
Her Little Fantasies
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Kim Yongsun was sitting on her bed, scrolling through the hundreds and hundreds of comments below her stories. Most of them were praising her, some asking who she really was and a few asking her who and what her inspirations were for her stories. Yongsun just smiled. 

Clicking the reply button, she started typing.

"Hi specialricecake22, I'm really glad you like my stories! I always see your name under the comments section so thank you so much! As for your question... well, let's just say there's this really cool and pretty and amazing person that I know... but sadly, out of my reach. I use this person as my muse, my inspiration."

Yongsun looked up at the ceiling, the face of the really cool and pretty and amazing person popping on her thought bubble. Solar wished that she could be more brave and approach her, but everytime she made up her mind to talk to her, a cat would always catch her tongue when she's already only a few metres away. Not that she's intimidating, rather it's the thought that Yongsun was way out of her league. 

Who's a Kim Yongsun? She's just one of the millions of Kims in South Korea, basically almost insignificant. So what's her chance that a Moon Byulyi would even spare a minute to talk to her? Zero. She's already lucky enough that Byulyi once talked to her, which was actually the moment that triggered her fluttering feelings for the girl.

It was the first day of school. Everyone was walking with their peers, laughing, chit-chatting, sharing stories about how their summer went. And there was Kim Yongsun, walking alone by herself, trying to take in the fact that it's already her last year in high school, yet she still hadn't got herself a proper friend that she could stick with, to talk with, to eat lunch with.

She sighed, fixing her hair. No time to pity herself, she needed to work hard for this year.

She was about to walk again when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Heart beating in sudden shock, Yongsun didn't know how

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Chapter 4: Wait is yongsun still writing her stories? Or is this the main plot?
Chapter 4: Man, I'm craving for more!
Chapter 4: waaaaaa this one is good ;u;
I'm so looking forward to the continuation of this, author-nim!
Chapter 4: what's happening xD le me also confused, Byul Yi >_>
ksheehstar #5
Chapter 4: ooo its nice where the next chapter i m excited hoho.
Chapter 4: Omg
I liked this change of "scenario"
Omfg.. But I'm getting an angst feeling already.. Since she'll wake up sometime and got to her life again ;^;

But well, I'm.gonna to.enjoy it first!
I want to yongsun will make this byul fall for.her ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Debora-Lunny #7
Chapter 4: It was so good. Thanks for this author-nim.
Chapter 3: This was pretty good too!
:v you should make an extra/bonus chap with this M-rate plot u had on your mind :v ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: Awnnnnnn this was sooooo sweet :') I hope Yongsun can truly be with Byul ~ I was thinking that maybe that person who always comments maybe be her :v

I had fluttering feelings all the way reading it <3
This Byul is really boyfriend/girlfriend material <3
ksheehstar #10
Chapter 3: wow i hope you update. it nice story romance