Gift 6

12 Gifts From Secret Santa

 I do not own any of the characters. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any plot similarities to other FF and stories/movies are coincidental. Character thoughts in Italicized, and Bold for emphasis. Blue text is hyperlinked to photos of item described. 

The pair entered the hall only to be crowded by the push and shoves from the sea of the die hard fans trying to make their way to their designated seating areas. Instinctively, Aaron took Gui Gui's hand, feeling her freeze slightly at his touch.

“So we won't get separated.” And because I wanted to. He felt her hand's warmth ease into his as she intertwined their fingers, sending a tingling sensation up his arm.

“So we won't get separated.” And because I've wondered how it would feel to hold hands like lovers do. She felt her heart soar as he tightened his grip, pulled her closer to his side, and braved their way through the crowds to the VIP area, shielding her as much as possible.

“Ooo It's starting! I am soooo excited!”

“Yea, definitely starting- Aaron flinched as the stadium was filled with high toned roars of names and “oppas” – much of which sounded beside and behind him – as the center stage platform parted and five posing figures rose up from the opening. Heavy bass beats and music flooded the concert hall and the atmosphere was high with energetic tension.

“WAAH TOP OPPA!!!! BIG BANG! BIG BANG!” Aaron was at a loss as he watched the upbeat Gui Gui move her arms to the beats, chanting and singing along with the rest of the crowd to each song. Eventually he got caught up in the excitement and joined in, much to Gui's delight. He even caught a signed shirt from Top's shirt cannon at the last song before the encore – one which he gifted to the very lucky Gui Er, naturally.

“That was the best concert I've been to! Did you have a good time?” Even after three hours of shouting, semi-dancing, and jumping in place, Gui was still aglow with energy.

“It certainly was a unique experience I must say. I got to see a totally different side of you today.” Aaron smiled, but he looked a little worn. Gui Gui peered into his eyes, her irises filled with concern.

“Are you ok? Did I scare you? You must be thirsty, wait right here. I will get us something to drink!” Without staying for Aaron's protest she rushed off to the nearest vending machine.

“Wait up, what if we get separ- The rest of the fans rushed out onto the walkways as they were let out after the VIP sections and Aaron had no choice but to shuffle along with the buzzing crowd, making him lose sight of his companion. Phone calls were not an option for the reception in the hall was terrible. Making his way back to his previous waiting spot – against the current of the masses – was an impossible feat as more and more people pushed their way out of the building. He could only wait until a path was cleared or for Gui to have the sense to find him outside; the latter proved to be a quicker option – even so, two thirds of the sand in the uneasy boy's hourglass had flown to the bottom before he was reunited with his date.

“I thought I would never find you! I didn't realize going off to buy a drink would cause us to get separated for 40 minutes. Drink this to replenish your electrolytes.” Gui Gui smiled sheepishly and handed the relieved Aaron a bottle of Pocari Sweat. Instead of reaching for the bottle like Gui expected, Ya Lun grabbed her hand – still holding the bottle – and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her unsuspecting form.

“You shouldn't run off like that in such crowed places. I would have went to find you nonetheless, but it would be best to stick together from now on. What if you fell or something, the stampede would have crushed you. I won't have that, not on my watch.”

Her response came as a muffled murmur against his chest.

“You don't mean stick together like this, do you? That would be quite uncomfortable, ah, I mean not in an unwelcoming way, just in an inconvenient way. And the only thing crushing me right now is you, Ah Bu.” He quickly released her, quite reluctantly if he might add.

“Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Wait, you said what happened just now wasn't unwelcoming, just inconvenient. What did you mean by it?” Could it be that she also...

Gui Gui's head spun at his sudden question. He actually heard me clearly!? How am I supposed to talk my way out of this without actually confessing? Beet red, Gui opened to speak but none of her thoughts were voiced. Seeing her panicked state, Aaron decided to not push his luck.

“You must be tired, lets get you home Gui Er.”

No words were exchanged on their ride back, with each person not daring to look at the other in case their respective “one-sided” feelings were revealed in the small space.

“I am glad you came with me tonight, Ah Bu.” I was almost found out, but he doesn't seem put off by my careless slip of tongue, in fact, he seemed hopeful. Could it be that he also... Gui Gui went to bed and spent the rest of the weekend afraid of finishing her wishful thoughts, for the heartache would possibly be greater if she dared to dream. The subject of her hopes and fears was in a similar mental state until he received a game changing gift in the mail the Monday morning during breakfast time.

“Hey Ge, I found this in our mail yesterday, but I forgot about it until now. I want some of that, thanks brother!” Penny nonchalantly dropped a soft lumpy package into Aaron's lap, then stole his freshly buttered toast from his hand in one swift bite, then bolted towards the door to escape his scolding.

“Really Mei?! Get your own toast! And how do you just forget, this package is the size of your face!”

“Exactly, my genius brother, its that small. And if you hadn't noticed, your toast is my toast, has been and always will be, until you move out that is!” Her distant reply – literally – was followed immediately by a loud slam and a rattling click from the front door. Aaron shook his head at his sister's unpredictable antics, then opened the gift before him. Is this really for me? I'd rather Mei took this than my toast... He thought as a soft lion plush sporting a red heart-shaped felt picture frame necklace stared back at him with its shiny round golden-rimmed eyes. In the frame, was a folded paper square, taped behind the frame was a white envelope, Aaron removed them from the frame, and set the lion beside him.


Aaron Yan,

Courage is like a lion, bold and strong. Beware, for it may prey on those who are not ready or aware of it. However, to you who lacks courage, fear not. For even the cowardly lion realized that his courage never left him at the end of a journey with Dorthy and new-found friends. Join your Dorthy and courageously embark on a strengthening journey.

~Your Secret Santa~


I do not lack courage! I just not sure if my Dorth- I mean Gui Gui really needs to know my newly realized feelings for her at this time. It is her junior year, which is the year colleges look at the most and she will be busy applying to colleges next year so being in a relationship is not encouraged, especially since it will be her first time dating. I wonder what “journey” this note refers to. Shoot, I am late to my meeting with Gui! Aaron hastily stuffed the note back into the frame, then put the plush into his gym bag and hurried out to the school cafe, leaving the sealed white envelope and his second slice of toast forgotten on the dining table.

“Sorry I am late!” Gui Gui was about to respond to the winded boy, but she was interrupted by a loud gurgling from his direction.

“I didn't wait long, but I am curious as to what delayed you? It certainly wasn't breakfast.” She pushed her untouched coffee cake towards him with a teasing smile. Ya Lun accepted it heartily, his chewing speed startling the generous girl.

“Easy tiger, you're going to choke.” She chastised worriedly after she ordered him a glass of milk.

“Lion. A liyon mafe me lwate.” He spoke – or attempted to – incoherently, his cheeks still puffed from the crumbly mess in his mouth, while reaching for the cream white glass.

“I was sure the expression uses tiger, am I wrong? Was it lion? Easy lion. Huh, it sounds funny.”

“It's tiger, but I meant to say earlier that a lion made me late. This lion.” Aaron clarified after finally swallowing the cake along with some milk. He then pulled the plush out of his bag, heart and all, and handed it to Gui. Earning them some stares and whispers – which of course they are not aware of.

“Awe look, he's confessing!”

“How sweet, the plush is very cute.”

“Finally! Tell teams Soph and Jun that we can finally move on to phase two of operation Secret Santa!”

“Roger that, Xue Jie.”

Their classmates' movements and remarks remain unnoticed by the determined yet clueless couple, who was in the middle of a conversation concerning their ongoing pursuit for the truth.

“So you think your sister has something to do with our Secret Santa? Ha ha, 'to you who lacks courage.' Based on this phrase alone, I think its highly possible.”

“Yea, there is no way she actually forgot this was in our mailbox! Her boyfriend is also suspicious, this toy is from his family's company. She was also the one who gave me the first gift.” Telling me I lack courage, I will hunt you down, whoever you are Secret Santa -sister or anyone else!

“Come to think of it, she approached me with your number soon after I got my second gift, as if she knew we would collaborate. Then where does that leave Geo ge and Ni jie? Wait! What if our Secret Santa is not just one person, but a group of people posing as a single person?!”

“You are brilliant Gui Er! I can't believe we didn't think of that possibility sooner! In summary our prime suspects are, Geo and his team, Annie and the council, my sister and her boyfriend.”

“I can't believe it we are so close to uncovering everything! We just need to find evidence that ties any them to this whole fiasco. I can help you investigate around your sister here at school, but her boyfriend's case is all up to you.”

“I'll keep an eye on my sister at home, when she is there, which unfortunately is quite rare. She is such a social butterfly.”

“Speaking of butterflies, my pupa-

Gui Gui had no chance to report her observation for the warning bell ushered them to their first period. Throughout the business of the school day and after-school activities – which for Gui was to infiltrate the student council through an application for the recently void vice-president position – the exciting news about her pet pupae, Patience, flew out the window – both figuratively and literally. On the other hand, Aaron, fresh out of the shower after coming home from basketball practice, sat at the dining table, with a hearty snack at hand, finally noticed the white envelope from the morning. He opened it and pulled out the two sheets of colorful 4” x 2” card stock, on each slip was the logo “Adventure Land” and a bar code. Amusement Park tickets? The courageous journey must be a date at Adventure Land. Secret Santa wants me to take Gui on a date? I want to but- His thought was interrupted by his ringtone from the other room.

“Ah Bu, my Patience is gone!” Patience the butterfly escaped.

Aaron froze at the voice of distress from the other line. Did she realize I like her? Is she hinting at me to ask her out? If that's the case...

“Will you go out with me?” Please say yes.

“Yes!” His heart soared at her soft reply, causing him to miss the soft thud before it.

“Great, I will pick you up Sat-

“Sorry Ya Lun, what were you saying earlier? I was going to tell you this morning, but the bell rang and we were both busy until now. My pupae, Patience, finally emerged! But then when I got home, it was gone! So I called you because I just had to tell you, and right after I told you, it came back! I had to set my phone down for a bit to put Patience back in the cage.” Why do I feel like he said something really important?

“Oh uh, it's nothing really, do you remember my gift from this morning?” Oh Gui Er, you also put my courage in the cage.

“Of course, 'to you, the cowardly lion' right?” Although, I think I should have been the one to receive that gift. I wonder why Aaron got it instead. What courage does he lack?

“Something like that. Anyway, the lion was only part of the gift. I also got tickets to Adventure Land.” Cowardly lion doesn't sound so bad when she says it, in fact its kind of endearing. Just you wait, Wu Ying Jie, you won't be calling me that in a bit.

“The journey! It makes sense, Adventure Land has one of the craziest and fastest roller coasters, One of their main attractions is the haunted house that's rated scariest in Taiwan. The other one is the extra tall high striker challenge, you know, the one where you have a giant hammer and you try to ring the bell at the top by sending a weight flying in one hit. You are so lucky! Have fun developing your courage and strength there!”

“I was hoping you would go with me, say this Saturday?”

“I'd love to! Lets invite Geo ge and Ni Jie! Also your sister and her boyfriend. The more the merrier!” Oh no, I forgot to ask how many tickets he actually got before making the suggestion. But, I can't wait!

“Sure, lets do that. Can you contact George and Annie? I'll ask my sister.” Although I hoped to go with “Dorthy”alone, as long as she's happy, taking the journey along with her “new-found” friends is worth it. The generous boy proceeded to purchase four more tickets after confirming they were also down to go. The rest of the week was pretty uneventful, meaning their separate investigations yielded no results; which left both Aaron and Gui Gui in waiting for two things, one of which was the same for the both of them. This shared anticipation was for none other than the golden opportunity to catch their suspected Secret Santa in action, during their outing to Adventure Land. The other thing to look forward to on that same day for Aaron was his move to prove that he was not some cowardly lion, in fact, he had so much courage he planned on confessing at the peak of a the tallest drop on the wildest roller coaster in the park – Daredevil. As for the receiving end of such a plan, Gui hoped for the arrival of her Secret Santa gift, so that she would have something to use as an excuse to spend time with Ah Bu alone, apart from their group during the triple date, or at least that's what she hope it would become – for both her and her crush – by the end that long awaited day. If all went according to her wishes, she vowed to do the thing she made up her mind to do the morning she saw Patience emerged – let Aaron know of her hidden feelings.

With strong resolves and equally strong feelings, the two left their respective houses early Saturday morning and headed for the designated meeting place, unknowingly sporting similar outfits. They were in for a quite the surprise when they arrived.

Gui stared at Aaron – who wore a brown hooded sweatshirt with a cool lion printed on its front, blue skinny jeans, and black combat boots with tan wool laces – in pleasant disbelief.

"Wow, I thought Charlie and I would be the only couple in this whole group, but you two are paired up quite nicely. In fact just based on clothes alone, you and my future Da Sao look more like the couple. Seems like I get my wish after all, dear brother." Penny remarked teasingly, seeing Gui Gui in a brown hoodie with cute lion printed on the front, blue skinny jeans, and Chestnut suade leather UGG boots with cream wool lining and brown wool laces

Before either subject of Penny's teasing could either deny or admit the accusations, a handsome tanned skin youngster arrived hand in hand with a tall slender similarly tanned beauty, warranting surprised stares and eventual cat calls from the waiting group.

"When did this happen?!" Aaron and Gui exclaimed in sync while simultaneously pointing at the new couple's interlocked fingers.

"It just happened naturally, I guess. We never really defined our relationship until recently, but now that I think about it, we were pretty much like a couple all along."

"Looks like you two also have some explaining to do."

Annie started her explanation while looking at her boyfriend – oh how good it feels to finally be able to openly think of him like that – lovingly. George returned her gaze in the same manner before addressing the coincidental "couple" in front of them.

"This is- we- by chance!" Gui sputtered, partially regretting her poor choice of words. Now it seems like I just admitted to being in a relationship with Ya Lun, one he didn't even agree on. Although, it's not completely untrue, at least on my end.

"She meant that we wore similar styles by chance." Seeing his "date"– at least he wished to call her that – so flustered, Aaron jumped in to clarify, somewhat regretting that he did not think things through. Now it seems like I admitted to knowing Gui Er better than the rest of them. Although it's not completely untrue, I'd like to think that out of everyone here I know her best.

"Come on you two slow couples, lets go into the park! Charlie and I are going ahead." Penny exclaimed half dragging her boyfriend towards the entrance.

"Wait! We still have to decide on a place and time to meet in case we split up!"

"Don't worry. We can call her once we figure it all out." Gui reassured the scolding boy beside her as they made their way into the park.

After they agreed to have lunch at Rain Forest Cafe as a large group, George and Annie headed off to the haunted house/maze, leaving Aaron and Gui Gui alone.

"Let's ride the Daredevil!" The energetic girl suggested , giving Ya Lun a light nudge towards the ride gate.

"Um...ok." Already?! I am not emotionally prepared yet! Then again, it's Gui we're talking about, I should have expected it.

"Ah Bu, are you sure about riding it? You look really nervous. Do you not like roller coasters? We can do something else."

"No we have to go on this coaster!" Even if I didn't like roller coasters,I will -- I must go on. For you, whom I like. For you who gives me more thrills and makes my heart beat faster than any ride.



Both Gui and Aaron yelled simultaneously as they descended at the speed of light – at least that was what it seemed like. After several more turns, loops and drops the ride came to an end.

"Again!" The giddy girl requested, her hair still in its wind-teased state.

"You want to ride again?!" The tense boy asked his hair also in a flying mess. However his nerves was not from the fact that he might have to endure another five minutes of speed torture, rather it was from uncertainty. Did my confession get across?

"Yes, but I meant say what you screamed at the drop, again." Did I hear him correctly?

"Let's go on the coaster again." She heard me after all.

"Does your courage only appear during insane drops?"

"..." She saw through me.

"I am just teasing, didn't you just yell the same thing I did? Hey, let's go try the high striker!" I'm probably mistaken.

"Sure probably after lunch though, we need to gain some energy first! Will you grant me a wish if I successfully ring the bell ?" If only we did yell the same thing. She is being a tease, unintentionally. I wish is that she likes me back.

"If I get a higher score, then you owe me a wish." I wish he likes me too.

"Deal!" I must win, so that my courage will ring louder than the winner's bell."

After eating with everyone else and going on a couple rides and shopping as a group, then splitting up into pairs once again in the evening, Aaron charged ahead with determination, his eyes were ablaze with possessive desire – a need to ring the bell at the top of that incredibly tall tower. Gui internally chuckled at the heated boy's disappointed huffing state, after he forcefully swung the heavy hammer onto the spring board – grunting in the process – the momentum of weight launched a metal ball up barely missing the bell as it sunk back down the tower, bringing Ya Lun's mood down with it.

"So close, young man! Here is a special prize for your efforts." One thought crossed his mind as the game operators handed him a soft fuzzy lump with a very familiar red felt heart-shaped necklace. I never thought I would be so glad to see a lion plush.

"I forfeit our bet, since you were so close to hitting the top. What is your wish, Ah Bu?"

"Secret Santa called me a cowardly lion in their most recent gift, and I honestly did not agree until today, after having missed my chance to ask you properly in front of the Daredevil. Wu Ying Jie, I like you! Will you accept me, a timid lion, and be my lioness?" Ya Lun confessed boldly. The sweat from his palms dampening the otherwise fluffy fur of the female lion doll he held out for Gui to take – if she wished to take him up on his invitation– which betrayed his seemingly flawless declaration of love.

She took the plushy and read the small note tucked the little heart frame around its neck.


Gui Gui Wu,

Lao Tzu once said “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Like a lioness, bravely pursue the lion in your life. In return, you will be strengthened by your lion's courage. If you are willing to take this challenge, use these ride passes with your date.

                                      ~Your Secret Santa~

She removed the white envelope taped behind the frame and took out its contents, revealing two tickets for the most romantic attraction in Adventure Land. Aaron stared nervously at the quiet girl, then at the ground. His ears perked at her velvety voice, and his head whipped up so he could look into her misty doe-like eyes as she gave him a solid reply, her cheeks a rosy pink.

"I thought you'd never ask, scaredy cat. Yan Ya Lun, I like you too! Your lioness would love to go to the peak of adventure land with you." She gave him a shy smile while holding up a ticket towards the exhilarated and relieved lad before her. He took the long awaited ticket, then swiftly grabbed her hand before she could retreat, loosely locking his fingers with hers in case she wasn't ready for such a speedy progression. He was quite surprised but more so happy with her natural response – tightening her grip, firmly closing the space between their fingers, letting warmth emulate from her palm to his.

"I've wanted to hold your hand again since the night of the concert. I was scared and unsure of how you felt, since it's my first time liking someone I am actually friends with, my first time serious liking anyone at all really, because celebrity crushes don't count. Ah Bu, thank you for having the courage to confess first, and thank you for liking me back."

"I felt the same way. Even if I have dated before it's the first time I've liked someone so strongly, so certainly. I should be thanking you, Gui Er, for agreeing to be my girlfriend”

“Are all relationships this formal? Or is it just ours?”

“Let's just continue our comfortable way of interacting before we became 'official' with a few exceptions.”

“Exceptions?” Aaron internally chuckled at his girlfriend – finally – 's adorable inquiry, with her head slightly tilted to the side and a puzzled expression.

“Things like this...” He holds up their held hands and saw her eyes light up with realization, and decide to a little, as revenge for before.

“or like this...” He quickly gave her a peck on the cheek, before leading her to the attraction most couples go on, as if nothing happened. However, the unconcealed grin on his face and slight blush gave him away. Gui on the other hand, focused her sights on her own boots, only glancing up occasionally to look at her boyfriend – at last – 's sturdy back, her own face beet red and lips parted in a satisfied smile from his previous sudden tactic. He is no timid lion. He's just a normal one – one who is good at sneak attacks.

Aaron handed the hopper their tickets, from Secret Santa, and helped Gui onto the cart. The sudden enclosed proximity had them both at loss of what to talk about, or where to look. As a result, the couple silently stared outside at the scenery, more of the park coming into view as their booth ascended towards the sky. Aaron broke the quiet mood, picking up his courage once more.

“Do you want to sit on this side? The sunset is really nice from here.”

At his suggestion, Gui obediently moved, but she loss her balance as the center of gravity in the gondola shifted at her abrupt action, landing directly on Aaron's lap.

“You sat quite literally on this side.” He remarked awkwardly with a laugh before helping her back onto the seat beside him, then taking her hand into his with a light squeeze.

“The sunset is nice on this side, we should take a picture.” She tried to change the subject embarrassed at her previous fumble. Thankfully,Aaron went along with her.

After a quick photo session, the pair resumed enjoying the steady full-circle ride in comfortable silence, her head resting on his shoulder, and his head on hers. Their forms fit nicely together as if they were originally created as a set. After disembarking from the Ferris-wheel, the newly formed couple went to the designated meeting place, ready to head home. Their brave display of affection – her arm nestled snugly in the nook of his – definitely did not go unnoticed by their friends.

“YES!!! FINALLY GE~ Now you won't bother me while I am on a date just cause you are bored and lonely.”

“That was your intention!? Not for my life-long happiness?”

“Wow, barely your first day dating and you want to marry her already? Bro you move fast.”

“Xiao Wei, that's not nice! Congrats you two! We should totally go on double dates!”

“Sure as long as we don't have to wear any traffic-cone like couple outfits...”

“Gui mei, you told him about that!?”

“He is my boyfriend, I tell him everything.”

“From the way she responded, they were probably dating in secret, behind our backs, for a while now.”

“Agreed. How long has it been, really?”

“You all should speak for yourselves! Geo and Annie were in that ambiguous “something” phase since the start of the school year! Those glances you two shared during opening ceremony and morning assembly were so obvious. Mei, you too. I am pretty sure you've were seeing Charlie for at least six months before introducing him officially as your boyfriend.”

“Lets go get dinner somewhere, I am starving!” Gui remarked, wanting to help her date dismiss their companion's teasing, only to make things worse. 

“I bet, I wonder what you two were doing on that Ferris-wheel to make you so hungry.”

“Nothing happened!” They both denied at the same time, earning them unbelieving “uh-huh”s from the other two couples. Due to the rather happy events of the day the cute couple forgot all about uncovering their Secret Santa, their mission remained forgotten in the whirl of their new romance, with many private, double, and group dates filling their schedules. The mention of their gifts' origins also did not resurface to due testing and eventually college applications for Gui, graduation and moving off to university for Aaron. In fact, operation Secret Santa remained a distant memory for the two until fall of the next year, because our secret cupids decided they've waited much too long for the pair's first kiss to happen.  

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Thank you!
Its been a long time readers!
Coming back with the full story (will upload a chapter a day until Christmas eve. Except for the first day, today in which, I will upload 2 chapters, since Gift 1 has not changed much from its first edition) ending my 7 year hiatus.


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Your 7 year hiatus - reminds me of 7 years of love by Kyuhyun, LOL
I don't know, it just pops up in my mind xD
Chapter 2: "On hiatus until Christmas season comes around" ------ Christmas season will be coming every year, so I amma waiting for your update every year too >.<
anilim01 #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon! (X
@CupcakesPrincess <br />
sorry if you were uncomfortable with such formal dialogue between GuiLun, but they will warm up to each other really soon. <br />
thank you for reading my fanfic even when its not that great :)
uh~don't you think Aaron and Guigui talk too formally to each other? <br />
i'm kinda uncomfortable with their conversation too formally.....did you do this puposely though? like the characters suppose to talk to each other like that?<br />
but i guess their becoming friends huH? <br />
I like it! ;) I'll be waiting for your next update then!
Seems like their plan is working, both of them are attracted to each other :D<br />
plus GuiGui found out Aaron also got the same Secret Santa!! <br />
so i guess they'll get together and work out the secret mission of the senior class while the gifts keep on arriving yes? <br />
Hoping forward for more updates!!! :)
Hehe evil plan in action >;) <br />
I would love to get hot chocolate from my secret Santa...sigh...<br />
Update soon!!
looking forward to more chapters of the story ..