

Seulgi thinks Yeri is cute. And adorable. She can't forget the first time they locked gazes at each other when she had to perform for the school one day. Yeri looked like she was hyperventilating at some point and she almost chuckled but held it in since she was still dancing that time. Seulgi really didn't have interest with the thought of performing for the school at first, for she thinks it's too bothersome to even exert so much energy and effort to a thing you were just pushed in temporarily. But now as she thinks about it, she was thankful; for she was able to showcase what she can do to everyone's eyes, but mostly because she had managed to present it to the cute freshman, Yeri.


Seulgi was also grateful to Yeri at some point. Yeri's gestures and effort in greeting her a "Good morning!" or even a simple "Hi." makes her smiling from ear to ear unknowingly.


She had been meaning to talk to Yeri since yesterday after noticing her coming to the park. She didn't know why but a part of her is telling that she needs to at least clarify some things to her. And she thinks that Yeri might have witnessed the kiss initiated by Bae Joohyun.


Yes. Joohyun initiated the kiss. She was confessing her feelings to Seulgi, apparently. Seulgi didn't take her seriously at first, since Joohyun had been saying it before like a joke whenever they talk and at that time Seulgi just assumed it was. It was after noticing the hurt expression from her face that Seulgi realized she was really serious about it. And as if to prove her point, Joohyun suddenly kissed Seulgi.


Don't get Seulgi wrong, though. Joohyun is the nicest, caring, thoughtful and beautiful person she could ever meet, and she was thankful at that. It's just that she only see her as a friend and nothing more than that. Heck, Seulgi really even thought that Joohyun had a thing with Wendy since she had been going on about how her was nicely carved by the God above and that she was the cutest hamster (Seulgi couldn't even fathom how Joohyun managed to compare Wendy to a hamster. Like, really.) for days, and Seulgi was silently rooting for them to happen.


Seulgi pulled away, stopping the kiss to even go further. "I-I'm sorry, Joohyun, but I really don't see you that way." Seulgi started.


Joohyun, who was crying, tries to compose herself. "Why? Do you like someone else?" she asked.


Seulgi glanced at Joohyun's eyes and immediately regrets it for she can clearly see the hurt etched on it. She looks away. She felt awful on the thought of being the reason for her friend's tears. "I'm really sorry." She didn't answer her question; moreover, she doesn't know what else to say that won't aggravate the entire situation further. Joohyun thinks she got her answer. After all, they say, 'silence means 'yes'.


The stillness followed bothered Seulgi. Then suddenly—quietly—Joohyun said, "I think I should just go." Grabbing her things immediately, she felt someone tug her arm lightly. She stopped what she was doing and faced Seulgi with a questioning expression.


"I'm hoping for the impossible but I really would like to continue hanging out with you... as your friend." Seulgi trailed off.


Joohyun then smiled sadly and said, "Of course, Seulgi. But... not for now. I have to sort out my feelings first... without you. It would be hard... but I'll manage." She resumed on getting her bag and is now prepared to leave, but not before saying to Seulgi, "I hope you'll be happy, Kang."


Seulgi sighed. She's a terrible friend. She had accidentally hurt her friend and is feeling guilty about it for it's the last thing Seulgi would want to do. She really can't help it but to be honest with Joohyun. Guess, the saying, 'the truth hurts' was correct after all.


Heaving a deep breath, Seulgi walks out of the park when she remembers Yeri. She hopes she's not too late and ask for Yeri's time for a proper chat. Running towards the corner she last saw Yeri, she notices another person walking on the opposite way, holding some flowers and chocolates. Without herself knowing, she felt jealous to the girl. Shaking her head internally, she pushes the weird feeling away. Seulgi continues on running on the street but found out that the girl she was looking for cannot be seen. Feeling disappointed, she mindlessly kicks a pebble strongly. She walks back to the way she ran earlier. Seulgi then hears someone cursing, "Who the did that?! I'm gonna beat up your for this! God, that hurts." Frantic, Seulgi darts her way, not wanting any of that beating.




Yeri was waiting for Sooyoung to arrive at the school's cafeteria and she's currently munching on the goodies she had bought on the snack store earlier. Fishing out her earphones, she decides to clear out her mind by blasting 'Dumb Dumb'. Feeling the sick beat of the music, she unknowingly swayed and bobbed her head on it; not forgetting to tend to her farm on the game she is suddenly addicted to. She was not able to play on it for days and now Township decides to remind her, 'The townspeople believe in you! Don't let them down—come back!'


Immersed in her own world, she didn't notice that someone was already taking a seat in front of her. Only then she can sense a hand waving on her face. Thinking it was Sooyoung, she swatted on it and said, "Stop bothering me! I'm trying to organize my town! Sheesh, this stuff takes so long."


The person was startled from the sudden shout, but chuckles immediately after seeing the cute scene displayed in front of her—scrunched eyebrows, lips pouting and with some occasional mumbles. She can still hear Yeri's music playing faintly on the background and thought, 'Wouldn't her eardrums be damaged? She listens to music with volumes blasting all the way up.' Suddenly concerned, she tried to remove one of the earplugs but the action was halted since Yeri must have had enough of the intrusion by stopping her hand but stops halfway.


Removing her earphones, she then shouted, "Why are you—" Yeri stops, wide-eyed, floundering at the unexpected person in front of her. She covers quickly and felt her heart trying to jump out of her ribcage. She became frantic and tries to run away and dig a hole to cover her embarrassment. She felt like dying.


"What? Are you okay, Yeri?" That voice again. Yeri needs to go to the school clinic. Fast.


"I-I'm sorry I didn't know!! I thought you were my best friend! Oh my god!" She should prepare her own coffin.


"You're really cute." The girl—which was Chaeyoung—said, now smiling widely. Yeri wants to scream. 'She flashed her dimple! Oh my god! Such an offensive person!'


Chaeyoung continues, "It's fine, really. I was just concerned since you were listening to the music loudly and thought your eardrums must be hurt." She's trying to suppress her giggles. She finds Yeri interesting.


"Oh..." 'She's more concerned about my eardrums? I'm hurt.' Finding her own thoughts ridiculous, she smacked her head mentally. "No worries, my eardrums can take it anyway. Plus, I'm actually a die-hard fan of the band I'm listening to, so it's a must. You should check them out! They're really cool. The band's name is Red Velvet. You won't be disappointed." Yeri congratulated herself for promoting her favorite K-pop band. Red Velvet should be proud.


"Yeah? I'll check them out some time. The name's really interesting."


"You won't regret it. Red Velvetsus will bless you with their holy spir—I mean, with their impressive vocals." Yeri felt excited on the thought of converting someone's religion to stanning Red Velvet.


"Red Velvetsus?" Chaeyoung laughed. "You're really funny, Yeri."


'Even her laugh is so angelic,' Yeri was swooned. "You're a student here?" 'Way to state the obvious, Yeri.' "I mean, yeah, you're wearing the same uniform as I am but what I mean is that I don't really see you around here."


"Oh. Yes, I'm actually a new student. I just transferred on this school today. I'm still trying to get used to the environment here. The school's nice, by the way." Chayeoung explained.


"That's good. Glad that you liked it here so far." Yeri nods her head, satisfied. "What class are you in? Mine's 1-A." She asked.


"Really?" Chaeyoung remembers and tries to get her school papers. "This is really surprising. I'm just next door! I'm in class 1-B." She happily announces.


"Wow. We should hang out together! I can help you in familiarizing the school's faculties and—" Yeri stops for a moment as she notices someone calling. Blurting out an 'Excuse me,' to Chaeyoung—which earned her a cute nod—she then proceeded in taking the call.


"Sooyoung unnie! What's taking you so long? I've been waiting for you to come!"


"Hey. I'm really sorry about that. I'm actually grounded for the time being. This stupid bald professor's making a fuss about our assignments," she whispers. Yeri can hear the faint rambling of the said professor on the other line. "I promise to make it up to you some time but—" Sooyoung stopped. "I gotta go. Baldie already caught me. Bye!" and the line got cut off even before Yeri can say anything.


Sighing, she went back to Chaeyoung and finds her smiling. She felt her knees wobble. 'This person really needs to stop being so offensive.'


"Sorry. That was my best friend. Apparently, something happened that's why she can't come." Yeri explained. She didn't tell the scary baldie professor's mini episode to her. She doesn't want to scare Chaeyoung with that.


"Oh, really? Too bad. I wanted to meet her, though." Chaeyoung said.


"Nah, you wouldn't like her anyway. She's a living spawn of Satan." Yeri waves off her hand. Why would an angel be that interested in meeting that prankster Satan?


"Satan?" Chaeyoung chuckles. "You have a really interesting friend. Is she really that bad for you to think of her that way?"


"Yeah, absolutely! I can even remember the first time I met her. I was trying to borrow for a pencil since mine got broken and she suddenly whispered 'Eat fart' to me! I mean, why would I eat my own fart? Is it even edible?" and Yeri continues on explaining her encounter with the Satan. Chaeyoung was really amused. She could get used to this.




Still looking for Yeri, Seulgi decides to look on the cafeteria and once she steps foot on it, she finds Yeri. She exhaled a relieved sigh. Determined to talk to her, some student already beat her to it. She finds her face unfamiliar and thinks she might be the new student everyone's talking about. Seulgi decides to observe first and is now sitting on a different table. She can clearly see now the interaction between the two girls. Seulgi suddenly felt a pang of jealousy seeping into her. She didn't know why, but she doesn't like the fact that someone else is making Yeri smile. Unable to take the scene anymore, she stood up and decided to take a breather outside.




Looking at the time, Yeri silently cursed. She needs to be back at home now, but at the same time she wants to spend more time with the angel (Chaeyoung), and thinks the world is unfair.


"Hey," Yeri started. "I'm really sorry, but I actually need to go back home now."


Chaeyoung then pouted. Oh. My. God. 'This is unbelievable! How can someone be so ridiculously cute when pouting?! Red card, Chaeyoung. Red card.' Yeri feels attacked. "Already? I was so immersed in your story that I didn't realize the time." Chaeyoung said, feeling disappointed.


"No worries! We can always do this next time. We can continue tomorrow, too!" Yeri assures her.


"Really? I'm looking forward to that." Chaeyoung smiled. "And... Yeri?"




"This may seem to forward to you but... could I maybe..." Chaeyoung trails, suddenly nervous.


"Yeah?" Yeri's tone gave away the anticipation she's trying to mask.


"Can I have your mobile number?" Chaeyoung asks, eyes twinkling with hope.


Did she just heard that right? The angel is asking for her number? "What?" She asked dumbly.


"I said, can I have your mobile number?" And Chaeyoung now giggles for the nth time.


She really can't believe it even after hearing it clearly. It's legit. The angel is really asking for her number. She can die now. "Y-Yeah. Sure." Yeri squeaks out and Chaeyoung is rummaging her bag for the phone and gives it to Yeri. Tapping the numbers successfully, she shakily handed the phone back to Chaeyoung.


"So, I'll... see you tomorrow, then?" Chaeyoung said, flashing once more her dimpled smile.


"Definitely." And Yeri is still rooted on the same spot for a minute. Realizing her dumbness, she clumsily stood up and packed her things. "Bye! I'll see you tomorrow!" She was walking backwards to savor more of the angel's appearance. It's already a feat that she didn't bumped herself to a chair along the way.


Chaeyoung waved at Yeri, shaking her head at the display of cuteness in front of her. After checking that Yeri's out of her sight, she grabs her phone and called the number currently on display.




Yeri is now walking with light steps. She's feeling really happy today. The fact that she was able to communicate with the angel increased her energy to three-folds. She was about to dance along to 'Dumb Dumb' when she felt something vibrating in her pocket, Yeri stops walking and fishes out her phone. Eyebrows scrunching up at the unknown number, she takes the phone call anyway.




"Hi, Yeri! This is Chaeyoung. Just calling so that you can save my number on your phone." Chaeyoung said on the other line.


Yeri was shocked. She didn't think Chaeyoung would call her right away. Slowly, her mind's now processing the information. She moved her phone away then shrieked and is jumping up and down with the occasional 'oh my god's' and 'angel' in between.


"Yeri? What happened? Is everything okay?" Chaeyoung suddenly asked, alarmed at the weird noises.


Realizing that Chaeyoung was still on the other line, she stopped on her fan-girling and composed herself. "Yeah, I'm fine! I'm feeling really good!" Yeri stated, surprise and excitement evident in her voice.


"Oh... okay, if you say so. Anyway, that's all. I'll see you again tomorrow!" Chaeyoung said.


"Sure! Bye, ange—Chaeyoung!" She should really snap out of it. Before hearing the line go off, she can hear Chaeyoung giggling. She then saved her number with 'Angel Chaeyoung'. Thinking it's too bland, she decided to put a heart at the end. 'Angel Chaeyoung <3'. 'Perfect.'




Yeri was still in her own world when she heard someone clear . Looking to see who it was, Yeri suddenly wanted to go back and use the other road to go home. But then, she thinks she would still be followed anyway so she just decided to let it be. Walking beside her now was Seulgi. Yeri thought she had successfully avoided her. She sighed inwardly.


"Hey..." Seulgi started, flashing her charming smile.


'Nope. Don't fall for that, Yeri.' "H-Hi, Seulgi sunbaenim."


"Going home?"


"Yes. I have curfew." Yeri said simply.


"I see. That actually ." Seulgi grimaced. She suddenly felt thankful her parents weren't too strict on her schedules.


"Yeah. Tell me about it. I really don't see the point of them restricting us on when to go home. I mean, I know it's for our own good but I also want to try and explore some other places after school, you know?" Yeri said. She suddenly got surprised. Since when was she this comfortable talking to Seulgi?


'This is a good start,' Seulgi thought. She really wants for Yeri to be comfortable with her. "I get what you're saying. Maybe you can try to talk about it with your parents? I'm pretty sure they'll allow you some extension." Seulgi suggests.


"Really? I think that's a good idea, sunbaenim. I'll try it later." Yeri said, suddenly excited about the suggestion. She was also happy on the thought of having a decent conversation with her crush. A little.


"You can drop the honorifics, really. I want you to be comfortable around me, okay?"


"O-Okay, Seulgi sun—I mean, unnie." Yeri said. 'This would need a lot of getting used to.'


"Much better." Seulgi smiled again.


Halfway on the walk, the older of the two raises a question, "Do you live in this area?"


"Yup. My house is just at the end of this street. How about yours, unnie?"


"Oh. Mine's actually on the opposite side." Seulgi smiled.


"What?" Yeri was appalled. "T-Then what are you doing here, unnie? You should be walking back to your home, too!"


"It's fine, you don't have to worry. I have been meaning to walk you home since earlier." Seulgi assures her. She had decided to set aside her original intention on talking about the incident on the park yesterday. She wants to spend more time with Yeri.


Yeri blushes. She felt relieved that it was getting dark. She doesn't want Seulgi to see her blushing face. Never in her life did she imagine this would happen. Her long-time crush is now walking with her 'And she said she had been meaning to do this!' Yeri wanted to squeal at the thought.


Seulgi glances on Yeri. Seeing her trying to suppress her own smile is really cute. Seulgi fought her urge to pinch her cheeks. Really.


While walking, their arms starts to brush with each other. Yeri starts to feel weird. She awkwardly holds the sling of her bag to prevent herself from touching Seulgi's hand. Seulgi didn't seem to notice it, though. She was busy looking on her left side for something.


They are now nearing Yeri's house. Seulgi is currently hiding the object at her back and decides to give it to her. "Yeri. Come here for a moment." She motions for Yeri to move forward.


Yeri—not knowing anything—complies at her crush's request. She can smell Seulgi's perfume and thinks she's slowly getting addicted to her scent.


Seulgi suddenly tucks Yeri's hair on her ear and carefully places a flower that she had picked on the way earlier on it. "There. It looks good on you." Seulgi then smiled, admiring the sight in front of her.


Yeri feels herself blushing madly again; a stupid, shy smile evident on her face. "T-Thank you," she stutters. This is literally the best day ever.


"It's nothing." Seulgi smiles, "Well, I guess I should be going. My parents might be wondering where I am now. Have a good night, Yeri."


Unable to form a coherent reply, she decides to give Seulgi a nod and walks sideways to the front of her gates, still looking at Seulgi. Unfortunately, she stumbled on a rock and hits her head on their gate. Yeri silently cursed herself for being such a klutz. Seeing Seulgi rush over to her, she tries to stop her, assuring the older one that she will be fine. Seulgi hesitantly complies, then waves a goodbye to Yeri. It was only after making sure Seulgi's already far away, did Yeri lets out a cry of pain. Feeling a bump forming on her forehead, she quickly rushes inside to put some cold pressure on it.


"Unnie, you're home! Hey, what happened to you?" Her younger sister asked. Noticing a flower on her sister's ear, she then said, "Ooh, you got a flower! Who gave it to you? Can I have that instead?"


"It's nothing and nope, you ain't getting this from me. I'm gonna be studying so don't bother me, okay?" Yeri quickly said and ran towards her room. "If you do, I'm gonna choke you." Before closing the door, she added, "And I mean it."


Upset for not getting what she wants, she huffs and then shouted, "Mom!! Unnie stole some flowers from Tiffany unnie's shop!!"


Hearing this, Yeri grabbed a stuffed toy. She went outside and throws it squarely on her younger sister's face. "Shut it, you fart." Yeri then stuck her tongue out, feeling content on her throw.


Mrs. Kim can only shake her head at her daughters antics.




Finally had managed to take some of my spare time to post this update. Yay. A little ChaeRi(?) and SeulRi in this chapter. What do you guys think? I really enjoyed writing this even though my mind's completely dried up from all the brainstorming I did for this story. Also, I really, really, really appreciate the subscriptions and the time you took to read this. I'm glad you guys also like it. Thank you! It means a lot to me <3 Keep on posting your thoughts on the comments section below :)

To be honest, I don't know how to end this story and who should Yeri be with at the end. A part of me screams for ChaeRi but another half of me says SeulRi. It didn't even help that they started the #RedVelvetWeek with a SeulRi selca. I just threw my phone immediately and sobbed after I saw that.

Anyway, that would be all for the update today. And since I love to be in constant pain, I will continue to rant about my illegal ship Seulri with a sprinkle of smol Chaeyoung in twitter (I won't tell you my username... yet :P ). Keep on supporting Red Velvet and TWICE!


EDIT: Whoa, I didn't expect some of you guys would like the idea of Yeri with Chaeyoung at the end. By the way, just letting you guys know in advance that the next chapter will be posted on Yeri's birthday AND I'm very sure you Team Chaeyoung fans will like it :----) Please anticipate!!

- R.

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alltaengsic #1
Chapter 6: Chaeyoung and Yeri please ?
kimiikay #2
I know you probably won't ever update this anymore but i lowkey pray one day you'll find the inspiration to finish this
kimiikay #3
Chapter 6: I love Seulgi but I Chaengri fics are rare and Seulgi already has Irene so....
1727 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god. Pls pls pls let it be seulriiii!! Haaaaah T____T Let chaechae be with Joy insteaddd. Woooop.
DarkSky #6
Chapter 6: #teamchaengri,but if it end up being with seulri,you better made chaeng with someone else authornim hahahaha thanks for the update anyway it's cute
Chapter 5: Seulgi is so perfect i love her
mowmow33 #8
Chapter 4: Please update authornimㅠㅠ