attention. “Now that you had your daily dose of love-sick medicine, please look through your script and prepare for the last scene. After this shoot, we’re going to have a last fitting session for Busan Film Festival. And please remember we’re flying off to Jeju next week.”

“How many times do I have to do fitting for this film festival? I’m only there as a supporting, are they aware?” Yongsun subtly hinted her anger towards to whoever arranged the fitting session as she flipped through her script for a last look.

“Yes I know… it’s out of my control. We have a bigger team now so…” Wheein sighed and hung her head down dramatically. Yongsun stopped flipping her script and eyed towards Wheein.

“I’ve been wanting to ask you this, how much of this management have changed?” Yongsun raised her hand as she asked, and then she clenched her fist tightly, as though pretending the new management team is within her fists as she looked at it.

Taking a comfortable seat, Wheein sighed out dramatically once again, Yongsun took it as a cue to take the seat beside her.

“Well, for a start… Yongsun Team has been set up.” Wheein started off slowly.

“That’s an ugly name.” Yongsun nodded.

“Yes, I mean no! But are you aware that our RBW marketing team is no longer involved in your projects? Within Yongsun Team itself we even have various departments set up in there. Which involves marketing, publicity, style, and the list goes on. Basically, within Yongsun Team it’s just like another management team altogether. Take for example your style for the film festival, it’s like a big thing to the team. So they’re constantly discussing about it, thus there’s no final decision to what you’ll be wearing that day.”

“That is, very annoying. Isn’t this supposedly to be just the stylist’s decision?” Yongsun sipped on her juice as she asked.

“It is. But the marketing team is arguing that it should be something which is more appealing to the potential producers and investors, but the PR team stated that it shouldn’t be too revealing or expensive for your image, you’re still kind of promoted like the sunshine, girl next door look feel? Whilst there’s still the fan marketing side to argue that you should just keep to your usual look because that’s what your fans liked you for. God, this is driving me crazy.” Wheein leaned her head on Yongsun’s shoulders while she whined.

Yongsun almost spat out her orange juice, “Fan marketing what? I’m not an idol for God’s sake.”




“I still think this is too revealing.”

“It’s not, the first one is more revealing than this. I think this is just perfect for the festival.”

“But this doesn't suits Yongsun’s image! Her fans wouldn't like it.”

“What image are we talking about here? She's an actress not an idol, she doesn't have a concept to stick to.”

Yongsun swore she's one the verge of strangling the 3 department heads sitting in a straight row infront of her. According to Wheein, they've decided to be here to help make better choice and quicker decisions instead of just looking via photos to decide the Yongsun’s look. However she had already been changing in and out of the several expensive design labels for almost an hour yet no decisions except constant arguments were made.

Leaning against the wall, Yongsun decided to scroll through her phone. Just then, Byulyi started calling her, and she had a brilliant idea.

“Hey, why the option of video call? I thought you didn't want it. Oh, you look beautiful,” Byulyi frowned, “Wait that's too revealing, which scene is this? Can't they have a much more appropriate clothing? I don't remember your character likes wearing revealing clothes. I specifically told them not to-"

“Oh, so you did that. Whatever happened to you will not meddle with the production?” Yongsun questioned, her expression visibly not that happy.

“Uh… well, it was before we made the deal. So…”

Despite it was just over the video call, Yongsun found it endearing looking at how Byulyi was fidgeting around on the spot trying to come up with an excuse.

“I'm sorry.” Byulyi sighed as she gave up.

Giggling softly as she looked at Byulyi avoiding her gaze, she cleared , seeking the attention of her lover. “You’re cute,” she simply stated, who would have believed that the mighty VP of Moon Group could be this adorable?

Byulyi’s eyes quickly darted back, her eyes sparkling as though a child given sweets as a reward. “What?”



“I need your help.” Yongsun intervened.

Byulyi quickly turned serious in her looks, Yongsun usually doesn’t like to ask for favours, unless it’s really serious. “What happened? Do you need me to come back?”

“No no, it’s not that serious. It’s just, this.” Yongsun turned the camera towards the 3 department heads who were apparently still in a heated discussion.

Yongsun cleared loudly in an attempt to garner their attention, the 3 heads turned towards Yongsun, and followed her gaze down to the phone, to Byulyi’s slightly confused face.

“Miss Moon!” They all exclaimed at once and quickly gave a deep bow.

“What are the three of you doing?” Byulyi’s cold tone pierced through the video call, Yongsun felt even colder than the current winter.

“We were just discussing about Yongsun-ssi’s outfit for the film festival.”

“And how many times have she done fitting for this?”


“Fifth time. Did I hire all of you to let you waste my artiste’s time on this?”

Yongsun was actually starting to regret that she got Byulyi into this, seeing how the people in front of her showing signs as though they’re about to lose their jobs. But before she could say anything, Byulyi continued. “Get her a black turtleneck, black blazer, black pants, black heels. It’s going to be negative degrees, who was the one to even give her the outfit she’s wearing right now?”

Immediately, all three of them scrambled out to gather the clothes as requested, while they asked Yongsun to wait at the changing room.

“Are you really concerned about my well-being of being in the cold, or you just want me covered up?” Yongsun asked mischievously.

“Your well-being of course, wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” Byulyi stated calmly , showing the warmest smile ever.

Before Yongsun could reply, the team came back with the set of clothes and requested for Yongsun to try it on.

“Oh, we’re not hanging up yet?” There was excitement in Byulyi’s tone as she saw Yongsun closing the door but not hanging up on her as Yongsun looked for a place to put down the phone.

“Of course not, I have a surprise for you.” Yongsun winked, Byulyi’s smile got wider. However, she quickly frowned when the phone was turned away from Yongsun.

“Yongsun? Did you, uhm, the camera. Wrong way?” Byulyi’s voice echoed through the room as Yongsun started changing.

“Hm? It’s in the correct way, what were you thinking you ert.”

“I thought that, perhaps, you know. A surprise for me, for helping you solve that situation.” Byulyi’s tone was more of a nervous, stuttering manner.

“Oh, give me a few seconds. I really do have a surprise for you.” Yongsun started humming away as she started to her dress, leaving Byulyi hanging and to only imagine with the noises she heard.

“What, in the world.” Byulyi couldn’t close as she stared at Yongsun, specifically her chest. The turtle neck was actually a see through, Yongsun’s full front was on display with only a black bra beneath the see through.

Yongsun smiled seductively, Byulyi however frowned. “I disapprove.”

“How is this even too revealing?”

“No, that’s not-"

“Are you going to attend the film festival?”

“I’m sorry… I’m not sure.”

“Okay.” Yongsun simply replied and remained silent.

“Are you angry?” Byulyi was unsure with the response that Yongsun had given. Was she angry that she was being too obsessive, or was she angry that she isn’t sure whether she’s going to the festival?

“Of course not, why would I be?” Byulyi recognised this tone, it was the tone whenever Yongsun used it to entertain guests. To avoid an argument, Byulyi decided to end the call first. “I’ll call you again later.”

“It’s okay, let’s talk tomorrow. I might go to bed straight, I’m kinda tired.”

“Okay, text me when you’re home. I love you.”

“Me too.” Yongsun gave a faint smile and quickly hung up.

As she stared at the ended call screen, Yongsun felt conflicted. She headed over to the sofa and slumped onto it.


Yongsun looked up and saw Wheein not far from her. “Since when were you here?”

“Since you started getting angry at Byulyi unnie?”

Yongsun avoided Wheein’s gaze, “I wasn’t angry.”

“I wondered sometimes why you’re an actress when you can’t even act.” Wheein sarcastically remarked as she sat down on the couch.

Silence filled the air for several minutes, Wheein was about to fall asleep on the couch.

“Why can’t she understand?”

Sitting up suddenly as she wiped off her drool, Wheein looked at Yongsun confused. “Understand what?”

“That I wore this see through just for her! It’s not like I’m really going to wear this to the festival.” Yongsun started complaining.

Rolling her eyes subtly, Wheein can’t help but to feel frustrated. “Did you tell Byulyi unnie that?”

“I thought she would understand me.”

“And I thought you would have known how overprotective Byulyi unnie is towards you!”

Yongsun remained silent, she doesn’t really know what she was exactly feeling. It was her first time having a relationship like this in secret, first time having a relationship with a female, first time having a relationship with someone like Byulyi.

Wheein observed Yongsun for a moment, before she gently held Yongsun’s hand. “Unnie, I think the problem lies in you.”

“What? I’ve been trying so hard to be understanding-”

“Listen to me,” Wheein gently squeezed Yongsun’s hand in an attempt to stop her from talking. “I’m trying to say, you have to open up. This is just one of your character, I believe Eric oppa told you before. You’re always so considerate and understanding towards other people, that you don’t tell others how you exactly feel and what you want. If you don’t say what you feel, how do you expect people to know you?”

Seeing how Yongsun remained silent once again, Wheein continued. “If you don’t tell Byulyi unnie exactly how you feel, how do you expect her to know what you’re thinking? Stop thinking for other people, think for yourself once. It takes two hands to make a relationship work, and I would say it’s going to get tougher for the both of you in the future if just this small issue is going to make the relationship between the both of you rocky.”

Nodding her head subtly, Yongsun decided that she was going to apologise to Byulyi right after they ended this. 



The following week, it was time for Yongsun to head over to Jeju. The day which Yongsun was supposed to head to Jeju was also the same day in which Byulyi is heading back to Korea. Wishing to meet Byulyi just once, Yongsun purposely requested for the last flight for that day, causing Wheein to go over first to settle the logistics that was needed. Between Yongsun’s departure and

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Chapter 37: I thought you gave up on this story. Cant wait for the next chapter
kimshishoshu #2
Chapter 37: Im glad that you are finally back but im also scared that you will again leave us for another year to update the story. How i wish i can get this update gap within months not years. 🙏

Btw, i really like this darkside of byul & i probably wondering who is the girl behind the mask 🤔
moon_and_yongkong #3
Chapter 37: omg welcome back!! i read again the whole story and it felt like the first time. Hope you don't go again for this long 😭 Great chapter btw
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 37: Am so happy you are back authornim. Great 👌 chapter.
mmm_0619 #5
Chapter 37: I'm a new reader it's such a pity that I only found it this late but I certainly do not regret it. This is so well written and I loved every single bit of it. Kinda slow burn but it was worth it. I hope they stop hurting soon, coz I really felt their hurt while reading it. I cried nonstop on some chapters. Can't wait for when Byul finds out that the woman she mistaken as an was no other than the love of her life. Please update soon. My heart can't wait any longer. 🙏
svela2233 #6
Chapter 37: Damn I cried, I just knew it was her 😭
Chapter 37: U are back!
Chapter 37: Omg, so glad you're back. Time goes by but we're here for this story!
lovemammoo #9
Chapter 37: Woah. This is a really an unexpected update. Thank you for coming back
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 37: Welcome back. Thank you for the update.