
Save Me

They dragged her away and her heels stung as the rocky floor cut into them. She was numb though. Nona said he wouldn't die, but what if she's wrong?

Everything felt like a dream to Naerie as she passed through dark halls, and up stairs. The halls gradually had become brighter and brighter until, she realized they were no longer lit by fire, but some human invention. Brighter than any flame she had previously seen. In the distance she could hear crowds of people, perhaps hundreds. They mumbled to each other at once creating a low roar that made her ears ring.

She stood now in a small dirty room surrounded by poor clothing options and even weapons. She wondered if she would be able to kill the two guards behind her and not get caught, but then she remembered a certain Nerr wandering the halls and quickly decided against it. An article of clothing was into her back, knocking her forward and she whipped around, grabbing it in her hands and gave a warning growl. It was a rather short gladiator-style skirt with a matching dusty brown leather top. She frowned at it, not used to the idea of wearing clothes in a fight.

Putting the clothes down, she let herself slip into a partial shift. She was more wild and unpredictable in this form, but her nails were longer, stronger, and sharpened like claws. She would be more of a slave to her cat instincts. Her tufted ears twitched as she suddenly found everything louder and her tail flicked in annoyance. Once again, she glanced down at the outfit she had been presented with. Shrugging, she stripped out of her potato-sack dress. She kept an eye on the human men behind her. Even though they showed no interest she had heard the rumours. Humans would force themselves upon anything with the right organs. She would kill them before she let them touch her. Once the leather clothes had been pulled over her body, (the top was tighter than what was comfortable, but she couldn't refuse) she began to walk towards the sounds. The guards didn't bother mentioning the assorted weapons. Naerie wouldn't need one anyway. She was a weapon.

Finally standing at the entrance of her 'stage' she waited as the announcer spoke.

"This time, we have another new fighter. The wild princess of the wood, Naerie!" The crowd roared at the introduction, causing her ears to flatten against her head. Instinctively, she shied away from the sounds but she found herself flush with a guards rock-like body and suddenly, she was on her knees in the sand, the light blinding her.

Naerie hissed in pain as her eyes struggled to adjust. Her tail almost wagged now in frustration and a snarl bubbled up in her chest, her claws became sharper as she prepared to shred the first thing she laid eyes on.

The announcer continued, ignoring her pain. "And now, we have a crowd favourite joining us! The wingless huntress!"

Naerie cringed as the deafening roar grew impossibly louder. Her eardrums felt like they would explode any minute and she desperately tried to tune them out to focus on her opponent. It was an impossible task.

She lifted her nose to the air and sniffed, trying to find some clues. She could still smell Jungkook's blood but she ignored it and focused on another scent, one very similar to a particular female Eagon. Her eyes shot open and she stared as the long-haired woman stepped forward. Her face was shockingly similar to Nona's, the same cheekbones and eye shape. Even the way they glared in Naerie's direction was the same.

"Ready.." The announcer began.

Naerie struggled to find the right words to say, her brain seemed to have shut down.


"Y-you're..." Naerie stuttered, The eyes of the woman before her were crystal clear. At least talking to her should be easier. The woman had a hand on her side, perhaps a hidden weapon and Naerie knew she had to speak fast. "You're-"


Before Naerie could speak properly, the fight had begun and the wingless Eagon before her shot forward with surprising speed, whipping out a small knife hidden under her shirt and swiping at Naerie, cutting into her cheek. Blood leaked from the wound but Naerie managed to avoid any further damage by jumping out of the way.

"Hey, wait-"

The woman before her didn't even acknowledge her words and moved accordingly, muscles rippling under her skin as she moved to disembowel Naerie. Naerie once again narrowly escaped the edge of her blade by jumping to the side and dashing behind the woman.

Naerie's eyes zeroed in on the knife. Perhaps if she got rid of it the woman would be willing to listen. Her tail twitched in anticipation, her ears shooting forward as her senses became stronger. The woman before her had long since turned around, visibly confused at the fact that Naerie hadn't attempted to strike yet and stood ready, watching her with her cold eyes.

Naerie's legs tensed before she pounced, pretending to go for the Eagon's neck. It worked. The womans' eyes widened and she dodged quickly, no longer minding her weapon and Naerie took her chance. One of her hands wrapped around the Eagon's wrist, her claws drawing blood. She winced, but made no move to drop her weapon. Before the Eagon could do anything more Naerie swiped at her leg with her own, knocking her off balance.

"Listen!" Naerie shouted but she could barely hear herself over the crowds booing. Finally snapping, her eyes flashed and she released from deep within her chest the loudest roar she could manage. It was enough to shock everyone into silence.

"Do you know Nona? Alinona?" She asked quickly. The womans' eyes widened in recognition but she quickly masked it.

"Why do you want to know?"

"She's here looking for her big sister." Naerie explained.

"You're lying." The Eagon woman didn't sound convincing though. She had been able to smell Nona on Naerie from the moment the fight began. That's why she hadn't been as accurate as she usually would have been.

"I'm not. You're like her mother do you really think she'd give up on you that easily?"

The woman simply glared at Naerie before finally freeing herself from her tight grip.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance." She hissed before switching their positions quickly and aiming her blade for Naerie's jugular.

"Stop!" A familiar voice called. It was the king. "This fight's over. No one wins."

The woman froze above Naerie, hanging in shock.

With those simple words, Naerie realized exactly why the bastard king had sent her here. To make himself feel better. In this wretched place, he reigns as God. She glared in his direction as she was once again dragged away. Not before hearing the Eagon womans name though. Nicheon.

On the return to her cell, Naerie shook with excitement at her new discovery. She couldn't wait to tell Nona. But as she neared her cell she was reminded of the state Jungkook had been in when she left. Worry suddenly ate at her and she no longer though of Nona's long lost sister.

Jungkook's blood still stained the floor which she walked upon. She quickened her pace, fuelled by her rush of anxiety. The guards didn't bother chasing her, knowing that she wasn't stupid enough to attempt an escape. She whirled around the corner and rushed to her locked cell, wrapping her hands around the cool bars and looking in.

Jungkook was sitting on a bench, very much alive to Naerie's relief. But something seemed to be bothering him. His face was clouded over, perhaps in shock and he stared down at his own bloodstained hands. His hands trembled, and Naerie began to worry all over again. She stepped back to allow the guards to open the door and ran to him, even more worried when he didn't react to the sound of the door sliding open. His wings took up all of the space beside him so she settled for sitting in front of him, placing her smaller hands on his knees.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" At the very least he wasn't bleeding anymore. His wounds had been wrapped in gauze while she fought.

"He's fine. At least physically." Nona called over. Naerie turned to look at Nona. She had forgotten she was even there. Nona's cold eyes peirced Naerie's, reminding her of Nicheon, the Eagon she had fought earlier. "It's the bloodlust. Every Eagon feels it when they fight for the first time. Usually, we have a queen to help us control it but..." She trailed off, looking pointedly in his direction.

Naerie turned her attention back to Jungkook and at least this time he met her gaze.

"I killed someone, Naerie." He whispered, his voice cracking. "I killed someone and I liked it." His trembling intensified, even though it seemed impossible. His eyes were almost crazed now.

"It's okay. We can get through this." Naerie attempted to soothe the panicking boy and placed a hand on his shoulder but he hissed and shied away.

"Don't touch me!" His chest heaved and she realized he was hyperventilating. "I'm a monster. I could kill you. Oh my God you're going to hate me!"

"Hey, hey!" She grabbed his face between her hands and forced him to look at her. He struggled against her grip but she refused to back down. "I won't hate you. Everything's going to be okay. You need to breathe." Naerie demonstrated by taking a deep breath and he attempted to do the same. Finally, his breathing slowed and he seemed to calm down. Naerie took a step back again and sat cross-legged before him again. "What did you want to say?"

He took another deep breath, wincing at the pain in his side. "I... the man I fought... was one of yours." 

It was at that moment that Naerie suddenly registered the lack of growls on their floor. The delirious Tiagon was gone now.

"It's okay. He will no longer suffer." Naerie closed her eyes and pressed her right index and middle finger to her lips before sending her open palm towards the sky. "Be at peace, friend." She whispered. 

Jungkook no longer questioned the odd things she did, he assumed that it was something cultural.

"It's a way of sending someones' spirit to the otherworld." Naerie explained. "It's the most I can do while I'm here."

The moment was ruined when there was a crashing sound followed by the sound of wings.

"What the hell!?" Nona cried and Naerie turned around. Her jaw dropped.

Before them stood a rare and magnificent bird. A valkai.

"How the hell did it get here. It needs to get out of here!" Naerie had never seen Nona panic, and she didn't expect it to be over a bird. Then again, valkai are said to be the physical representation of their great Goddess.

Instead of leaving, the large bird puffed out its chest and let out the cry it was most famous for.



So, this is chapter five! It took a while (sorry) life kind of slapped me in the face. Haha! I haven't edited this chapter yet but I definitely will soon. So Jungkook isn't dead! Yay! And Naerie met Nona's sister, Nicheon! (Nicheon means huntress by the way if you're curious). And what's with that dumb bird? How did it even get there? Dunno, we'll find out I guess! The next chapter might be from someone else's point of view... perhaps Namjoon? Haha! I don't know for sure though! And right! I should explain the bloodlust thing to you guys:

So, Dimensi are cursed people but recently they've discovered that if a child is half Eagon they don't carry the curse. (This kinda enlarged the Eagons ego's and now they call themselves the 'pure race' but that's not true) You see, the curse that an Eagon carries is much stronger and older than any Dimensi curse, therefore it overpowers and basically smothers all Dimensi curses. That curse is bloodlust. It comes from the nature of their creation. Created from war. The only people who don't carry this curse are the 'direct descendants' of Echuale (the royals) so it's their job to teach their people how to control the bloodlust before it controls them. If it does take over then they will kill anything that crosses their path until they themselves are killed. And as for Namjoon's curse, you will find out eventually. ;P

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Chapter 8: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so great! The characters are all good and each one seems to have a rather good potential backstory! good luck and I will be awaiting an update!
J-Horse_ #2
I can't wait until the next chapter comes out! Keep up the good work
AurinKiss #3
Chapter 3: Great fantasy.. Daisukidesu! Honto. I like it and to love it, I must read it more and figure out more about the species. So, I'm waiting for the next update. ^^ Later!