Gone now and forever.

Lose my everything

"WHY?!" she exclaimed as she throw anything that is in her sight now. She's hurt and she doesn't care about anything right now. Well, expect for him. "Aaron Yan! You're such an ! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.. I hate you.. I love you..."she screamed but gradually soften when she said her heartfelt words for Aaron. Tears fallen from her flawless face as she collapsed on the floor with a bucket of tears.

She cried as if the entire world, and all of its beauty, had come to an end.
She sobbed as if she were a mere child and lost in a new city.

Upon seeing this, Genie couldn't help but rushed forward and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Bee, don't cry anymore." she hushed. "You're strong, you're brave, you can g-"

"Noooo! I ain't as strong, as brave as all of you think I am! I'm not..." Hebe retorted while shaking her head furiously. Without giving any warning, she break off Genie's hug as she ran out of the house without even bothering to wear her slippers or whatever that can be used to protect her bare feet. "HEBE!" Genie shouted anxiously as she decided to give chase after leaving a voicemail in her boyfriend, who is coincidentally Aaron's best friend, Calvin's mailbox.

Meanwhile, Hebe is running as fast as she could. Running from all the facts, running from everything and everybody else.

She just need time to be alone.
She just need time to get Aaron out of her mind.

She run and run and run..
Oblivious to her, she is in the middle of the road and a truck is heading towards her...

Genie, who is trying her best to catch up Hebe just arrived right then and witnessed how the big truck ran over Hebe. She is shocked and afraid. She opened but nothing came out of it. As time start to ticked by, people surrounding Hebe increases but everyone of them was just as shocked as Genie.

Lying on the cold cement motionless was Hebe, the girl who everybody love and admire. At her very last minute of her lifespan, the only memories on her mind is still Aaron, the love of her life. Finally recovering from her shock, Genie ran forward as she pushed the crowd gently and looked at Hebe with watery eyes. "H—Hebe.." she stuttered as she kneel down and hug Hebe.

"T..Tell, A-Aaron that... I lo..love.. him..." Hebe's last words before shutting her eyes tight and was never opened again.

"HEBE!!!" Genie screamed with all her might as her best friend leave her, forever.


Aaron rushed to the hospital as soon as he received the news that Hebe met an accident. He doesn't know that Hebe is already gone, yet. The moment he reached the venue, he was punched by Calvin who pulled him by his collar and exclaimed, "What did you promise me when you're dating Hebe?! You promise me.. you promise me that you would love her forever...! How, how could you break your promise to me and my sister?!"

By then, Aaron had already start tearing up. "I'm sorry, Calvin.. but I still love her.. really." he whispered, loud enough for Calvin to be heard.

"Bastard! You're here telling me that you still love Hebe when she witnessed you kissing Yvonne in front of her and you told her in her face that she's only your toy?! What the are you trying to explain now?!" Calvin shout agitatedly as Genie quickly came over to pull him apart from Aaron.

Taking a deep breath, the sensible Genie breathed out, "Calvin. This is a hospital. Let, let Hebe rest in peace. Don't kick a fuss here."

"Rest.. rest in peace?!" Aaron repeated as he widened his eye as he turned to face Genie. "What, what do you mean by rest in peace?!" With this, Calvin punch him right in his face as Aaron fell on the floor. "Are you trying to tell me that you don't know Hebe is dead?!"

'What?! Hebe.. Hebe is dead?!' Aaron thought as he shake his head, not admitting the fact. "Y-you.. you must be lying, Calvin! How can Hebe be dead?! She's still alive and kicking! Don't fabricate this lie just to make me get away from Hebe...!" All these happen so fast that he couldn't make out what's happening in reality. He rushed all the way to the hospital yet Hebe, the love of his life is, dead? It's impossible!

"Do you think Calvin will take his sister death as a joking matter?" Genie speak up, finally.

It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true. It isn't the true.......

Aaron faked a smile as he kneel down in front of Genie and Calvin and begged them. "Tell me this isn't the true and I'll get out of Hebe life, forever... Tell me this isn't the true!"

Genie couldn't help but softened up after seeing how Aaron react when he know about Hebe's death. He must have really love Hebe.. but why does he choose to hurt her in the first place, she don't understand. She slowly squatted down as she pat his back softly and said, "She's gone. Hebe is really gone."

This make Aaron totally devastated as he give a small nod and slowly stand up with the support of the railing by the side as he walked off wobbly. "He really love Hebe." Calvin commented as Genie looked at him, surprised. "Yeah, I'm angry with him for hurting my sister but upon seeing his reaction when he knew that Hebe is dead, I can sense that he really love her."

Genie give a gentle nod as she said, "Yeah. If only Hebe know that."

"It's just too late." his last statement before both of them leave the hospital and went back to calm their individuals feeling before doing anything else.


The moment Aaron stepped into his apartment, he was greeted by a girly voice. No doubt it's Yvonne's. "Get away from me." he warned as he went straight to his room but before he could even closed it, Yvonne stopped him as she said, "Stop it. Stop being so cold to me."

"THEN HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO TREAT YOU?! THE SAME WAY AS I TREAT HEBE?! DREAM ON!" Aaron shouted as he send one tight slap towards Yvonne. Holding on her cheek, she clutch her fists tightly as she tried her best to recompose her position as she asked, "Why not?"

Aaron glare at her sharply as he blow his top, "You still have the cheek to ask me what happen?! It's all because of you! You're the cause of the break-up between me and Hebe! You're the cause of Hebe's tears and sorrows for this time-being! You're the cause of the..." he paused and take a deep breath before he continued, "of.. Hebe's death."

Yvonne froze. She, she must have heard wrongly. "W-what?! You must be joking, Aaron! It's impossible!"

Aaron let out a smirk as he ruffled his hair messily and point his index finger at the woman in front of him. "DO YOU THINK I WOULD TAKE HEBE'S LIFE AS A JOKING MATTER?! SHE MET AN ACCIDENT THIS AFTERNOON AND NOW.. she's gone." he raised his voice at her but soften as soon as he said, 'she's gone'. He just couldn't accept that the love of his life, Hebe Tian is dead.

By then, Yvonne tears had fallen from her eye as she slowly stammered, "He.. Hebe."

"Since Hebe is dead now, I want to have nothing to do with you anymore. Leave my house, now. I don't want to see you, again." he said and slammed the door behind him, leaving Yvonne alone crying.


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XoXo_inlab #2
update soon authornim
yulkris #3
like the story!!
update soon
totorochu #4
-ximini #5
please update!
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