Lesson 8

Lost In Translation (OT9)

Requested: No

Genre: Canon-AU

Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Reader

Warnings: Nothing in this chapter

Word Count: 5,006

A/N: So 2021 messed with my plans to finish this fic but here is the next chapter, after a long wait. I hope you enjoy the next instalment of this series. If you want to help me out, reblog this for me (you don’t have to though, so no pressure there).




The time after the guys left the stage was a blur. You saw them as they came down the steps from the stage and hand their mics off to staff members while other ones helped remove their in ears and battery packs. Some of the members finally showed signs of exhaustion now that their job was done and were helped back to the dressing rooms for food, water, massages, showers and rest. Before you were even able to make eye contact with anyone one of the managers tapped you on the shoulder and led you back to a room with the other managers. Time for an evaluation you guessed. No time like the present as the saying went.



Overall they were impressed by how well the guys did. They had expected some mistakes given it was the first concert but had expected you to be required to step in much more than you had needed to. Their concerns were Minseok and Baekhyun, which were valid. The two of them had not had private lessons and it showed. Minseok struggled with language at the best of times and Baekhyun had been more concerned with flirting and conspiring. Funnily they were two of the best students so you knew they’d be fine once their lessons were done. 




It was suggested to you that if one of them didn’t request a lesson tomorrow that you should pick one and approach them. It would make things a little rushed but overall you agreed with the managers. It would just require a little more logistical planning on your part given the nature of the lessons but they didn’t need to know that. All you’d said was that the conference room was probably not going to be suitable as the environment was not stimulating but that you would work something out as going out in public was also off the table in a foreign country. 




After the short but succinct meeting they filed out of the room one by one and left you alone to think about how to alter the lessons you had planned for the remaining two members. You still wanted to provide an authentic experience for them and for that to happen you’d need to make sure they weren’t put in an environment that would make them uncomfortable or that wouldn’t allow them to fully focus on the lesson at hand.




You spent a little time in the room while you mulled over the adjustments you could make before emerging to find the staff still packing up after the concert. You made your way towards the dressing rooms and ran into Sehun and Yixing. They grinned at you and embraced you. “Your lessons saved me out there.” said Sehun. 




“I was skeptical that they’d stick given the other memories that are burned into my brain from that day but the lessons actually worked! You,” he prodded you in the shoulder with his finger “are some kind of wizard.”




Yixing and you laughed at his ridiculous comment. “I’m glad that you were able to retain the lessons and that the methods I used were effective.”




“Speaking of effective,” Yixing murmured. “I need to get back to the hotel. My lesson was based off dance so whilst it worked for helping me retain the English, it also flooded my head with the other memories from that lesson so I need to leave and tend to some business.” He winked at you as Sehun laughed and then they were off, yelling thank you’s down the hall as they headed towards the exit. You assumed that Yixing was headed straight to the hotel as he hadn’t bothered to dress up after his shower. Sehun on the other hand, was clearly off to a private boutique tour, looking red carpet ready. 




You popped your head into the dressing room and congratulated the others on a great concert before making your way back to the hotel. You may not have just put on a 3 hour concert but you were famished, in need of a shower and to become one with the hotel mattress. 




The universe, however, had other plans for you. No sooner had you finished your room service meal when the phone on the bedside table rang. You waited for a few rings to see if it was a prank or a misdial. When the ringing did not cease you wiped your hands and mouth with your napkin. pushed your chair out then walked over to your bed. You picked up the phone as you sat down. “Hello?” You said by way of a greeting.




“Oh good. I got the right room.” The relieved voice sounded down the line.




“Minseok, is that you?” You asked. 




“Yeah. Sorry to call you. You weren’t resting were you?” His voice turned concerned at the idea of interrupting your evening. 




“Not at all. I just finished my dinner. I thought you’d be asleep by now though. That concert must have taken a lot out of you.” You said, genuinely surprised that he was still awake.




“Mmm, it does but you get an endorphin rush at the end which keeps you going. I hope I’ll do better tomorrow.” He said softly.




“Better? What do you mean, today was amazing! I was so proud of all of you. All of you sounded perfect, performed at 200% and everyone’s English was great!” You tried to rein in your proud teacher and friend accolades but they kept pouring out of you. You hadn’t really gotten to talk to any of them after the show at length so poor Minseok was copping an earful from you. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Your show transports your fans to another world. The remixes of the songs are, holy are they good. Wolf?! Dude! Amazing. Let’s not even TALK about the acoustic set or the club section. Minseok I honestly don’t have adequate words. The flow of the sections of the concert work so well and please stop me when I don’t shut up about how much I loved it or I will just keep talking until you pass out.” You babbled.




Minseok’s laughter sounded on the other end of the line. “Thank you. We can always do better though. The first night is always full of small mistakes that we need to fix. My ment, I messed up a bit and I was so embarrassed. That’s actually why I called. Can we work on my ment? I don’t want to mess up again tomorrow, otherwise I don’t think I’ll speak English again for as long as I can.” He stammered. 




You hadn’t realised how nervous he must have been about speaking in English. “Honestly I thought you did really well. You stumbled a little but you got through the whole thing. I didn’t need to step in or prompt you.” You hoped your words provided some reassurance that he didn’t .




“Thank you but it needs improvement and I’d like some help tonight if you aren’t busy. I’m not going to be able to sleep until I feel more confident about it.” Of course he wanted a lesson tonight. He was that kind of perfectionist, not resting until he got to a level he was happy with.




“Well in that case, I’ll come to you now. You need rest so the sooner we get this lesson done, the sooner you can sleep.” You paused as you recalled how you were going to actually do his lesson given the hotel constraints. “You do remember the rules though right?”




“Yep. I do teacher-nim.” You could hear the ridiculous enthusiasm through the phone.




“I’ll be up shortly. Give me ten minutes?” You asked.




“I’ll be here. Room 1809. If you get it wrong you’ll find Baekhyun or Dae.” He paused. “What I mean is that they are in the rooms on either side of mine so don’t knock on the wrong door.” 




You smiled as he spoke, ever the sweetheart. “Got it. You said. You hung up and got to work.








You stood in front of room 1809 and knocked, waiting for Xiumin to open the door. You really hoped that he’d be able to slip into his stage persona easily but you also knew that you’d have a difficult time since his stage persona was one of two things. He was either on legs, the kind that left you aching, or the epitome of kawaii. That made it hard to construct a lesson that would work for him but you thought you’d found a happy medium.




He opened the door in sweats, a towel around his shoulders, his wet hair dripping onto it. He must have just gotten out of the shower. He let the door open enough for you to slip inside then closed and latched it as soon as you were over the threshold. You raised a brow at him, wondering why he’d felt the need to lock you in.




He shrugged and said matter of factly “To keep stalkers out. Just an extra precaution we have to take when we aren’t in our own building.” Your stomach dropped at the fact that they needed to do this and were so nonchalant about it now. This wasn’t the time for a rant about those scum though. No, you had a job to do. You followed him further into the room until he pointed towards the desk and bed area. “You can set up over there teacher-nim. I’m just going to finish drying off then I’ll be out.” 




You nodded and let him head off to the bathroom as you set your bag on the bed. You pulled out the script for his ment and the notes you’d made following the concert. This lesson was scrapped together last minute before you left your room. You had to pack lightly so extra props and items had to be left behind in Korea. You’d tried to think of things that a hotel would have and how you could incorporate them into a lesson that would not be lesser than any of the others that you’d given. 




Thankfully you knew a few things about Xiumin/Minseok. He liked to drink and could hold his liquor and he liked sports. So you’d come up with an incredibly stupid but hopefully engaging lesson involving the two things. Then you headed over to the bar fridge in the room and pulled all of the small bottles out and tossed them on the bed. Next you turned his TV on, opened Youtube and connected your phone.




He emerged from the bathroom, looked at the bed and TV, a confused expression appearing on his face. “This is a lesson right?” He asked.




You nodded. “Of course. Now come sit next to me and I’ll explain how it will work.”




Xiumin obeyed, taking a seat next to you on the bed. “I trust you, but this is not what I imagined a lesson would look like. Alcohol definitely wasn’t on the list of things that would help me remember a foreign language.”




“My private lessons are pretty different to the ones you’ve been in at SM. I tailor each one to an interest of the person I’m teaching and work through the ment line by line associating an image or activity from their interest to the lines of the English ment. I’ve had to improvise a bit since you didn’t request one when we were back in Korea and I’m kind of limited to the hotel room. Your lesson will involve some drinking and sports but we’re not here to get drunk and yell at the TV.” He laughed at your comment. “If you remain focused and obey the rules of the lessons then you will get a reward at the end, if you misbehave or don’t pay attention then you will receive a punishment.”




“Have you given out any punishments yet?” He asked.




“Two.” You said.




He smirked. “I bet it was Sehun and Chen.” You didn’t even have to answer him before he started laughing. Your face must have told him he was correct, something he found highly amusing. “I’m their eldest hyung, trust me, I know what little s they can be. You’ll find that I’m far closer to being the teacher’s pet.” He winked. You were going to have trouble keeping your composure during this particular lesson, you just knew it.




“Right.” You squared your shoulders and did your best to mentally prepare for what was to come. “Your ment is six lines so there will be six drinks - minibar sized so you should be fine -  and six sporting moments that we will use to associate the lines to. Does that make sense?”




“Yes teacher-nim.” He smiled. 




“Ok.” You handed the lines of the ment over to him. “First line please.”




Xiumin paused and took a deep breath, readying himself for the English words that never felt like they fit on his tongue. “Hello I’m EXO’s Xiumin!” He took a sigh of relief when you nodded at him.




“Well done, this line was no issue during the concert so I wasn’t that concerned about it. Regardless, we will still assign a drink and sporting moment to it.” You poured a small amount of vodka into two glasses and pulled up the first video on Youtube, a clip of him playing soccer at the idol olympics. He burst out laughing at the video. 




“Teacher-nim, why on earth did you pick this video? I’m not even playing well!” He kept chuckling as he drank the chilled vodka.




“It’s the easiest of the lines so a video that you might not commit to memory works, plus I got to find out that you are pretty good at soccer!” You smiled. He shook his head in disbelief. You held your ground as you drank your glass. “Second line please.”




Again he appeared to steady his nerves before attempting the next line. “American fans, did you wait very long for us?” He was a bit shaky, clearly less confident in this pronunciation. 




“For this line, don’t be afraid to have an accent. Your fans are not expecting you to sound like you’re from America. You just have to run the words over in your mouth multiple times so that you find the most comfortable way to say it. Try American fans - pause, play up the moment then continue - did you wait very long for us?”  He nodded as he listened to your advice.  “Try it again.” You said as you poured two small glasses of rum and pulled up the second video - again of him, but this time he was throwing the first pitch for the LG Twins. It was a recent video and you remembered just how excited he was the day that it happened.




This time he paused before delivering the line, muttering it over and over to himself first. When he was ready he tried it how you’d suggested and it was a great improvement. His pronunciation  was clearer and his confidence was up. You smiled and handed him his drink. “Much better. I think if you keep practising it during rehearsal then it will be close to perfect by tomorrow’s concert.” He patted himself on the back at his quick progress which made you laugh. “Third line Xiumin.”




He grinned, a sparkle in his eye as he enthusiastically delivered the line. “All of our American EXO’L are so pretty!” He even had the audacity to wink at you and give you a finger heart as he said it. Clearly he was fine with this line. You had to resist the temptation to feign fainting at the delivery of the wink-finger heart combo. Instead you poured two small cups of tequila and handed him one.




“Fourth line Xiumin.” The next one was one he really struggled with during the concert so you were prepared to help and offer advice to make him more comfortable with the line. He sat on the bed and stared into the middle distance as he focused hard on getting the line out. 




“The fans that came today areallverylucky. Do you know why?” He muddled the middle words into one giant word, his tongue struggling to find the correct movements to enunciate clearly and knew he hadn’t gotten it right. He shook his head and hit the bed in frustration.




You placed your hand on his shoulder. “Hey, that bed has been nothing but good to you, don’t go roughing it up.” Your attempt at levity fell completely flat, as Xiumin just kept staring ahead. “Xiumin.” You waved a hand in front of his face, breaking his gaze. He looked at you, disappointment colouring his features. “Don’t beat yourself up about it, it’s a difficult string of words for a non english speaker to say clearly. What you could do is put emphasis on each word, Are. All. Very. Lucky.” You smiled at him. “It will help to break the words up and you can gesture to the fans for each word.” You said the four words again, pointing in a different direction as you said each one. “Something like that. Wanna give it a try?” You asked. 




He’d been watching you intently but was still a bit down on himself, like he thought he should be setting a better example since he was the eldest of the group. “I’m bad at English, hell I can barely speak Korean.” He sighed. Hmm you thought. He must be really unhappy with his performance today if he’s this frustrated after flubbing two lines. You poured two small cups of scotch and passed him one. You got up and pushed the desk chair so that it was directly in front of him and sat down. You rolled your sleeves up and locked eyes with him.




“Xiumin, try the line again. Focus and go slow, you can do this.” He sipped his drink and tried again. As he spoke, he watched you with intent. When he said Are you undid your top button, when he said All you undid the next one, and the one after that for Very followed bya fourth button for Lucky. His sharp eyes watched you as he spoke, a darker glint forming in them as he caught on to your game. 




“I’m not sure how that counts as a sporting clip to associate the line to but I think it’s burned into my brain now.” He smirked.




You finished your drink and tried to pretend that you hadn’t switched strategies for your lesson. You’d just figured that the clip you had selected wasn’t going to be enough to assist him with this particular line so you improvised and stripping for him had never failed to get you his full attention so you’d just gone with it. And it had worked. Maybe a little too well because now you were struggling to remain in teacher mode and not just continue what you’d started. “Striptease is a sport, I’m sure of it. It’s a live clip to really make sure you remember it.” 




“Well it definitely worked teacher-nim.” He winked.




You cleared your throat. You’d better get a handle on this lesson before you just mounted him and forgot the actual reason for you being in his room tonight. “Fifth line please.” You could’ve done your buttons up but you didn’t, you wanted him to anticipate what else you might do. The chemistry the two of you shared was undeniable, it was the kind of chemistry you have with someone when you’ve seen and experienced all of them, where you had nothing to hide. 




His gaze raked over you, pausing at your mouth and the valley between where you’d ed your shirt. His mind drifting from the task at hand. You cleared your throat again, his gaze snapping from you to the wall behind you. “It’s our first time performing in America!” He said the line without as much enthusiasm as he would in the concert but you weren’t here to judge how he delivered the line, just to make sure that the words made sense. He spoke this line with confidence as well, not messing up any syllables. His piercing gaze returned to you as soon as the last word left his lips. 




You blinked and it felt like a slow blink, like you were lost in his eyes and your body had started to move in slow motion to savour the look in those eyes. That man could pin you with a simple look and whilst those looks appeared when you were with Minseok, they were usually reserved to the bedroom. Xiumin however, traded in those looks. He knew he had a deadly stare and he used it to his advantage. In the next moment he could flash his gummy smile and transform into the most wholesome cutie pie but right now, he was choosing to seduce with his eyes. “That was near perfect Xiumin.” You heard your voice say the words but your mind was still catching up, entranced by everything that was him. Thankfully your body was pretty good at autopilot. You poured two small cups of gin and tossed your shirt at him, leaving you in your camisole. “Last line please.” The lesson was nearly over lucky for you. If it was to go on much longer then you weren’t sure you’d survive it. Xiumin was playing a dangerous game. He was obeying the rules you’d set out but you’d never set a rule that your student couldn’t be hot for teacher. 




He raised a brow as he caught the shirt. “Have we abandoned the sports videos?”




“You seem to be responding to this stimulus with more vigor.” You winked. “Now I believe I asked for the last line.”




He grinned and stood up to empty his cup and deliver the last line. “We love you so much. Thank you!” There were no problems with the final line either. There hadn’t been any issues with it during the concert either so you hadn’t expected this line to trip him up. 




“Excellent work Xiumin. You’ve now successfully completed the first run through of the lesson.” You poured him his final cup, absinthe. “Now we go from the top and you do the whole ment again until it feels smooth.” You stepped forward, taking a sip of his cup then kissing him, passing the liquid to his mouth with yours. Surprise took over his features. He’d been expecting another item of clothing to come off, not have that happen.




He took the cup from you and finished the remainder of the absinthe. “Well teacher-nim, this has been a very educational lesson so far.” Then he started his ment again. 








The two of you laid on the bed grinning like devils. That had to have been one of the most enjoyable lessons you’d had so far. Part of you knew that it was because the two of you had rapport and a thorough exploration of each others bodies and desires. You knew exactly what would make him pay attention and what would stick in his mind clear as day for the remainder of this tour.




“Well. THAT was definitely a private lesson.” He chuckled.




“Now you understand why I swore everyone to secrecy?!” You said.




Xiumin propped himself up on one elbow so that he could look at you properly. “Wait, you’ve done that in each lesson?”




You shook your head. “No. Each lesson is different, tailored to each member. This one was definitely just for you.” 




He smiled. “Good. I’d hate for you to be doing the same thing during each of your lessons, that would get boring.”




“They are all different but they range from mildly suggestive to tonight’s lesson. Rewards and punishments are where the real excitement lies.” You explained.




He raised a brow at that. “Oh? Do I finally get to know about these highly guarded secret rewards and punishments?”




You nodded. “Yes. When someone does really well at their lesson they are rewarded for their efforts. I offer them whatever they ask for.”




“That seems rather broad.” He mused.




“You didn’t let me finish. I offer them anything they want as long as it isn’t something I won’t do, we all have our limits after all. I usually offer it suggestively and then tell them to talk to the others who have had lessons to see what they requested, which for your information has been a , a y patient and nurse roleplay, foodplay, , public , voyeurism, photos, denial, hot and cold play, sensory depravation, , exhibitionism, noona kink, … the list goes on. You lot are one bunch.” You said matter of factly.




Xiumin’s face was unreadable as he sat there on the bed and processed everything you just told him about s. His face cracked and he started laughing soon after. “Holy . Baekhyun was right this whole time.” He continued to laugh until his sides hurt. Once he regained composure he asked “Ok but why do they all end up as ? You are offering anything they could request.”




You shrugged. “I chat with each of them about options, I let them know that is on the table, to allow them to engage with their deepest desires or things that they might not get to do with the occasional one night stand or short term girlfriends they’ve had. And like you had once told me, each of them is attracted to me and I realised that I am attracted to all of them too. So in the end, they have all ended up requesting something ual.”




You sat up and looked at him. “You don’t hate me for that do you?”




He shook his head. “Not at all. We were never exclusive and I know all of them well enough to know that they aren’t going to be jerks about it. Baek will be jealous, so maybe ease him into this information when it’s his turn. He’s been crushing on you, I think he’ll be fine once he sees the bigger picture though.”




You sighed. “Yeah, I’m most scared about telling him.”




“Well I and the rest of us will be here to help you if needed.” He smiled warmly. “Now, enough of him. Am I getting a reward or punishment? Oh! And what were the punishments?!”




“You, my excellent yet overtly seductive student, are being rewarded so you can start pondering what you’d like to ask for.” You grinned. “Punishments, well I’ve only done two of those so far. The person still requests what they would like as a reward and I use that request and make it more frustrating for them. That’s where the denial has come into play.”




A devilish smile appeared on his face. “But I already get to enjoy you as I please…” He let his arm drop and lay back on the bed as he pondered his reward. You were stuck for what he might request as well. He wasn’t wrong. Asking for was kind of redundant since you’d been each others stress release for months now. This might be the first reward that was wholesome. His eyes slid over you as that hellborn smile returned. “I guess there is one thing I could ask for…”




“Are you going to share that request with me or am I to become psychic?” You weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer to his request given the look in his face.




“Do you remember the night we played truth or dare?” He asked.




You levelled your gaze at him. “Bit hard to forget that night given how it ended and the lack of underwear on my part.”




He grinned. “That part might have made you forget that you asked for one of my fantasies.”




You squinted, not sure why you did that but it always happened when you tried to recall a memory. You’d asked it in the truth game before all hell broke loose, then there was that whole thing with Baek in the bathroom, then you found Minseok and he was drunk and rude to you, then appeared at your door later full of remorse. Then the following morning… you recalled something from that. “And your response was that we couldn’t fulfill it at that exact moment.”




“Correct.” He said.




“So that’s your request?” He nodded. “But who do you pick?” You asked.




“Do you also remember the round of truth or dare you barely won?” He smirked.




You laughed. “Again, difficult to forget that you and Baek removed my undergarments in front of everyone.”




“That’s my pick.” He said.




“Baek?” Xiumin nodded. You sighed. Memories from that night came rushing back. Baekhyun had kissed you that night, had slapped your in the bathroom. . You were getting at the thought of this reward taking place. Both of them. At the same time. You weren’t sure you’d survive that experience. Xiumin watched you as those memories flooded your consciousness. “Obviously we can’t do the reward now. We’d have to wait until after he has a lesson to keep it fair for everyone.” 




“Obviously. I’m incredibly patient, something you are already well aware of.” His smirk had your core clenching at memories of the night he kept making you wait for your release.




“Ok,” You said, almost breathlessly. “I’m up for this as long as he agrees to it after his lesson.”




Xiumin pulled you into a hug as he thanked you. “I’ll be waiting. Thank you for not freaking out that first time I brought it up.”




You kissed him as you reassured him that he had nothing to worry about with you, never had and never would. You removed yourself from his bed and bid him goodnight, reluctantly sending yourself back to your own room. After all, there was another day of rehearsal, interviews and a 3.5 hr concert tomorrow.


A/N: Thank you for reading & being so patient with me. 2021 was a hell of a year and I’d like to think I’ve got more time on my hands this year. Only 6 chapters to go then this fic with be completed. My labour of love.

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That was pretty intense. I like that Minseok asked about their limits and was considerate of everyone.

It was pretty hot and so long, I didn't think about the end coming as soon as it did. Hahaha.

As for who she should end up with, here's my two cents. It is very apparent throughout the whole story that she and Baekhyun have a thing. And after the previous chapter where he devoured her, it's clear that they care for each other more deeply than she cares for the other boys, Minseok included. She was so afraid of how Baek would react which is a clear sign that she wants something more with him.

I don't see her being with Minseok, even though she cares for him deeply as well. It might be because of their arrangement as buddies, but aside from that she has no emotional attachment aside from their friendship.

I would love to see her end up with Baek after her contract with them ends. And of course, maybe with the cheerleader costume? Hahaha

I cannot wait for the next update! Thank you so much for sticking with this fic. Here's to all readers patiently waiting for the conclusion to this story.
747 streak #2
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Yes please, I will take a fan and refreshments. I was sure I wanted her to end up with Baekhyun, but I am suddenly undecided after this chapter. If it would be either man, I don’t think the other would be very happy, which could potentially cause deeper problems within the group. I don’t think the others are as invested and things pretty much stopped with the lessons and friendship. However, it’s more apparent that she has mutual feelings with both men - unless I am reading it wrong. I can’t wait to see how things progress after this night.

Thank you so much for updating, I’ve really missed this story. Hope you’ve been well and Happy New Uear.
40 streak #3
Chapter 47: Uwww... finally they did it... that was more like a anticipating and nerve-wracking moments...haha...but it was extremely hot, y and tempting...yeah.. I was also wondering with whom she was going to end up...
Woah.. 3 endings... hope authornim publish all the 3 endings maybe one as final and other two as bonus part or possible endings...
Aww... hope she ends up with all the boys... but yeah she had actually different chemistry, friendship and relationship with all the boys... it was definitely a lit bit different for xiumin and baekhyun from the beginning... how about a surprise plot twist and ending... i miss reverseharem au though... I'll definitely look forward to read the exciting upcoming updates...really enjoyed reading the whole chapter..thank you authornim for updating ❤️
Chapter 47: Woaaaahh crazyyyy!!! I honestly ship the three of them together? Is it possible? LOL.
808aff #5
Chapter 46: Well hoooooooly it's happening. She did work extremely hard with the guys, both professionally and uh ually lol. She deserves all the praise and rewards as well. Dang we getting a Xiubaek y time for Xiubaek lol
Chapter 46: I know my naughty guy here will accept it. Hahahhaa. I surely not expect that Minseok would be afraid to be rejected about this awww. No worries, we'll get to it guys. It's about time 🤣🤣
Chapter 46: Woaaaah.. i don't think i can survive the next chapter. The build up is already hot enough, i can't imagine the real action.. hohoho
Chapter 46: Give me some water and a fan!!! I gotta cool myself up!!!!!
40 streak #9
Chapter 46: Woah... finally baekhyun got his another reward... for sure they were too naughty..hahaha.. but that was so hot and y... also loved their dynamic bonding..there's definitely something special between them.. maybe it's love, care, trust and good understanding... but they got along with each other so easily and comfortably... also woah he's going to get another bonus reward soon i guess.. hehehe..loved the way oc made it more easier and comfortable for both of them... xiumin's reason for choosing baekhyun was so interesting... so excited for next chapter..loved it authornim and thank you for updating.
747 streak #10
Chapter 46: I think we will be the ones to die reading it!😉 This was such a hot chapter in itself. Baek, Teach, and simply a phone was hotness overload in itself. They have such a connection to each other that it’s crazy. It also speaks volumes of his trust in her that he has accepted her reward/punishment system with the others. Not to mention her friends with benefits relationship with Minseok, and now agreeing to be part of Xiumin’s reward. Can’t wait for the next chapter.