
Erroneous Data

His alarm clock went off and Donghae turned it off. For a while he was just lying there. First he was thinking about his dream. He was certain that he had dreamed something but he honestly couldn't remember what exactly. Then his thoughts trailed off to the previous day. Maybe that had been his dream? But it had been too long, too real. But he still couldn't think of any explanation. Maybe he hadn't fallen on the stairs. Maybe a big hole had appeared, swallowed him and put him into this pararell universe. Oh what a stupid thought.

He grabbed his phone and checked the date. Yeah, it was tuesday. Monday had actually happened. But Donghae was not capable of realizing what had actually happened. He should try to check his theory of another weird version of his life. He would just ask people about their former memories. He would tell them stuff he knew about them that not everyone knew and ... And probably freak them out. A guy they had never talked before knew the color of their bed sheets or about that lovely photo of them as a child. Alright. Donghae would definitely start off with other facts because for a moment he had almost called himself a sick stalker.

A heavy and really long sigh left his mouth while getting out of bed. How weird was this whole situation? At least he could do his usual morning routine and for a while feel like everything was still okay.


Donghae entered the school building and looked around. Alright, who would he spot first. But then again he didn't know who exactly remembered him and who didn't. So he re-thought the information he had gathered so far. He had never talked to Hyukjae before nor been in a relationship with him and same goes for Jihyun. His parents had divorced long ago but that had nothing to do with school at that moment. His two bestfriends, Siwon and Leeteuk, still knew him but obviously had different memories than him. "Ah sorry." Donghae said after he had almost bumped into someone. Then he spotted Mr. Lee. The school counselor. Mr. Lee - first checkpoint.

He hurried after the man. About a year ago when Hyukjae and him had just started going out they had been in the boys lockers at the gym, lovey dovey and sharing kisses when Mr. Lee had caught them. He hadn't scolded them or anything but Donghae had been so worried that someone could find out that he had been to Mr. Lee a couple of times to beg for him not to tell anyone, which the teacher hadn't had planned to do anyway. After that they had had a couple of conversations because Donghae had noticed that he was nice to talk to.

"Mr. Lee!" He called when the teacher was about to close the door to the counselor room. "Yes?" He turned around and looked at Donghae. "Do you have a couple of minutes? I just need to ask some stuff." The teacher nodded and the lights as he walked over to his desk. "What is it? And what's your name?" Seriously? Donghae furrowed his eyebrows. The only reason he had ever talked to Mr. Lee had been Hyukjae so if that with Hyukjae hadn't ever happened then obviously the teacher wouldn't know him. "I.. It's about, you know. That a year ago. When you caught me kissing.. someone and you know how I was basically pleading for you not to tell anyone?" Donghae was too afraid to actually say it that he had kissed a guy. The only one who had known about them was Leeteuk because he had caught them. But he hadn't said anything about it. Leeteuk barely ever said anything.

"I am afraid I don't." Mr. Lee looked confused as he sat down. "You look worried, take a seat. I keep conversations with students a secret." Donghae felt kind of desperate now. Why didn't Mr. Lee know? "I... I think I just mixed you up with another teacher. I am really sorry, I should have paid more attention." He bowed with a smile but the teacher insisted on him talking about what was wrong. There was no way he could say these things out loud. He could barely think about it. "Oh no, it's not as bad as you think." He flashed a reassuring smile before leaving the room. Okay first checkpoint failed.

Didn't necessarily mean that the second checkpoint would. He just saw Jihyun pass by. Donghae hurried after her. "Jihyun." He said but as soon as she saw his face she rolled her eyes. "What do you want again?" She didn't bother to look at him as she talked. "Find out what is going on." He sighed, walking next to her. "How can you say we don't know each other? You're Jihyun, your favorite movie is seven pounds and you fancy GOT7." It might would be better to stick to not so personal details. She looked at him weirdly but then shook her head and looked forward again. "You could have asked anyone to tell you that." It was hard to think of something that wouldn't freak her out. "You would really like to dye your hair blonde but are too afraid to even though you wouldn't want to admit that you're insecure."

She stopped. Turned to him. Looked upset. "Stop making stupid guesses." A last attempt. "You're afraid of deep water because you once almost drowned when your parents weren't paying attention to you. Not even when you had tried to impress them by jumping off the rock into the deep part of the lake." She looked shocked now. Her expression slowly changed. "How do you know those things?" She whispered. "Because we know each other! You've told me all those things!" He tried to explain to her but she shook her head as she stepped back. "Stop. You freak! Don't you dare talking to me another time."

Jihyun rushed away and left Donghae behind frustrated. Just when he turned his head he noticed Hyukjae was standing there by his side. Did he remember him now? Checkpoint two had failed and he should start an attempt with Hyukjae but he didn't feel like he could say anything. The mere thought of Hyukjae still claiming not to know him hurt. The guy he had spent so much time with, so much effort on. So much joy and pain. So he was afraid to ask him about anything. In the next moment the bell rang and Hyukjae simply left. Had he heard his conversation with Jihyun? Great, he would think Donghae was a freak. In fact, no. He wouldn't. He knew Hyukjae well enough to know he wouldn't.

Brushing off all those thoughts he headed to his next class. He should maybe just ask his friends some things. Without letting them know what the heck was going on. Let's be real, not even he himself knew what the heck was going on.

He took his seat next to Leeteuk who was drawing a comic on his paper. Glancing at it he saw chibi versions of the korean group members of BIGBANG. "Leeteuk." The other didn't react but he knew that he was listening. "So.. Have I had any past relationships?" Leeteuk nodded slightly. "And... With who?" He stopped drawing for a moment to side-glance at Donghae with a raised eyebrow then returned to the paper. "Sora." Ah right. Sora but that was like three years ago. "That's all?" There should be Hyukjae and Jihyun after that. "Yes." At least Leeteuk wasn't one to ask questions when someone was weird but simply took things as they were. Donghae gasped surprised when the teacher yelled his name.

"Would you now pay attention to me?" Mr. Choi was his maths teacher. Who had once took him to the headmaster. That was in the time period between Hyukjae and Jihyun. "Sure uhm, remember when you took me to the headmaster once?" Donghae started another weak attempt. "I have never done such a thing now open your book and work." How could he say that? Well the reason he had taken him there had kind of been because of Hyukjae more or less so that made sense. Well, no, it did not actually make sense but it made as much sense as it could in this situation he was in. He sank lower in his seat, frustrated.

Those math problems had actually been able to distract him but once the lesson ended his thoughts were back to the real problem. "Leeteuk." He sighed as they left the classroom. "I feel so damn lost. Like, what do you do when nothing makes sense?" He turned and saw Leeteuk looking at him. "I draw." - "Of course. But you're always drawing." Leeteuk nodded slightly then they continued walking. "But seriously, I need to figure out what is going on. At least you haven't randomly forgotten me. Oh! Tell Mrs. L-" As if Leeteuk would talk to a teacher if he did not absolutely have to. "Oh forget it, I'll be late to the next class but keep the seat next to you available. Heat it up for my ." He winked at his bad joke then hurried off to the other direction. Off to the library he went.

Donghae found a free computer at the very end of the room, hidden and lonely. He turned it on and logged into the schools account. Why hadn't he thought about that earlier? Google. Google knew everything. But what exactly was he supposed to google?

Paralell universe|

The line blinked, should he type more? No. He hit enter and clicked the first link. It was wikipedia, what a surprise. It gave a couple of options

Science (physics and cosmology)[edit]

  • [...]


  • [....]


Donghae clicked the fiction one and checked out what it would say. 

"While the terms "parallel universe" and "alternative reality" are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term "alternative reality" that implies that the reality is a variant of our own. The term "parallel universe" is more general, without any connotations implying a relationship, or lack of relationship, with our own universe. A universe where the very laws of natureare different – for example"

So he had fallen into an alternative reality? He was about to smack himself for actually having such thoughts but in that moment he couldn't bother. So he checked alternative reality. There was a game with that title, cool but not what he was seeking for. So he continued scrolling through google for anything useful. He found a website of a.. What? Witch? No. Future teller woman or something?

He sighed as he read through the information, clicked through the website. There seemed to be a lady who had been in connection with the supernatural for a while - why of course, who wasn't - and seemed to have a store. Donghae leaned back in his seat. Was he really considering that? But maybe he should. He wrote down the adress and opening hours before logging off and hurrying back to class. This was the weirdest idea ever.


For the rest of the school day he had not really talked that much. He had joined Leeteuk in the silent listener club. Siwon had barely noticed it seemed. While walking home he checked the note he had written down. The store would be open for one more hour but he thought it would be better to go tomorrow. He would have only five lessons and he could skip the last one to get out earlier. When he got home his mother was already there, making dinner.

"Good evening honey." She called. Right, his father had another family by now. He slipped off his backpack and took off his jacket. What about his mother though? Donghae walked to the kitchen and started picking the food she was preparing to eat despite her complaining. "Mom. Do you have any boyfriend?" He assumed that if she had a husband they would be living with her. Nevertheless she looked slightly suspicious at the question. "Yes. And you know him." Oh great, his mother had a boyfriend. How weird was that thought? But it was okay. It was better for her to have a new happy relationship than to be alone. "Ah yeah, right. I was just checking. Maybe you and him broke up." He tried to cover up his lack of knowledge about this alternate reality he had fallen into. Literally fallen.

"No, Seunghoon and me are fine, thanks." She shook her head slightly and finished the meal. "He should be here anytime soon." Oh how wonderful. Donghae disappeared in his room and pulled out his laptop. He went onto facebook but neither Jihyun nor Hyukjae were his friends on there. He decided to send out friend invitations. Not too long after, Hyukjae accepted. A little smile came across his lips.

Donghae immediately went to check out his page. Hyukjae was single. But that was it. Just as Donghae remembered, a basically empty facebook profile. Hyukjae spent more time on other websites. He was online but he didn't find the courage to message him first. What was he supposed to say anyway? The doorbell rang and soon after a male's voice could be heard.


Unwillingly he got lured out of his room by the scent of dinner and so he greeted the man, trying to act as if he knew him already. He was able to remain silent as the two grown ups were talking and he was busy with his food, always listening though. The man seemed to work at an office and had at least one sister who had a daughter. Or a boy he didn't really catch that one. Donghae finished and hurried back to his room as he remembered he should just check his facebook friends list.

There was his mother's boyfriend. Two or three girls he couldn't remember ever meeting but seemingly his alternate him had met them before. A couple of people he remembered having on facebook weren't there anymore. A friend request just arrived. It was his father. After accepting he went on his page to stalk the photos. There was his family. A beautiful tall woman, short black hair. And two lovely little girls. Maybe five and seven years old. They looked happy. They could be, they had both their parents there with them.

His father sent a message but Donghae couldn't bother to open it in that moment. It seemed to be real. This whole alternate reality thing. And it was real that his parents had divorced. The normal, happy family life he had known would never return. He turned off the laptop and checked his phones contacts, no Hyukjae there, no Jihyun. He went through his photos and there were tons of photos he had never seen before but so many were missing. Including all the photos he had been keeping of Hyukjae. He went to his whatsapp chats. No Hyukjae. The precious memories were gone. He went to his instagram but Hyukjae did not even have one. At least not under the username Donghae rememebered. It had been Donghae who had convinced him to start an instagram account so maybe that was why he didn't have one.

Leeteuk had just uploaded a new photo. It was a two picture comic. Picture one showed a male figure running towards a crowd of people. In the second one he stood there but none of the people were looking at him and it was written, 'But none of them remembered'. Leeteuk surely knew that there was something off in his life but was thankfully humble enough not to ask. The picture was pushed away when Siwon posted a video of him doing some tricks with a soccer ball.

Donghae put down the phone and closed his eyes. All his memories seemed useless now. All the memories he had treasured. And right now he wanted nothing more than to talk to Hyukjae. Maybe if he went to sleep now, he would have a lovely dream.


omg i just saw the spoiler tag feature and that is such a great feature aff, thanks

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Chapter 10: cute....
yaaaah #2
Chapter 10: Awww so cute, I really liked your fic! So mysterious and kind of addicting, hard to stop reading. I hope you continue it though, it was so good :)
Chapter 10: ADMITTEDLY I FEEL A BID DEFLATED BC THATS THE ENDING BUT I WLDNT GO AS FAR AS SAYING THE FIC IS """WEAK""" that comment makes me so mad oooo my go d anyway i liked this a lot!!! i like how it leaves a lot of strings untied so the reader can kind of draw their own conclusion and finish it by themselves if u get what i mean?? the whole simplicity yet the ambiguity of the ending really is just open and freeing and very liberating <3 i also liked how u kind of explained that the only thing rly missing from donghae's life was his relationship with hyukjae because that caused so many othr things and when he goes back its like he was sent back in order to repair his relationship w hyukjae!! or is that thinking too deeply HAHAHA

anyway i loved it a lot!! thanks for writing such a nice fic!!!! ^^ (+++ hyukjae blushing and eunhae flirting is the cutest thing in the whole worlddddd!!!!!!!) have a great day and hope u dont get too stressed doing whatever it is ur procrastinating doing!! :-)
Chapter 10: Wait! That’s the end? No!!!
I want to know how their date went and how HyukJae reacted once he found out about the alternate reality thing TT.TT

However, the story was good. I enjoyed reading it very much. Good job, author-nim ^____^
I’m looking foreword reading more stories from you.
ThanKYU for writing and uploading~ <3
milesmilehyuk #5
Chapter 10: do not offended author but this story was very weak, sorry :(
missmyeolchi #6
Chapter 10: Ah! Too bad it's so short! I really liked the story a lot so I'm sad it already ended. But omg the ending is so cute. I really like an ending like this. It's an open ending but you still know everything is going to be fine. And it's really sweet and cute. I really loved the story! :D
Chapter 10: I was shocked when I saw completed tag there but it was okay ^^
Hae is really moving carefully but steadily to their relationship and hyuk doesn't seem to has any problem with it.. :)
Thank you for this short story ^^
Chapter 8: Eunhae are getting close step by step :)) and hyuk didn't freak out at all when hae told him all the stuff.. Maybe he's trying to understand hae too :D
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 6: So Donghae has in mind what he thinks he has to do... Now let's see how Hyukjae reacts to all of this! (After all this is an alternate reality, and this Hyukjae isn't exactly the same as in the previous reality) Ack, alternate realities, infinite possibilities! Great update :)