Chapter Eight

I've missed you... too

“Oppa!” I shout running through the halls. “Oppa! Oppa!” I keep calling out trying to find my boyfriend in amongst this group of 2nd years. “Oppa!”

Someone stops me. “Why is a cute first year up here calling 'Oppa'? Do you have a brother here or something?” He asks and keeps his hand on my shoulder.

I brush it off and ask. “Park Chanyeol? He should be in Class 2-A.”

They laugh. “Channie's down there talking to the teacher about something.”

I nod and run down the corridor to where they directed I look in the classroom and see Chanyeol alone in there organising some books. “Oppa!” I call to him.

He turns with a big cheesey grin. “Hyesung-ah, why are you here?” He moves towards the doorway and I hug him quickly. “Yah! We're in school... silly.”

I pout as he puts me at arms length. “Oppa, guess what?!”

He asks. “What?”

“I'm in Class 1-A, same class as you were last year!” I smile. He pats my head. “I studied so hard to make sure I was in the top set...” I clench my fists together and throw one up to the air. “Now to continue studying hard to be in 2-A, then 3-A... then when you're in university I can work hard towards the entrance exams!”

He laughs. “All you want to do is follow me?”

I nod. “Of course, we're going to be together always.” I tilt my head as he smirks. “Right?”

He laughs heartily and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Of course!” He then stops and looks towards the door. “What?” He questions, I look towards the door and see the whole second year male population staring at us.

“Yah! Channie! Your girlfriend is too pretty!”

“It's not fair!”

“And she's a first year!”

They all groan at us. “She's really pretty right?” Chanyeol asks while rubbing the back of his head. “So, remember this cute face cause if any of you try anything I'll be...” he stops talking, moves a little away from me and starts breaking the air with his hands.

They all stare at him in awe... he's so silly. I giggle to him and stop him hugging his arm. “Oppa, you can walk me home properly today instead of picking me up from the middle school!”

He nods. “Of course! Saves me a lot of energy now, I used to run all the way there so you didn't have to wait too long for me.” He smiles cutely. “Let's go!” He grabs his bag and we wave to the bystanders.


“Oppa, your friends are all so funny!” I say playfully. “When I was running around look for you, everyone called you 'Channie' how cute!”

He stands up tall(even though he's already tall enough). “Of course, I need a cute nickname... and so do you!” He stop and stares at me for a sec. “My baby~~”

I cringe at him. “Oppa...”

“What baby...” He smiles and holds my hand. “Don't like it?”

I shake my head. “I like when you call me my name.”

“I like when you call me Oppa...” He says with a small smile. “It reminds me that I'm older than you.” Then he pokes his tongue out and runs in front of me.

“Yah!” I call to him. “Just cause you're older I still won't speak formally to you!”

He stops and picks me up putting me over his shoulder. I feel one arm holding me secure and with his other arm he keeps my skirt down so no one can see my underwear. “You need to lower the length of your skirt... just cause you're in high school doesn't mean other men can look at you. You're mine!” he says jealously.

I laugh and hit his back lightly. “Oppa, there's no one else I want to look at me but you.”

“I love you!” He says causally.

I smile behind his back and say. “Me too.”




“Excuse me I'm looking for Kim Hyesung...” I hear from outside the classroom. I look over and see Chanyeol stood there looking handsome like a university student should. “Oh.” He says and waves to me.

I stand up and walk towards him, all the girls start to sound envious. Though most of them have seen chanyeol from when he was in school here last year. “Oppa, why are you here? No lectures today?”

He shakes his head. “Nope, free day today.”

“Oh, so you've come to pick me up from school?”

He nods.

“Wow, how cool his my university boyfriend...” I smile to him.

He laughs. “Go get your things and lets go.” I nod and head back to my desk grabbing my stuff placing it into my bag. As I walk back to the door he grabs the bag from me and puts it over his shoulder. “It's been a while since I carried your bag hasn't it!”

“You never used to carry it anyway...” I tell him.

He nods. “That's very true.”


As we're walking home hand in hand I think about how we used to joke and act cute to each other back when we were both in high school... we're both so grown up now.

“Hyesung-ah, let's go to my new flat today!”

I look to him. “New flat?”

He nods. “Nearer my university, I moved out today.”

I nod to him enthusiastically. I haven't seen him in so long I want to spend forever with him.

“Cool, let's go.” We have to take the subway to his flat, from his window I see his university main building. His flat has 2 rooms, the main living area with a little kitchen and the bed and his bathroom, which is smaller than the span of his bed. I look around and then he smiles to me sitting on his bed. “What do you think?”

“It's cosy.” I say with no better words to describe it. “You don't have much here though, should I ask my parents to gift you with something for your new home.”

He shakes his head. “No, unless they want to give you to me, there's nothing else I need.”

“You don't need me.” I say with a small smile, I feel myself blush.

He stands up and comes closer to me. “I do need you.” He rests his hand on my shoulder then kisses my forehead. “I couldn't live without you.”

I smile to him and kiss his lips. “No, it's me who couldn't live without you.”

He kisses me back and then wraps his arms around me deepening the kiss. “Remember before when you told me you weren't ready?”

I nod. “I'm ready.” I say without hesitation. “I've been ready for a long time, I just thought I'd lose you if I gave it up.”

“I wouldn't-”

Before he can finish I kiss him again. “I know.”


I wake up to the unfamiliar surrounding. I'm in Chanyeol's T-shirt, I realise I've stayed out all night and my parents are going to kill me. “Oppa, wake up.”

Chanyeol groans then rolls over.

“I stayed out all night, it's morning. My parents are going to kill you.” I state.

He springs up in bed and sighs. “Aish, I told myself to restrain.” He looks to me and blushes... “We...”

I nod. “We did.”

“Your parents really are going to kill me.”

I nod again and he frowns at me. Then I laugh and kiss his cheek.

“How can you laugh right now!” He says staring at me. “This is not the time to joke... I know I started last night but I didn't mean for you to stay all night.”

I frown towards him and say. “So, you wanted to sleep with me but not sleep...”

He laughs at me and answers. “No I wanted to sleep with you. But I wanted to get you home before curfew.”

“Let's just ignore the world today.” I say impulsively. “Let's stay here like this.” I lie back down and put my arms out to him. “Come here.” I smile.

He smirks to me and lays soft kisses along my neck. “Well we're already dead right?”





I'm sat in my room listening to my mother and father argue about how reckless a child I am, it's been two whole days since my runaway with Chanyeol which was an accident. I explained myself and told them we were hanging around and nothing happened, but they didn't believe me. I probably wasn't convincing enough. I sigh as I listen to some old music on the radio. Then I hear a tap on the window, but our apartment building was 6 stories high, we were on the third floor.

I move to the window and look down. “Oppa...” I say slowly.

He waves up to me. “Open the window!” He shouts.

I do and lean out. “My parents will kill you...” I say loud enough for him to hear.

“They won't have to.” He says calmly. “I'm breaking up with you.”

My eyes widen. “What?”

“My company has put me into a group to debut... they're called EXO. They're all the trainees I've been with and more, it's going to be amazing but... they've told us we are on a dating ban until our 5 year into debut. I've signed the contract we debut at Christmas.”

I look at him. “So, you're breaking up with me so you can dance on a stage with some other lads... you can't even dance.”

“I'm sorry.” He says and runs off down the street.





Thank you for reading<3

Little bit of a backgroud to the whole high school romance!


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beyoung #1
Chapter 12: So, dont you continue this story? Its a good one tho..
LilaPandas #2
Chapter 8: Oh the flashback was cute. But I can't say I'm loving Chanyeol's personality. He seems to be a little bit of , but likes to think of himself as an angel.
Let's see, maybe I'm missing something.
Chapter 8: Stupid Chanyeol. Hyesung should cut his banana off before letting him debut. Kkkk
Chapter 7: I like this! Omg please make Chanyeol and Hyesung work out!
LilaPandas #5
Chapter 6: Yass, you go girl. Who the does Chan think he os, coming in and dictating what they should do just to suit his needs. please. I'm team LJS now
LilaPandas #6
Chapter 5: Omo! They kissed. I can't help shipping these two. He's so good to her. Waiting for Chanyeol's reaction!
I like this story so far.. :D
AriokaAbbix #8
Need to know more!
LilaPandas #9
Chapter 4: I totally get why she won't let Chayeol back into her life. Definitely makes sense, but obviously he deserves to know about Minah. This is exciting. Can't wait for more
LilaPandas #10
Chapter 3: Woahh, this is interesting. Looking forward for more