Rules of the Underground

Save Me

Naerie and Jungkook sat at attention, looking out towards Nona's cell.

"First of all," Nona began, "give up on whatever hope you have to escape."

"What? Why?" Jungkook and Naerie asked in unison, puzzled.

"Naerie, when you came here did you run into a particularly pale, cold person?" Nona pressed.

Unsure of the point she intended to make, Naerie nodded. "Yes... the Nerr."

"His name is Yoongi. If you try to escape, he'll kill you. I'm not sure how, but the humans here caught him and keep a supply of water for him so that his power doesn't deplete. There's no sneaking out. He'll sense it, that's what Nerr are like. He can feel the water in your body. He may not be here right now, but he is watching us."

Naerie was surprised. She knew that the Nerr were powerful, but she didn't know how powerful they were.

Beside her, Jungkook rubbed his arms nervously. "Then what do we do? I shouldn't even be here!"

"None of us should be here!" Nona snapped. "For now, the only thing we can do is follow the rules and fight."

"Fight!?" Jungkook cried fearfully. Naerie had suspected something like that but to hear it out loud made it feel as though she were falling into a black hole.

"Yes. In two days time there will be a fight. I don't know who they'll pick so be prepared. Just pray to Echuale that you don't have to fight an Eagon like me. We were raised to battle, it's in my blood. I yearn for it. I feel nothing when I cut down my opponent and it will be the same if I fight you." She spoke with a steely resolve and Naerie knew that what she said was true.

"Jungkook. When you must fight, trust your instincts. Don't think, just act. But whatever you do, resist the urge to sing. They'll have you killed."

"Why would I sing in a situation like that?" Jungkook was confused, he still believed he was human.

"Eagon blood still flows through your veins whether you want it to or not. Our voices are our most powerful weapon but we cannot use it here."

Naerie had heard of the unique Eagon power. It is said that their voices capture the minds of those around them, not unlike the way that the Dimensi bend people to their will. She'd never personally heard an Eagon sing though.

"And although the meat they give us is disgusting, we'll need our energy for when we fight. Eat as much as you can stomach."

"Wait." Jungkook interrupted. "About the fighting... what happens if we lose?"

"You die." Nona retorted coldly. "So don't lose."

Everyone fell silent yet again.

The next few hours were uneventful. Naerie occasionally swatted playfully at the pile of flesh to distract herself and Jungkook would watch in disgust. After Nona had finished speaking she fell into a light sleep on her rock bench. The guards eventually came to re-light the torch that Jungkook had blown out. After that, more silence ensued.

Naerie was alerted when she heard an odd squeaking noise. She looked down from where she sat on the floor to see a kelra staring back. Both Jungkook and Nona were asleep. The kelra tilted its head, its eyes wide. It hopped forward slightly and its nose twitched as it sniffed her leg. She was still puzzled. Kelra didn't like to be so deep underground. They lived deep within the Praoilen forests. So why was it here?

Its black eyes met her own again and she watched as a multitude of colours devoured the black in its eyes. Then she heard the voice.

'I will be back. Remember. You will be free.'

The tiny creatures eyes returned to normal after that. It blinked rapidly and shook its head before looking back up at her. It then bowed and hopped away.

She was too amazed to wake anyone. And afterwards she realized it was best not to mention it.

Two days flew by quickly. Jungkook, Naerie, and Nona became fairly close. They learned of Nona's story. She came after her sister who had been taken by the kings men and brought here. Her sister was wingless though and less likely to survive without the powers of a winged Eagon. Since she arrived though, she hadn't seen her sister. Jungkook and Naerie were surprised to learn her age, a mere sixteen years compared to their nineteen. The words of the kelra played on her mind the whole time. She had decided that if she were to be free, everyone else would be too. She would destroy this place with her knew friends.

When the fateful day came, Jungkook could barely eat. He was scared, just like Naerie was. He couldn't fight, how would he survive against someone more experienced like Nona? Or even someone like Naerie herself.

Naerie prayed and begged the Tiadraphe to spare her new friend from fighting. She even went as far as begging Echuale, but her prayers were not heard.

When they came to get Jungkook tears fell from her eyes. He looked at her hopelessly, almost as though he were begging her to save him. She couldn't. Even Nona was effected and she called to him, "Echuale be with you" as he was dragged away.

Minutes felt like hours, hours like days as the two silently waited for the guards to return with the winner. Naerie had stressed so much so that her stomachs contents spilled to the floor and with no way to clean it up it made her feel worse.

Both Naerie and Nona perked up at the sound of footsteps. The watched and waited with bated breath as the shadows grew larger.

The guards came into view, dragging a limp body behind them. Blood trailed along the floor. They stopped in front of Naerie's cell and she was momentarily relieved, but something was wrong with Jungkook. When they threw him into their cell she rushed to his side. He was awake, barely. He had a hideous gash along his side and it bled heavily. He had many other minor injuries as well and his face was much paler than usual.

"Jungkook!" She cried as the guards took hold of her shoulders and began to drag her from the cell. She struggled against them. I can't let another person die!

"Naerie! Stop! He's an Eagon, he'll heal!" Nona was panicked and Naerie knew that Yoongi was watching. Nona's words did little to help her as she fell limp, letting them drag her to her fate.


*So, this is chapter four! I've got some explaining to do so let's start from the beginning.

Yes, the reason Jungkook is an Eagon is because they're supposedly good at everything athletic and they're notoriously good singers.

I feel kind of bad for putting them through this. Ha ha!

And I should probably tell you what a kelra is, I'm the only one who knows right now! The best way to describe it is like this: imagine tiny t-rex arms on a black, grey-spotted mouse with teeny tiny kangaroo back legs. Adorable. (Praoilen (pronounced pre-lyn) is another country that actually surrounds Taraungki (the country that this story takes place in) so Taraungki is landlocked. Not a place you want to be. The trees are carnivorous (in Praoilen)!)

So... next chapter you should get to see what the pit's like! And you also get to see Naerie fight, although she'll be a bit distracted.

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Chapter 8: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so great! The characters are all good and each one seems to have a rather good potential backstory! good luck and I will be awaiting an update!
J-Horse_ #2
I can't wait until the next chapter comes out! Keep up the good work
AurinKiss #3
Chapter 3: Great fantasy.. Daisukidesu! Honto. I like it and to love it, I must read it more and figure out more about the species. So, I'm waiting for the next update. ^^ Later!