The Wrap-Up Party



     "You mean Twenty Questions?" I challenged.

     It was brief and sudden but I definitely saw it. He flinched a little, clearly surprised that I was now facing him head-on. "That sounds familiar. I have probably played that game before. Do you mind briefing me with the rules?"

     He was not backing down. The frustration getting bottled up inside me made my jaws clench. I tried to keep my cool by subtly exhaling, hoping that it did not show how much effect he had on me. "Of course not. Let's play then. Where and when do we play?" I asked in the most neutral tone I could.

     He pouted his lips to the side as if he was carefully thinking about it. "We can do it tonight. Now," he suggested.

     "I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, the team dinner is not over yet."

     "We can go immediately after," he quickly rebutted.

     Before I could even answer, a waving Sung Jae showed up by the door. "Maki-ya! They are looking for you!" he called.

     I gave GD a tight-lipped smile and then bowed to him to excuse myself.


     The wrap-up party was everything I imagined it to be. The awkward exchange of pleasantries in the first few filming schedules ended with comfortable greetings. The careful behaviors slowly transformed into blossoming friendships. Sure, we encountered problems along the way too, but the people we met and have been with through everything made sure that all the problems are resolved and the atmosphere in the set is well-maintained. I have learned a lot from all the professionals I have met, regardless of the department they belong to. The insecurities and self-doubts never left me but I made sure that, when the final episode of this drama is aired, I have made progress in loving myself. And I have the friendships I made along the way to thank for it. Progress is progress, no matter how small.

     "Again, thank you very much for guiding, helping, teaching, and being patient with me!" I said one last time and did a ninety-degree bow in front of everyone as the party came to an end.

     After we got out of the restaurant and dispersed toward our own vehicles, some of the actors and I gathered briefly into a circle.

     "Such a shame that Myung Soo had to leave early," Ho Jun oppa expressed.

     "Yeah. He was not a part of the group picture of us that we took," Eun Ji eonni added.

     Realizing that what she said was not true, I quickly responded, "He was. We took a picture when we all arrived at the restaurant."

     "That's right, but G-Dragon sunbaenim was not a part of that one," Sung Jae stated.

     Right. But that doesn't matter, right? As long as the main cast was present, right? But of course, some things are better left unsaid, so I just bobbed my head to show agreement.

     After I left GD without giving an answer to his game invitation, I never saw him come back inside the restaurant. I assumed that he had to leave, given how much of a superstar he is and how his time is gold quite literally. Hence, imagine the shock I felt when a crouching GD greeted me by our vehicle, which was conveniently parked alone a few meters away from the restaurant. The superstar, with a phone in his hand, was crouching between the door I was supposed to enter through and a neatly groomed topiary.

     Upon seeing me, with my hand clutching my chest to make sure that my heart resumed to beat in its usual pace, he rose to his feet and put his hands into his parka's pockets. "Took you long enough," he uttered.

     "What? I thought you had already left," I told him, confusion evident in my voice and on my face. Sure, I heaved a sigh of relief when Sung Jae unintentionally saved me, but I wasn't exactly running away from the challenge that I, myself, initiated. It's just that, I was not expecting to face it head-on immediately tonight.

     Geez, Maki. What were you thinking? Were you actually expecting a schedule?

     "Sorry. Was just surprised to see you waiting here," I apologized.

     He shrugged. Ever so coolly. "So.. Are you good to go?" he asked.

     "Actually, about that.." I scratched my head as I tried to find the right way to say it without sounding like I was going back on my word, and continued, "My manager is taking me home already. I'm not really sure if I can get out of that."

     "I understand," he muttered, just as my manager got to our car and saw GD and I talking. "Manager-nim!"

     "G-Dragon-ssi!" he uttered in surprise.

     GD shyly smiled and then proceeded to speak. "I am here to get MakiWe are going on a second round," he informed him and then did the alcohol-chugging gesture with the click of his tongue to match it. "Don't worry, SirWe will return her before dawn."

     My manager seemed convinced, and after looking at us alternately, and probably having realized that he couldn't possibly say no to the great G-Dragon, he nodded and said, "Arasseoyo. Joshimhi gayo. (Okay. Take care.)"

     As we walked toward his car, which I still couldn't believe to be actually happening, I squinted my eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

     "What?" he asked with a nervous chuckle.

     "I can't believe you did that."

     He briefly stopped and looked at me. "Did what?"

     "You just lied to my manager," I said in fake disbelief.

     He smirked and continued to walk. "Big deal. It's not like what I said is 100% not true."

     "Fair enough."

     I, too, continued walking, with each step becoming heavier as the feeling of being alone with him in his car started to reacquaint with me.

     What on earth am I getting myself into?


Hi! I am so sorry that it took me months to update. I have been busy with a lot of things but I am trying to find time to finally complete this story, especially now that Jiyong is out of the military!


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Chapter 43: I’m so sad! I hope one day you get to finish your story and Maki gets to figure out who she loves and loves her and makes her feel secure
Chapter 41: You go, Maki! He’s being such an !
Chapter 40: Sad about SungJae not even wanting to talk to her now
Chapter 39: This kiss seemed even hotter than the one with Jiyong 😳
Chapter 37: Why is he acting like he doesn’t know her 😩😩😩
Chapter 36: Wooowww… so much has happened! And why was he being such an ?
Chapter 29: I am really loving the way things are going for her but innate that her friend Emma said that stuff behind her back like that. And I hope Dong Jin does really like her. He seems so nice
Chapter 28: A little disappointed in GD but very impressed by her friend DongJun. Also kinda worried about this audition.
Chapter 27: I mean… I get her a little too well. And how sad is her background!
Chapter 26: Shoot…. I’m just as confused girl.