Chapter 4

Voices of the Deep
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The doctor was stood there, an old man with a greying beard, a head of thin straggly hair and a friendly face. He turned around, surprised to see them.

“Onew, it’s a little early for you to be coming here. Got into trouble already?” He asked. Onew chuckled lightly.

“No doctor, Hyunsuk managed to trap this girl in his damn Siren trap all night. She has bruises and cuts all over her legs and I think she is in shock.” Onew explained. The doctor shook his head in shame.

“Hyunsuk is going to manage to kill someone with that obsession of his. I mean what does he think he is doing? Sirens? Here? It couldn’t be more ridiculous!”

“There are Sirens doctor he just kills everything that moves inside the ocean.” Onew countered. The doctor laughed and motioned for Onew to follow him.

“Come, set her down here.” Onew followed him to a bed at the back of the shop. There was already a table laden with bandages and lotions on the side of the bed. Onew set her down on the soft mattress and stood back. The doctor reached to lift up Taeyeon’s dress but Taeyeon flinched back as he took the fabric in his hands.

“Ah of course, let me call my wife.” The doctor smiled and walked away, leaving the two of them alone. There was a long, awkward silence before Onew cleared his throat.

“A thank you would be much appreciated.” He said, rocking on his heels. Taeyeon remained silent and just looked at him blankly. Onew looked at her expectantly and when she didn’t answer asked:

“What is your name?” He asked. Again, Taeyeon didn’t answer. The doctor came back with an old woman who was had a small jar in her hand.

“I hope we weren’t gone too long Onew.” He said.

“No not at all doctor. I think she is in shock though doctor, she doesn’t seem able to talk.” Onew told the doctor.

“Really?” He asked. He took a magnifying glass and sat next to Taeyeon.

“Open your mouth dear.” He said calmly. Taeyeon opened and the doctor brought the magnifying glass up to , peering inside.

“I think she is tired Onew. She’s been through a terrible ordeal having to deal with Hyunsuk and on top of that she’s been inside one of his traps all night! I’m surprised she doesn’t have a cold!” The doctor said angrily. His wife put a hand on his shoulder.

“Calm down, you will scare the poor thing. I will take care of her now. Does she have somewhere to stay?” She said gently. Taeyeon shook her head at the question.

“That’s strange. Where did you come from?” Onew asked. Taeyeon shook her head once again. 

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Onew asked.

“Onew don’t frighten the poor girl, she’s been through a lot already without your interrogation,” The old woman scolded Onew, “Go now both of you while I attend to her cuts.” Onew and the doctor left leaving the two women alone together. The old woman Taeyeon’s face and asked:

“They scared you, didn’t they?” She asked kindly. Taeyeon shook her head quickly and the woman laughed.

“That’s a first. Normally everyone fears our great hunter Lee Onew. What’s your name child?” She asked taking Taeyeon’s hand in her own, wrinkled ones. Taeyeon pointed to and shook her head.

“You can’t talk? Have you had something to drink?” She asked. Again, Taeyeon shook her head. The old woman shook her head and sighed:

“Silly man. Could we have a glass of water please?” She called across the shop. A few seconds later Onew came back with a small glass of water in his hands. Handing it to Taeyeon he watched her drink it quickly, her dry throat becoming cool with the cold water. She cleared and said:

“Thank you.” She said quietly.

“It’s not a problem dear. Do you know what happened to you?” The doctor’s wife asked. Thinking quickly Taeyeon answered:

“I was swimming.”

“Swimming?” The doctor’s wife repeated in surprise.

“I like being in the water.” Taeyeon shrugged.

“Well… I suppose that’s fair enough.” She set about tinkering with little vials and mixing them together. She brought out some cotton balls and started to dip them in the solutions before dabbing them on the cuts and scrapes on Taeyeon’s legs. Taeyeon winced occasionally but the doctor’s wife was very good, making sure that it was as pain-less as possible. After wrapping her legs in bandages, she sat back and smiled at Taeyeon.

“Where are you from my dear?” She asked.

“I’m not too sure. I can’t remember.” Taeyeon replied.

“Well that’s not too bad, you’ve been through a bad experience. Do you know anyone in this village?”

Once again Taeyeon shook her head.

“But where will you stay dear?”

“I don’t know.” The doctor’s wife sighed and called her husband. Tottering back with a merry smile he grinned at the both of them.

“What is the matter my dear?”

“The poor thing has no-where to stay. Are you opposed to her staying here for a while before she regains her memory?” The doctor’s wife asked.

“Even if I did would I have a choice?” He asked good-humouredly.

“No.” Taeyeon giggled at the humour between the two.

“That is okay, she can help in the shop when we have too many people coming in!” The doctor said merrily.

“Thank you doctor!” Taeyeon said gratefully, she didn’t know why but the

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Chapter 5: Woah! The end!! I want to know too!!
Poor taeyeon, dreaming all pretty and suddenly a nightmare and waking up to a fire!
Ohh! I want to be a siren reading the dream...
Onew is not nice tbh, but we will see how he gets!
Poor sanha too!
Thanks for the update!! ^^
I will wait for another update!! ^^
the foreword has me hooked!!
'listen to the voices, it may be the last thing you do' OHMY GOD
Oh! Btw last chap make me so enthrilled!! I want to know what will happen!! ^^
Hey!! Hope u can update this story!! Is really interesting!! Btw that poster is so catchy!! Well cheers!! ^^