Lesson 7

Lost In Translation (OT9)

During the third performance of Lucky One you remembered Jongdae’s note and snuck back to the monitor where no one else was so that you could open it. Inside the envelope is a small invitation, simple in its design. The card is a soft green with brown borders and letters. It looks like a reservation for a restaurant but you’d need to look it up to be sure. If it hadn’t had the addition of Function - Private Tutoring embossed on the card you could have thought he was asking you out on a date. You smiled to yourself as you recalled the lesson options you’d planned for him. Your smile grew when you realised that it could also be a perfect setting for revenge for today’s prank. This was going to be fun.



Jongdae had the foresight to book his lesson after comeback week had finished. You could just imagine trying to teach him anything while he was in the middle of that, it would not go well. Not that the guys had rested all that much, they were always busy because well, idol life was not for the weak. If you loved alone time, sleep and 3 meals a day then it was not the life for you. You’d seen their routine while working with them and the insanity of it had become your normal which is why when you looked back on comeback week and still felt exhausted from it, you knew that it was no joke. Even a robot would have wanted to power down. How they were still standing at the end of it was beyond you. You guessed they were used to it? Regardless, you cancelled lessons for a week after that in order to give them a small modicum of time in their day to rest.



You’d actually forgotten that Jongdae had requested a lesson until Minseok brought it up one night when he’d come to hang out and steal your snacks. He liked to claim that they were his snacks and that he just hid them in your cupboard because they’d get stolen if they were left in the dorm. He’d also ignore you when you reminded him that he always ate super healthy food and so the chocolate bars and packets of chips he was devouring were obviously not his. He didn’t keep snacks like that because his impulse control once he gave in and had ‘just one bite’. 



Four chocolate bars in, he paused to ask. “Are you avoiding Dae?”



You frowned, perplexed by the question. “No.”



“Well he seems to think that you are. Said something about asking you for a lesson and that you’d ghosted him ever since.” Minseok narrowed his eyes at you. “I have to share a room with him you know.” 



You had no memory of Jongdae asking you for a lesson so you were confused at why he seemed to think you were avoiding him. You’d had no work talk at all with the guys after comeback week so if he’d asked you it had to have been before or during the Monster/Lucky One comeback. “I swear Min, he never asked me for one… did he say anything about when or how he asked me?”



“Hmm” Minseok thought for a few moments, enough to half eat another one of your chocolate bars - you were going to have to start a tab for him at this rate, before continuing. “He said he sent a card? He was kind of cryptic about it ok? I don’t remember exactly when he did it but it was after the CBX debut and before today if that helps?” He shrugged and watched you as your brain worked overtime to recall a card from Jongdae.



Your brain was apparently mush during the last month because all you could draw up were snapshots of moments - the Monster stage, too much coffee, Lucky One costumes, a green embossed card, Sehun not sharing his phone, Baekhyun pinning you against a wall - , you still needed to process that whole thing - Jongdae saying something about waiting til he was onstage, Jongin being scared of ghosts, christ so much coffee. Wait. What did Jongdae say to you? You willed your brain to comply with you.



“Hey now, don’t strain a brain cell.” Minseok chuckled.



“Shut up.” 






You ignored Minseok, much to his annoyance, but you were so close to your brain connecting the dots. The snippets of Baekhyun and you in the corridor kept getting you off track but you had to bench that whole situation for a later date because Jongdae had said something… right before going on stage. Wait. He’d handed you something too. Oh! The envelope, he’d handed you an envelope and, “Open this once we’ve gone on stage.”  It was like a lightbulb had been and all of the darkness between the moments was erased, allowing you to see a clear linear progression of that day. 



“Ah Ha!” You shouted far louder than necessary. So loud that it made Mr Kim I never get scared Minseok jump.



“What the is wrong with you?!” He said as he tried to cover up the monetary shock he’d experienced.



“Sorry. I just remembered what happened.” You’d been so lost in your thoughts and they had been so loud and busy that you really hadn’t realised how loudly you’d just shouted.



“With what?”



“Jongdae!” You exclaimed. 



“Seriously? That was like twenty minutes ago. You’ve been concentrating on that this whole time?” 



“Uh… yeah.” You honestly hadn’t even noticed the time passing. It felt like only a moment ago that Minseok had brought up Jongdae. “But anyway. I remember that day at Music Core he gave me an envelope right before you went on stage to perform. There was a card in it requesting a private tutorial.”



He settled back into the couch. “So you were ghosting him.”



“Not intentionally! I’d honestly forgotten everything that happened that day. If you remember, they poisoned me with coffee far stronger than I could handle.”



“It’s an excuse, not a particularly good one, but still an excuse.” He deadpanned, a wry smile on his face.



“I’ll contact him tonight and organise it ok?”



“Thank . Do you have any idea how insufferable he’s been?”



“Judging by how much chocolate you’ve just eaten I’m gonna go with 8/10 on the Ah Wae scale.”



You had to move quickly to dodge the unopened Mars bar that was hurled at you. He was laughing at the ridiculousness of the very idea of an Ah Wae scale but also not pleased at being accused of emotional snacking. Which he had 100% been doing without noticing. You dodged three throws before being clocked in the jaw with a snickers bar. “I SURRENDER!” You feigned being critically injured by the projectile which sent Minseok into a fit of laughter as he tried to help you stand up. 



“You are ridiculous, you know that?” He said in between laughs as he hoisted you over his shoulder. 



“Says the man who was throwing food. So mature.” 



That earned you a smack on the as he carried you to your bed.






True to your word you had contacted Jongdae after Minseok had left. You’d apologised for the delay in contacting him, telling him the truth - that you’d forgotten most of what happened in comeback week and that you felt terrible for not contacting him sooner. He was more than understanding, laughing at how he probably should have waited until after the comeback week before asking you.  



“All I remember about debut week was that I had some awful green dye in my hair and had to wear ridiculously shiny clothes. I forgot that I’d sung in Mandarin until we had to appear on a stage again so all is forgiven.” 



The two of you discussed the logistics of setting up the lesson and settled on a date. You briefly went over the rules again since it had been so long since you’d held a group lesson and figured it would be unfair for him to be disadvantaged before the extra part of the lesson even came into play.  He knew he was to be Chen and to be 100% his stage persona rather than Jongdae. He knew how he was to address you, and how it was expected for him to act. There really wasn’t much else you could do to prepare him for what was to come without giving away too much.



“I’m looking forward to our lesson noona. The others have said that it’s much more hands on than our group lessons. I struggle with English so I think it’d really help me out.”



“That’s an interesting way of putting it. The private lessons are definitely more focused on how to best assist you with learning and retaining the words that you have to say while on tour. It should be fun!”  



During classes Jongdae had been a great student, if he was focused. So you knew you’d have a 50/50 chance of him being distracted and not performing to the standard you set in your lessons. He did not know any of this yet, that was the fun part for you. Three days from now you Chen would be put to the test, he just didn’t know it yet.



When you got back to your room you googled the restaurant to look at the decor, the visibility from the public (which according to Dae was zilch as he’d booked a private room), the menu, the decor & lighting so that you could plan the perfect test. Unlike the others you weren’t going to offer the reward or punishment at a later date. You knew Dae well enough to know that once all was revealed, he’d be on board and too eager to delay proceedings. You also wanted to give his punishment or reward right after the lesson given how long he’d had to wait for the lesson. 



You were more than pleased with his selection, you’d be able to stage exactly what you wanted and if all went to plan, he’d either exceed expectations or he’d be far too distracted to pass the lesson. 






“Something is up with Baekhyun.” 



You sighed. “Soo, I’m sure he’s fine.”



He paused. “No, I mean there’s not anything physically wrong with him. He’s being weird.” Kyungsoo’s soft voice was normally soothing for you to listen to but right now, as you were on your way to the restaurant, it was only serving to irritate you. 



“Soo, now’s not really -”



“Weirder than usual noona..” He cut you off, desperate for you to hear him. There was actual concern in his voice and that was the only thing that gave you pause.



You braced yourself for what the following question would unveil. “Ok I’ll bite. Weirder how?”



“The whole time you’ve been doing private lessons he’s always been overly inquisitive about the whole thing. He’s always thought something was up with the lessons and that there was something going on between you and Minseok hyung. At first I thought he was just tired from promotions but he has had no questions, no attempts at tricking us into saying something. It’s like he’s given up… which is not like him, and he isn’t moping about it.”



You resisted the urge to rub your face with your palm, lest you ruin your makeup but Baekhyun’s words echoed in your mind. this time I know that you feel something too. you’re missing out on so much more by not taking it just that little bit further with me. I’m leaving it up to you to make the move though, that’s 100% in your court. Could it be that he was done with making advances on you? Had you rejected him? You didn’t think you had, it was always fun flirtations, extended if you will. 



“Noona?” Kyungsoo’s voice brought you out of your thoughts as you realised that you hadn’t responded to him.



“Sorry Soo. I can’t deal with Baekhyun right now but I think I have an idea of what is going on with him and I’ll sort it out later.”



“I mean, I’d rather you did it now…”



“Soo.” You warned.



“Kidding noona. I just wanted to make sure you were aware. It’s just out of character for him and some of the others think its a new tactic but I think otherwise.”



“I’m about to have my lesson with Dae so like I said, I can't deal with it right now but I promise that I will soon.”



“Thanks noona.” He said. “Have fun, and I’m not gonna lie but I kind of want Dae to fail his lesson. He’s always been the prankster so it would bring me so much joy to know he had to be punished.” He chuckled.






“What?” He laughed.



“Not words I was expecting from you.” You laughed in reply. “I have to go, but thank you for letting me know.”



“Knock his socks off.”



You hung up and made a mental note to have words with Baekhyun later. You were really hoping to wait until it was time for his lesson to explain everything but you were going to have to work out something to prevent him from distancing himself. You also had the slight fear that whilst you both liked each other, that he might want something exclusive with you and that just wouldn’t work for multiple reasons. Firstly, that could cost you your job, it was one thing to hide these private lessons and occasional flings with the boys but a proper relationship? That scared you to death. Exclusivity… that you weren’t sure on. You liked him, a lot, but you also liked the others a lot as well. And you had no idea how he’d take the news that you’d ed s if he was really starting to develop romantic feelings for you. You shook your head before you let those thoughts get their hooks in. You had a lunch to attend, and a lesson to give. A very hands on lesson.






You arrived first. As you followed the waiter through the restaurant to your private table you took in the prohibition era decor. It served modern european cuisine and the whole place had an industrial underground feel. There was only overhead lighting in the kitchen and bar areas, otherwise the room was dimly lit, with a small coiled light globe on each table, emitting a golden yellow light. The whole restaurant was paneled with wood and has been aged with rust marks. When you stepped into the private room you felt like you’d stepped into an old mafia movie. The walls were a makeshift cellar, with all of the alcohol locked behind wire cabinet doors. There was a round table with two chairs in the centre of the room and a candelabra in the middle. It was a good thing that you didn’t need Chen to read anything during this lesson because it was almost too dark to comfortably do that. You let the waiter take your jacket and hang it by the door, then took your seat and waited for the man of the hour to arrive.



If incognito was the look he was going for then he failed horribly once he entered the restaurant. On the street his disguise of black jeans, a black oversized dress shirt, black cap and black mask helped him to blend in to the crowd. Here he stood out like a sore thumb. You were thankful for the private room given that now even if they had no idea who had walked through the restaurant, the patrons knew it was someone famous. At least he didn’t have an iced americano with him as well.



“Hi Noona!” He smiled warmly at you as he removed his cap and mask, fixing his hair before sitting opposite you.



“Teacher-nim.” You reminded him. “You know the rules for today Chen.”



He chuckled and let out a sigh. “So it’s going to be like this huh? I was really hoping to have a fun catch up lunch, gossip and you just teach me amongst that.”



You shook your head. “No can do. My private lessons work differently to the group ones. I will be addressing you by your stage persona. So today you are Chen, vocal powerhouse and incredible performer, not sweet and incredibly mischievous Jongdae. You will refer to me as Teacher and you will give me your full attention. If you do well, you get rewarded. If not, you’ll be punished. Make sense?”



“Weird flex but ok,” He saw the look on your face and added. “Teacher.” Internally you cursed at him. He was going to make things difficult today, you just knew it. Both Jongdae & Chen were loud and cheeky. He wouldn’t be bratty like Sehun but you could already tell that he was going to push you as far as he could get away with. “Can you explain the lesson to me over food?” He asked. “I showered and came from practice so I’m kind of starving and if I’m starving then I’m going to be a terrible student.”



After you had both ordered your meals and your drinks had been served you started to tell him how the lesson would progress. “Each private lesson I do is specifically tailored to the person I’m giving it to. I pick something that I believe to be one of their interests or strengths and use that as a foundation to build the lesson from. My aim is to make memorising the lines of your ment easier, and more than that, if you forget a line the lesson we do should give you a specific thing to draw from to remember the line. Still with me?”



The look on Chen’s face was confused. “I think so but can you give me an example here?”



“Ok so for D.O. I used a recipe, for Lay I used dance, for Kai a children’s book. I associated the lines with steps in the recipe, moves of a dance or lines in the book.”



“ you might be some kind of genius noona, I mean teacher.” Chen quickly corrected his slip up as he took a sip of his drink. “So what is my lesson based off?”






“Well that’s not vague at all.” He chuckled.



“Specifically songs. I assume you have your ipod on you?” You asked.



He pulled it out of his pocket and held it up, waving it at you. “Never leave home without it.”



“Ok so what we are going to do is put it on shuffle and the first 6 songs that come up will be the songs that we use. Each song will be associated with a line from your ment.” You explain.



Chen nods, “Ok that sounds good.” He starts to play around with his ipod, closing out of the playlist he was in and setting it to shuffle all songs. Once he had prepared the device he set it on the table and looked at you. “Ready.”



“First song please.” You request. He presses play and the first song begins. It’s a soft ballad, a bit lacking in the energy that you were hoping for given the first phrase but in reality if he forgot how to say the first phrase, you were doomed from the beginning. You passed a piece of paper to him, with his ment on it broken down into 6 phrases. “And first phrase.”



He glances at the paper and rolls his eyes, confidence filling his features. “Hello I am EXO’s Chen!” You are thankful that he didn’t do the line at his normal volume, he was usually the loudest of the group while doing introductions, with only Baekhyun giving him a run for his money. Chanyeol too on occasion but he ran too high a risk of losing his voice if he tried to compete with the two vocalists.



You nod and pause the song. “Good. The rest of the lesson will run like this, then we’ll revisit the songs and you will tell me the line associated with each, even if they are out of order.”



He sighs, some of the fun he’d associated with this lesson disappearing. “Yes teacher-nim.”



“Second song please.” The next tune is funky and has hints of jazz. It takes everything you have to not bop or tap your foot along to the infectious music. “Next phrase.”



Chen hums the song for a few bars then says. “Our American fans are so beautiful.” His voice lilts as he speaks, fitting the words to the melody of the song. 



“On to the next one Chen.” You say as he grooves out in his chair, pretend drumming with the utensils. “Chen.” You warn. 



“Party pooper.” He mumbles under his breath as he goes to the next song. A familiar song from a musical starts and you try to hide your smile. He really listens to every genre, no wonder he can sing practically anything and make it sound amazing. He over enunciates the words within the song’s melody, hitting the key change mid sentence. “You have to create today’s performance with us.”



That cocky bastard. You think to yourself. He’s acing the lesson but his attitude about it is leaving a lot to be desired. He’s building to something, but what, you are not sure of yet. “Fourth one.” A happy summer bop by a girl group comes on and he laughs. 



“I forgot this was even on here. This song is a whole mood.” You tap the table impatiently, making it clear that you aren’t jamming to music with him for fun, this is for work… even if this song is a whole mood. “Ugh fine.” He clears his throat. “You have to sing together with us, you have to play together with us.”



Before you can ask he moves on to the fifth song. Heavy rock guitar and drums blast through the speaker and he grins, headbanging and taking a huge gulp of air, making you think he’s going to yell the line before singing at a much lower volume than you know he wants to as he busts out the phrase. “Are you ready?” You mask the glare you want to give him for how he’s toying with you but internally you are staring daggers at him.



The final song he plays is a slow RnB song, the kind you put on a playlist. It is completely jarring to the vibe of the final phrase but he manages to make it work, even if it does come out far more sensually than it should. “Let’s spend today being together happily. Thank you, I love you!” He does a seated bow and grins at you. “I did well right?”



“You got the lines right and understand the idea of fitting the words to the melody of the song, but there is no need to show off Chen. You’ll have multiple chances to say the lines however you like during the tour and rehearsals.” 



After the first run through the food arrives so you pause the playlist, make note of the songs and set it aside while you eat. You don’t view this break to eat as a break in the lesson, unlike Chen, who thinks he now has free time to get distracted by chatting. He is halfway through a rather large mouthful of his meal when his face lights up. Normally you would associate this look with extreme delight over food but given that he is chewing with more vigour you feel like he is rushing to finish his mouthful. 



“So,” He grins at you. You get a sudden fear that he knows what the reward and punishment part of your lessons involves, your breath hitching slightly as you hold out hope that the next words out of his mouth aren’t a cheap attempt to skip the remainder to the lesson and jump to . “About my frequently missing roommate.” 



It takes a moment for you to put two and two together but you slowly realise that he is talking about Minseok. Here you were thinking that it was only Baekhyun who thought you were up to something with his eldest member but apparently Jongdae had been keeping an eye out as well, going so far as to not get involved during the last CBX meal when this very topic was brought up. Not that he had to pay too much attention, after all if you are expecting your roommate to be in his bed each night and a handful of those he is absent, you’d be suspicious of his whereabouts. You try to be nonchalant about it. “Sorry?”



“Don’t play dumb noona. I know he leaves our room and disappears for hours, sometimes the entire night.” He points a chopstick at you and raises a brow as he speaks.



“I don’t see how Minseok leaving at night has anything to do with me.” You shrug his words off, not wanting to rehash this conversation.



“Sehunnie told me Minseok hides his snacks in your kitchen, and that he goes to hang at your place pretty often.” He gives you a pointed look. “Minseok only leaves the dorm for 3 reasons, schedules, gym or .” He sits back in his chair, a smug smile on his face, the kind that you want to slap off his face. 



Instead you choose to look bored and annoyed rather than allowing your true emotions show. “Are your deductions reaching a solid point anytime soon or are you going to continue to waste the precious time I’ve spent on this lesson for you to talk about the extracurricular activities of your roommate?” 



He has the audacity to look shocked that you’ve avoided answering his question. “Noona. I know he’s visiting you. It would be so much easier if you would just admit it.”



“Minseok does hide his snacks in my kitchen but that is only because he is trying to diet and because he knows that someone will steal them if he leaves them in the pantry.” You state.



Sure noona.” He says smugly.



You aren’t ashamed of your friends with benefits arrangement with Minseok, that’s not the cause of your anger. No, you are pissed that Jongdae thinks he can coerce the answer from you over lunch and more than that, that he feels that he is entitled to an answer. Baekhyun backs off once he realises he’s hit a nerve with you but Dae just keeps pressing the point and you’ve had it. “End of discussion. This makes two meals I’ve had with you where the conversation has been diverted into talk of Minseok and I. Last time it was Baekhyun, this time its you and to be quite honest I’m ing done with it.” You snap. “This is the last time that I will remind you that I am here today as your teacher, not your friend and you would be wise to show me the respect that I deserve.” It is a bit cruel to cut him down so severely but at the same time, your arrangement with Minseok is none of his business and this is a lesson. Jongdae would stick to trying to get the info out of you if you hadn’t been so blunt. You could live with hurting his pride and he’d soon forget about it.



You finish your meal in silence, it’s not awkward but you can tell that he isn’t used to being scolded in such a blunt fashion for anything that isn’t related to his work. If anything your bluntness would be good for him, lest he remain on a pedestal of getting whatever he wanted. Jongdae was sensible, so he knew to shut up and eat while evaluating what was said but also to try to remember his ment. If curiosity got the better of him he was impossible to control, the rest of the time he was probably the last person that SM had to worry about. He loved his work. He didn’t have interest in branching out into acting or being a brand ambassador, no, all he wanted was to sing and to one day, have a family. So you both ate, silently and efficiently, stopping only to order another drink. While you watched him stew over your words you formulated a plan. This lesson was either going to continue to be derailed like Sehun’s was, or, he would focus and be the model student. You held out little hope for the latter being true at this point. So if he was going to continue to disrupt the lesson, then you were going to make the lesson difficult for him. When you were done with him he would wish he hadn’t asked you anything.






Since resuming the lesson you’d moved closer to Chen, something that had startled him at first but he got over it once you grabbed the ipod and pressed play, looking at him expectantly until he spoke. He was less confident since you’d snapped at him and flubbed a few lines. On the third run through of the ment you’d started to randomly touch him, brushing dust off his shoulder, ghosting his ear, before resting a hand on his thigh. That was what did it for him.



“What are you doing?!” He exclaimed. “What the noon-teacher!”



You kept your features neutral and definitely didn’t focu on how muscular his thigh was. “You have to be able to perform under pressure Chen. Being in front of the audience and with seven other men high on adrenaline can be distracting. So the purpose of the touching is to maintain your focus, regardless of what is thrown at you while you speak.”



“I said genius before but did I emphasise the evil part of it?” He grumbled. 



And so it continued, he spoke and you tried to distract him, letting your hands wander. He did far better than you were expecting and at this point you were enjoying the tour of his body that your hands were taking. You watched as he started to clear his throat more, and his lips as he fought against giving in to the roaming hands on his body. “Third line.” You prompted, a smirk on your face as you watched him squirm.



You ghosted over his crotch, letting just the edge of your palm brush against him as you reached for his thigh and you heard his breath hitch. Somehow he maintained his composure and delivered the line. You decided that it was time to give him the ultimate test. Whilst the suggesting roaming of your hands had definitely had an effect on him, you knew there was one place that he absolutely could not stand to be touched. His ears.



“First line” You said. As he opened his mouth to confidently and easily say the first line you touched his ear. His reaction was immediate, the line long forgotten as his instincts took over.



He jerked away from your touch, hating that you kept touching his ears. “Noona please, you know I hate having my ears touched.” He whined. 



You did know, that was the point. He might have remembered the lines in the beginning but his attitude had led you to taking the lesson up a notch. After that, he’d had a 60% success rate and really, you were going to have to give the guy a reward. Until he broke. Now you were free to choose to punish him instead. And after the way he’d spoken to you earlier, you kind of wanted to make him suffer. To make him needy, to hear him beg for you. 



You tsked him. “I believe I gave you your final warning during our meal. I am not your noona today. I am your teacher, and you have disrespected me for the last time Chen.” A look of worry appeared on his face. Until this point he’d been so sure that he would come out of this lesson on top. That in itself was enough of a decider for you. “You will not be rewarded for today’s lesson.”



“That’s not fair! You kept touching me &” He protested even though he knew it would do him no good.



“Irrelevant. Are you going to try and convince me that your members never try to throw you off during a ment by talking, touching, mocking etc?” His face dropped as he shook his head.



“But -”



“So you failed today’s lesson. You would have passed had you not allowed yourself to be distracted. You can review the lesson in your own time and work on the prompts yourself, you very nearly had it memorised but your attention is too easily diverted. Something to work on there.” You delivered your feedback succinctly, wanting to get to the part where you explained the punishment to him and watched his face. That was your favourite part.



“So...that’s it? I just fail and go home now?” He started to sulk. He knew how cheery the others had been after their lessons and to think that he’d be the first to fail was crushing him. 



“Don’t start your one person pity party yet Chen. You won’t be rewarded for the lesson but you will be punished. And you aren’t the first member to be punished.” His face became confused at that. Noticing this you kept speaking before he could cut you off. “I think we should order dessert so I can explain how this will work.”






Chen continued to watch you nervously as you ordered a tasting plate to share for dessert and sipped on your wine as though you hadn’t just told him you were going to punish him. His mind jumped to the punishments that were doled out after the arcade night. Were you going to make him do something embarrassing like that? Or were you going to make him do all of the chores in the house, do your shopping or buy everyone a meal? He couldn’t just sit there and wait for you to speak. 



“What is my punishment?” He uttered the words precariously.



“That,” You started. “Is something best discussed once dessert arrives and we are left alone.” Your words did nothing to calm his nerves so he fidgeted while he waited. Sighing you added. “You can text Sehun. He was also punished so you can ask about his experience.” Unbeknownst to him, you also texted Sehun.


[1:42pm] You: So Dae is going to text you. He’s getting a punishment & he has no idea what’s involved with the rewards or punishments yet so feel free to mess with him.

[1:42pm] Sehun: Noona, are you suggesting that I torment my hyung?

[1:42pm] Sehun: Because I’ll do it.

[1:43pm] You: Look he’s been a true beagle today.

[1:43pm] You: It’ll do him good to have a bit of fear & humility.

[1:43pm] Sehun: Noona, you have made my day!

[1:43pm] You: Make me proud. Freak him out but don’t lie otherwise he’ll take revenge later.

[1:44pm] Sehun: Trust me. I was born for this task.


You stifled your laugh so as to not give away what was about to happen to Dae. Were you being cruel? A little. Was it deserved? Most definitely. Not only just for today but it was worth it to bring the prank master unstuck.



Chen focused on texting Sehun but from the look on his face, his anxiety was not being alleviated at all. You knew Sehun would do a good job of scaring him, his brattiness finally coming in useful for you. 



The share plate arrived and you happily ate, Chen was apprehensive until you prompted him to eat. Once you’d enjoyed three of the small desserts on the tasting plate you put your spoon down and made eye contact with Chen, who hurried to swallow his food and waited with baited breath for you to speak. “For the members who received a reward - they were allowed to ask for whatever they wanted from me and as long as it wasn’t something I was unwilling to perform, I did it. So far no one has asked for something that I’m unwilling to give. Essentially they get to fulfil a fantasy, a desire that they’ve kept hidden or wanted to explore but their fame has made that a difficult task. Are you with me so far?” 



Chen nods. “Yes. I think so.” He furrows his brow. “But when you say anything… what did they, you know, ask for?”



“Without being specific, all of the punishments have involved a lack of clothing, writhing bodies and a happy ending.” You chuckled as his jaw dropped, the reality of the rewards finally hitting him.



“And, um, the punishment?” He asked as he tried to not let the shock of finding out that you had been ing around with 6 of s.



“You will be my second punishment. Similarly to Sehun I will ask you for what you would have requested had you earned a reward. Then I will twist that into a punishment. If you endure the punishment, you will be rewarded at the end. So,” You picked up your spoon and took a mouthful of the vanilla ice cream. “I will give you a few minutes to consider what you want while I go freshen up in the bathroom. I’ll give you ten minutes, but text me if you make your mind up before that.” You stood and turned towards the door, looking behind you as you moved to leave. “Oh and Chen?”



“Y-yes?” He stuttered.



“I work best with details. What you want, what line you won’t cross.” You smiled and left Chen alone in the room to let your words sink in. You tried to work out what kind of thing he’d ask for as you made your way to the ladies room. What secret desires did the devilishly cheeky vocalist have? Would he want to dominate you or submit to you? Would he want to use toys? Would he want a ? Would he want his punishment right away or would he want to schedule it for later? You had no idea but after all of the exploring your hands did earlier, you were ready to dish out his punishment sooner rather than later. The longer you waited for his ten minutes to be p, the more your brain formulated a plan of what you wanted to do to him, you just had to see if it would fit with what he requested.






Your phone chimed, startling you from the deliciously evil plan you had formed. You checked the message that was sent, wondering if it was from him or if it was one of the others. 



[2:05pm] Jongdae: I’ve decided what I want.



You grinned, fixed your clothing and checked your appearance in the mirror one last time then headed back to the room. Once you entered your eyes went straight to the man seated at the table. The man you were going to make earn whatever it was that he so desired. You made sure the door was closed behind you before leaning against it, raising a brow at him as you waited for him to speak.



“Do I just come out and ask for it?” He says somewhat nervously.



You nod. “That would assist proceedings.”



He takes a deep breath and readies himself. You weren’t expecting him to be so nervous about this. He avoids your gaze as he speaks, his eyes focused on the door behind you. “I have a noona kink.” He states. “And, uh, I want to have you here, on this table. I want the danger of being heard by the whole restaurant, I want to have you for dessert, I bet you taste so sweet.” He smirks, his confidence finally returning to him. , that’s hot. You think, picturing yourself spread out on the table with his face between your legs.



You nod. This fits in wonderfully with your plan. You were hoping he’d be impatient enough to want to go through with it right now but knowing he has both a noona kink and a touch of exhibitionism in him, you’ve got more than enough to work with. “You will get what you want, if you can endure how I twist it to punish you. For now, what you want will be withheld from you. You won’t be allowed to unless I allow it. You will prove to me that you can follow instructions and behave. If you can do this, then you can have me on this table until I can’t take it anymore.”



He his lips and swallows, his pupils dilating as you speak. “Yes.”



“Let me make sure no waiters walk in while we do this. We can explain away noises, but if someone were to walk in on EXO’s Chen in a compromising position with a member of SM staff… that we would have trouble covering up. Not to mention that I’d be out of a job. So, give me a sec.” You turn to leave the room once more, placing your hand on the door handle. As you turn it you leave him with one last thing, sure to drive him mad. “And Chen?” 






“From now, you will address me as noona.”



“.” You hear him say under his breath as you leave the room to tell the staff some bull story about having a business meeting that cannot be disturbed under any circumstances. You’d shove a chair against the closed door as a safeguard once you returned. You hadn’t been kidding about the catastrophe that would happen if someone walked in. It would be beyond damaging for you. It would be a scandal for him and for the group but you would be kissing your job goodbye. But back to the matter at hand. You thought.



You were going to absolutely wreck him. And he was going to enjoy it.



A/N: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and are ready for what comes next! Let me know your thoughts!

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That was pretty intense. I like that Minseok asked about their limits and was considerate of everyone.

It was pretty hot and so long, I didn't think about the end coming as soon as it did. Hahaha.

As for who she should end up with, here's my two cents. It is very apparent throughout the whole story that she and Baekhyun have a thing. And after the previous chapter where he devoured her, it's clear that they care for each other more deeply than she cares for the other boys, Minseok included. She was so afraid of how Baek would react which is a clear sign that she wants something more with him.

I don't see her being with Minseok, even though she cares for him deeply as well. It might be because of their arrangement as buddies, but aside from that she has no emotional attachment aside from their friendship.

I would love to see her end up with Baek after her contract with them ends. And of course, maybe with the cheerleader costume? Hahaha

I cannot wait for the next update! Thank you so much for sticking with this fic. Here's to all readers patiently waiting for the conclusion to this story.
747 streak #2
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Yes please, I will take a fan and refreshments. I was sure I wanted her to end up with Baekhyun, but I am suddenly undecided after this chapter. If it would be either man, I don’t think the other would be very happy, which could potentially cause deeper problems within the group. I don’t think the others are as invested and things pretty much stopped with the lessons and friendship. However, it’s more apparent that she has mutual feelings with both men - unless I am reading it wrong. I can’t wait to see how things progress after this night.

Thank you so much for updating, I’ve really missed this story. Hope you’ve been well and Happy New Uear.
39 streak #3
Chapter 47: Uwww... finally they did it... that was more like a anticipating and nerve-wracking moments...haha...but it was extremely hot, y and tempting...yeah.. I was also wondering with whom she was going to end up...
Woah.. 3 endings... hope authornim publish all the 3 endings maybe one as final and other two as bonus part or possible endings...
Aww... hope she ends up with all the boys... but yeah she had actually different chemistry, friendship and relationship with all the boys... it was definitely a lit bit different for xiumin and baekhyun from the beginning... how about a surprise plot twist and ending... i miss reverseharem au though... I'll definitely look forward to read the exciting upcoming updates...really enjoyed reading the whole chapter..thank you authornim for updating ❤️
Chapter 47: Woaaaahh crazyyyy!!! I honestly ship the three of them together? Is it possible? LOL.
808aff #5
Chapter 46: Well hoooooooly it's happening. She did work extremely hard with the guys, both professionally and uh ually lol. She deserves all the praise and rewards as well. Dang we getting a Xiubaek y time for Xiubaek lol
Chapter 46: I know my naughty guy here will accept it. Hahahhaa. I surely not expect that Minseok would be afraid to be rejected about this awww. No worries, we'll get to it guys. It's about time 🤣🤣
Chapter 46: Woaaaah.. i don't think i can survive the next chapter. The build up is already hot enough, i can't imagine the real action.. hohoho
Chapter 46: Give me some water and a fan!!! I gotta cool myself up!!!!!
39 streak #9
Chapter 46: Woah... finally baekhyun got his another reward... for sure they were too naughty..hahaha.. but that was so hot and y... also loved their dynamic bonding..there's definitely something special between them.. maybe it's love, care, trust and good understanding... but they got along with each other so easily and comfortably... also woah he's going to get another bonus reward soon i guess.. hehehe..loved the way oc made it more easier and comfortable for both of them... xiumin's reason for choosing baekhyun was so interesting... so excited for next chapter..loved it authornim and thank you for updating.
747 streak #10
Chapter 46: I think we will be the ones to die reading it!😉 This was such a hot chapter in itself. Baek, Teach, and simply a phone was hotness overload in itself. They have such a connection to each other that it’s crazy. It also speaks volumes of his trust in her that he has accepted her reward/punishment system with the others. Not to mention her friends with benefits relationship with Minseok, and now agreeing to be part of Xiumin’s reward. Can’t wait for the next chapter.