Chapter 2

Voices of the Deep
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She sat on a grand chair, the silver metal slightly rusted but glittering with precious gems. Her pale, white skin shining in the light, looking fresh and soft as a new-born’s.

Siren’s didn’t age normally from the day of their turning; a decade could pass like a second to them.

Using a brush, she combed through her shining dark hair, brushing out the non-existent knots, deep in thought. This is what she did when she wanted to think, the repetitive motion making it easy for her to drift off into a daydream. Her mirror was adorned with jewels are trinkets, though she rarely wore them. All she needed was her tail, dark blue but when the light hit it, all shades of blue, purple and green shone through.

“Taeyeon… it’s time.” Taeyeon was snapped out of her reverie as she looked in the reflection. The girl behind her had long chestnut hair and strong features. What made her stand out was her tail, red like fire and glittering like rubies.

“Of course, Nana, I’m coming.” She attached a small silver diamond locket around her long, pale neck. There was no use for the trinket, it was merely a good luck charm. Taeyeon got up and swam after Nana, her tail powerfully pushing her through the water.

“Is it the regular plan?” Nana asked as they swam towards a group of sirens.

“Of course,” Taeyeon replied. As they approached the group, around half a dozen sirens, they smiled in greeting.

“How is the girl?” Nana asked.

“Still a little unwell after she was tossed aboard. She rejected the turning process at first, making it painful for her but she should wake in an hour or so. Joohee is with her.” One of the sirens replied.

“Good. As always Taeyeon will talk us through our plan.” Nana and the rest of the sirens turned to her.

“Nothing new, just make this clean and efficient. Like clockwork.” Taeyeon replied. The sirens nodded and swan away. Taeyeon turned to Nana and asked:

“Shall we make our way?”

“Yes, the quicker this is over the quicker we can attend to this new siren.” They nodded in agreement before swimming near to the shore, the harsh rocks in front of the smooth ones that they lay on. The smooth rocks were raised above the others so they were clearly visible to the others. The waves were getting harsh and they waited with baited breath for the ship. The fog was forming making it a little hard to see but Nana could hear the shouts of men over the harsh waves. She turned to Taeyeon with hard eyes.


Taking a deep breath Taeyeon opened and started to sing, letting the wind carry her voice over to the ship. Gentle and haunting, her voice echoed over the waves.

“What’s that?” She heard gruff voices shout.

“I don’t know!”

Nana smirked at opened .

“Help me! Somebody help!” She cried in a melodic voice.

The ship finally came into view and Nana started to cry out more.

“Please help me! Someone save me!” Her voice carried through the wind, barely heard above Taeyeon’s haunting voice.

The ship sailed closer and closer, the men near the edge of the ship looking out. One of them spotted Taeyeon and Nana on the rocks. Taeyeon carried on singing and the men moved to the front of the ship, desperate to get a glance of Taeyeon and Nana.

“Look at these two! On the rocks!”

“Like living angels!” Both Taeyeon and Nana smirked. Nana continued to cry out.

“Please save me!” She reached her arm out to the ship that grew closer and closer, the harsh winds and waves rocking the ship. The men had left their posts, all at the ships edge staring at Nana and Taeyeon hypnotised and transfixed.

Then the ship hit the rocks.

The men closest to the edge tumbled off like rocks and fell to their deaths on the rocks, their screams short-lived. The men on the boat began to break out of the trance that Taeyeon’s voice was putting them in, becoming more aware of their surroundings. Nana turned back to Taeyeon who nodded reassuringly before singing louder, her voice numbing the sailor’s senses to the world, to them the only thing that mattered was Taeyeon’s voice.

She saw the other sirens emerging from the water, swimming towards the back of the ship. Spreading out they pushed the ship closer to the rocks, using their powerful tails to propel them forward. The sound of wood crunching got louder and louder but the sailors didn’t hear. They didn’t care. It was only when the sirens had pushed the boat in far enough that Taeyeon stopped singing and let the sailors come back to their senses.

“How has this happened?”

“We’ve hit the rocks; the ship is sinking!” The voices of the sailors grew more panicked by the second. They ran to the edge of the ship, watching Taeyeon and Nana sit calmly on the rocks.

“Help us! We’re going to die!” At that Taeyeon and Nana looked at each other and smiled before diving into the now black ocean.

The panicked sounds of the sailors became muffled under the water’s surface. Taeyeon swam down and saw the scraps of wood from the bottom of the ship breaking off and sinking past her. Now they just had to wait and watch. Wait for the ship to break and sink into the ocean.

It wasn’t long before the sailors grew desperate and jumped into the water, they sunk like bullets in the dark waves, unable to swim and keep up with the current. The sirens circled the sailors from below watching them struggle to keep their heads above the water. Every so often they’d grab their leg or pull in their shirt or trousers and laugh as they flailed around trying to get away.

Eventually the sailors would sink, either too tired to keep up with the current or too heavy to stay afloat. That’s when they saw the sirens. They would scream in panic, letting out the only air in their lungs before frantically trying to swim away. The sirens laughed before pulling him down into the depths of the ocean by their feet. One of the sailors kicked a siren in her face with his hard boot in an attempt to get away. Furiously Taeyeon swung her tail and hit him in the face, the force of it sending him flying backwards into the sides of the rock, a sickening crack could be heard by all.

Weary and drifting in and out of consciousness the sailor opened his eyes only to find the sirens watching him again as he drifted down into the abyss. The sirens laughed at the fear in his eyes as he tried to move, only to find his muscles unresponsive. They watched as he sunk down further and further and their laughs, now light and haunting, would be the last thing he ever hears.

One by one the sailors fell.

One by one Taeyeon watched as her friends dragged them to their deaths. Watched them flail frantically, desperate for air. Their muffled screams like music to her ears as they sunk further and further into the black abyss.

They watched their bodies descend together, whether they were dead or alive did not matter.

There was no escaping.

Taeyeon turned to the others.

“Go, check on the girl. We will come back later to search the wreck. I will make sure there are no survivors.” N

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Chapter 5: Woah! The end!! I want to know too!!
Poor taeyeon, dreaming all pretty and suddenly a nightmare and waking up to a fire!
Ohh! I want to be a siren reading the dream...
Onew is not nice tbh, but we will see how he gets!
Poor sanha too!
Thanks for the update!! ^^
I will wait for another update!! ^^
the foreword has me hooked!!
'listen to the voices, it may be the last thing you do' OHMY GOD
Oh! Btw last chap make me so enthrilled!! I want to know what will happen!! ^^
Hey!! Hope u can update this story!! Is really interesting!! Btw that poster is so catchy!! Well cheers!! ^^