Gift 2

12 Gifts From Secret Santa

I do not own any of the characters. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any plot similarities to other FF and stories/movies are coincidental. Character thoughts in Italicized, and Bold for emphasis. Blue underlined are hyperlink to photos of item described.

Aaron awoke at the sight of his sister staring angrily at him. Annoyed, he buried his face in his pillow and hoped for her to leave, but this was not the case. She threw him out of bed proceeded to deafen him with her booming voice.


“I will go pick it up so don’t worry.”




Aaron pushed his fuming sister out of the room, slammed the door, got ready and left the house in seconds, not even bothering to eat breakfast. Once he reached school he rushed into the café, only to find his precious coat missing. He asked the staff and they handed him a note. Out of anger, he crumbled it and threw it in the trash can and stormed out of the café. Minutes later, he rushed back in, rummaged around for the note, and tried to read it.


Hi Aaron Yan,

You are probably looking for your coat since you are reading this note now. Don’t worry, your coat is safe in my hands. I will come to return it to you personally. I also have an important inqury for you. Please meet me here in this café after school. 

~Junior Gui Gui Wu


Gui Gui Wu? What a strange name. I wonder who could this Gui Gui be? Is it that girl in the fuzzy blanket from yesterday? I should not have such high hopes. The bell rang and he hurried to his classroom. He enters the room and finds a square package on his desk. People crowd around him as he opens the gift. Inside was a shiny feather, but when he reached in the box it flew out the window and drifted away, carried by the wind. A note was all that was left in the box.


Aaron Yan,

The feather represents bliss, hope, inspiration, and other possible positive emotions you can think of. Sadness could be represented by when you reach out to grab it but could not grasp it.

~Your Secret Santa~


This gift puzzled him as much as it made him feel sad. He wondered why anyone would give him such and intangible “gift”- especially near the Christmas season- for sadness is not something that can be given as a gift. He kept thinking about the real meaning behind this gift as he walked home; halfway home he checked his watch. Mei Mei should be out now… Oh shoot! I forgot to meet this Gui Gui Wu in the café to get my coat back! I was too happy about not having a 6th period today. He ran back to the school as fast as his legs could carry him, hoping she had not left yet.

Gui Gui reached the school café to make sure Aaron got her note. After having confirmed that he has been informed of their meeting, whether he decides to show up or not, was a different concern altogether -- not that she had the time to ponder further. She went to her locker to get the materials she needed for her first class- art. As she opened her locker, she realized she had forgotten to get a subject for her art project of the day. She was about to close the locker and run to the school garden when a cone shaped package caught her eye. She opened it and found a black rose and a note.


Gui Gui Wu,

Sadness can be represented by this black rose, only after rain which represents tears, will it fully grow and eventually wither. Unless with comfort and care, it can bloom into something greater and more colorful, which can represent joy, serenity, awe and other possible positive emotions.

~Your Secret Santa~


This is it! Thank you Secret Santa, I will use this for my subject of the painting. Tearful Flower! Gui rushed into her first period classroom sat down in front of her canvas and started to paint the picture in her mind. She had to paint back-wards. The core of the rose was colorful surrounded by one layer of shiny/glossy rainbow petals. As she painted outwards the color of the petals got duller and darker until the outside of the rose was completely black. The surrounding environment of the flower was in grayscale. As a finishing touch she added a single light blue (but reflected a rainbow gleam) teardrop falling to the middle of the flower. She submitted her masterpiece and the teacher was astonished. The rest of the class submitted very brightly colored works that gave a very positive message on the surface; whereas in Gui Gui’s piece there was little color, but it showed a deep message of hope. The teacher was so pleased with it that she asked for it to be framed and hung in the classroom’s hall of fame. Gui Gui’s mood stayed high throughout the day and she was so happy that she forgot about meeting Aaron in the café, until she saw his black coat in her locker. She checked the time, and saw that she's already thirteen minutes late. Hoping he was still there, she ran as fast as she could, while thinking of ways to apologize. She busted into the café, but there was no one in sight. He must had left since I took so long. Gui Gui left a note of apology with the person at the counter and exited the café.

Right as Aaron was about to open the door of the café, it flew open and a girl stepped out, her head hung low. Unable to stop because he was running too fast, they collided. Seeing the suprised girl “fly” backwards and about to hit the door, he pulled her towards him on instinct and held her until she faked a cough. Opps, what am I doing?! I should apologize!

“I am so sorry!”

Realizing that the girl had also apologized at the same time Aaron chuckled. She responded with a sheepish giggle. They broke into laughter, right there, in front of the café, disregarding the weird look pass-byers gave them.

“I suppose you are Gui Gui Wu.” Aaron pointed to the black coat in her hands.

“Are you Aaron Yan?”

“The one and only”


“Uh..-um- wa-was that la-lame?”

She laughed again and her silvery voice rang in his ears, making his heart skip a beat. He felt his face flushing and instinctively looked down to make sure she doesn’t notice.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh, but you were sort of cute then.” As if she caught a slip of tongue, her hands flew to and her cheeks glowed a crimson red.

“Thanks, you are pretty cute yourself.” He remarked uncharacteristically, flashing a smile at her, which made her heart beat a little faster.

“It’s a bit cold out here, shall we go inside?” Trying to make the atmosphere less awkward, she offered to treat him to a drink so they could sit down and talk.

“Okay, but the drinks will be my treat, since you took good care of my coat.”

They went inside the café, ordered the drinks and asked for blankets, then they sat at the table where they first noticed each other.

“Thank you for the treat.”

“My pleasure, I don't mean to be rude, but is Gui Gui your real name?"

“My legal name is Wu Ying Jie, but I prefer Gui Gui. Can I call you Aaron Xue Zhang*?” The girl asked, noting his black and purple plaid tie -- a pattern excusively worn by 4th years. Hopefully I don't seem too brazen, wanting to go by first name basis on our first meeting. What was I thinking?!  But he started it with that question about my name... yet  somehow, I don't mind at all...

“Just Aaron or Ya Lun is fine, whichever you prefer. According to your note, you have an important question you wanted to ask me?" This Xue Mei* is too polite, or maybe she is just being cautious. Either way, its kind of adorable... what has gotten into me?! But she started it with the "you were sort of cute" statment earlier... not that I really mind, suprisingly. 

(*A/N Xue Zhang - title used for male upperclassmen; Xue Mei - title for female underclassmen) 

“Well, I was wondering, if you happen to get random gifts from a so called ‘Secret Santa’?”

“I do, are you my ‘Secret Santa’ or do you know who it is?”

“Sadly no, but I too have a mysterious gift giver.”

“I wonder who it is then.”

“I believe our Secret Santa is one person. You see, I did not meant to be rude, but I accidentally saw the note your Secret Santa gave you. The gift of Happiness, did you happen to get that yesterday?”


“I got one too, which is the reason I had a fuzzy blanket.”

“Then today’s gift is sadness.”

“Yes, I got a black rose.”

“I got a feather that blew away…”

“You mean this feather?” She carefully takes out a colorful shimmering feather from her coat pocket.

“Where did you get this?”

“It flew into my face…”

“My bliss, hope, and inspiration has returned to me”

“You are a pretty humorous guy.”

“It that a good thing?”

“Yes, of course, many girls look for guys with a good sense of humor.”

“Haha, then I guess you have to look no longer. There is one right in front of you!”

“I see you are quite full of yourself.”

“Anyway, should we figure out who this ‘Secret Santa’ might be?”

“We do not have enough clues at the moment, but would you like to work with me in solving this Christmas mystery?”

“Already on that page Miss Gui Gui Wu.” He started to write his number down on a napkin, but paused when she spoke as she tapped her phone screen. 

“Think again, Mister Aaron Yan, I am still one step ahead of you.”

His phone rings.


“Hi, partner.”

“Gui Gui-

She hangs up and smiles at him shyly. Was that too creepy? I can't tell by the expression on his face. 

“How did you get my number?”

“My new best friend told me.”

“Is it one of my fan girls?” It has to be the work of Ming Pei... 

“Yes, the Bu Ding’s Club president.”

“You are friends with her?!” I knew it. Another one of her secret ploys to get me a girlfriend... How many more girls in the student body have my number that I am not aware of?

“What is wrong with her? Is she your girlfriend.?” Oh no, did I step on a landmine of his? She worried, seeing his brows burrow slightly and his lips drawn in a tight line. 

“No no no no NO! I don’t think you would want to know what she is like at home.” Ah why did I mention home, she is going to get the wrong idea!

“You live with her? Is she your fiancee?” I got to stop prying. Its none of my business. This curiosity is unlike me. 

“No.” She got the wrong idea... I should just tell her-


“No.” A little warmer this time, when will she get it right? Why am I so concerned? 

“…” Wife? No way, we are still in highschool. Why am I so concerned?

“Sister. She is my sister.” 

“Oh! You have different last names though.” 

“She takes after our dad; I have our mom’s last name.”

“No wonder.”

“You are not going to ask why?”

“No, that is your private family life, I have no business knowing.” I should draw the line here. 

“Well, you will get to know more about me, if you plan to become friends with me.” I will cross that line, eventually. 

“In return I will tell you about me.” I guess I can withdraw the line, someday. 

“Fair enough.” 

“As for now, we will be partners.”

“Okay. When will I get promoted though?”

“That will depend on your performance.”

“I will not disappoint!” He salutes with a large proud grin.

She chuckles and looks at her phone.

“It is getting late, I should go now. It was nice talking to you Aaron. If there is anything you need feel free to call me.”

“Let me walk you home.”

“I am only walking to the bus stop.”

“I will you. I cannot let a lady walk alone at such late hours.”

“Well then, thank you.”

They both walked out of the café and to the bus stop. The bus came Gui Gui got on, but Aaron followed.

“You really don’t have to go this far.”

“No, I have to, I must make sure my partner gets home safely.”

“Are you saying you are going to follow me all the way up to my front door, and until I enter the house?”

“You can put it that way.”


“Is that too weird?”

“It is more than that… not to mention, creepy, rude, too persistent, and-

“Okay I understand. I will get off.”

Aaron got off the bus, but right as the doors were about to close he hopped back on.”

“Um- Gui Gui- I don’t know how to get home from here. I would look it up but my phone ran out of battery.” He whispered so softly it was barely audible.

Gui Gui didn’t know if she should laugh or if she should cry. She did both. She laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. People on the bus were staring so they apologized and got off the bus.

“Aaron, I- I really don’t know what to say.”

“I am so sorry.”

“No, it is okay. Here, you can use my phone." She handed him her device, and she saw the momentary look of shock on his face as a large soft plastic Stitch stared up at him before she flipped it over, revealing a normal screen. Don't laugh... again... he's been through enough secondhand embarassment for one day. 

"Gui Gui, your phone is not turning on." He gave the blue alien back to its intriguing owner, and noticed the short look of sheepish realization cross her face. I should not laugh, I put her through enough secondhand embarassment for today. 

"We are only about two blocks away from my house. You can use my computer to find directions on how to get home.”

“Thanks Gu- Gui Gui” What is with me today? Why do I keep stuttering in front of her?  She is as nice as she looks. 

“Haha, just call me Gui.” He isn't such a smooth-talker, contrary to his looks. 

“You can call me Ah Bu then.”

“Silly Ah Bu!”

“Hey!” I take my previous assumsption back. She has a mischevious side, unlike her outer apperance. 

“We are home!”

“How do I address your parents?”

“They are not home. They are on a business trip and will not be home until after New Years.”

“You aren’t lonely?”

“Sometimes, but most of the time I am okay.”

“If you don’t mind, I could stop by and spend some time with you in the future, of course, I mean to work on our investigation.”

“That would be nice.” I take back my former assumption. He is smooth, much like his countenance. 

“It’s a deal then.”

They entered the house. Gui Gui flipped the light switch few times but there was no light.

“Uh oh… I think there is a power outage.”

“Aaron, looks like you might have to stay the night.”

“Do you mind?”

“No, I have an extra room.”

“Thanks again Gui. You know what, let’s go out for dinner. My treat, since I am placing myself in your care tonight.”

“Sure, since there is a power outage, and there is nothing in the fridge anyway.”

They ate a family diner, came back and got ready for bed. 

“Thank you, Yan Ya Lun, for dinner.”

“You're welcome, Wu Ying Jie. It was my pleasure.”

They said their ‘good nights’ and went to their separate rooms to sleep.

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Thank you!
Its been a long time readers!
Coming back with the full story (will upload a chapter a day until Christmas eve. Except for the first day, today in which, I will upload 2 chapters, since Gift 1 has not changed much from its first edition) ending my 7 year hiatus.


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Your 7 year hiatus - reminds me of 7 years of love by Kyuhyun, LOL
I don't know, it just pops up in my mind xD
Chapter 2: "On hiatus until Christmas season comes around" ------ Christmas season will be coming every year, so I amma waiting for your update every year too >.<
anilim01 #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon! (X
@CupcakesPrincess <br />
sorry if you were uncomfortable with such formal dialogue between GuiLun, but they will warm up to each other really soon. <br />
thank you for reading my fanfic even when its not that great :)
uh~don't you think Aaron and Guigui talk too formally to each other? <br />
i'm kinda uncomfortable with their conversation too formally.....did you do this puposely though? like the characters suppose to talk to each other like that?<br />
but i guess their becoming friends huH? <br />
I like it! ;) I'll be waiting for your next update then!
Seems like their plan is working, both of them are attracted to each other :D<br />
plus GuiGui found out Aaron also got the same Secret Santa!! <br />
so i guess they'll get together and work out the secret mission of the senior class while the gifts keep on arriving yes? <br />
Hoping forward for more updates!!! :)
Hehe evil plan in action >;) <br />
I would love to get hot chocolate from my secret Santa...sigh...<br />
Update soon!!
looking forward to more chapters of the story ..