Episode Four

Twenty-One :: A JYP Survival Show
The Bland bell Awards
The opening song seuges into a view of the dorm kitchen. The light coming in from the window is dark, and a time stamp in the lower corner indicates that it's 5 in the morning. Sitting at the main table is Doc, who's flipping through a heavy textbook.
A buzzing sounds in the otherwise silent room, made louder by effects likely added during editing. Doc sighs and flips over the phone that had been lying next to the open book. He reads the text silently, and then a smile lights up his face.
He looks directly up towards the cameras. "Can do sir." He says, not quite happy but more content than he's seemed in the past three episodes.
He flips his book closed loudly and then heads into the hallway. The camera remains focused on the empty kitchen, but loud sounds of yelling and banging from the direction of the hallway indicate that Doc is waking up the other contestants. A few bleeped responses stand out from the rest of the mess of noise.
About two minute later Jude walks groggily into the kitchen and immediately beelines for the coffee machine and begins making a pot seemingly on autopilot. A moment later Hongsol stumbles in as well. The scene fast forwards and the rest of the boys come stumbling in in different states of alertness and dress.
Doc comes in last carrying a back pack, which he drops next to the hallway entrance, and the video slows down again. All of the boys eye Doc as he drags a chair in front of the hallway entrance and stands up on top of it, clearing his throat loudly.
"Alright guys, votes are in and your next assignment is waiting outside." His voice sounds strong and powerfully through the room, and all eyes are focused on him.
"So? Who's out this time?" Jihyun calls, sounding distinctly bored despite the fact he looks exhausted.
Doc rolls his eyes. "Kangjoo, Byunjae, and myself. The rest of you have ten minutes to-" He pauses to check his phone, "get your rear ends into the van or you'll be eliminated too."
That gets people moving. Those still in some form of pyjamas run for their rooms while those dressed head straight for the front door. Soon only Byunjae, Doc, and Kangjoo are in the room.
Byunjae looks ready to cry. "Did... did it say what our rankings were?"
Doc is unsympathetic as he responds. In fact, he's practically floating around the kitchen as he moves to grab his earlier abandonded book. "You were last and Kangjoo was sixteenth. I was right in between."
Byunjae stares blankly at the table, processing his placement. Kangjoo looks dissapointed but pushes away from the counter he was leaning on and addresses Doc.
"I assume your uncle told you to get everyone together? Did he say anything about being able to come back later? I heard Hongsol-hyung mention something like that a couple of days ago."
Doc nods, sliding the book into the backpack. "Yeah, you guys will get a chance to come back next episode, basically in the next few days. So keep practicing blah blah blah. I'm going to class!" And with that Doc is out the door, slinging the backpack over his shoulder as he goes.
Kangjoo stares wryly at the doorway. "Well I guess he won't be participating when that episode is being filmed. You want to pack together Byunjae?" He looks over to the other boy and blinks when he sees him.
Byunjae's hands are clenched into fists on the table and he's staring down so his eyes are shadowed.
Kangjoo sighs. "You look like an anime character in an overly dramatic series. Come on we'll have chances to return to the competition, let's just go pack for now so we can get to practicing."
Byunjae pushes his chair back harshly and storms past Kangjoo, shoving the smaller man slightly as he brushes past.
Kangjoo sighs loudly. "And now I get to deal with the drama queen. Great. This day is really off to a good start."
The scene cuts to outside the dorms, with a time stamp showing it's about ten minutes before Doc leaves the house. The remaining contestants are milling around in front of three vans, each with a manager standing in front of it. Each holds a sign with a number on it.
"So we just get in whichever van we want?" Koda tilts his head, looking puzzled.
TJ doesn't question it as he grabs his best friend and then pulls him over to one of the vans. "Sounds like it. Hey guys! We're in this van!" He's standing in front of the manager holding up a sign with the number five on it.
Hongsol shrugs to Jude as he makes his way over to TJ and Koda, joining Soengjun along the way. However Do Sanghyun doesn't make it to the group before Noheul slides in next to TJ, who glares at him.
"Dude that Yeou's spot!" TJ frowns at Noheul, who just shrugs.
Sanghyun smiles awkwardly. "Hey it's fine TJ I'll be in one of the other groups." He looks around and makes eye contact with Danny, who grins and jerks his head in an invitation.
Na Sanghyun, who's standing next to Danny, looks at the other with a raised eyebrow. "Is it a good idea to have both Sanghyuns in one group?" He points out skeptically.
Danny just laughs. "Guaranteed hijinx will ensue, it's a travesty they haven't put you two in the same group!"
Na Sanghyun smiles half-heartely, but it's clear he's not as excited this morning.
Next to him Ash pats his back in understanding.
"It gets better." He says quietly. Na Sanghyun looks over at him with a small, tired smile.
Danny doesn't seem to notice the exchange as he pats Do Sanghyun on the shoulder and then looks around.
"Hey, where's Reito?"
"He decided to hang out with Jude today. Took my spot." Jihyun's annoyed voice startles all four men and they turn to find him as well as an annoyed-looking Xaris walking over to them. "They already took off with KimQ and Ant in the van for four people, and the five member van is gone too, so it looks like we're stuck together."
Ash looks over at Xaris, who shrugs awkwardly.
Danny takes charge. "Alright then, into the van guys!"
The odd group slowly files in behind him and the van drives off, just as the door swings open and Doc bounds out. He eyes the departing van with an unreadable expression, and then shrugs and heads the opposite direction.
The scene cuts to the inside of one of the vans, where TJ is laughing loudly.
"This script is gold!" He exclaims happily.
Noheul is scanning through the pages. "I see six parts here, but there are only five of us." He looks over at the driver questioningly. "Who's going to be the sixth person?"
The man doesn't look back as he responds, keeping his focus on the road. "I'll be playing the part of manager, you five will be the 'group' in the story. I'd decide now who gets what part, we only have today to get the whole thing filmed."
"Dibs on winning!" Seongjun shouts, causing TJ to complain loudly but teasingly.
Koda frowns. "No way, I want to be the winner! I'm obviously a winner, I should get that part!" He stands up as he speaks but is quickly dragged back down by both TJ and Hongsol, who are sitting on either side of him in the back row of the van.
"Koda, you were blocking the back window." Hongsol explains quietly. Koda makes a face but remains in his seat.
"Well I'll take group member number four, he seems like he'd be pretty entertaining to play." Noheul announces. TJ frowns.
"I wanted... oh well, I'll be number two, he seems enjoyable-y weird I suppose." TJ decides.
Seogjun laughs. "Koda should be the pretty one!"
"No way!" Hongsol keeps a grip on Koda's wrist to stop him from standing up again as the latter protests. "He barely says anything!"
"I'll do that part Koda, you can be group member one."
Koda nods. "I'm definitely number one!"
The scene changes to the four person van, where Jude looks confused as he flips the pages of the script each of then is holding multimple times, his eyes scanning the pages over and over again.
"There are way more than four parts here. And one of them is female. The script itself is amazing but I have to wonder how we're supposed to pull it off in one day with just the four of us?"
The driver doesn't respond to Jude's question, and he sighs and goes back to flipping through the script.
In the furthest row back, KimQ is slowly helping to explain each line of the script to Reito, who looks tired and frustrated. Next to Jude in the middle row Ant doesn't appear to have even opened his script at all, instead opting to nap against the window. His soft snoring creates a steady background noise in the otherwise silent van.
Thirty minutes are fastforwarded through, with Jude continuing to flip pages, Reito apparently giving up and pouting against one of the windows while KimQ begins looking more carefully through the script, and Ant continues to sleep soundly.
The image slows down as the van pulls into a parking lot. Reito kicks the back of Ant's seat, jerking the other awake and earing a half-hearted and still sleep heavy glare.
"We're here. They'll take over from here."
"They? We're playing the pronoun game?" Jude seems to be at the end of his rope with the driver, who just makes a shooing motion towards the door.
Ant pushes open the door without complaint and stumbles out, squinting as the rising sun catches him right in the eyes. Jude lets KimQ and Reito exit first before hopping out himself and slamming the door, perhpas a bit harder than needed.
He looks around and realizes with surprise that they're standing in front of SOPA. Two teachers are standing at the main entrance, smiling brightly.
"Hello! Are you ready to start filming?"
The last van is still travelling down a freeway when the scene cuts to them. Everyone has a script, and is quietly studying it, except for Do Sanghyun who is staring out the window.
Na Sanghyun looks over at him frowning. As if he can feel the look, Do Sanghyun looks over and smiles.
"I seriously don't mind only being in one scene hyung, I'm not big on acting anyway." He says it in a way that makes it clear it's not the first time he's said it.
Na Sanghyun sighs. "I just don't think it's fair is all. We all have a lot of screetime but you've got one line basically."
Jihyun's overdramatic sigh interrupts the two. "Oh who cares? He said he'd take whatever part was left over so of course he got the nothing role."
Every person in the van glares at the dancer, who ignores them as he goes back to his script.
"We'll think about it, okay? It really isn't too big of a deal if he only has one scene, I mean you ranked pretty high last episode right?" Danny sounds a little dissmissive as he speaks.
Ash frowns. "Speaking of does anyone know what the rankings were this round? Obviously Doc, Byunjae, and Kangjoo were the bottom three-"
"Unless someone who was immune was in the bottom like last time-"
"Shup up Jihyun. Like I was saying do we have any idea how everyone else ranked? Or who's immune this round?" Ash finishes his original thought over Jihyun's complaining at being told to shut up.
That gets everyone's attention. Even Jihyun stops talking and looks vaguely worried.
"So... we have absolutely no idea who's safe." Xaris sums up helpfully.
Everyone looks at each other nervously and it cuts to commercial.

"Okay this is getting ridiculous guys. We can get through one take without laughing, I believe in us!" TJ's pep talk starts before the screen brightens to show the five person group are now standing in what seems to be a library of some sort.

"We get a bit further each time, so seventh time may be the charm?" Noheul offers. He relaxing a little ways away from the rest of the group, leaning against one of the many chairs pushed under the huge table that serves as the centerpiece of the room.

The manager walks over. "Actually we should be getting to the next shooting location soon, so you guys only have one more take."

Noheul raises his hand. "Vote to only film the last part just in case?"

Everyone's hands go up and they all hurry to positions around the main table.

The manger takes charge. "We'll start from Noheul's line 'I am from the Jungle'." He instructs. Everyone nods and readies themselves.

The scene fastforwards breifly, and everyone files out of the room at the end, following the manager.

The scene changes and returns to normal speed. The five boys are now in a forest of some sort. The cameras used for filming the scene are set up on a pathway, pointed so that it appears the five are in the middle of nowhere.

As the cameras are still being fiddled with filming in the new location hasn't yet started, and the boys are amusing themselves as they wait to begin.

Seongjun, Koda, and Hongsol are all huddled around a tree stump, whith Noheul has seemingly dragged TJ across the clearing from them, if the grip he has on TJ's upper arm is any indication.

"What is it with you Noheul-hyung? You hovered around me all of the last challenge and now you push yourself into my group even though it should be Yeou here. Is something up?" TJ's tone is a mix of challenge and genuine confusion, and he eyes the other three members of the group as if debating if he could sprint over to them before Noheul caught on.

Noheul sighs. "You know why. You were a ghost during the last eliminations, and then magically two minutes later you're completely fine? We both know that's bull. You're terrible at dealing with problems so you're pushing away the fact you feel guilty about G being eliminated."

TJ's eyes are narrowed and his hands are shaking slightly, but he keeps a wide smile plastered to his face. "I'm fine hyung, and you're being invasive. Just focus on filming well and leave me alone, okay?" With that he shakes off Noheul's hand and bounces over to the others, loudly asking what they're looking at.

Koda happily answers. "There's actually a plastic lizard that we get to use! We've named him Wiggle and we're getting angry at Seongjun-ie for killing him."

Seongjun whines pitifully. "I didn't know! I thought it would be edited in later or something! I don't want to hurt Wiggle!"

"I can take your role!" Koda volunteers immediately, smiling hopefully.

TJ laughs. "Not how this works Gosaeng. Also? You were very quick to decide you'd be okay killing Wiggle here."

Koda splutters angrily and tries to backtrack but TJ and Seongjun relentlessly while Hongsol just laughs.

Noheul hasn't moved from the tree where TJ had left him, and he watches the exchange with a small frown.

Their group's manager comes up behind him and clears his throat. "You alright?"

Noheul nods idly. "I'm good. Not so sure about someone else. But I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

The manager laughs slightly. "You sound like an old man Noheul-ah. Lighten up some, have fun! This is a comedy."

Noheul smiles at him. "Alright hyung. Thank you."

The manager nods. "Anyway we're ready to start whenever they stop messing around with the props.

Noheul hums. "I'll get them."

The scene changes to the six person van. Do Sanghyun is chatting with a few of the camera men while they set up in a hallway. Danny, Jihyun, and Ash are all standing nearby in costume while they wait for their cue to start. Na Sanghyun and Xaris are nowhere to be seen.

Danny is sporting a ridiculous looking wig and an ugly sweater. Ash is dressed quite normally in a dress shirt and nice coat, and his hair has been styled so he looks rather handsome.

Jihyun is by far the most noticable though. He's wearing a choker necklace and a red sports jacket over top of a short, sparkly silver dress. He looks completely comfortable as he leans against the wall, one leg propped up as if to show off the heels he's also wearing.

As the director calls for the scene to start the show camera focuses in on Do Sanghyun's conversation.

"I really kind of like that I won't be in any other scenes, even in the skit we did with Jackson I was a little uncomfortable. I prefer just singing, without all that extra stuff a lot of idols have to do."

Xaris seems to appear from nowhere to answer Do Sanghyun, though from the angle it's clear he'd simply been standing behind the camera man up to this point.

"You realize if you debut you'll have to do all that 'extra stuff' as well, right?" He's dressed mostly normally except for the beanie on his head and the five o'clock shadow on his face, put there by makeup.

Do Sanghyun shrugs awkwardly. "Yeah, but based on the people still in the show we'll probably have some really funny members in the group, so they'll be able to help me out." He points out.

Xaris hums understanding, and the two watch the scene being performed in front of them for a moment, until the entire set is interrupted by a very excited Na Sanghyun.

"Guys! Guys I got it!"

The young man bursts right through the middle of the set as he enters. His outfit is perhaps even more outlandish than Jihyun's, with a flowery jacket that screams gaudy, complete with a fake lace collar. The look is completed by a tiny black hat perched jauntily on his head.

"Sanghyun we were in the middle of a shoot-"

The excited young man doesn't even pay the slightest bit of attention to the director as he runs straight over to Do Sanghyun. "What's the most important part of any drama?" He doesn't give anyone a chance to speak as he answers himself. "The OST! So why doesn't Sanghyun - not me Sanghyun, him Sanghyun - act out the OST? Like every time you'd play it over a scene he comes in and start pretending to sing it and getting up in everyone's personal space? It would be hilarious and then you could have more parts!" He looks extremely proud of himself while he waits for his speech to sink in.

The director eyes Do Sanghyun critically before slowly nodding. "That.. that could actually work. It's up to you though kid, you'd have to improvise your parts."

Do Sanghyun freezes, a variety of emotions crossing his face before he settles on determined.

"I think I should be able to do it."

The director nods. "Alright then we start now. Let's see what you're capable of and then we'll decide if we make this addition permanent or not."

The scene changes to show the final group in what appears to be a classroom, presumably in SOPA. The four contestants have been joined by a large group of people who seem to be teachers or staff members, as well as a few younger faces.

"Thank you for joining us everyone, I know a lot of you normally wouldn't want to come to school on your day off." The woman who had greeted the contestants at the door is standing in front of the room addressing the gathering. A few of the older people chuckle but fall silent shortly after.

"We're here to help out with the filming of a PSA for the Community Chest, and we'e being assisted by these four JYP trainees."

Everyone politely claps. Jude smiles warmly at everyone while the others all seem to be a bit embarassed at the attention.

"Now, most of you will have small background roles, so once your scenes are finished you'll be free to go home. Are there any questions?"


"Alright then, let's get into costume and makeup people, we're on a time limit!"

The congregation scatters, leaving the four contestants with the woman as well as one other man.

"Alright, we've worked out four parts for you to fill, but one of them only has a few seconds of screen time." The woman wastes no time getting straight to business, and Jude meets her half way.

"That shouldn't be a huge problem. Anything else we should keep in mind when deciding who's who?"

The woman nods. "I'd say the part of the young boy should be played by this young man here." She nods to Reito, who startles and furrows his brow as he tries to translate what's being said about him.

Jude nods. "Makes sense, the rest of us couldn't pull off anyone younger than sixteen I'd say."

She hums agreement. "And for the part of the narrator I'd say if one of you has ample experience he should take that part. It's a very difficult role and easy to mess up if done incorrectly."

KimQ smiles. "Then that will be you hyung, you're an amazing actor."

Jude smiles warmly at him. "Hey you aren't bad yourself, I was impressed during our last acting class."

Ant clears his throat. "Um, if there's a part with no talking I'll take that one."

The woman blinks and then laughs slightly. "Well then, it seems that's that. The part with only two scenes has no speaking lines, so it should fit what you're looking for." She looks to KimQ. "Would you mind having a slightly larger role then?"

KimQ shrugs amiably. "I think I can handle it so long as everyone is happy with their roles."

The man speaks up for the first time. "Alright then, I'll take you over to make up and we can start filming!"

The scene then picks up speed as it cuts back to the forest clearing, where Hongsol is making ridiculous poses while the others shout at him.

The next clip shows Do Sanghyun twirling around Danny and Ash, who are akwardly hugging.

Na Sanghyun is shown next, moving in a way that could resemble dancing if he didn't look so ridiculous.

A few clips show Reito flipping through what appear to be school books, followed by a shot of Jude in makeup getting his face painted like a clown's.

The clips speed up, blurring together until it's impossible to tell where one ends and next begins, or what any of them are about. Then abruptly the screen goes dark, and three voices call out at the same time.

"Cut! That's a wrap!"

The scene opens on an unfamiliar room. It appears to be a classroom of some sort, with a white board at the front and several rows of seats, each with a small desk attached to the arm. The white boards are mostly blocked by an electronic screen.

The remaining fifteen contestants are all sitting in the room, looking relatively well-rested but there's still a sleepy sort of silence muffling the air.

The door flying open quickly wakes everyone up though, and they sit up straight as JYP comes through the door with all his usual flair.

"Hello and welcome to the showing of your acting debuts! All of you were involved in filming three short videos yesterday, and today you'll get to watch them. Know that your reactions will be filmed so be polite. Or don't."

With that he flips off the lights and the camera zooms in on the screen as the projector boots up and begins to play the first show.

(Danny:Hyejin       Ash:Sungoon       Jihyun:Hari       Xaris:Shinhyuk       Na Sanghyun:RaRa       Do Sanghyun:Customer, OST Singer)

Almost everyone is laughing at the end, and TJ punches Do Sanghyun lightly in the arm.

"Way to get into everyone's personal space." He teases.

Koda looks vaguely affronted. "What were less-cool-Sanghyun and Jihyun even wearing? Why would they even let anyone dress them up like that? I'd never dress like that, I'm a real man!"

"Sure you are, Gogo." Danny drawls. He's sitting a bit behind the group, and TJ turns to give him the stink eye, which is held and returned.

Hongsol sighs. "While they're doing that, I'd like to say I think you guys did really well." He smiles up at Na Sanghyun and Ash, who smile back.

A loud throat clearing from the front of the room indicates the start of the next clip, and everyone falls silent so they can watch.

(TJ:Black T       Koda:White cap       Noheul:Black T w/ Words       Seongjun:Grey T       Hongsol:Red Striped T)

Everyone turns to look at Seongjun as the credits roll, and he drops his head onto the desk. "I'm sorry Wiggle!" He cries, causing laughter from his group.

Jude laughs and looks over at Hongsol. "I have no idea what I just watched, but you did really well, it was definitely entertaining."

Hongsol grins back. "I'm looking forward to your group's video, with you there it's easily going to blow our rookie attempts out of the water."

Jude shakes his head. "Maybe maybe not. Ours is a lot more serious. Humor often wins out for people."

Hongsol nods in understanding as the camera pans away and zooms back towards the screen where the last video has started.

(Jude:Narrator/Grown Son       Ant:Teenage Son       Reito:Young Son       KimQ:Wheelchair-Bound Deputy Director)

Hongsol is sobbing by the end.

"His dad... oh my gosh that is so nice and he never appreciated him..."

TJ pulls the blubbering man into a tight hug which Hongsol does not object to.

While the men sitting in the back comfort Hongsol, the one contestant who opted to sit close to the front is smiling softly, an expression that has rarely been seen on his face.

"You look happy Ant. We made a nice video, didn't we?" KimQ sits down next to the quiet man, who startles, but then smiles again.

"Yeah. I know I didn't do much but... I feel pretty accomplished. I guess that's why so many people want to be actors."

KimQ nods in understanding. "Well when you debut I'm sure you'll get lots of opportunities to act some more."

Ant raises an eyebrow. "If."

KimQ shrugs. "I say when. You're talented Ant, even if it's not through this show something tells me you're going to make it in the idol world."

Ant looks slightly surprised at the statement, and then he awkwardly looks down at his feet.

KimQ doesn't seem to mind his silence as he pats him lightly on the shoulder and heads back up towards the slowly calming Hongsol and the large group that has now gathered around him, leaving Ant staring contemplatively at the now dark screen.

"When..." He says it as if rolling the word around on his tongue, and then he smiles again. "Maybe."

( AUTHOR'S NOTE ) Yes this chapter is a bit shorter, but that's because the videos are a whole lot longer! I hope you enjoyed this episode, and don't forget to vote! As usual voting will close Saturday, and this will be the last time voting caues eliminations for several episodes. There will be one more time that viewers votes get people booted, but this is it for a while, so be sure to get your vote in since it's going to effect not only the next eliminations but also rankings for the next several episodes! And if you wanted to know the rankings for this episode, remember to check the contestants page!
Also a shout out to both Viva and Monkey for helping me out with my title problems! This probably would have taken a lot longer to get posted if I didn't have their help with that!
And as usual I'll end with the episode poll:
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Thank you!
A thus I finally put down my pen and release this story as truly complete. Hope you guys enjoyed the BTS and that you'll check out my new apply Princess!


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Chapter 53: Oh boy here we go again. Everyone strap on your safety belts: feelings are coming.

Oooh Byunjae. Of course he's calculating his way into an easy, we knew he'd do that. And I suppose we'll see more of him in the next bts too. You know how I feel about him and it's not altogether positive, but I suppose that in and of itself is a win for you. As long as I feel something you did your job well, and I certainly feel something for this pipsquick. "There is one person who has escaped rightful elimination." I knew this was coming but also off Byungjae DO NOT TOUCH MY DOYEON. Thankfully I also know how this happens.

SPEAK OF THE ANGEL. Oh honey. "This is fine" is the thing we tell ourselves when we desperately need that to be true.

"It almost worries him how familiar the feeling of drowning has become just in the past week."


"Nineteen years of coasting and then this show hits and suddenly it's a constant barrage of everything he's ignored his entire life."


"Maybe the world is telling him something."


Oh man Doyeon. You gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself son. Take care of yourself before you take care of others. Don't use the reliance of others to avoid your problems PLEASE I'M DYING HERE. . Dani I do not appreciate being on the other end of this stick goddamnit. I much prefer writing the timebombs not reading them ;A; This is SO STRESSFUL.

"maybe this was karma, coming back to put him in the eliminated group where he was supposed to be."

Doyeon I will reach through this ing screen and give you the overwhelming amount of hugs that you need and deserve SO HELP ME.
Chapter 52: Omg that picture of jyp as I scrolled down xD Poor guy what did he do to you Dani??

Wow not pulling your punches going into this huh? I feel for Kangjoo and his defeated attitude. Honey! "Almost, but not quite. Because he's Choi Kangjoo and nothing scares him, especially not moody teenagers. " Honey you should be very afraid there's nothing more terrifying than teenagers! Oh man Byunjae, so much pettiness. Jude continues to intrigue me. So much depth packed in such a pleasant little exterior. Hmmm.

Aaah honestly this section warms my heart. The friend group has always been the most wholesome part of the competition, even with the troubles Doyeon faced. Even with the time bomb that's Doyeon they're still somewhat of an oasis of uncomplicated calm. "Seongjun honestly loves the idiots he calls friends. He says as much to Doyeon when they're piling back into the van to head to the second shooting location and gets a grin and a hug from both Doyeon and Hongsol, who overheard the comment. Gosaeng gags at them, and Doyeon retaliates by attacking him with a hug as well." I'm not crying you're crying! It's so sweet and we needed that after the defeated acceptance with a fringe of salt from Kangjoo. As much as I love all the drama, there is nothing quite like a break with friendship and happiness.

Aaah and then there's the edge of drama. Seongjun the one who switched. And of course you can say whatever dumb you want in this group, Doyeon, Sanghyun, and god forbid GOSAENG are all idiots honestly. Whatever dumb thing you'd say Seongjun, I can guarantee you Gosaeng has said dumber things <3 Aaah. Fair weather friends huh? There's so much history packed in those few paragraphs. "They're fun, and they're kind, and they make Seongjun feel safe and happy. He can't ask for more than that." I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING. So wholesome ;A;
Chapter 51: Holy this is the best gift I just finished a messy birth of a literature review chapter and I can use this treat. LET'S DO THIS.

So of course my son can be counted on to be dumb and break tension <3 Oh an I forgot how much I love Gosaeng and his stupidity. Come here one of my shameless favourite sons! And Ash. He never really caught my eye during the broadcast but of course a POV would change that. Man the power of POVs. LOOK AT THIS FRIENDSHIP FORMING MY HEART. But alas, elimination ever loom. Uuuugh bittersweet.

Ah. Of course. Jihwan. Aaaah yep that hurt knowing the inplication. When one is joint to the hip, separation does not come gentle. It explains why G was so unhappy for the beginning of the show, but he always did grow on me when he came back with a new outlook. G was one of the biggest comebacks for me honestly. He's fascinating.

Doyeon. Oh Doyeon. I've been dreading this. But also not because we all know how I love having my heart ripped out and crushed to dust, it's my favourite thing! Okay. So. I couldn't even really livecommen for that, I was too busy gripping my heart and reading. That whole section was masterfully written Dani. You really nailed his spiral and his confusion and his denial- . That was good. That was art. That was amazing. It hurts but in a good way.

"She didn't think they'd actually try to argue with her" oh honey. Oh babe. They're heads. "Once the dance is complete she reveals their costumes for the performance and all hell breaks loose all over again." PFFT of course. I feel bad for her she shouldn't have to deal with these s but alas she chose them.
Chapter 50: This isn't a SoC but I'm gonna toss my thoughts at you anyway!

I've always found Doc an interesting character. The way he was forced to do this even though he didn't want to because of his family connections is a very interesting way to go about nepotism. Thus this little look into his history is so fascinating, the way does and doesn't accept what's given to him at the same time. And of course the salty duo of him and Jihyun was always a pleasure!

Next up is the man itself. I love this contrast between bossy control freak Jihyun and most passive man alive Ant, and Jihyun's subsequent confusion that anyone would not /want/ something.

Ah. Of course JYP had seen, just as we did, that Jude is really the only viable candidate for a leader. I'm not surprised by this obvious favouritism (I do write Do or Die after all) and manipulation, and it's not what I see as the biggest revelation for me in this snipped. No, what I found even more interesting was the little look into his friendship with Hongsol (though, let's be real, I'm not exactly an unbiased party there). Just the fact that Jude decides to manage Hongsol instead of being straight with him speaks volumes about their friendship, and not something I'd gathered from the actual show. It speaks of something of an inequality there. An unbalance. And then even that could be dismissed as wanted what's best for your friend, even if that's not a way of going about it that I would personally find acceptable, if it weren't what followed: the almost calculated decision to not have time for Hong's insecurities right now but, as he puts it, handle them later. There's this emphasis on handling, he's handling his friend. One shouldn't be handling their friends. I doubt he has any malicious intent at all, but this does suggest this inequality. If it's an inequality in positions and/or an inequality in how much the friendship means to each of them remains to be seen but I'll be keeping my eye on them.
Chapter 47: Holy crap, these BTS chappies are such nostalgia trips ahhhhh~

I'll be catching up on \/s first before I get drawn into rereading all of this just to prepare for BTS, but holy crap, the fact that we are literally taking quotes of the chapters and unpacking them for cool tidbits is such a squee-worthy concept!!!!! (It's so good to see these boys again too!)

The beginning screen flashes always remind me of the Marvel opening for some reason haha, but then I mentally pictured the “Two Days Later” as one of those spongebob transition screens???

You can’t just pair people up and put them into separate rooms full of tension, Dani~ You make it too easy to ship things!!

Aaaaaaaand by ship I don’t mean OTP but rather the package of my heart labelled “Fragile: Handle with Care” then punted off a cliff into the cold seas of “nooo my children don’t be sad!!”
Chapter 44: Oh man that was- I think a crazy ride is definitely the good descriptor here. I can't believe it's over either. 21 has been such a staple in my week, waiting around for the weekend for chapters while the rest of the week was taken up by various forms of adulting or despairing over no wifi. I'll miss it, even though I know that it's going to get replaced with Vs real soon. It's still not exactly the same you know? I love all these s so much now. They're MY heads and I love them. Well, okay, OUR heads.

Oh man for a moment I was scared Jude was going to get eliminated, in which case everything would have definitely fallen apart I mean who else is going to lead this merry band of misfits? Especially since Kyu isn't there either, oh no that hurt me. That one hurt me real bad. He was the big one besides TJ/Koda/Jude that I really wanted to see debut, also knowing his backstory and how much he deserved it. He came so far only to just not achieve his goal. I'm sad for the Sanghyun's too, but I didn't have near the attachment to them that I have for Kyu. Kim Kyuhyun please join Doyeon and Gosaeng in the you-deserve-so-much-more pile. Seongjun and Hongsol are the only ones of the friend group who made it and damned if that doesn't sting.
lemondrop99 #8
nice. seems cool.
gossimer #9
Chapter 44: That was very, very familiar to that of a real survival show. You captured emotions really well, so thank you for that. Both of my favorites, the Sanghyuns, sadly didn't make it to debut, but they made it very far, and I'm proud of the both of them. Using MADTOWN for their debut is really nice! Underrated groups need much more love than they're given. I was a bit worried when the final members were chosen, not because of talent but because of everything that took place during the show. However, towards the end, those worries calmed down A LOT. I found myself wishing these were real people and a real group I could support. Honestly, it reminded me a lot of No Mercy (that being my favorite survival show, honestly). I loved the JYP feel you gave to it, and I love the personalities of the MC and the interviewer. I also love the group's name being Gold in the end. Overall, I obviously very much enjoyed this as I finished it in mere hours. And now, I'm even more excited for Vs to begin. I'm sure the females will be just as interesting, if not more, than the males of the this story. Expect to see me commenting frequently over there even if my girls meet their downfall. :) - Jelly
Chapter 42: Allllll the way back to Simon Says


This was cruelty in the most beautiful way like… man. I never get used to these eliminations, and even though I know who makes it to episode 9, it’s still rough seeing some of the kids go. (That little bit of foreshadowing with Na Sanghyun looking particularly worried though… I didn’t catch that until the reread, but dang…)

I feel like Soul is just kind of cursed, haha. Not his own fault, per se, but everything bad that’s happened to him so far seems mostly due to circumstance rather than his own qualities. Like Xaris said, this kid is a solid that any group would be lucky to have, but first there’s the fighting team and then there’s going up against St. Jude… kid can’t catch a break, even though he (and Sam Kim) sing like daaaaang boy why are you not everywhere.

These repeat match-ups are hurting me inside, man. I know when I first read that G and Xaris were going against each other I immediately was like oh god oh no please let this happen only once, but hello episode 9. I honestly love both of them so much. G is fantastically mature, and Xaris has shown so much growth. Since I can’t tell a good rap from a saran wrap, I’ll have to base my choice on personality… which is impossible, Dani, waiiii u do this?! Do I want the one who is already frighteningly mature or the one who is slowly maturing? Do I want the one who takes everything in stride and never stopped powering forward or the one who never backs down without a fair amount of fight and learned to keep powering forward after briefly stopping? DO I WANT WELL-DEVELOPED CHILD OR CHILD DEVELOPING WELL? CAN’T I JUST BUILD MY SHRINES IN PEACE?!

oh, also… *moves Xaris’ and Soul’s shrine closer together* At least you will be together in this way, regardless of what happens…