
Before You
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"Only a kiss?" Misuk looked at her in disbelief, during their break time that day. "Just a kiss, nothing else happened after that?"

Sumin nodded wordlessly as Taehyung and Misuk looked at her. What was she supposed to say? She was just as confused as they were. It's been 3 days since the rooftop incident happened and in that gap, 3 weird things have already happened. One, Sehun started praising his interns everytime they did something right. Two, he treated his interns to dinner the next day, and three, the weirdest of them all, he always seemed to always be in a good mood.

It was freaking everyone out until Taehyung started to take notice of the softness Sehun and Sumin shared when they thought no one was looking; ergo, he and Misuk decided to corner her and ask if something happened.

"We both decided to leave the rooftop before we got caught and well, he went back to his office to rest," Sumin responded. "That's pretty much what just happened."

"Wow," Misuk said, sipping onto her styrofoam coup of double shot espresso. "So, are you guys like... a thing now?"

"I-I don't know," Sumin shrugged. "It's been 3 days, he hasn't done anything or said anything to me." Except he's more keen on skinship now, but of course she did not tell them that.

"Well, you guys have to DTR then!" Taehyung stood up and raised his hands. "It is the foundation of a happy relationship!"

"D-DTR? What is DTR?" Sumin was confused, making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Define The Relationship!" He elaborated. "Honestly, woman, you have a mouth that even Spongebob can't filter yet you choose to stay quiet when asking him about that!"

"Taehyung!" Misuk smacked the boy's head. "Be nice!"

"Alright, alright!" Taehyung sighed. "But seriously, Su. He kissed you. Aren't you at least a bit curious why? Or that he may be into you as much as you are into him?"

"I am curious," Sumin admitted. "But I don't know how to bring it up. What if the kiss was just a spur-of-the-moment thing? What if I assumed too much, spoke to him and ended up looking like a total moron? What do I do?"

"Well," Taehyung spoke up. "First thing's first, I suggest you bang him. It-"

"Taehyung!" Misuk smacked the boy's head again, making him groan. "Do not be such a ert!"

"I was kidding!" Taehyung yelped, rubbing his head. "Why don't you give her advise, Mom?"

"Oh I will," Misuk snapped her fingers, then turning to Sumin. "Well, why not invite him to dinner? I would recommend that you invite him over and cook for him. Guys love a homemaker!"

"Boring," Taehyung whined.

"How would you know?" Misuk turned to him. "The only numbers on your phone that are actually women are your mother, Sumin and I."

Taehyung's face turned red. "Keep going."

"After dinner, maybe invite him to get wine or something then there, bring it up like... 'hey what are we?' - I guarantee you, it's going to work!"

"Really?" Sumin asked.



"Shut up, Taehyung. Got a better idea?"

"I definitely do," Taehyung smirked, standing up and glancing at the clock. Immediately, he grabbed Sumin by her wrist. "Come on, Su. I'm sure all the heads are done with their meeting now."


"Just shut up and follow me," Taehyung dragged her out of the break room, with Misuk following in tow and wondering what kind of tactic Taehyung had in mind.

Knowing Taehyung, Sumin was definitely scared. Kim Taehyung came up with the craziest ideas that were sometimes absolute genius and most of the time, absolute stupidity. It was evident when he got Kento drunk and now, he had another tactic in mind and Sumin wondered if it involved blowing someone's eyebrows off.

Taehyung smiled triumphantly when he saw Sehun outside the meeting room, conversing with a couple doctors. Sumin recognized Dr. Kim, Mrs. Baek, Dr. Byun, Dr. Kang and the Director. Eventually, most of them left and it was just Sehun and Minseok in the conversation.

Taehyung smirked then whispered to Sumin. "Just go along with it, babe."


"Hahahaha!" Taehyung started laughing incredibly loud, making sure it was enough to get Sehun's attention. "Su, you're so funny!"

"But I didn't even say anything-"

"Oh, hush you!" Taehyung pressed a finger against her lips. "You're being modest. That's what makes you so likable! No wonder a lot of male interns like you a lot."

Sumin gulped and from the corner of her eye, she could see Sehun look at them and ignore Minseok who was still talking. Sehun had a neutral face on, like he normally did, but she was not sure if he was looking at her or probably the most annoying person in planet, Kim Taehyung.

"Heh," Sumin laughed uneasily. "R-Really?"

"Of course," Taehyung winked. "In fact, I think you're really great!"

Misuk scoffed. "Taehyung, this plan is stupid."

Taehyung ignored her and winked at Sumin again as if telling her to say something. "R-Really?"

"Really," Taehyung affirmed. "You should give me some tips. We can meet up during breaks and you can tutor me or something. You're so, so, so, so, so good at that!"

By this time, Sumin could already see Sehun stiffen and he quickly dismissed his conversation with Minseokbut before she could see what was happening next, Taehyung grabbed her attention once more.

"What do you say, Su?" Taehyung smirked. "How about dinner? I'll pick you up at 6 and we could go back--"

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" A monotonous voice interrupted them. Taehyung and Sumin slowly turned to see Sehun standing in front of them, a glint of displeasure evident in his eyes. "Dr. Kim, Dr. Yoo, I didn't choose you to be my interns just for you to waste your time doing nothing. Go back on duty before you do something you'll regret. Dr. Han, come with me. There are things I would like to discuss with you."

"No problem, boss!" Taehyung chirped. "Anyway, see you Su."

Taehyung and Misuk walked away whilst Sehun led Sumin to his office but not before the girl turned to see Taehyung winking at her, mouthing the words 'you're welcome' as they disappeared and she found herself in sitting in Sehun's office.

Seriously, Taehyung? Sumin thought. That was his plan? - It was absolutely absurd, trying to get their boss jealous and she was probably in trouble as well. In that moment, she just wanted to beat the crap out of Taehyung. If she gets in trouble, he better sleep with one eye open.

"Dr. Oh," Sumin tried to ease the silence in his office. "D-Do you need anything?"

She saw Sehun's face soften and shake his head. "I just want you to accompany me later when I do rounds."

Sumin smiled and nodded. "Yes. I will work hard."

"Good," Sehun smiled. It was silent for a good old minute until finally, it was Sehun's turn to break the silence. "You know Dr. Han, having relationships with colleagues are not forbidden but they could be difficult."

"Is that so?" Sumin tried to nod. She was not sure if Sehun was implying both of them, or what just happened with Taehyung. Stupid Taehyung.

"Yes," Sehun said. "I just wanted to give you a warning, in case you plan to take things further with Dr. Kim Taehyung."

"Taehyung?" Sumin snorted, but her insides were relieved that he was implying her and Taehyung, not them. "Oh, no, Dr. Oh. Taehyung is just a friend. He's a bit flirtatious and annoying but he's not my type."

"Really?" Sehun leaned back against his seat, feeling tension from his shoulders release. "So there is nothing going on between you two?"

"No," Sumin shook her head.

"Good," Sehun smiled and Sumin felt herself blush at the look on his face. "But still, Dr. Han, be careful with the man you choose to be with. You need someone capable, someone who can take care of you and understand you."

Sumin laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, Dr. Oh."

"Good," Sehun said. "You may go, Sumin."

Sumin nodded and bowed and was about to head for the door when she remembered Misuk's words. Seeing what Sehun did a while go, was that proof enough that there could be something between them? She wanted to take the chance, she had to or she would end up growing old and dying of sheer curiousity.

"Dr. Oh," Sumin turned and Sehun looked up from his laptop. Sumin took a deep breath. "T-Tomorrow night, I'm making chicken curry.. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and taste my cooking?"

Taste my cooking? Really? She felt herself facepalm.

She looked down, afraid of how Sehun would react but it was not long before she felt arms pull her closer, cupping her face and pair of lips immediately covered hers. It was the second time he kissed her and it was just as pleasurable as the first.

In conclusion, Oh Sehun was a superior kisser.

She felt like she was on a short lived cloud 9 and when she pulled away, the waves crashed over her but once again, Oh Sehun brought her to life with his killer smile and everything about him.

"I'll be there by 8."

Sumin was going out of her mind. She woke up 4 in the morning just to head to the open market to get fresh meat and produce then went home again before heading over to the hospital, eye bags and whatnot. It did not matter, as long as that night would go well. She had to get things done, it was do or die.

She asked Hana if they could switch shifts which the girl gladly agreed to (for true love's sake) and now, she was just cleaning up wounds and fixing up Patient 217's dextrose before she could finally have her lunch break.

"Alright, ma'am," She beamed at the lady. "I added some more glucose which should be enough for the next 24 hours but if you start to feel uneasy, just press the emergency button then we'll fix it immediately."

The patient thanked her and Sumin bowed, happy that it was finally lunch time. She took off her lab coat and placed it on the break room rack before heading out and walking to the cafeteria.

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Thank You for reading "Before You"! ❤️

Featured: November 25, 2017; Finished: December 24, 2017


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Keycolight #1
Chapter 25: Pregnant sumin is so cute with her cravings. But her first trimester reminds me of mine a few years ago i still have goosbumps every time i remember of the morning sickness. Gosh i couldn't eat ANYTHING for 5 months the only thing that didn't come back out was my mum's cookings. That was a horrible experience i got trauma of pregnancy 😂

Sehun is such a perfect husband and dad. I wish my husband is like him lmao 🤣
But wth is he doing not buying his wife a car with all the money he got? Letting her still use buses for transportation when she's heavily pregnant 😅
This is a nice story, so fluffy and full of romance. I got a lot of crazy smiles while reading this. Thanks for sharing with us
Keycolight #2
Chapter 24: Woaaah after all of those drama with joohyun, they finally got married. Sehun is such a sweet husband. Let me list the green flags
1. He's super handsome
2. He's got a good career
3. He's filthy rich
4. He's caring
5. He's everything that a woman wants
The list could go on and on i'm just so happy they're finally together for real this time no misunderstandings.

But considering how passionate in love they are, i'm surpised they didn't do anything for a YEAR?? that is a lot of self control right there especially for a guy 😅 what are they? Religious people? 😂

They should've had the talk before getting married considering they both are a doctor. Like planning on when they want to have kids and what kind of birth control methods they're gonna use. talk is so important especially when they haven't done anything. At least let them enjoy the honeymoon phase before babies. I know because i got one and she's a pain a sometimes but i still love my baby so much 🥰

The scene is beautiful. Sehun was so gentle with his wife he knows what he was doing there. Definitely a green flag!
Keycolight #3
Chapter 10: OMG i was sooo happy reading the previous chapter. They were so sweet and taehyung making him jealous was the best part. I couldn't stop smiling, plus they were gonna have dinner at sumin's place. I was too naive thinking thag it was gonna go smoothly and something was gonna happen at her place. Then the came back. She's so manipulative i hate her character so much. This chapter is just sadness it hurt me too seeing how sumin's was treated by sehun. He's so mean to her 😭
I'm glad minseok talked to him about the issue. I hope its not too late now. I hope taehyung is not there at sumin's place try to comfort her when sehun gets there 🥲
Keycolight #4
Chapter 6: Okayyyyyy both of them showed some feelings. I wish i could witness more of their banter but well, i guess this story's meant to be light and fluffy. Don't get me wrong i also enjoy their cute interactions. Isn't it time to move on, oh sehun? 😉

Anyways, i was curious whether kento is a fictional character or not so i googled his name and damn he's fine 😆
Keycolight #5
Chapter 3: Hello im an old subscriber but just started reading this now. First chapter is interesting. Sehun's character is interesting. I'm sure there will be a lot of fun reading their interactions :)
16 streak #6
One of the best stories (old subscriber)
Chapter 25: Awww how could they be this sweet to each other!!
Pinnk78 #8
Chapter 8: Why i am jealous of a fanfic couple...oh my single life
Chapter 25: reread this after so long. I don’t believe this was finished 2017! It’s been so long. I remember waiting for updates lol.
mizzinformation #10
I come back here from time to time to re-read this. Thanks for sharing this with us :)