Uber Driver (MiNayeon)

The Rabbit, The Swan and The Smol
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Nayeon has been driving around the area to scan for customers but there were barely any. Most of them were just standing around and smoking or were waiting for their friends to arrive. It was a slow Wednesday night.

Nayeon has no idea why she was even in this area in the first place. The entire area was filled with bars and pubs and honestly, no sane person would be drinking on a weekday (less those who have been forced by their colleagues to drink of course). The Uber driver lets out a groan. No drunkards means no customers. No customers means no earnings for the night.

The driver was about to leave the area when her phone that was on the passenger seat notified her that there’s a passenger nearby. She quickly pulled over and grabbed her phone. She read the pick-up location and the destination address of the passenger. Strangely enough the person was waiting at a bar nearby and her destination was Nayeon’s apartment block.

Seeing as there were a number of Uber drivers nearby her potential customer, she quickly tapped on the “Accept Customer” button and drove off to the bar. It didn’t take long for Nayeon to get there since she was really nearby. She waited in the car for a few minutes while scanning around for this Myoui Mina.

After waiting for 5 minutes, Nayeon decided to text this Myoui Mina.

“Hello. I’m your Uber Driver. I’m already here waiting outside Wave Bar. Hurry the up.” Nayeon re-read the message then realized her mistake. She quickly deleted the last line and sent it to her customer.

“She’s coming out soon. Please give her 5 minutes.” Was the reply that came soon after the message was sent. They driver was amused at how this Mina girl was referring to herself as though she’s the third party.  

‘Drunk people are weird anyway.’ Nayeon thought to herself while looking out the window to spot anyone coming out of the bar.

True to her words, 5 minutes later, 2 ladies came out Wave Bar. Both girls seemed to be in their late teens or early 20s. One however was having a hard time walking straight while the other was making sure the former wouldn’t fall face first on the floor.

Seeing as that could possibly be her customer, Nayeon got out of the car and jogged towards the two girls.

Nayeon stopped the girls from walking. The sober one looked up. “Hello. Is she Myoui Mina? I’m the Uber driver she called for.”

“Ahh. Yes yes. I was the one who replied you. Could you help me move her to your car?”

“I can walk by myself, Minatozaki!” Mina tried to push the hands of her friend away but was just pushing air.

“Sorry. She had a little too much to drink.” The Minatozaki girl apologized to Nayeon who was already on Mina’s other side, ready to assist Mina into her car.

“I’m not sure about you youngsters but damn it’s a Wednesday night.”

“Yeaaah. Well she got accepted into this college that she really likes.”

“I see.” They were now trying to put Mina into the back seat of Nayeon’s car. It was a struggle as the drunken girl kept insisting that she needed one more shot to celebrate this special day. After much struggle, Mina finally gave in. Nayeon and Minatozaki were finally able to buckle her up in the back seat.

The driver made sure Mina’s limbs was not anywhere near the door before she slammed it shut. “Do you need a ride home?”

“No it’s ok. My shift ends tomorrow morning.”

It was only then did Nayeon realize that Minatozaki was wearing a bartender uniform and she had a nametag that says, “Sana”. She chuckled at her stupidity.

“Oh. Here’s for the fare.” Sana handed Nayeon a few bills.

Nayeon had her eyebrows furrowed, “Why are you paying me in advance?”

“Mina told me to make sure she gets home safely by calling for a cab to drive her home and she handed me the money to pay you in case she’s too drunk to pay. Besides, she’s my friend. I couldn’t say no.” The bartender explained.

The driver accepted the money that was handed to her. “Alright then. I better send her home now.” With that, Nayeon went to the driver’s seat and started the engine. She waved to Sana before driving home.




They were at a traffic light when Mina had woken up from her slumber.

The passenger let out a groan. “Where am I?” Her voice hoarse but audible.

“Miss Mina? I’m sending you home.”

“Woah. I got a chauffer too? Daaaamn. I’m making big money.”

Nayeon could only stifle her laughter. The girl was a beauty no doubt about that but her drunken state was adorable too.

“Yes you are ma’am.” Nayeon played along; curious as to what else the drunken girl would say.

“Hey hey. Don’t call me ma’am. I’m still young,” Before Nayeon could correct her mistake; she heard the girl giggle, “and ing rich.”

The driver rolled her eyes before driving off as the light has turned green. When Nayeon glanced at the rear-view mirror, she noticed that Mina had fallen asleep again.




The ride was silent until Mina once again woke up when they were a few streets away from her apartment block.

“Oooo the streetlights are so pretty.” She was slurring her words now.

“Yes they are. Hey, which floor do you stay on?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Do you have a roommate who is awake?”

“You’re my chauffeur shouldn’t you know where I stay?”

“Ahhh I forgot, Miss Mina.”  

“I stay on the 9th floor.”

Nayeon almost stepped on the brake pedal. This was too much of a coincidence. Thankfully they were at another traffic stop. She glanced at the phone that was on the passenger seat; Mina’s address was still on the screen. She quickly grabbed her phone to closely inspect the address. It was the exact same address as her home address.

The driver quickly tossed her phone aside when the light turns green, “Are you sure you stay on the 9th floor?”

“Mmhmm.” Mina had her eyes closed but she was mumbling now, “There’s this cute girl who lives next to me and she has the most adorable bunny teeth I’ve ever seen.”

Nayeon didn’t have to ponder on whom the girl could be referring to because on the 9th floor, there are only 4 apartments. They were namely, Nayeon and her sister, an elderly couple, a newlywed couple and someone who had recently moved in last month.

Nayeon had never met the new neighbour because of her odd working hours. However, she had a hunch that the girl with “the most adorable bunny teeth” was probably her. This was after considering how the elderly couple wore dentures (there’s no way someone at the age of 70 could have such perfect teeth), her sister although did not have the prettiest teeth, still did not have two protruding front teeth and the newlywed couple did not seem to interact with people much.

However, it still did not make any sense to Nayeon. She had never met Mina before and she was sure that Mina had never seen her either. Frustrated, Nayeon figured that maybe it’s not wise to drive anymore for the night and just rest at home. Trying to figure Mina out was giving her a headache.

Their apartment building was in sight now and Nayeon could not wait to get home and sleep off the headache.




“Miss? We’re here now.” Nayeon had parked her car at the basement carpark and was now trying to wake the sleeping drunken girl.

Mina’s eyes fluttered open when Nayeon gently shook her shoulder, “Hmmm?”

“We’re here. Let’s get you home.” Nayeon already had Mina’s purse in her hand and was ready to bring her home when she realized that Mina couldn’t even unbuckle her own seatbelt.

The poor girl was whining like a puppy in Nayeon’s backseat and the Uber driver was tempted to hit her head against her car.

“Here, let me help you with that.” The driver unbuckled her seatbelt and Mina quickly lunged forward to hug her.


“Ok you have to let go of me now so I can take you home.”

When Mina finally released Nayeon from her deadly hug, she almost stumbled out of the car but luckily Nayeon caught her before she could kiss the floor.

“Omo. You have the same bunny teeth as cute girl!!” Mina shamelessly pinched Nayeon’s cheeks and pulling them. “Ack! You’re so cute!!”

Nayeon swatted the younger girl’s hands away. “YAH THAT HURTS!”

Startled by the sudden outburst of the cute girl, Mina’s lips trembled and tears were now welling up in her eyes.

“Are you seriously gonna cry?” Mina nodded her head. “Look I’m sorry for yelling.” Nayeon apologized.

“It’s ok cutie!” Mina offered her a gummy grin.

Nayeon was shocked by how adorable Mina’s smile was. Snapping out of her daze, Nayeon got up and offered a hand to Mina. “Alright let’s get you home princes

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milyang-0711 #1
Chapter 9: KYAAAAAHHHHHHHHH~ Aykennnaatttt ??????? cuteness overload. My poor heart ??
Chapter 4: Smooth.
Chapter 9: grahhg, i can't handle the cuteness of this story. huhuhu great job author-nim ^^
yongseo14 #4
Chapter 6: Nice one Sana-chan!!!!hahahaha tame Momo!!!
Chapter 10: When Nayeon hit Jeongyeon's arms I literally hit myself too cuz Michaeng was just too cute agdj

I was actually a bit disappointed when this ended so quick and I was scrolling up and down to make sure I didn't miss anything but after reading ur notes now I'm all hype cuz there's more to this :D

And Icb ur going to see Twice ahhhhhhhhh
Have fun Dee
When will I lol ;;
Chapter 10: this is one of my favourite oneshots so im really excited for the sequel :))))
Chapter 10: OMG I LOVE THIS FOR REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My day has just gotten better re reading this! Any plans of making a sequel? I just want to see how 2yeon would be teasing the hell out of Michaeng :)