
Before You
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Sumin was only out of the hospital for two day but even with those 48 hours of the building, it felt like a year for her.

The white walls, the fusion of sanitizer and alcohol, and the number of patients and medical staff were what first came to her sense when she set foot in Shinhwa General Hospital.

She bowed to Nurse whom as she entered before hurrying back to the Resident's Room to prepare for her shift. It was D-Day.

Being Oh Sehun's former assistant, she was familiar with his schedule. By 10:30, she knew he would have clocked in already and that made her nervous. What would happen if they run into each other? Will Sehun act like he always did before? Would he still be cold or arrogant?

"Sumin," She heard the door of the break room open as Sehun's former assistant, Jimin, entered. "Dr. Kim is looking for you. Go to his office."

"What for?" Sumin asked.

Jimin shrugged. "I'm not really sure, but he's waiting."

Sumin nodded and hurriedly changed her flats into sneakers and put on her lab coat. She sported an odd combination of a blouse, pencil skirt and sneakers but Sumin has always been an odd ball so she gave no .

She fast walked towards Minseok's office, knocking on the door when she heard a raspy 'come in' before she twisted the door knob and entered, bowing at her boss.

"Good morning, Dr. Kim," She greeted. "You asked for me?"

Minseok nodded, pointing at the seat across her desk. "Have a seat, Sumin."

Sumin was confused on what was going on. Had she created some trouble under his department in the week she has been working for him?

She did not want to get kicked out. It was already bad enough that everyone knew Sehun kicked her out. If Minseok kicks her out, it was basically over for her.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" Sumin boldly asked.

"No, Sumin," Minseok shook his head but Sumin's relief was cut short. "But..."

He did not say anything else. Instead, he slid a paper towards Sumin and made the girl figure it out herself.


Shinhwa General Hospital

Request for Transfer - Department of Surgery

Name: Han Sumin

Current Department: Dr. Kim Minseok, M.D.

Transferring Department: Dr. Oh Sehun, M.D.


"Huh?" Sumin yelped out, not quite believing what she was reading. "D-Dr. Kim... how did this happen?"

"I don't know, Sumin," Minseok sighed. "Last night, he called me and said that you transfer back to his department. I complied seeing as it was only fair we get 5 interns each and he filed it last night."

"Can't I stay?" Sumin asked. "I know I can do well in your department."

"If only," Minseok responded. "Director Wu already approved this morning. You are officially back to being Oh Sehun's intern."

Sumin did not know whether to be happy or sad at the news. Going back to Oh Sehun's department would give her a chance to redeem herself but that would mean being under his tyranny as well. It was border win or lose situation with one prevailing over the other slightly.

"I can only wish you luck now, Su," Minseok stood up, Sumin following as he walked her to his door. "Believe me, Sehun may be an but deep down, he is a good guy and... you'll learn a lot from him."

"I can only hope for that, Dr. Kim," Sumin responded. "Anyway, thank you."  She bowed before leaving Minseok's office and going to the room across to meet her fate.

Why would Sehun even want her back? She thought. Was it because of last weekend? Didn't they both agree to forget about it already? Maybe this was Sehun's way of proving that, bringing her back to the department to pick on her consistently as if nothing ever happened.

"Well," She took a deep breath, standing in front of his door. "Here goes nothing."

She knocked on Sehun's door and when she heard a soft 'come in', she took another deep breath and opened her door to a (not so) new form life. Sumin bowed when she saw Sehun concentrated on something in his laptop but once he caught sight of her, he closed it and pointed to a chair in front.

"Dr. Oh, you wanted to see me?" Sumin asked, sitting down as told.

"Yeah," Sehun responded. "I'm sure Minseok has already told you, has he not?"

"He has," Sumin nodded.

"Good," Sehun said, before grabbing a stack of papers from his desk. "I reassigned your shifts. Yours will be 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. and you don't have to work as my assistant unless I need something urgent. When that time comes, I'll call you. Is that fair enough?"

Sumin swallowed, looking at him with wide eyes as if she could not believe what he was saying. He wasn't even raising his voice! He looked so calm, composed, not an ounce of smoke coming out of his ears. It was strange.

"Y-Yes," Sumin nodded. "T-Thank you, Dr. Oh."

"Alright," Sehun said, opening his laptop again. "You may leave."

Sumin was weirded out, not hearing typical Sehun words like 'get out' or ' off'. Did he eat something this morning, or did he finally wake up on the right side of his bed?

Sumin hurriedly bowed and left the room before he could call her out. She glanced at the watch to see that it was still morning and maybe it was a good idea to just stay in the hospital and sleep (which was illegal since she was off duty but she was too shocked to care anyway).

She headed for the Resident's Room though her mind could not help but wonder what happened a few minutes ago, not quite believing it actually happened.

What a strange world it was. Or basically, what a strange change of atmosphere it was for Han Sumin.

It had been a month since she returned to Sehun's Department but not once has he humiliated, insulted or dissed her like he normally did. He had been so civil, still giving off that unapproachable vibe, but he seemed more calm and composed that everyone was noticing his strange change of behavior.

He did not degrade the interns during lectures or call them out for their minute mistakes. In fact, he was so patient it was almost creepy for Misuk, Hana, and the boys.

Sumin still wondered if it had something to do with that weekend but that happened so long ago and he should be over it by then. The latter choice for explaining his 180 behavior would be, Oh Sehun had a long lost twin who was kinder and they switched identities; ergo, extreme change of character. Sumin did not know.

"We're going out this Friday night!" Taehyung declared, standing on the cafeteria table which caused judgemental eyes and sneers to land towards them.

"Taehyung, sit down," Hana hissed. "You're embarassing yourself."

"Okay, Mom," Taehyung said sarcastically. "Anyway, we're all going out this Friday!"

"What for?" Sumin asked.

"It's been 100 days since we became interns in Shinhwa," Misuk answered. "Dr. Kim thought it was a good idea to take out all the new interns to celebrate. Just a little welcome party with him, his interns, us, and a few other hospital staff."

"What about Dr. Oh?" Sumin asked again.

"Minseok says he doesn't usually go to those kinds of stuff," Hana answered before looking at Sumin questioningly. "Why? Do you want him to be there?"

Her tone was teasing but it was enough to make blood rush to Sumin's cheeks and she immediately grabbed the nearest glass of water.

"No," She started chugging. "Why would I want him there? No one wants a party pooper!"

"Uh, Su?" Kento spoke out.

"What is it, Kento?" Sumin yelped out. "I don't want him there, leave me alone!"

Kento pointed at the glass Sumin was holding. "M-My water."

Sumin's eyes widened and she immediately pushed her glass to Kento. "Sorry. You can have mine."

Everyone else in the table sniggered.

"What's the matter with you, Su?" Hana laughed. "I was just asking a question."

"R-Right," Sumin nodded like a total idiot.

"It's just a small gathering," Taehyung said. "Us, hospital staff and a load of alcohol. That's going to be epic!!"

"S-Sure," Sumin let out a chuckle. "So epic.."

She could not help but feel down on the inside. At the back of her mind, she wondered why Sehun would not go to things like these when it was a great time to spend with friends, get to know them, make memories. Why would he skip out on something like that?

But deep down inside, Sumin knew she was in absolute denial. Spending time with friends, getting to know them, making memories - who was she kidding? She was simply referring to one person and, unfortunately, that person came by the name Oh Sehun.

Sumin's eyes widened in her epiphany before she frantically shook her head and gulped down the rest of the water she stole from Kento.

"Alright friends!" Taehyung stood up, grabbing his tray. "We're going to drink, first one to give up is an asparagus!"

"An aspa--- what?" Misuk screeched.

"An asparagus, I tell you!" Taehyung said dramatically.

Much to her relief, Taehyung's absurdity was enough to get her distracted.

As her friends chattered away, excited for Friday, Sumin started to wonder what she would be doing as well, should she wear something nice, how many shots she should drink and what crazy things might happen, and all the possibles, but it was still so off.

Sumin could not bring herself to think that it was going to be a fun night.

"1 a.m, clock out," Sumin scanned her I.D. in the attendance marker. "Well, at least I'll have the day off tomorrow to get ready for the party."

It was 1 a.m. and her shift was finally over, and it meant that she was going to be celebrating with her friends and colleagues that night. But for now, Sumin just wanted to go home and get enough rest before the mayhem starts.

She changed out of her uniform and back to casual clothes, greeting a few others who would be taking over her shift and slowly exiting the hospital.

She was nearly there until she stopped midway to see that a light was still on in Dr. Oh's office and she took a peak. She was surprised to see him still in his office, eyes on a ginormous textbook, glasses rimmed on his face, hair sticking all over the place. He looked exhausted but, nonetheless, handsome.

"Dr. Oh?" Sumin knocked, not knowing what possessed her to approach the man when all their interactions lately have been based on her work as an intern, his secretary and other professional obligations.

Sehun seemed startled for a minute before adjusting his glasses and looking at her. "Sumin? What are you doing here?"

Sumin bowed. "I'm sorry, Dr. Oh. I was on my way home but I saw your light in your office and I got curious. Why are you still here? You're normally home at this hour."

"Oh," Sehun held out a medical chart. "Dr. Byun from Internal Medicine referred me as a surgeon to one of his patients experiencing pain in her lumbosacral verterbral column. I'm going through her case right now to see if surgery is recommended."

"Ah," Sumin nodded. "Well, that can wait, right? It's 1 a.m. and you seem exhausted. From what I learned in med school, we built a heck of tolerance for coffee." She glanced at the half filled jug and empty cup of black coffee on Sehun's desk.

"Life doesn't stop for anyone, Sumin," Sehun responded. "The faster I get this done, the faster I can save a life."

"Understood," Sumin said, before silence followed shortly. "Well, good night, Dr. Oh."

She was about to exit when a light bulb appeared on top of her head and she once again knocked on Sehun's door, making the man confused as to why she was still there the 2nd time around.

"Dr. Oh, there's a party tomorrow night," Sumin smiled. "Dr. Kim, the interns and a few of the hospital staff. I'm sure everyone would be happy if you came."

Sehun shook his head. "Thanks, Sumin, but no thanks. Those kinds of things aren't just for me."

"And why not?" Sumin frowned.

Sehun sighed. "Sumin, I'm 28. I am at the height of my career and I want to build a future for myself and for this hospital. I want to be fulfilled and how can that happen when I side track myself to drinks, parties, relationships. It's just not me."

And Sumin knew not to push further, understanding what he meant. Sehun wanted that happy life, that feeling of self-actualization and he believes that the best way to get that was to be the best. It was a sad way of seeing things but there was always still hope.

She was about to leave when her brain decided to function again and her no-filter mouth followed. She could not help but want to say the most random things and she knew, eventually, it was going to bite her in the .

"Dr. Oh," Sumin called out the third time and Sehun looked at her as if asking, what? Sumin smiled slightly. "Just as you said, life doesn't just stop for anyone. I remember you telling me that you don't remember what it was like to feel happy, to feel alive, but how can you find out when you shut yourself out of the world? It's not about drinks, parties, relationships, it's about the time you spend with the people around you and what you make most of the moment. So when the time comes that life does stop, you will carry with you what it means like to feel truly alive."

Sehun seemed gobsmacked with Sumin's words and the girl felt uneasy, realizing her no-filter mouth got carried away again. She tried to brush it off before she loses her job again, smiling and bowing to Sehun. "It is still your choice, Dr. Oh, but we would really appreciate it if you came. Have a good night!"

She hurriedly left but her words remained in the atmosphere as soon as Sehun found himself alone in the office once more. Losing interest, he set the medical chart down and leaned against his seat and glancing around his room.

Filled with medals, awards and articles about him as a doctor, it truly was an accomplishment but it did not satisfy the emptiness he felt on the inside. The more he achieved, the more he craved. How else would he feel alive then?

Ignoring the area filled with awards, Sehun turned to the other side which had a corkboard filled with photos. There were empty spaces where memories of his former lover were once in place but he threw out of rage. He looked at the remaining photos, seeing his parents and other memories from childhood to college. All photos of him smiling and Sehun wondered where that happy boy went and if things could ever go back to the way he was.

Then he remembered that moment. When he became a doctor, a full-pledged surgeon, a mentor to interns and that was when he met her - Han Sumin. She was probably the most annoying intern he has ever met. She always said what was on her mind, she never stopped talking and she just tends to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But today, she gave Sehun that wake up call, one that he has needed for a very long time, and Sehun wondered how on earth did she even get so smart.

"Woooo~!" Taehyung raised his glass followed by the other interns. "Cheers!"

Everyone else downed their shot glasses before Taehyung hurriedly grabbed another bottle of soju. "We're not yet done, kids! Remember, first to quit drinking is an asparagus!"

"Are you really seriously associating us with vegetables?" Misuk asked.

Taehyung thought for a moment then nodded. "Yes, now raise your glasses!"

Hesitantly, the four other interns raised their glasses as Taehyung started pouring soju like a mad man. Sumin gulped, feeling the rice wine slide down . She was not a big drinker. Heck, she totally abstained from that ever since that college incident but here comes this crazy four dimensional intern who associated them with vegetables if they quit drinking.

"Ahjumma!" Taehyung raised his hand. "One more bottle of soju!"

"Hey, Kim Taehyung!"

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Thank You for reading "Before You"! ❤️

Featured: November 25, 2017; Finished: December 24, 2017


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Keycolight #1
Chapter 25: Pregnant sumin is so cute with her cravings. But her first trimester reminds me of mine a few years ago i still have goosbumps every time i remember of the morning sickness. Gosh i couldn't eat ANYTHING for 5 months the only thing that didn't come back out was my mum's cookings. That was a horrible experience i got trauma of pregnancy 😂

Sehun is such a perfect husband and dad. I wish my husband is like him lmao 🤣
But wth is he doing not buying his wife a car with all the money he got? Letting her still use buses for transportation when she's heavily pregnant 😅
This is a nice story, so fluffy and full of romance. I got a lot of crazy smiles while reading this. Thanks for sharing with us
Keycolight #2
Chapter 24: Woaaah after all of those drama with joohyun, they finally got married. Sehun is such a sweet husband. Let me list the green flags
1. He's super handsome
2. He's got a good career
3. He's filthy rich
4. He's caring
5. He's everything that a woman wants
The list could go on and on i'm just so happy they're finally together for real this time no misunderstandings.

But considering how passionate in love they are, i'm surpised they didn't do anything for a YEAR?? that is a lot of self control right there especially for a guy 😅 what are they? Religious people? 😂

They should've had the talk before getting married considering they both are a doctor. Like planning on when they want to have kids and what kind of birth control methods they're gonna use. talk is so important especially when they haven't done anything. At least let them enjoy the honeymoon phase before babies. I know because i got one and she's a pain a sometimes but i still love my baby so much 🥰

The scene is beautiful. Sehun was so gentle with his wife he knows what he was doing there. Definitely a green flag!
Keycolight #3
Chapter 10: OMG i was sooo happy reading the previous chapter. They were so sweet and taehyung making him jealous was the best part. I couldn't stop smiling, plus they were gonna have dinner at sumin's place. I was too naive thinking thag it was gonna go smoothly and something was gonna happen at her place. Then the came back. She's so manipulative i hate her character so much. This chapter is just sadness it hurt me too seeing how sumin's was treated by sehun. He's so mean to her 😭
I'm glad minseok talked to him about the issue. I hope its not too late now. I hope taehyung is not there at sumin's place try to comfort her when sehun gets there 🥲
Keycolight #4
Chapter 6: Okayyyyyy both of them showed some feelings. I wish i could witness more of their banter but well, i guess this story's meant to be light and fluffy. Don't get me wrong i also enjoy their cute interactions. Isn't it time to move on, oh sehun? 😉

Anyways, i was curious whether kento is a fictional character or not so i googled his name and damn he's fine 😆
Keycolight #5
Chapter 3: Hello im an old subscriber but just started reading this now. First chapter is interesting. Sehun's character is interesting. I'm sure there will be a lot of fun reading their interactions :)
16 streak #6
One of the best stories (old subscriber)
Chapter 25: Awww how could they be this sweet to each other!!
Pinnk78 #8
Chapter 8: Why i am jealous of a fanfic couple...oh my single life
Chapter 25: reread this after so long. I don’t believe this was finished 2017! It’s been so long. I remember waiting for updates lol.
mizzinformation #10
I come back here from time to time to re-read this. Thanks for sharing this with us :)