Late Night Date

Her Little Fantasies
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It was 3 am in the morning. Outside was silent, saved for the occasional sounds of engine coming from the cars passing by. Yongsun should be asleep at this time - after the long day in university, she's not only physically drained but it feels like her brain had been fried too. 

Speaking of fried, well she's craving for some fried chicken wings now. Goddamnit, at 3am!

"Gods, Yongsun just freaking close your eyes and sleep!" She exasperatedly groaned, hitting her bed in frustration. She checked her phone again. And her stomach protested for some food, specifically for some spicy chicken wings after recieving a chicken wings advert. Luck, oh luck. "Let's forget about chicken wings and let's sleep, Kim Yongsun." She whispered, nodding in agreement to her rational side. Finally, she was about to close her eyes when her phone chimed a familiar tone, disrupting her. 

She looked at her phone irritatedly but a smile quickly lifted the frown from her lips. 

"Hey babe. Just finished my 3000 words essay for psych. I'm so tired, baby I wish you were here with me so I can cuddle you. You know I gain strength just by looking at you right?. Haha, you're probably cringing right now and wants to punch my byultiful face but it's true, miss Yongddonie. I miss you babe, so muchhhhhhhhhhhh. I wanna kiss you! Your eyes, your nose, your fluffy cheeks and of course! My favourite pair of lips! Ah babe I don't know where I'm going with this message. It must be the tiredness and my headache... anyway, I love you."

Solar had to bite her lips to contain herself. Why did Moon Byulyi have to be so random and so sugary sweet all the time? It's not that she's complaining, it's just too much, too dangerous for her heart. Byulyi would always make her fall for her every single second, it's scary but she would love it at the same time. 

After composing herself, she was about to write a reply when the ringtone went off again.

"I think I forgot to say I love you, baby so I love youuuuu!"

Yongsun giggled. How adorable is her girlfriend?

"I love you, Kim Yongsun."

"Babe, I love you."

"Promise it's the last time. I love you."

"No matter how much I say it, it doesn't feel like it's enough. I love you so much."

A smile never left Yongsun's face for a long time as she read her messages again and again. She only stopped when her stomach growled again, waking her up from her little bubble and finally realising that her cheeks were having cramps already from smiling too much.

"Why do you have to be so greasy Moon Fart! But I still love you, you greaseball! Babe, you must be so tired right now so get some sleep ok? I'll see you soon. I love you and I miss you so much more, my baby Moon. *kiss kiss*"

"Oh I thought you were sleeping already. Why is my baby still awake?"

"Thinking of you, of course. Joking, I meant thinking of chick

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Chapter 4: Wait is yongsun still writing her stories? Or is this the main plot?
Chapter 4: Man, I'm craving for more!
Chapter 4: waaaaaa this one is good ;u;
I'm so looking forward to the continuation of this, author-nim!
Chapter 4: what's happening xD le me also confused, Byul Yi >_>
ksheehstar #5
Chapter 4: ooo its nice where the next chapter i m excited hoho.
Chapter 4: Omg
I liked this change of "scenario"
Omfg.. But I'm getting an angst feeling already.. Since she'll wake up sometime and got to her life again ;^;

But well, I'm.gonna to.enjoy it first!
I want to yongsun will make this byul fall for.her ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Debora-Lunny #7
Chapter 4: It was so good. Thanks for this author-nim.
Chapter 3: This was pretty good too!
:v you should make an extra/bonus chap with this M-rate plot u had on your mind :v ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: Awnnnnnn this was sooooo sweet :') I hope Yongsun can truly be with Byul ~ I was thinking that maybe that person who always comments maybe be her :v

I had fluttering feelings all the way reading it <3
This Byul is really boyfriend/girlfriend material <3
ksheehstar #10
Chapter 3: wow i hope you update. it nice story romance