its satzu time

its satzu time..... or not....
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Chaeyoung POV

I look around, mina nowhare to be found. I look around the house, I found mina in beach and play with sand.

“ unnie, you scared me…. why you came outside without wake me out??? “ I scold her. I really scared of her.

“ I just need some time chae… last night I have really strange dream…” she look down to sand.

“ what happen…” I sit beside her.

“ I dream sana and tzuyu is merried…. And momo holding dahyun. And we… we also holding hand, we have daughter… we look happy. Tzuyu is happy… sana,… for long I forget that she is my sister… my friends…..” she cried

“ did I bad friends chae…. I must be make sana cried…. Make my friends sad…” she put her head on my shoulder.

“ you are not, you are sana unnie sister and best friends. You are nice, cute and penguin. What can sana unnie ask for more…” I smile.

She giggle. “ thank you , and sorry…”

“ eh…” then she cup my cheek and kiss me in lips. She kiss me softly. I just hope she say sorry more, if one sorry is for kiss me, she can say sorry 3 times a day.

“ mhhh…” I tried to put my tongue on , but she pull herself.

“ chae…. I,,,,” I smile at her.

“ I … just want to tried something unnie..” I pull her on her waist and kiss her again. This time I holding her waist and back of her neck.

She didn’t push me and letting me kiss her, my tongue is inside of her now, twisting her tongue, and taste all part of .

“ muahhhh….wait… chae… let me breath…” but after she breath she pull me back on kissing.

Our second kiss… or is this third??? Is more passionate…

“ I want to know… is you are mine ,chae… “ she peck my lips.

“ is that the kiss all about…” I circle m

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Just watch vlive.. no satzu .... saida make tzuyu distance from sana.... my satzu heart.... sana please go back to tzuyu...


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Xlt1245 #1
Chapter 2: I want TzuMo to happen in reality
SaTzuAlways #2
Chapter 12: Hahhaha
Morning exercise
Chapter 11: aww mina needs to realize that chaeng likes her and want to be with her. tysm for updating~
Chapter 11: that's it Chaeng, go get her tiger kekeke...
SaTzuAlways #5
Chapter 10: Hahahha
I love this chapter
Jelly tzuyu so cute ^^
SaTzuAlways #6
Chapter 10: Hahahha
I love this chapter
Jelly tzuyu so cute ^^
Chapter 10: haha grandpa and grandma chou jjang! that movie omg XD i kennat believe. glad satzu is back together and hopefully michaeng and dahmo :) tysm for updating~