Stranger in the elevator

Typical Love Stories

A/N - I decided to make this a fic of KYUTAE ONESHOTS. i think i owe a lot of you a happy ending, so here it is. This is a new one shot :) Please enjoy and comment !


“Welcome back Miss Kim.” The doorman opened the door of the hotel for me. I nodded my head and thanked him politely. He recognizes me because I live in one of the suites of Seoul’s Grand Palace Hotel. “We’re having troubles with the elevators in the hotel. The main elevators couldn’t be used for today. You should probably use the one near the hotel café.” He said.

I took his advice and went to the one near the café. It was already 10 p.m and I was tired after a long day of work. I massaged the back of my neck, ignoring the person beside me, who waited for the elevator to arrive.


We both went in, unaware of each other’s quick glances. I realized he had a bouquet of roses in his hands. It was yellow roses, which were my ultimate favorites, other than lavenders and lilies. He was staring intensely at it, looking nervous.

“Which floor are you going to?” I asked him.

“15.” He said.

“Oh, me too.” I said, pushing the button.

We were already on the 10th floor when suddenly we heard a crashing sound. I almost tumbled in shock when the lights flickered and there was a slight wobble.

He held my shoulder so I wouldn’t fall.

“Crap. .” I cursed when I realized that the elevator stopped working. I hurriedly push the emergency button but nothing happened. I pushed it again and again, harder every time.

“Stop… Miss, stop… You’re murdering it.” The guy said, grabbing my hand.

I was almost in tears. “I’m a bit claustrophobic.” I warned him.

“Don’t worry, we’ll probably be okay.” He said. I could sense he was as unsure as I was.

Probably?” I repeated, almost in tears. I took off my red heels and sighed. My leg was already hurting and I was looking forward to an alone time with my bed and pillows and heater. It was already autumn and it was getting cold. “We’re going to die here.” I said, sitting down on the cold floor, giving up.

“Don’t say that.” He said calmly. “Try your phone.” He suggested.

“Why don’t you try?” I said, almost lighting up.

“I didn’t bring it along with me. I left it in the car.”

“Why would you do that?!” I asked in anger, almost hitting him.

“It’s none of your business.” He said, offended.

“It sort of is, now.” I rolled my eyes, obviously annoyed.

“Why are you so mad? You could use your own, right?” He said, worried.

“I haven’t paid my phone bill.” I said, almost blushed. He looked at me as if I was absurd. “Don’t look at me that way. I just had a rough month.” I looked at him wide-eyed. We’ve only met for 5 minutes and he was already judging me.

“I understand, actually. I just didn’t expect someone like you would not pay phone bills.”

“Someone like me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Your blonde hair with strands of pink looks fairly new, and I doubt you could ever dye your hair yourself, so you must have gone to a salon. You are wearing a pair of red Dior heels. You’re here at Grand Palace Hotel, going to level 15, which is the floor for suites, and judging by the way you massaged the back of your neck earlier and throwing off your heels, you must have gotten back from work. You must live here, right? This obviously shows you have a lot of money.” He said, scanning me.

I looked at him, looking astonished. “What about you? You live around here? I’ve never seen you before.”

“No.” He shook his head, his face avoiding me to avoid more questions. His fingers were touching the roses in his hands.

“Why are you here then? At 10 P.M?”

He sighed. He expected my questions to end, but unfortunately to him, did not. He hesitated and wanted to talk about something else, but my stare made him fluster in embarrassment. “I was about to make my confession.”

“Confession?” I asked, pretending I was surprised.

“I just wanted to leave the roses in front of her door, so that she would pick it up tomorrow morning. That was why I left my phone in my car. I thought this was going to be a short visit.”

“But now you’re stuck with me.” I chuckled. He looked at me then smiled.

“Why are you in a tough month?” He suddenly asked. I was taken aback by his sudden question, so I could only stare at him for a few minutes. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

I stopped looking at him, and looked forward instead, building the right words and sentences in my head before answering his question. We were in silence for a while, when I suddenly spoke up and broke off the silence. “I work in a large company.” I said, gulping. Then I continued; “After a few months of working, I started having an affair with my boss, who was about 7 years older than me. I didn’t know he had a wife. I thought that he truly loved me and I truly loved him. We actually didn’t do anything. We only had a few drinks and one day he just kissed me, and I kissed him back. He told me to keep it a secret because we weren’t supposed to date in our company. I understood and for weeks, we kept meeting up after work and just make out, and it was romantic and amazing.”

“I don’t think I needed that much information.” He mischievously laughed. “What does this have to do with your bad month though? Your life seems perfect.”

“I found out a few weeks ago that he was married. I honestly didn’t know. His wife found out about me, too. Honestly I wanted him to defend me. But who am I kidding? I was the spare tire.” I vented. “In the end, she wanted him to fire me.”

“Did he?”

“He didn’t, thankfully. But I was downgraded, and became the coffee girl. It was embarrassing though, because now the whole company knew about our affair. I felt humiliated, and everyone made fun of me. I hear them talking about me behind my back, and called me names.”

“I know I was the one that asked you, but what made you tell me? You don’t even know me.” He asked. I didn’t know why I told the stranger everything.

“Maybe that was the reason. The fact that I don’t know you. Therefore, you had no right to judge me, you know. This is actually the first time I ever vented out my feelings to a guy, to anyone, in fact.” I confessed.

He smiled and suddenly held my hand.

“You’re not going to me, right?” I suddenly asked, giggling softly.

“No.” He said, assuring that everything was going to be fine. He checked his wristwatch, and told me that it was almost 11.

“I’m tired.” I mumbled. “And I have work tomorrow, too.” I complained.

“Sleep then.” He said. I stared at the floor which I was sitting on, and it looked uninviting. He knew instantly that I felt a little disgusted. He took off his coat, revealing another brown coat underneath. He took off the other coat as well. “It had been cold these days.” He made an excuse after realizing my judging laugh. He spread the brown coat on the floor, and made me wear the other coat. “You shouldn’t get cold.”

“Thank you.” I said. I lay on the coat-covered floor, my head resting on the palm of my hand. I lay down, not being able to sleep, even if I was tired. My eyes were half shut a few minutes later, but I still couldn’t sleep. “Tell me a bed-time story.” I lazily ordered.

“Hmm…” He thought for a little while. “Which?” He looked at me. He was still sitting beside me, leaning on the elevator wall.

“Tell me about the girl.” I said. “The one you were about to confess to.” I smiled.

“Her name is Seo Joo Hyun. I met her a month ago at my friend’s party. She’s really pretty. We met up a few times after that, and I knew instantly that I liked her. I honestly don’t know much about her, so I want to know more about her. Hopefully, by the time I confess to her with these roses, I could.”

I knew her. She was my neighbor. I looked at him with sad eyes. I couldn’t possibly tell him that she already had a boyfriend, Yong Hwa, which is a really nice guy. I was too tired to speak anyway, so I decided to not mind their business.

I unknowingly slept.

He was crying. The man with me in the elevator was crying. He sobbed. Petals of roses were everywhere around him and Seohyun was in front of him, lowering her head sympathetically.

I opened my eyes, realizing I was dreaming. The sound of sobs was actually the man in the elevator with me, who couldn’t stop sneezing. He was right beside me, both his hands covering his shivering torso. I took off the jacket he wore for me and placed it on him.

With the few minutes I had alone with my thoughts, I nervously remembered the dream I just had. Why was he crying? It was obvious, wasn’t it? Seohyun would definitely reject him.

He woke up, quickly checking his watch. He realized his coat was on him, and looked at me. “I don’t need this.”

“You do.” I said. “You were sneezing a lot.”

“It’s already 8 in the morning.” He said.

“I need to hurry or else I’d be late for work.” I sighed in frustration.

Luckily for the both of us, the elevator was fixed a moment later.

“I’m guessing they made a reset to the elevator.” I said. “So… level 15, right?” I made sure, looking unsurely at him.

“Actually, no. Bring me to the lobby.” He said.

“Are you sure? Why?”

“The roses have wilted.” He said, holding the bouquet in his hand.

“I actually have to tell you something. Seohyun… she has a boyfriend. I live right next to her, and her boyfriend comes to her house a lot. I didn’t want to tell you, but I realized that I don’t want you to end up the same way I did.”

He stared at the roses for a while, and then tried to smile. “… I should have known.”

I pressed the first floor button where the lobby was, and soon enough, the elevator door opened widely for us. I realized that I was going to part ways with this stranger in the elevator and might not ever see him again.

We went out of the elevator; he grabbed both his coats and the flowers. He then offered the flower to me. “I know it has wilted, but I am hoping you’d accept it anyway.”

I gladly took it, an expression of puzzlement and surprise shown clearly on my face. “Have fun at work.” He patted my head, messing with my hair.

“I doubt it.” I shrugged.

“Do what you think is right.” He smiled. He then turned around and walked a few steps.

“Wait…” I called.


“What’s your name?”

“Yours first.” He asked.

“Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon.” I smiled. I was expecting him to tell me his name, but he just raised his hand to give a small wave, then turned around and left, leaving me speechless.

“Do what you think is right.”

I went back home that night earlier than usual. I took a fresh late night shower and thought about the stranger in the elevator again. I looked at the dead yellow roses in the vase. I thought about the whole day.

I went to work with my messy hair and the same clothes I wore the day before, receiving more sneer comments and laughers from my co-workers again. I got used to that.

“Do what you think is right.” Those words kept ringing in my head, as if the stranger was reminding me.

I finally told the truth to everybody, after hours of building up the courage. I spoke out, and vented out my feelings of frustration.

*ding dong*

It was the door. I checked the clock, it was already 10 P.M, who could be visiting at this hour? Was it Seohyun?

I opened the door, and to my surprise, it was the stranger. He was holding yellow roses in his hands, more than yesterday.

“I am Cho Kyuhyun, miss Kim Taeyeon sshi. I'm here to deliver flowers from an admirer." He smiled.

I took the roses in silence, opening a card that goes with it.

I owe you fresh yellow roses. I think i would spend my lifetime trying to pay back what i owe you. I couldn't stop thinking about you.

I smiled. "Hmm, i think you got the wrong room. The flowers are meant to be for the suite next to mine."

"No. I am pretty sure I got it right." He smiled.

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
sea0horse #2
Chapter 3: the kyutae one shots were soooo good~
and it's rare to find ChangTae couple, I like them. Please keep your handwork, fighting authornim!
more cute Kyutae please!!
and make a happy ending for ChangTae too
arukas26 #3
I almost cried after reading "Remember that I love you"! *sniffs*
And I couldn't help but smile at Stranger in the Elevator. :)
I really like it! :)
KyuTae one-shot JJANG!! :D
gennaration #5
taesu wasn't even in this and it's tagged with it...:< although, your one-shots were still pretty good xD
kyutae! ur stories are amazing!!<br />
u should really keep it up! <br />
nice job ^^
THAT WAS SO SWEET >______< the last part AMAZING , I LOVE THAT <3<br />
i hope you can make another oneshot or not about KyuTae<br />
you're really awesome author ;D<br />
:D yay! a heart warming story! lalalala~ hahahahahaha... okay, I just woke up so I can't give a proper comment but I need you to know that this story totally made my day! Haha! :D thank you so much! :D
Anzasims #9
T^T.... hwuaaaa the saddest fact of this story isn't really because they can't be together but mostly because she even couldn't remember him~<br />
anyway, nica FF, looking forward for your next one ^^