I'm fine

Third Way of Love
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Yongsun and Wheein walked out of the station, they were greeted by Eric smiling brightly at them. Eric took over Yongsun's luggage and gestured her to walk ahead, ignoring Wheein’s luggage at the back, Wheein stomped her foot as she tagged along behind. As they reached the car park, Eric with a proud smirk pressed unlock on his smart key, he unlocked a white SUV, Yongsun was shocked. “You bought a new car?”

“Nope, a friend’s.”

Yongsun took a closer look, it was KIA, scanning down to the car plate, she immediately reacted. “Isn’t this Hyunsik’s car?”

“Yep, looks like you’re still in contact with him to know that it’s his car.” Eric loaded Yongsun’s luggage at the boot, before he turned to Wheein. “Uhm, Wheein, do you want to take a taxi instead?”

Wheein glared angrily at Eric. “Why?”

“Yeah, why?” Yongsun followed.

“Uhm, because we might talk about Hyunsik..?”

Yongsun scoffed. “You should clearer than anyone that I don’t talk about him. Anyway, Wheein is like my sister, I don’t mind her knowing. Get in the car Wheein, leave your luggage to him.”

Wheein tilted her head proudly and gave Eric a smirk, before she enters the passenger seat at the back.

“That little brat!” Eric quickly put Wheein’s luggage in the car boot as well.

“Why are you driving his car?” Yongsun can’t help asking as she buckled her belt in the front passenger seat.

“The paperwork can’t get through for my previous car, so I returned it to the previous car owner. Otherwise am I supposed to walk here and pick you?”

“There’s something called a taxi? I could have taken a bus back myself as well.”

“Yongsun, the more you trying to avoid this shows that you have not let go of the past.” Eric finally spoke something decent after so long.

“You’re right, I’m going to hate him for life, I didn’t say that I was going to forget about it.” Yongsun frankly answered.

Eric looked at Yongsun, he sighed and shook his head.

He pressed the start button, the engine gave a slight starting sound and it easily started, a music started playing. Nam Yoon Do – Good for you. It’s a song by the Nation’s boyfriend, in English version.

♪ Been a long day on your own, time could never be oh so slow, I’ve been trying to get back home to you.

Eric was complaining. “Seriously I don’t know what’s wrong with Hyunsik. There’s only one song in this whole player, and it’s on repeat. Even more annoying with this Nam Yoon Do, he’s making all the boyfriends in the nation hard being a boyfriend because of how perfect he is.”

“Yeah… too perfect. I would never date someone like Nam Yoon Do, out of my league.” Yongsun continued.

Yongsun’s mind drifted somewhere else as she listened to this song, she knows this song, it holds a special anniversary meaning between the both of them. Back in college, it was their first month anniversary, Hyunsik had specially surprised Yongsun at her house as he prepared a romantic candlelit dinner, and sang along to this song with a guitar which he practiced for quite some time. As he finished the song, Yongsun was touched to tears, which resulted in them having their first kiss. Subsequently, this song became their song.

Yongsun’s eyes then slightly moved towards the rear view mirror, something hanging on it caught her eye. It was a safety amulet which Yongsun got for Hyunsik when she went to a temple in Japan.

“How did you manage to borrow this car from Hyunsik?”

“2 days ago when we were having drinks with Jinwoon and Yeeun, I mentioned that I was going to pick you today. Upon hearing that Hyunsik immediately offered his car to me. This morning he even drove his car down to my house, look at how much he still cares about you!”

“Hah. Oppa, you can tell Mr Hyunsik to give up if he thinks that he can make Yongsun unnie touched like this.” Wheein chirped in at the back, both Yongsun and Eric almost forgot about Wheein’s existence at the back.

“Oh, I forgot she’s at the back.” Eric said as he looked into the rear view mirror.

“YAH can all of you stop forgetting about me!” Wheein screamed.

Wheein was right, Yongsun thought that Hyunsik was looking down on her if he thought that such a simple action could touched her. She was no longer the Kim Yongsun back in college days.

Yongsun switched over to radio on the player, she’d rather listen to the DJ reporting about the road congestion.

“Oppa, what’s the good news that you’re going to tell us?” Wheein asked.

“Oh yeah. Miss Moon agreed to recommend our agency. Someone from the Moon Group will be coming down to our agency tomorrow to do a company inspection to make sure we fit the requirements.”

Yongsun was taken aback. “You managed to contact her?”

“I asked my junior in the HR department, you know, the one who had a crush on me.” Eric had to always remember to focus on this point. “She told me that Miss Moon was never out of the country, so I went to her office directly to wait for her.”

“Oh really? Her assistant told me she was not in the country.” Yongsun could only fake innocence.

“Miss Moon actually remembered about me! So I slightly introduced our company, I told her our history and our achievements, she actually agreed. She even got her secretary to email me the full set of particulars form to fill in, and arranged for an inspection tomorrow.”

“Seems like you had a great chat with her?” Yongsun tried to probe about something else.

“Of course, we even talked about you.”

“What about me?” Yongsun was nervous.

“She said you did a great help for her, but she didn’t tell me what was it. So, what was the help you helped her with?”

“What can I help her with? I don’t have any status or authority.” Yongsun peeked at Eric with her side eyeline, he looks normal, seems like he doesn’t know what he’s not supposed to know.

“Who is coming tomorrow?” Yongsun asked again.

“I don’t know. But the company is in a chaos state right now, especially since I stated that Miss Moon might be coming personally.” Eric laughed heartily.



The next morning, Yongsun arrived at the company at 830am. As expected, the company was in a new look. A new look wasn’t referring literally the company, but the staffs all had a new look. All the staffs, male or female, who usually don’t dress up since they would be cooped up in the office the whole day, either had suits or dresses on them. The male staffs had their hair all styled up, wearing suits. Whereas for the females, they were vying to see who can have their skirts the shortest, their eye makeup was all trying to show who had the biggest eyes. As soon as Yongsun entered, one of the female staff shouted at her. “Yongsun! Why are you wearing a mask, and why are you in your trainers? Hurry up, there should be some outfits for you in the dressing room, put on some makeup too! Miss Moon is coming.”

“You’re all crazy!” Yongsun left to go towards her own room, she sat on the sofa and went into daze. Who cares whoever is coming, it might be better their company isn’t chosen.

At around 9 O’clock, Wheein went to knock on Yongsun’s door. “Unnie, they’re here. CEO Kim wants you to come out as well.”

Sighing, Yongsun followed out to the door behind Wheein. As they walked towards the door, they could see all the staffs already gathering there, preparing to greet whoever that was coming.

The car stopped in front of the company, the first one to step out, had a fatal gaze – Ahn Hyejin. She sees Yongsun, she let out a small smirk, before she turned to look at Wheein. Yongsun could see that Hyejin’s gaze softened when she sees Wheein. Hyejin walked over towards to Yongsun and gave her a handshake. “Yongsun-ssi, on the request of Miss Moon, I’m here to understand more about your company.”

Yongsun returned the handshake and quickly bring her to CEO Kim. Everyone was walking towards the meeting room where CEO Kim is waiting. As Hyejin and her group entered the meeting room, the door was shut. Then small whispers filled the environment. “Yongsun, which one is Miss Moon?”

“The one who shook hands with me…” Yongsun slowed down on purpose. The staffs exclaimed. “What? Isn’t she a bit too fierce looking?” “She look too mature!”

“Is Miss Moon’s assistant.” Yongsun finished up her words. The staffs exclaimed again. “Ah, that explains.” “I bought this dress for nothing!” “I bought my perfume for nothing too!” Yongsun rolled her eyes, she put a finger on and gestured for them to be silent, before she left with Wheein.

The meeting ended in an hour, as Hyejin leaves the meeting room, she gestured for her followers to go ahead first. Wheein was at nearby at the corner, sitting beside a vending machine, in a daze.

Hyejin slightly chuckled, she walks up to Wheein and sat down.

“Were you waiting for me?”

Wheein shot up straight, she turned and saw Hyejin just beside her.

“No, I mean yes… no I mean…” Wheein was stammering.

Hyejin smiled. “What happened to that cheerful pup?”

“I mean. I haven’t seen you since that day. I don’t have your contact number, seeing you here again makes me feel unreal. Can you slap me?” Wheein looked at Hyejin.

Hyejin brings up her hand, as she brings down her hand, Wheein shut her eyes tightly. Seeing this, Hyejin can’t help but to melt at how cute Wheein is. She slowly brings her hand to Wheein's hair, caressing it softly. Wheein opened her eyes, looking confused.

“I’m just glad that you’re fine. Have you been eating well? No longer starving?” Hyejin asked in concerned.

“Of course. You’re the one that has been stocking up my refrigerator right? I mean I could kinda guess it was you, you’re the only one that knows the password to my house…” Wheein was flustered.

“And I’m glad to always find your refrigerator empty whenever I came.”

“But why is it that I’ve never seen you once? I even tried waiting till 2-3am… that was my limit.” Wheein lowered her head.

“Hmmmm, is that why sometimes I see you sleeping on the couch? I end my work at around 3-4am usually, or even till 5.”

“Do you even sleep? I should tell Yongsun unnie to tell Byulyi unnie to not give you so much work.” Wheein suggested.

Hyejin laughed. “Come on, Byulyi unnie is the one that’s not sleeping. Anyway, I got to go. Catch you around soon.” Hyejin stood up preparing to leave, before she felt a hand holding her back. She looks down and sees that Wheein holding her hand, avoiding her eyes.

“Uhm, Hyejin… can I have your number?”

Hyejin slightly cocked her head sideways. “You already have my number.”

Wheein looked at Hyejin, confused. “I’ve already gave you my number, it’s in your sketchbook.”

A realization hit upon Wheein, she hasn’t touched her sketchbook since that day because she drew what happened to her in it. “Sorry, I didn’t. I didn’t want to open it… it’ll remind me of…”

“I know. That’s why I purposely left my number in the sketchbook. Because once you have the courage to open it, it means you’re ready to face it, to let go. You’ll be ready to face a new life, to meet new people, like me.”

Wheein hugged Hyejin tightly, she didn’t know what to say, all she knows is she might never want to let go of the person she’s hugging right now.

At the back, Yongsun was seeing all of these. She was glad that Wheein had someone to care for her, at the same time she thought about what Hyejin said. It was true when Eric said that she was avoiding the topic about Hyunsik, she wasn’t ready to face him or forgive him. Yongsun’s affections was being betrayed, Hyunsik left her heart in shattered disarray of pieces. It took so much for Yongsun to put herself back together, how could she easily let go of what he did to her?



Two days later, the Moon Group emailed to CEO Kim, informing him that RBW had pass the first round of requirement. What’s left now is the last part of the requirement, an information booklet of RBW as a company, its achievements, it’s artistes and also future plans of the company. In addition, there would be strictly a within 5 minutes’ introduction of the current status of RBW. CEO Kim called in Yongsun, Eric and Wheein to his office. “3 of you will be going with me, it’ll be 2 days from now.”

“Please tell me why am I involved in this again?” Yongsun questioned.

“They also need an artiste to represent the company, after much consideration I think you’re the most suitable artiste to represent us.”

“Please tell me why is this brat going too?” Eric pointed at Wheein, Wheein swats his hand away from her head.

“Wheein isn’t an artiste yet but she has the looks and talent. I was hoping maybe… Wheein you can change your mind after seeing the other artistes from other companies?” CEO Kim hasn’t given up on to debut Wheein.

“Never.” Wheein stuck her tongue out, “But I still want to go!”

CEO Kim shakes his head, “whatever you want, whatever you want.”



9:50 am, the RBW team entered the meeting room for the competition against other companies. Once they entered the room, they found many familiar faces from the industry, even though everyone was greeting each other, all of them were wary of each other. Eric whispered softly to Yongsun. “The competition is tough man, there’s at least 10 companies here.”

“Why isn’t the big 3 here?” Yongsun didn’t see any faces from the big 3 company, all she noticed were these companies were around the same generation as her own company, newer and smaller.

“They’re way out of the requirements. If you’re already established for over 5 years and have already hit a certain income, you can’t be part of this. Meaning, the Moon Group is only looking to invest in newer and smaller companies. Maybe that’s how they think they can gain control easily?” Eric explained.

The RBW team found their seats allocated to them and sat down, Eric wanted to sit beside Yongsun as he shoved Wheein to sit beside CEO Kim, however CEO Kim instructed Eric to sit beside him instead.

At 10 o’clock sharp, the main door opened from two sides, with 2 bodyguards holding the door. A group of people in suits, whom Yongsun assumed is the board of directors, entered. A slightly older middle age man was leading the group, Moon Byulyi was just right behind him, both of them were discussing something together, they approached the main seats in the middle and sat down. Slightly hiding behind Eric, Yongsun took the chance to observe Byulyi, she could see that Byulyi was briefly scanning the surrounding, before she was turning her attention towards Hyejin at t

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Chapter 37: I thought you gave up on this story. Cant wait for the next chapter
kimshishoshu #2
Chapter 37: Im glad that you are finally back but im also scared that you will again leave us for another year to update the story. How i wish i can get this update gap within months not years. 🙏

Btw, i really like this darkside of byul & i probably wondering who is the girl behind the mask 🤔
moon_and_yongkong #3
Chapter 37: omg welcome back!! i read again the whole story and it felt like the first time. Hope you don't go again for this long 😭 Great chapter btw
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 37: Am so happy you are back authornim. Great 👌 chapter.
mmm_0619 #5
Chapter 37: I'm a new reader it's such a pity that I only found it this late but I certainly do not regret it. This is so well written and I loved every single bit of it. Kinda slow burn but it was worth it. I hope they stop hurting soon, coz I really felt their hurt while reading it. I cried nonstop on some chapters. Can't wait for when Byul finds out that the woman she mistaken as an was no other than the love of her life. Please update soon. My heart can't wait any longer. 🙏
svela2233 #6
Chapter 37: Damn I cried, I just knew it was her 😭
Chapter 37: U are back!
Chapter 37: Omg, so glad you're back. Time goes by but we're here for this story!
lovemammoo #9
Chapter 37: Woah. This is a really an unexpected update. Thank you for coming back
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 37: Welcome back. Thank you for the update.