11. Romance

Marrying an Idol

With different words that we can’t understand

We’re in our own world

Give me your ear for a second

I want you girl


“Someday you should try to give me some dance lessons.” Lillie asked hopefully and Minseo laughed grabbing her bag from the floor.

“No way! You are probably awful!”

They both left the dance studio’s practice room. “You might be surprised! Imagine if I am a dance prodigy waiting to be discovered!”

Min shook her head “Ask you boyfriend for help!”

“We both know that singing is more his thing although his dancing is the most adorable thing ever!”

Min laughed again because she almost could see hearts coming out from Lillie’s eyes every time she mentioned Jinki.

“Rin is waiting for us at the coffee shop with Jules. I can’t believe we are saying goodbye to another person so soon.”

“It’s only for two weeks.” Lillie’s answer was barely heard by Minseo because she spotted someone familiar at the end of the hallway talking with another dancer.

“Aish!” Minseo grabbed Lillie and she pulled the older woman inside the closest room where a group of dancers were practicing. They were focused on the dancing and didn’t notice them.

“Why are we hiding from Taemin?” Lillie whispered beside Minseo that was still eying the door nervously.

“We are not.”

“Oh really?!” Lillie smiled to herself. She knew that Minseo and Taemin would hit it off and that was only a proof that it was finally happening “You said it was only .”

“It is!” Min tried to convince Lillie but the older woman crossed her arms in front of her chest and smiled victoriously.

“Then why are we hiding from him? Did the only turn into love?” Lillie blinked her eyes mischievously.

“Just shut up!” Minseo said pushing Lillie against the wall and she whimpered with the impact surprised with Min’s reaction.

“Oh Hi!” Taemin’s voice from the door made both girls look at him and Lillie started to giggle which seemed to trouble Minseo even more.

Why was she acting like a high school girl?!

“It’s good that we met here!” Taemin said to Minseo after he waved at one of the dancers that were now turning off the music. “You called me saying you had something to give me and…”

“I don’t have it here. Later, I’m in a hurry now!”

She left the room without a goodbye or waiting for Lillie and Taemin sent Lillie a confused look.

“Did I say something wrong?” He asked a little worried. First that weird phone call and now she seemed to be avoiding him.

Lillie shook her head slowly “Probably the opposite! You said all the right things!”





“SURPRISE!” Sodam screamed once Jonghyun entered the house. He petted Roo that came to greet him like always, waving her tail and his hand and then he followed after his sister that was almost dancing, not walking.

“It’s your birthday noona, not mine, so you should be the one receiving a surprise. Happy birthday!” She grabbed his hand and pulled him so he would walk faster.

“I waited for you to come home and be the first one to celebrate with me and mom and a special guest!”

“What? Who?” Jonghyun eye’s doubled in size when he entered the kitchen and saw Rin beside his mother. “Rin?”

Sodam walked around the table and squeezed Rin’s shoulders. “I wanted to start my birthday with my family!”

“Sodam invited you?” Jonghyun asked Rin and she nodded her head smiling to him but he looked away.

He knew exactly what was happening there.

After Rin came back from London and after everything that happened between them their relationship suffered a little and things were a little off now.

They didn’t break up and even though they still talked every day and met often, Jonghyun still felt hurt with what happened.

It takes time to forget, time to heal.

By inviting Rin home, Sodam and his mother were trying to give Rin another chance to see Jonghyun.

Didn’t he tell Rin that now it was her time to fight for him?! To prove him that he was wrong?

“Rin is also part of the family!” Jonghyun’s mom added and Sodam  placed herself in front of the cake smiling brightly, too brightly.

Jonghyun smiled at his mom and adorable sister and then his eyes met Rin’s. He knew that that wasn’t her idea and that it was probably Sodam’s and yet he couldn’t be upset with any of them. Rin looked adorable with her pearlescent blue dress and smiling sweetly at him. He didn’t mind that she was there, not at all.

The three women he loved the most were in the same room with him, what a perfect way to end his day.




Lillie pulled the handle of the bag up and then tried to pull it with her while Jinki grabbed the other one.

“This is so heavy!” She complained and Jinki grabbed it for her.

“Are you crazy? That’s so heavy!” She tried to grab it back but he ignored her and pushed both easily to the elevator.

Lillie grinned following after him and she caressed his biceps. “My man is so strong!”

That made Jinki smile and he raised his arm contracting it to show her his muscles making Lillie wow in wonder.

“Ew!” Jules put her shoes on and joined them outside followed by Kibum “you two are so disgusting sweet with each other.”

It was as if they were back to the first days of dating, being too sugary sweet for Jules.

“We are like them sometimes.” Kibum remarked eyeing Lillie and Jinki so they would get the message.

“We will be inside! Call me when you need the ride.”

Lillie and Jinki were the ones taking her to the airport since Kibum couldn’t do it.

The couple waited for Lillie and Jinki to enter the apartment again so they could be alone.

“It’s two weeks. It’s going to go by really fast!” she said trying to reassure herself more than him.

Kibum nodded his head.

“We shouldn’t be doing this here.” Jules added “Someone might catch us.”

She barely had time to finish because Kibum leaned forward and kissed her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She loved when he was like that, demanding, manly, and able of sweep her off of her feet. That’s what she missed. Maybe going to France for a few days was a good idea after all.

He caressed her cheek with his free hand and broke the kiss. “I can’t go with you now but I swear I’ll pick you up!”

“You swear? As if a man like you, a workaholic idol can promise anything like that.”

“I promise! I truly do!”

“Then I shall believe you!” she stole a quick kiss from him “Will that be your romantic gesture then?”

“Might be!” He grinned teasingly like she loved and she wrapped her arms around his neck “My man is so amazing! The best ever!”

“I told you that you were like them sometimes!”

They kissed again and didn’t even notice Lillie peeking from the door to see if they were ready. Jinki joined his head to hers and they both hide inside again not wanting to ruin the moment.




After singing happy birthday they all sat around the table eating a piece of cake and Jonghyun sat beside Rin which made her day clearly since she couldn’t stop laughing at everything Sodam said.

“So, little brother, what are you up to?” Sodam asked suddenly her finger that had cake frosting.

“Writing songs…singing. The usual!” He answered playing with the fork on his plate.

“I liked the broadcast a lot today!” Rin said gently.

“She made us listen to it!” Jonghyun’s mom remarked.

“Don’t lie mom, you always listen to it!” Jonghyun chuckled and saw from the corner of his eyes how Rin’s smile faded slightly.  She was trying to look good for him which was ridiculous since she was all he could see anyway.

Her expression lighten up again when he grabbed her hand and pulled it to his lap.

“I’m glad you liked it!”

Yes he was hurt, yes their relationship suffered a big blow but he loved her and she loved him so they would slowly fix it. There was a way!

“Well since we partied a lot already I must go because I need to wake up early tomorrow.” Sodam said suddenly “I need to search for an architect for a project at work. The company asked me to choose one.”

Jonghyun thought of Dojoon immediately and glanced at Rin, but she was busy eating her cake, smiling cutely.

“I’m going to sleep too!” Jonghyun’s mom added and both older women stood up so Jonghyun frowned realizing what was happening. They were leaving him alone with Rin.

He smiled mischievously and decided to ruin their plans a bit.

“Sodam wait!”

His sister almost pretended to not listen to him. “I know someone.” Jonghyun said  “I know an architect that can help you.” He turned to Rin “Maybe Dojoon can help.”

“Oh right! You can call his office, Lillie works with him.”

“Lillie? That famous Lillie?” Sodam asked and Rin smiled because Lillie would have freaked out if she saw Sodam call her famous.

“Yes.” Jonghyun nodded and then he stood up and released Rin’s hand which looked at him a little disappointed. He grabbed his coat and she stood up because it was obvious what he was going to do.

“Are you taking Rin home?” Sodam asked from the door also seeming disappointed. She hoped they would make out on the couch or even climb to his bedroom but her brother was a stubborn man.

“No. We are going out on a date.”

“Really?” Rin remind him of Roo, waving her tail happy that Jonghyun was home.

“Yes. What do you want to do?”

“Anything! Just being with you is enough.”

The right answer.




After leaving Jules at the airport Jinki left Lillie back at home and was now playing with Bummie the cat, sliding his hand on the floor watching the kitty trying to hit it with his paw and falling on his .

He was giggling with it and that reminded Lillie of seeing him once on tv playing with Comme Des.

“Don’t you have work?” She asked because she knew that Kibum was busy and that’s why he couldn’t go to the airport with them.

“No.” He raised his head from the floor where he was sitting to look at her. “Are you ok?”

Her best friend just left and Lillie did cry on their way back home.

“This apartment will be a little empty.” She ran her eyes around the living room “I’ve never lived alone ever since I came to live with Jules.”

“When am I moving in?” Jinki asked making her look back at him “You don’t need to be alone. We talked about this before.”

“It’s temporary.” She said blushing a little not able to hide her smile. She enjoyed it as much as he did.

“I know, but when?” He stood up from the floor making Bummie release a small cry that was super adorable but didn’t distract the couple from each other.

Lillie giggled because there seemed to be urgency on his voice. “Now?”

“Now? I need to pack. Ok…I’m going and I’ll be back.” He turned around almost tripping in Bummie and if it wasn’t for Lillie stopping him he would have ran back home.

“I’ll make dinner then.” He smiled admiring her cuteness.

She knew what he was thinking.

Last time that they lived together for two weeks she was hurt because of Alex so Jinki had to restrain himself.  Now it was different, they would be like a normal couple and he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to control himself. His heart was already beating faster with the notion that he would be able to sleep with her every night and wake up by her side. He mentally tried to remember his schedules for both weeks and he sincerely hoped he had a lot of free time so he could have some decent time with her at home.

“That sounds lovely.”

She grasped the sleeve of his sweater adorably and pouted her lips slightly acting cute “I practiced a lot. I’m glad I can show you.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it “I swear. I cooked a lot back home so I am much better now. Not Korean food though…”

He leaned forward and planted a wet kiss on her lips. “It’s ok.” Jinki pulled her closer to him, to his arms and she didn’t resist at all. “See? You changed too.”

She knew what he meant. They were back to that subject again.

“And that isn’t bad at all. We are an improved version of ourselves and we still love each other. I think that must mean something big.”

He moved his hand on her back caressing her and eyed her intensely. They had something to finish and since they were in each other’s arms the was growing up to unbearable levels.

“Maybe I should…” he was the first one to speak, swallowing nervously and Lillie couldn’t tear her eyes apart from his lips and his Adam’s apple and back to his beauty spot in his chin. She caressed his face making him close his eyes briefly and even though he said he needed to go he didn’t release her nor did she.

Instead she raised her body and pulled him down to kiss her. It was slow at first with Jinki trying to control his ual impulses but Lillie wasn’t going easy on him kissing him hungrily. He completely gave up on being a gentleman and wrapped his arms around her pulling her against him with passion which made her whimper against this lips and he turned with her around pushing her against the wall.

He caressed her cheek and neck and then down to her waist while they kissed. She wrapped her arms around his neck; running her fingers in his hair like she loved and slowly the passionate kiss gave way to several more innocent short ones.

“I should make dinner.” She mumbled making him laugh and move his lips to her neck instead which made her giggle.

She pulled at his sweater on his back and Jinki made her moan when he slide his hands under her sweater caressing her back and side.

“We probably should make a rule for these two weeks.” He said stealing small kisses from her. He couldn’t have enough of her lips.

“Which is?” She fixed his hair for him and he took the chance that she was looking up to attack her neck again.

“Don’t wear any clothes at home!”

She widened her eyes and pulled away from him so she could look at him and see if he was being serious “Do you mean it?”

He seemed serious about it but sometimes he was so good at pretending. “Why not?”

“Because I never walked around and…” And last time she couldn’t even get in front of him and he knew it.

He caressed her cheek with his hand and kissed her lips again “You can get used to it besides the only real problem I see in this is that I won’t be able to take my hands off of you.” He rubbed his nose against hers and eyed her passionately “Not that you wearing clothes help much but…at least it takes longer for me to reach…” he moved his hand down her body to the middle of her legs and caressed her which made Lillie moan. “…the destination.“

She pulled his hand away but not that eager which made him smile and instead placed it under her sweater again. She even raised it a little and gave him a sign that it was ok to be more naughty. He didn’t pretend to not understand and d her s over her bra.

“Calm down…” She complained giggling and he joined his forehead with hers.

“I’m not kidding Lillie. I’m so damn . I need you so badly. All of you…”

He wanted her and she knew it really well.

“Later…after dinner. And about walking around …” She rubbed her nose on his cheek and kissed it “Maybe underwear instead or few clothes?”

He frowned a little not liking it.

“I mean…I’ll get for you in bed.”

“We are only having in bed? I was hoping that we could have more fun.”

“You probably will be working all the time though.”

He frowned disappointed knowing that she was right and she cupped his face and kissed him making him forget about it completely, his hands moving under her clothes caressing making her moan against his lips.

“…I’ll get completely every time we have . I promise!”

He nodded glad with her decision.

“But the rest of the time…not .”

“Underwear only…” He suggested.

“Maybe a big sweater over my ?”

“No bra then!”

“Damn it you are a ert!”

“No. I just really want to enjoy my stay here very very much.”

“We decided on my clothes but what about yours’” He didn’t answer hugging her against him, his naughty hand moving under her sweater, his lips on her neck.

“Underwear?” she asked but he didn’t answer and her neck instead. “W-whatever is fine.” She closed her eyes not able to speak anymore and instead bit her lower lip. If he didn’t stop touching her and kissing her like that she would collapse of pleasure. He wasn’t the only thirsty one after all.

As if he realized it he ended the wet kiss and stepped back from her releasing her.

Lillie didn’t move eyeing him with red lips that matched his and raised a hand to her neck to touch the place where he gave her a hickey. “Why do you always do this?” She wasn’t upset and her voice came out a bit hoarse as if she was running.

He felt the same as her, still in a daze, his body going crazy so he stepped back again and turned around to grab his coat and put his sneakers on.

“I just love your neck.” He mumbled from the door almost tripping in the small step that was before the door and she pursed her lips amused. “I love your scent...” he added “your warmth.” He swallowed and without looking at her he said “I can’t find it anywhere else.”

She knew what he meant. What she felt for him and the way he made her felt she couldn’t find anywhere else either.

Lillie sat beside him on the step and he looked at her after she gave his cheek a kiss.

“I’ll be waiting for you with dinner ready and not wearing many clothes. Ok?”

“Perfect.” He answered back “I’ll undress once I arrive too.”

She nodded with a smile and he kissed her again, placing his hand on the floor behind her and the other around her waist.

It was supposed to be a short kiss but lasted longer than expected and after that one came another one and soon he was softly pushing her back and they both laid on the floor with him over her kissing.

They were only saved by Bummie that jumped over them and made Jinki scream surprised. His scared expression was priceless and Lillie laughed out loud at him covering her face and rolling on the floor.

“Hey!” He complained sitting up laughing softly with her. “Bad Kitty!”

Lillie couldn’t stop laughing and every time she uncovered her eyes to look at Jinki she would remember his face and laugh again. She was laughing so much she had tears in her eyes.

“Stop that...” He placed his hand on her tummy that was uncovered since her sweater was raised up and felt her stomach move under it. It was cute at first but then he realized that it was her skin, there defenseless, the skin he really wanted to see before and she didn’t let him.

He bended forward and kissed her uncovered stomach which made Lillie stop and she swallowed her laughter that soon died since he kissed her again and again, raising the sweater more and more. She stopped him though and sat up eyeing him with wet eyes and red cheeks.

He wasn’t sure if it was from laughing or from the y actions he just did.

“You should go. “

“How many times did we say it already?”

She stood up and pulled him with her and then opened the door.

Lillie kissed him pushing him out of the door and Jinki stumbled and then walked to the elevator.

He called it and then looked at her that stayed at the door doing finger hearts at him.

“So cute!” He giggled melting in front of the elevator door. He raised his hands and made a heart with them for her.

She did one back and then hide behind the door embarrassed.

“Hey don’t be like that. Come out…” He eyed the screen above the elevator hoping it took a while to reach that floor since he wanted to play with her a bit more. “Lillie?”

His impatient call made her peek from behind it and he tilted his body so he could see her which made her giggle.

“You so damn cute!”

His words made her blush more and Lillie bit her lower lip before she spoke “I’m embarrassed.”  

“It was only a few hearts. I get those all the time.”

She frowned and he realized he said the wrong thing. Of course he get hearts from fans all the time but he didn’t need to say it out loud like that. “I mean…”

Lillie hid behind the door again and he saw the elevator arrive but he couldn’t leave like that now. He was going to go back to the door and try to correct the mistake he just made when she moved her fingers on the side of the door and then peeked from behind it as if she was a cute cat.

“Mine are different…because…” he smiled since he was proud of her. Insecure Lillie would be upset with him and cry over that silly comment but the new Lillie knew how to get over it “Because you are my handsome prince…” She hid again probably feeling embarrassed again and Jinki stood in the middle of the hallway waiting. “…because you are my y handsome boyfriend…the love of my life.” She mumbled something and then added “I have goosebumps because it’s cheesy!”

He laughed out loud and she peeked again to check his reaction “You are right. It’s different, it’s another kind of special heart. I want to go to you now. I don’t think I’ll ever leave today.”

“No if you come closer I’ll close the door in your face!” she warned him and Jinki didn’t move and instead opened the door of the elevator that closed eventually.

“It was indeed a little cheesy but why do I love it so much?”

“Perhaps because you are crazy about me?”

“Close the door Lillie!” he said placing a hand on the wall beside the elevator.


“I might jump on you if you don’t!”

He eyed her intensely since that teasing, cute and more open about her feelings Lillie turned him on a lot and Lillie closed the door knowing that he wasn’t joking.

She felt a little bad about it though and peeked from the peephole. He entered the elevator and she leaned her back against the door.

Bummie was playing over the carpet, making a mess of it but she didn’t care.

She was burning because of all the kissing they had, her cheeks were deep red for the things she said and the way he just looked at her made her truly want not to close the door.




After meeting with Lillie Minseo passed by her dorm, got the bag with Taemin’s shirt and now she was back to the studio. Half of her hoped that he wasn’t there anymore so she wouldn’t have to meet with him but another half, the biggest and strongest one wanted to see him.

And that one won since he was still inside the same room, chatting with other dancers, everyone goofing off, everyone noticing when she entered the room.

Her eyes drifted from everyone to Taemin that was staring at her, his silly smile slowly fading probably because she was looking at him in pain.

She needed to give him the bag with his shirt but she didn’t want to do it in front of everyone or rumors would start. She couldn’t also ask him to step outside and speak to her because everyone would for certain say something about it, so instead, Minseo stood at the door hesitating, her cheeks slightly flushed and she stepped back awkwardly.

“I’ll be back later….”

She turned around scolding herself because she should have greeted everyone or act more natural since her actions probably made everyone wonder what was wrong with her.

Something was really wrong with her because she never acted like that, but it was his entire fault after all. If Taemin had met her when she called, if he had gone to her leaving his friends nothing of that would…

“Min wait!”

She froze and turned around just to see Taemin running to her, leaving his friends behind.

“Is that what you wanted to give me?” he asked eyeing the bag in her hand.

“Yes. You forgot it at my place last time. Here!” He grabbed the bag and peeked inside it.

“I washed it.”

He blinked his eyes “Did it smell?”

“No, not at all!” She her lips nervously “It smelled really nice…like you I mean.”

His lips stretched into a smile and he laughed amused “Then why did you wash it?”

She didn’t answer. Minseo couldn’t tell him that she slept hugging his shirt as if it was a teddy bear, inhaling his scent. She would sound like a creepy nut case if she told him.

“You only found it now?” Taemin added.

She could lie. She could tell him that she found it under her bed forgotten and dusty and that was why she washed it and only gave it back to him now but…no. She advised Lillie so many times to be honest to herself and others, to go after Jinki, the person she truly wanted. She wasn’t going to be an phony and lie.

“The truth is, I found it and I couldn’t bear to tear myself away from it.” Her words made his mouth twitch as if he was fighting with what to say “It smelled nice, like you….”

“You smelled….” He looked around him and then back at her. “I don’t think we should talk about this here.” He said embarrassed and confused.

“Well maybe you can call me later, if you want to talk.” She suggested hopefully, but she was probably less important than what he had to do.

“No.” He grabbed her arm, his fingers wrapping around it softly “Wait for me here. I’ll gather my things and I’ll go out with you.”




“Welcome home.” Lillie said letting Jinki enter with a bag in his hands. He checked her out and she opened her arms giving him a better view. She was only wearing cute yellow socks with colorful small dots, very tiny shorts and a big sweater. He frowned slightly because she was still wearing too many clothes and she pushed him to her bedroom.

“Place your bag in the bedroom and then join me in the kitchen.”

He did as she said turning on the light off of her bedroom and placing his bag beside the closet. He opened it and took out a plastic bag from inside it before zipping it again. Then he took a good look at what would be his bedroom for the next two weeks.

They lived together before at his dorm for two weeks but now it was different. There was no SHINee, there were no traumas.

He giggled happily.

Lillie placed the posters back on the wall, a new one with SHINee and over the desk there he was again posing seductively and mysterious to the camera. He liked that picture!

Over her bed there wasn’t any soft toy, instead they were over her desk and she changed her purple covers for a pearlescent blue one which made him smile, and instead of one she placed two pillows. Ah he couldn’t wait to get in bed with her.

Jinki turned off the light and walked back to meet her. The living room table was set already so he walked to the kitchen where she was stirring something with a spoon.

“I brought wine!”

She hummed appreciatively and grabbed the bag from his hand.

“It smells so good.”

“It’s pasta. Carbonara!” She looked so proud of her skills now, so much different from the insecure Lillie that made dinner for him before. “I’m really good at it.”

He leaned his elbows on the counter and watched her while she cooked.

“What?” She asked after a while finding the silence weird.

“You look y…”

She pushed him away softly. “First we are eating…don’t even try!”

Sadly she knew him too well.

“I wasn’t lying though. You do look y…however everything you do nowadays looks y to me.”

He leaned his back against the counter and offered her a boyish smile. “Dubulge just misses you a lot…”

“We met the other day.” She said pursing her lips…”But I do miss him too.”

“Good! Let’s settle a meeting then!”

They both laughed and Jinki took the bottle of wine and two other bottles of flavored soju from inside the bag and placed it over the counter beside the stove.

“Oh…” She grabbed one of the smaller bottles “Blueberry! I like it!”

He had no idea she was into it but he was glad he choose well. Jinki kissed her cheek and before Lillie had time to turn back to cooking he wrapped his arms around her. She raised her arms with her hands full with bottles and struggled to untangle herself from his arms but he pulled her tighter and kissed her on the lips.

Lillie hummed frowning because he was being too pushy, his tongue moving against her lips. She opened letting him kiss her more deeply and since she wasn’t resisting anymore he pushed her against the counter and caressed her back kissing her more slowly.

She wrapped her arms around him still holding the bottles and kissing him back and after a while he stepped back his lips.

“Happy now?” She asked with flushed cheeks and he nodded favorably.

“Maybe a little more…”

“No!” She gave the bottles to him and pushed him back “Go place these on the table.”

He did as he said and quickly came back to watch her.  “I’m still hungry!” He complained wrapping his arms around her giving her a warm, very warm back hug that made her nervous in a good way.

She didn’t stop what she was doing nor answered to him since he wasn’t talking about food.

“I’m glad you brought alcohol. We can party a little.” There were so many reasons to party and they weren’t able to do it properly together before.

“See…You drink now too.”

She sighed and caressed his hand on her stomach. “I get it. We are different now and it’s ok.” She mimicked his voice failing at it but he caught it and buried his nose in the back of her neck.

“I’m only trying to show you my point of view. You are not the only one surprised with the changes.” He released her and Lillie felt a little relieved because with him so close to her like that she couldn’t stop having impure thoughts.

“It’s ready!” She announced happily glancing at him and she froze since Jinki was topless in the light in front of her.

“Holy…” She swallowed hard and she was probably salivating a little because he grinned cockily.

“I worked out a little.”

“A little?” She stuttered turning around her cheeks red.

“You like it very much don’t you?” He teased caressing her neck brushing her hair away from it so he could kiss the back of her neck.

“Jinki stop!”

“You like my chocolate abs…”

“Stop being topless in my kitchen!”

“You so like it!” He kept teasing her so Lillie grabbed his sweater from the floor and pushed it against his chest, quickly taking her hand away from it as if she was scared to touch his body and never let go. That could happen since he wasn’t the only one there.

“Get dressed now!”

It was an order and Jinki blinked his eyes not expecting that.

“I was only following our rule.”

“Then go change in the bedroom for god’s sake and no to being topless…NOT NOW!”

His blank expression slowly changed into a teasing one and he smiled slightly. “Is the vision too much for you?”


He wasn’t also expecting that she would be honest about it. She claimed he was the one who changed but that Lillie in front of him was way more open about her feelings, saying what was on her mind, and strong. He really liked it.  

“How much is the level of your thirst?” He asked playing with the sweater in front of his chest.

“I don’t think the Nile would be enough.”

They both chuckled with that answer and then he kissed her cheek quickly before leaving the kitchen to change.

Lillie stood in the middle of the kitchen not knowing what to do still in a daze.

His body looked so good. She did see a little of it when they made love last time but it was inside a dark room and now there was light and she could truly see it well and…damn…she was having a heart attack.

Her boyfriend was on legs.


She was so needy.

She barely had time to place the food on the table when he showed up wearing dark blue pajama pants and a black tank top.

“I’m decent.”

She didn’t say anything because he wasn’t decent at all, she could see the outlines of his muscles perfectly and his biceps and collar bones and everything else wasn’t doing acceptable things to her body.

“Let’s just eat!”

Get the dinner over quickly so the real meal would start.




After dinner they did the dishes together, he was washing and she was cleaning and even though they talked a lot during dinner about everything, the past, their families and careers they were now silent. He finished it first and cleaned his hand on a dish cloth and leaned by the sink admiring her.

She drank a lot during dinner and he ate a lot since her food was delicious; she was more talkative and seemed so happy now. It wasn’t as if she was a sad person before, just that there was always a gloomy side to her, probably related to what she has gone through before. However now she seemed---free. But what impressed him was how much more feminine and y she has become. It was weird for him to think like that since she was older than him but she matured somehow. He bit his lower lip.

He once told her that once she matured and he came back from the army that they would marry.

She finished too and looked back at him.

“I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow.”

“Why?” He wished he didn’t either and that they could stay together in bed the whole day. He was going to check with his manager the next day but Jinki hoped to take a Saturday or Sunday off, at least half of the day so he could be with her, maybe take her on a date. He couldn’t remember the last time they had a real proper date.

Lillie covered her cheeks with her hands “I’m going to work all bloated because I drank so much.”

He chuckled pinching her cheek. She looked fine to him. “My first schedule is around noon.”

“Lucky…” She sighed dramatically and placed the dish cloth over the counter. They were done and free, free for other things.

“I’ll drive you to work tomorrow.” Jinki said stepping away from the counter and she followed after him to the living room, admiring the muscles of his back. She couldn’t get used to that body at all. If it was a drama or anime she would have lost all her blood in a nose bleed already and he didn’t undress yet.

“I’ll try to pick you up too!” He added.

“Can I ask you something?” Lillie asked sitting over the couch and hugging her leg against her body. He sat by her side too and wrapped an arm around her back.

“Of course.”

“Why are you so decided on taking and picking me up from work?”

“I am?” He blinked his eyes slowly “It only happened once!”

“Yes I know but only because you are busy. When you are not you want to do it and before you didn’t do it often…”

He stuttered on his words and touched his chest as if he was offended “Are you implying something?”

Yes she was. Lillie frowned. He seemed like a jealous boyfriend.  “Not really just…”

Jinki didn’t let her finish “I’m your boyfriend. Your only boyfriend.”

Of course he was her only boyfriend. Lillie smiled amused. He truly seemed jealous.

“So I can spoil my girlfriend, that is you, once in a while. Besides if I can save you from public transportation then I will. Also I like to drive.” He was the cutest! “And I’m sleeping here now remember? So we can roleplay…”

“Roleplay?” She giggled leaning her head against his shoulder. “Like We got married? Fake marriages?”

“Ours is not fake…well not the feelings. Something more like an internship or lessons to prepare for marriage.”

She hugged him, her hand moving over his muscles of his chest and Lillie blushed hiding her face against his chest closing her eyes. He smelled nice and she felt so hot it was making her crazy.

He nuzzled his nose on her hair and kissed her head. “It’s a free of Jules card for two weeks.”

“She would be so upset if she heard that.”

Jinki chuckled caressing Lillie’s back, making her shiver against him since his touch made her all tingling inside.

He realized it and moved his fingers slower on her back, teasing her more. She did the same to him moving hers on his chest and both looked at each other.

They were reaching their limits and even though they knew it they were still pretending nothing was wrong.

“Where is our son by the way?” Jinki asked remembering of how that cat always found a way to ruin his y moments with Lillie. “I didn’t see him yet.”

“What?” She widened her eyes “What son?”

“Bummie, the cat. Our adopted son. We have to take care of him so it’s like our son for two weeks.”

“Oh god…” She smiled to herself “I was scared for a moment there.” She completely forgot about the cat.

“What?” Jinki laughed “Did something happen while you were away that I don’t know about?” He grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her away from him so he could look at her stomach.

“Don’t joke with that!” She hugged herself and moved further away from him on the couch.

“I’m sorry it was a bad joke!”

“Yes it was.”

He sneaked his arms around her waist and pulled her to him making Lillie slide on the couch closer to him.

“I meant what I said on the phone.“ He whispered against her hair “I would have left Korea and I would have gone to pick you up personally. We would have gotten married, went public and raise that baby together, I don’t care if you had to travel every month to see your father. We would make it work out somehow.”

“It didn’t happen.” Lillie said pushing her shorts to cover more of her bare thighs but it was pointless “It wasn’t meant to be and it was best this way.”

He took her hands away from her short and caressed them. “I agree. We have time for that.”

Their gazes locked again and this time she was sure she wasn’t able to resist it anymore. However she felt a little too nervous.

“For now we have Bummie.” Jinki joked even though none laughed at it.

He leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on her lips before standing up and Lillie looked at him in a mix of gratefulness with disappointment.

She was going to grab his hand and ask him to stay and kiss her when he spoke. “I’m going to see if Bummie is ok and then…then we can go to sleep.”

Both knew what that meant and Lillie pursed her lips and let herself stay over the couch thinking.

He was so hot saying those things about a possible pregnancy. But above all he didn’t disappoint her. He was an amazing man, responsible and sweet. He could be joking like a big kid one second and the other he was the shoulder to cry on, the safe heaven. No wonder she loved him so much.

“Lillie!” his voice calling her made her stand up and she followed the sound to Jules’ bedroom. “Come see this!”

“What are you doing here? Jules has underwear all over the place!” Lillie complaint was interrupted by Jinki pulling her by an arm closer to the entrance of Jules’ bedroom.

“Look…” he whispered pointing at a small ball of fur that was over Jules’ bed, sleeping on Jules’ sweater.

She wasn’t sure what surprised her more, the lack of clothes all over the place or Bummie clearly missing Jules’ smell.

“Ow…Do you think that…”

Jinki interrupted “Yes, I do. He misses her.”

“It’s been only a few hours and yet…”

“She is his mom after all.”

Lillie chuckled and held onto Jinki’s arm melting with the cute. “I need to tell her.”

“Wait!” He grabbed his cellphone from his pants pocket and took a pic. “Let’s send her a picture so it’s the first thing she sees once she arrives?”


Both wrote a cute message and then decided on sending it not only to Jules but to Kibum too.

After sending the message Jinki grabbed Lillie’s hand demanding her attention again and kissed her cheek. “He is sleeping, he won’t interrupt us tonight.”

She didn’t say anything but didn’t seem scared too. “Let’s go sleep.”

He pulled her slightly but she didn’t move. “I-I...” He tilted his head because she seemed embarrassed and he frowned. She wasn’t going to ask for the light off of again right?!

“I-I prepared something.” She her lips “And we need the lights on for that. One light.”

“Prepared?” he smiled pleased, her voice saying lights on echoing in his mind.

“Se—I mean…I bought it a long time ago with Jules and before I didn’t…I could...”

“Just say it.” He whispered afraid the cat would wake up and ruin his y time with Lillie. “Just say it.”

“I have y lingerie to use.”

“Lillie I only want you .”

“I know…but…it’s…to make me feel more confident.”

He knew what she meant and it was fine by him. He would enjoy it much more too. Lillie wearing y lingerie for him, only him, and Jinki taking it off slowly.

“I like it. I like it very much!”

“I know…”

“What color is it?”

She didn’t answer and pulled him out of the bedroom. “You will see very soon.”




It was weird to hear everyone speak French around you when you are more used to Korean now.

Jules was back to her homeland and she already called her mother to pick her up and was now going to send Lillie and Kibum a message saying she arrived safely. However once she stepped outside the airport and France, the beautiful sun warmed her skin she suddenly felt very melancholic.

She missed Kibum already and even though she had amazing bread waiting for her at home - she missed bread so much – not even the whole bread in the world would replace Kibum’s voice and hearty laughter.

“Were you asleep?” She said as soon as he answered.

“No. Did you arrive?”

“Let me check…” She moved her eyes around her “People speaking French, a guy eating a good and nice croissant, no hot Asian guys around…yup I’m not in South Korea anymore.”

“Were you able to rest on the plane?”

“Yes I slept a little. My back hurts so much though. Can’t wait to find my bed.”

“I miss you.”

Jules stopped in the middle of the street and a man that was walking beside her almost bumped against her.

“You miss me?” She raised her hand in the air “I freaking had to travel to the other side of the world to hear you say sweet things like that!”

“Hey, that’s unfair! I’m very sweet to you.”

“I didn’t say you weren’t, just that you don’t normally verbalize those things.”

“It’s embarrassing ok. Besides why do you have to say it all the time? It makes more sense to say them at the right time.”

“That’s true. This is exactly the right time.”

“See? I know about this stuff.”

“Kibum, I miss you too!”

“The air is different here….it’s lacking your expensive French perfume…”

“Kibum please…” She walked again with a spring in her step.

“I mean it; I can’t breathe anymore, not enough oxygen without you around.”

“Ok if you keep saying stuff like that I swear I’ll hung up on you!”

“Aigo…I was trying to be romantic like you asked!”

“That is not romantic! That is disgusting and lame!”

“Juliette please!” He laughed out loud and she grinned so much her cheeks hurt. Only Kibum could make her happy like that.

“Don’t call me that name!” She tried to seem angry “I might break up with you all the way from France!”

“You can’t, it’s a different time zone and technically you are in the past and the past is the past and can’t be changed. In the present we are still dating!”

“What the hell…” She laughed too. “You truly belong into SHINee!”

“SHinee? What is that?”

“I heard they are a famous gag group!”

They both chuckled.

“I have to go. I need to feed the kids and sleep.”

“I need to wait for my mother. She will cry rivers of tears once she sees me and will never let me go.”

“It’s normal. She misses you. Before you meet her, check your kakao. Lillie sent you something!”

“What? How do you know?”

“Jinki told me! Do it!”

Jules wrinkled her nose suspicious wondering what she did this time. Maybe it was a picture of her and Jinki acting cute or something.

“Don’t tell me it’s a picture of her and Jinki procreating in my living room!”

“It’s not that!” Kibum giggled “Trust me, you will like it!”


“Call me tomorrow. Love you!”

“Love you too!”

Not as much as I love you!” He added quickly turning off the call so he would win and Jules giggled to herself and immediately Wi-Fi and checked her kakao. Lillie did send her a picture but not what she expected.

Lillie wrote “Here is our adopted son…He misses his real mother.” And under it was a picture of Bummie, her cat, sleeping curled into a ball over her sweater in her bed.

“Ow…that ball of fur…”

Lillie wrote under it that Jinki sent the same picture to Kibum.

So that was why he knew about it.

Jules sighed opening the picture again and zooming it in to look at the cat’s expression. She turned her phone in her hand trying to check the best angle and then she realized that she was checking cat pictures now and melting with them.

She truly did change a lot during her time living in South Korea. The Jules that left France to travel the world and try her life somewhere else, didn’t even like cats.

Her mother would have a surprise.




Lillie looked at her image in the mirror a second time and fixed her black see through nightgown again. She looked good in it and it was as y as it was cute with a little bow on the side on her waist, with matching underwear under it. She took a deep breath trying to call her inner confident self and then moved her hands to the end of the nightgown.

She looked ridiculous, unnatural so it was better only to wear the underwear. She released it and hesitated again. It was pretty though and she told Jinki she prepared and by looking ier maybe she would feel more confident about what she was going to do.

Min Hee probably had y feminine lingerie and not cute like the ones she used to wear.

Lillie was boring! She needed to step up and live up to Jinki’s expectations. He said she was more feminine now so wearing that was the right thing.

Lillie moved her fingers in her hair and fixed it making it fall over her chest. He once said he liked it. She smiled puffing her chest out. Min He had nice s too…

Her shoulders slumped again and Lillie took off the nightgown. That wouldn’t work. Once you are doomed to be just an ordinary woman there was no way you can change, thought her defeated self.

“Lillie?” He called from the bedroom, probably from her bed where he was waiting for her, or so she supposed “Why are you taking so long?”

She bit her lower lip thinking of an excuse. She couldn’t truly tell him that her problem at the moment was that she was having an inner fight with the old Lillie and apparently losing.

“I’m showering.”

“Ok…” He didn’t seem to believe her though and she face palmed because no one showers without water and he clearly wasn’t hearing the water running.

“Are you that dirty?” he asked after “Or is it only your mind that is dirty!”


He laughed out loud and added “Come here…I’ll put out the fire! No water can save you! You said so before…not even the Nile!”

She didn’t answer and stared at the mirror instead covering her face after a while. She was such an idiot. The perfect man was in her bed waiting for her wanting to make love with her and she couldn’t leave that bathroom, too scared to face him, too scared to disappoint him somehow.

“Ouch you bit me!” He complained and Lillie sat over the toilet cover hearing him playing with Bummie and hugged herself. She felt empty, she was the worst, and she wanted to cry because she hated herself for what she was feeling, because she couldn’t shut up the voice inside her that kept saying that whatever she did with Jinki from now on would never measure up to what he lived with Min Hee, that he would realize he made a mistake and get back to his ex.

“Lillie come on…” He was losing his patience and she knew it “I’m getting sleepy and Bummie already bit me and scratched my hand!” He cried. “I think he is bored too.”

Lillie stood up again and looked at herself in the mirror one last time taking slow and deep breathes trying to calm herself down but nothing seemed to be working and she was near an anxiety attack.

“I’m not fat…” She whispered to herself touching her tummy. She was even tinier than before and she smiled feeling a little more confident. Her s looked nice too and her skin was ok. She turned around and frowned looking at her . Her wasn’t that great but she couldn’t remember if Min Hee had a nice . She probably did.

“Lillie?” his voice coming outside of the bathroom door made her panic and she turned around and grabbed a bath towel wrapping her body in it. “Can I come in?”

She swallowed hard and didn’t say anything which he took as a yes and opened the door. He was only in his underwear and she couldn’t take her eyes away from his body. How could she even have a boyfriend like that?! Did she truly deserve that man?!

“What’s wrong?” he asked gently his voice and worried eyes made her whine and soon she was crying. “Lillie….”

“I’m so sorry!” She turned around still holding up her towel and grabbed a piece of toilet paper to clean her eyes “I’ll be fine. Just give me one minute and I’ll meet you in bed.”

He grabbed her and turned her back around to him “I gave you 20 minutes and you didn’t leave this bathroom so don’t ask me for more time because the problem here is not that.”

“I’m sorry. I really want to have with you, I really do but I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m not over it…I’m…”

He knew what she was talking about immediately.

“Angry with me?”

“No because I don’t have the right to be angry…I’m…sad…”

“Disappointed?” He took a deep breath “You told me to move on with my life!”

“It’s not disappointed, I’m just…sad…insecure and I hate it. This time there is truly a woman, a beautiful woman with so many things in common with you that loves you, maybe as much as I do and, this same woman is someone you like at least a little bit…I think…” She searched his eyes and Jinki smiled softly. He knew what the problem was now.

Yes, the fact he kissed and had with another woman upset her but that wasn’t the major problem, it was the feelings. She was worried that somehow he felt something deep for Min Hee, like he felt for her.

“Ok then! Let’s talk!” He sat over the toilet cover and pulled her to his lap, wrapping his arms around her and making her sit with her legs in one side of him so they could look at each other.


“Well I’m going to make you leave this bathroom only when there are no doubts inside your heart and head or I’ll spend all night trying to.”

“I’m sorry…” She cleaned her wet eyes and sniffed and Jinki grabbed her hand in his.

“I love you.” He said looking deeply into her eyes “I’m here now because I chose you…over her over anyone else. Actually I’m not even sure if I ever wavered, drifted away from you.”

“I know you love me.” She admitted running her fingers on the palm of his hand “But…”

“But you are an idiot!”

“Hey…” She truly was, he was right.

“And I am too, that’s why we are perfect for each other.”

She chuckled and he kissed her cheek.

“Let’s talk about it then, about the time we were apart, about Min Hee. I’ll tell you all you want to know but I want to ask you something too. The only rules are one question each and be honest.”

“I swear!”

“I swear too!” He raised one of her fingers with his hand “First one.” And then looked at her waiting.

“Why did you start dating Min Hee?”

“She was the person that stayed by my side when I was falling to pieces.”

“Because of me.” She couldn’t stop feeling guilty about it. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. That’s over and done and you had your reasons.” He hugged her and leaned his head against her shoulder “Min Hee said that she liked me and that she would help me forget you. Also she was my friend and I was feeling weak and emotional. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I let myself be loved by her in hopes that the pain would go away and that…”

“You would fall in love with her.” Lillie added and he looked into her eyes.

“Not going to lie to you, yes I hoped that. Every single time I thought about you I tried to think about Min Hee but that was the thing, I was forcing myself when you were always the first one coming to my mind. I realized that even if I loved her I would never love her like I love you.  I accepted that and started a more serious relationship with her. It was the second best but maybe I could still be happy. I couldn’t have you anyway and I needed to accept it.”

“I understand.”

“You do?”

“Yes. “ She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. “I probably would have tried to do the same…”

“My time now.” He caressed her back “How far did you go with Dojoon?”

She tensed up a little and he made a weird face not seeming happy.

“Why are you asking that? You know we didn’t have .”

“I do but I really need to know. I need to know to which amount I should hate him.”

“Seriously!” Lillie laughed at his cuteness and then gave him a very honest answer “I made a fool of myself that night. It was probably my most embarrassing moment, going to a man’s house and ask him to sleep with me.”

“You can do that to me!” he smiled slightly as if he forgot what they were talking about but then his expression darkened again “Why did you do it? Why did you try to have with him?”

“I wanted to be like you, to try and move on. I guess in a way I wanted to get a silly revenge on you. It was ridiculous. I now can see that.“

“I’m glad it didn’t work.” He caressed her cheek “But you didn’t answer my question. How far?”

“You asked me already why I did it. So my turn!”

“Hey! That’s cheating!”

Lillie raised another finger “Did you have any feelings for Min Hee while you were dating her?” Lillie’s eyes drifted away and then back at him and she added the second part of the question nervously “Do you have them now?”

“That’s two questions!” He could also play her game.

“Oh please Jinki, it’s basically the same thing.”

“Min Hee is my friend. She was that before, she was that while we were dating and she is that now. I never felt anything more for her.”

“Friendship is not enough to take someone to bed. I don’t sleep with my friends. Well you are my friend too but…”

“I am attracted to her. She has a nice body.”

“Of course…” Lillie stared at her hands instead of him and Jinki moved his knees making her rise on his lap.

“You are upset.”

“I’m not. I’m really not! She is hot I get it…” She mumbled to herself something else and Jinki frowned.


“Men are all the same. They think with…” she stared at his crotch and Jinki blinked his eyes “you only think with dubulge!”

“I really don’t because if I did, right now you would be sitting over the sink and I would be having with you!”

“Oh…” His comment made her blush deeply and Jinki took that chance to kiss her passionately, the moment heating up a little.

She knew he was right and pushed him away breaking the kiss.

“There are more questions left.”

“Yes!“ he agreed “How far did you go with Dojoon?”

“We didn’t have !”

“I know! Just...did you kiss? Did he touch you? Where? When? How much?”

“Are you sure you are not jealous?” Lillie chuckled amused and Jinki groaned.

“I’m not. I just need to know!”

“We kissed and he touched me over my clothes a little and I took off my top and…”

“He saw your s?” He seemed offended with only that idea. “Saw my Heaven?”

“Yes…he saw and touched.” She answered with a tiny voice and he paled.


“Jinki!” She widened her eyes finding his reaction too over the top “I kissed him too…a real kiss.” She felt that that was a bigger betrayal than Dojoon seeing her s because she really wanted to do it. “A thank you kiss for being sweet to me and sending me home.”

Jinki didn’t say anything but he closed his eyes and she was sure he was counting to ten inside his head.

“How was Min Hee? With her I mean.”

Jinki sighed and rubbed his chest “She is nice, she was nice. We used to talk about music and work often.“ He didn’t tell her everything though, how she wasn’t as fun as Lillie was, how she didn’t make him have random thoughts about how cute or funny she was like Lillie often did. Also lately she turned into a controlling freak which made him insane. His relationship with her would probably have ended even if Lillie didn’t come back.

“I don’t mean that.” Lillie remarked “I mean…intimately…”

“Oh you mean in bed!”

“No…god no…” The last thing she wanted was details about that “I mean...I…” She wanted to know what kind of girlfriend she was instead “I don’t want to know how she was in bed with you or how many times you did it or anything ok?”

She stiffened completely and looked away and Jinki flickered her head making her look at him.

“I’m happy that you don’t but we only slept once anyway so not many details to share.”

“Really?” Why did that make her a little happier?

It still did happen and made her very jealous.

“Not going to lie. It was good but it was Lillie. I told you before. And that night made me confused because…after it I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I felt as if I was cheating on you. It’s silly right?”

“NO!” Not silly at all and she wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him tightly. “Not at all.”

He hugged her back. “I don’t regret it. That experience in my life made me more aware of what I feel for you and how special and unique what we have is.”

She hid her nose in his neck and he hugged more tightly.

“I feel the same about Dojoon and you and Min Hee too…”

Jinki stood up pulling her with him and Lillie sniffed still clutching the towel around her.

“Is this enough? Anything else you want to ask?”

“No. I’m sorry. I’m just a complete mess. But I understand it I truly do and you are right, maybe what happened had a reason to. We stayed apart and got to experience new things and apparently our love didn’t falter at all which must mean something. And with Dojoon too, I finally found out what was wrong with me and my uality.”

He cupped her face and made her look at him “Nothing is wrong with you. I find it very special that you can only have with me.”

“Not only with you, it’s with someone I have a deep emotional connection with.”

“ME!” He said a little more out loud “In the end it’s me! You are special, emotional and with silly thoughts and so much love to give and way stronger than you think. So get into that nightgown and meet me in the bedroom without that towel.”

She stuttered “W-what? How do you know about…the…”

“It’s over the sink. I’m not blind. Put it on.” He kissed her forehead “I bet you will look super y with it and I promise I’ll put out all the fires in you…and me.”


He turned to leave but she grabbed him “I’m going to try and stop thinking about Min Hee. Also I’m ok if you want to be friends. I don’t want to be a controlling girlfriend but I won’t lie and say I’m not jealous of her. However I ask of you to tell me when you meet her, ok? Not knowing makes me feel more insecure.” Lillie bit her lower lip “I don’t want that.”

“We both don’t want that.” Jinki patted Lillies’s head as if she was a little girl which was something he rarely did and she raised an eyebrow “You grew up, you truly did. I like this new honest Lillie.”

“The new honest Lillie also wants you to know something else. Right now I’m extremely insecure about my body because I’m scared you might compare me with someone else.”

Jinki sighed because she was being silly but he knew there was no point scolding her.

“If you compare me with Min Hee and I notice anything I swear I’m going to kick you and there won’t be any for you tonight!”

“Wow!” He didn’t expect that. “I won’t I swear I won’t! Not because I’m scared of not having …although you just terrified me with your threat but because I won’t compare you to anyone else when you are all I want already.”

“You don’t need to be cheesy.” She pushed him to the door of the bathroom. “As long as you behave there will be y time!”

“No! I mean it!” He turned around and grabbed the door before she could push him away “I spent these last months thinking of you, dreaming with the day I would see you again, that you would let me touch you, caress you and kiss you. Do you really think I will care if you are a little fatter or tinier? Damn Lillie, you are all I want…all I dreamed for these last months…” He leaned forward and kissed her lips and Lillie had to gather all her strength to push him away. Soon she would reunite with him in bed.

“It’s the same for me…” She whispered covering her lips with her hand as if that would keep Jinki away “I don’t even know what to say.”

“Say nothing; just come to bed with me with lights on or off, anything! I don’t care anymore…”

Lillie pushed him back and Jinki giggled.

“Lights on tonight and I still need to finish dressing!”

“For me to undress!” He grinned and she closed the door in his face.

“Wait in bed!”


She smiled to herself after his excited answer and then took off the towel.

She was the same as before her conversation with Jinki and yet she felt way better now.

Lillie pulled the nightgown over her head and let it fall over her body. She fixed it on the chest area and took a good look at herself.

She was ready and she was going to give Jinki a night he would never forget.

“I’m ready!” She announced after she opened the bathroom door.

Bummie came out from her bedroom and she passed by the cat and entered the bedroom where Jinki was waiting for her.




Eun Ha tried to call Minho again. He didn’t answer but that didn’t surprise her anymore. Lately it was always like that. She could see him distancing himself from her with each passing day and she knew that it was her fault. She was the one who pushed him away, the one that suddenly wanted more from her life, the one that regretted her actions from the past.

She couldn’t accuse him of being a bad boyfriend because he wasn’t, he was perfect, caring, sweet, so much fun to be around but…He also worked too much, he was good in a world where you needed to break the rules to survive and he would never understand what she was doing.

Lying to someone that was always so honest, so pure was what was pulling them apart.

Eun Ha sat over the black satin sheets feeling them against her body and tried again.

Maybe he was upset with her because that night he asked her out on a date and she lied to him saying she was working. He wasn’t dumb, he knew that it was an excuse, that she had other plans that she placed above seeing him.

“Hi!” His voice made her feel guilty almost immediately and she shivered hugging the sheets against her s. It was as if by only hearing his voice she felt like the sinner she truly was, as if he was judging her in secret when she was sure he didn’t know anything about what she was doing.

“Are you busy?” She asked biting her lower lip. They could be out on a date if she had said yes to him, they could be having . Normal, romantic , made with love.

“No. That was why I asked you on a date. I was going to sleep. Are you out of work? Want to meet?”

She felt guilty again. He was still inviting her out; he still wanted to see her.

“You said you were going to sleep!”

“You said you were busy tonight! I was going to bring you here to the dorm; I realized I never brought you here!”

She didn’t answer and instead brushed her hair away from her neck, the same hair that he loved to comb with his long masculine fingers. Just the memory of his fingers brushing on her skin, going between her legs turned her on.

“What are you doing?” She asked troubled, trying to brush that memory away.

“My noodles…I’m hungry and Jinki is spending the night out. I’m totally alone.”

He was sending her hits. He was alone. They could spend the night together at the dorm.

“I’m sorry…” She couldn’t leave now “Maybe another day…”

“What is wrong Eun Ha?” She heard him breathe deeply on the other side as if he was in pain “You are not the woman I feel in love with anymore. You are avoiding me…I barely recognize you now…”

“Are you an idiot?” She asked aggressively “Why would I be avoiding you? I’m not strange I’m just busy…”

“No. I’ve been thinking about us a lot lately, and after talking with Jinki I think you blame me for losing your job at SM. You hate your new one!”

“I didn’t lose my job because of you! I resigned from it remember?” Her voice raised in intensity “I did it for us, my decision! And stop talking with that silly hyung of yours as if he knows everything!”

“Hey…see you are even offending Jinki now! You were always so polite so…”

“So stupid and innocent? “

“Eun Ha…”

She regretted the words immediately because she knew she was inflicting him pain and she didn’t mean them after all.

“I’m sorry Minho, forget what I just said!”

“No. I can’t forget it, because something is wrong right now and I need to know or I won’t be able to save us Eun Ha…and I still do want to.”

Not for much longer and she knew it. The love he felt for her was like a flower that she didn’t treat for days, which she didn’t water enough. It was slowly dying.

“I must go. I need to work.” She turned off the call without saying goodbye and placed the cellphone on the bedside table. She didn’t lie to him; she was working, in the end that was work.

A manly hand caressed her shoulder and she turned her head to look at Senior Go, the man she spent the night with.

He kissed her shoulder and then pushed her down on the bed again, taking the sheets away from her body.

“Yes Eun Ha…you must work…on me like you did just now…” He whispered against her ear kissing her down to her s.

She didn’t move closing her eyes. Even though she felt pain for hurting Minho she enjoyed it.

She didn’t feel disgusted at all with what she was doing; with the fact that she accepted to sign that contract with him and that she was now his mistress.

He took her out for dinner in a fancy restaurant where she ate food she never dreamed to eat before then he took her to that hotel room and treated her like a princess. The was good too and the money he would give to her not to mention how that would help her climb inside the company was a bonus. She wasn’t a e; she was working and having pleasure.

He hovered over her and Eun ha kissed his lips pulling him to her closing her eyes shut.

Event though she didn’t feel bad when it came to having with that man she felt bad cheating on Minho. Soon she needed to tell him the truth, she needed to let him go but she knew it would hurt him deeply so she was doing everything for him to let her go instead.


On a strange street, we resemble each other so much
This city of luck that sent you to me





Sorry it took a long time.

I hope you can still enjoy it.

Ps: Yes something did happen with Rin and Jjong and you will know soon.



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I forgot to say after chapter 18 but this chapter was dedicated to our Kibum! Please support his solo album! <3


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Chapter 36: Yay girls night!
Why does it seem minseo is scared because taemin is acting more loving toward her? Like it’s a bad thing. Oh. Is it a bad thing? No right?? Bc he loves her. Maybe feels guilty for meeting w Melody?

Hello jongie, I missed you ^^
Did he tell them already??
The suspense!! Haha. Ok it’s not Lillie.
Omg minseo??? Maybeeee
I’d love for it to be Rin tbh. The baby will still be healthy if she didn’t know and drank early in the pregnancy. But they would probably be super worried if it was Rin.
Hm I didn’t picture Jules with kids either but if it was with Kibum I think she would warm up to it. And they don’t have to rush in figuring it all out. Babies and marriage can just come if they are ready. I like that Jules is sure she needs marriage to be forever. She seems like such a free spirit but doesn’t take marriage lightly. I love their relationship.

Holy crap is it really minseo??
OMG RIA???? Haha jonghyun thinking Mr eye smile is Jinki.

Ok let’s get some stuff straightened out with Taemin please lol.
Am I weird bc I like that they are arguing lol. Sort of arguing. Well they’re talking honestly finally. Wait no they’re breaking up =[
What. I thought they would talk and work it out! I guess I was wrong. But I’m hoping for the best for minseo. She can’t catch a break =\

Do joon. Ah my do joon. I still really like him haha. He’ll be a cute dad who is learning day by day.

Ah what a fun chapter! Every couple in different stages of relationships.
Chapter 35: I have no idea what has been happening in this story lately but I suddenly missed your characters so here I am.
Ahh we are starting w Minho! Hehe. Omg I love sodam. She’s provoking him to tell the truth >_<
YAAAAAA a real kiss!! Minho is in trouble now. He can’t run away.. right??
Omg Minho just confessing his love like that.
I cry they’re finally together!!

Jinki and Lillie are so cute I can’t stand it haha. Car stuff.. brings back memories of my early relationship LOL.

I almost forgot who jimin is. I do remember I don’t trust her either lol. I’m always on Jules side hehe.

Hm.. Minhee.. why is she still there lol.

Ah thats the end. But yay I’m not caught up and I have more to read.

I’ve missed you Lili!! It so hard to keep up with anything on my phone while doing life stuff lol.
2026 streak #3
Chapter 15: Minho and Taemin's interaction was nice and it was for the best that Taemin stopped Minho from talking to Minseok. That was a smart move. Also, Kibum was the best at reading the people and handling things that way. I'm not sure if it's good thing for that friend to have her attention in this way. Nonetheless, they are just extras in the story. So I know I shouldn't care much. And for Lillie and Jinki, they were cute. Their date at the baseball and everything. Talking about Lillie, one can't be that clueless. Even I, who haven't been to Korea even once know the meaning of "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" slang. So it's kinda too unnatural that she didn't know of it even after living there for years. Only that part I kinda couldn't agree with. And talking of the slang, at least Will had the decency of retreating like a gentleman, even though his initial approach was anything but being a gentleman. Also, her manager . That guy is creepy as hell. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 14: Kibum and Taemin trying to cheer up Minho like that was the sweetest! Also, Jonghyun's a cute brother, being worried about his sister like that. And Jules is coming back soon? Yay!! Also, what's up with that Half-Korean guy from Sweden. He was kinda hitting on her, wasn't he? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 13: Aw poor Minho! I mean I really can't accept what Eunha did and I'm not even Minho biased. Her doing whatever it takes to climb up the ladder is, although I don't support it, still all her personal belief. But cheating on your boyfriend for it is a totally different thing. No excuses at all for it. Her breaking up with him directly would probably have hurt him less than this. Anyway, you living out your kinks through Jinki and Lillie though! I'm starting to have no words to comment on the bunnies anymore. And I miss Jules for some reason. I will be back later to read more!
2026 streak #6
Chapter 12: you might probably come and finish me for saying this, somehow I'm starting to ship and root for Taemin and Minseo more than the main pair. lol... These two are simply so cute. Taemin's and Kibum's interaction was kinda funny. and Do Joon annoying Jinki is totally another story. here's just me hoping he wouldn't end up buried under somewhere with the extreme of his jokes. lol. Also, i'm glad Minho is finally doubting about Eunha and that Jonghyun was with him when it happened. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 11: I'm glad Taemin and Minseo are finally getting somewhere. Hopefully they get to resolve them soon. They are cute together. I don't know what happened between Jonghyun and Rin but I think it's good that they made up? I know I'm here because of Jinki and Lillie but these days it's the other couples I'm here more for I think. LoL... Guess I enjoy drama more than lovey-dovey/spicy romance. And Bummie curled up on Jules sweater because he missed her is so cute. Last but not least, Eunha is really something. I mean whatever kinks she has, it's totally up to her but cheating is a whole different thing. Can't justify it for any reason/cause. Anyway, I will be back later to read more.
2026 streak #8
Chapter 10: There were to many cute moments in this chapter indeed... Lillie and Jinki were cute and hornby too. LoL... And Jules and Key finally resolved their misunderstanding. And Kibummie is sooo cute. Hopefully he(?) soon develops a bond with Jules soon. I mean she's already jealous that he got along well with Lillie and Jinki but not her. Also, Do Joon is funny. I mean him teasing her like that even in front of Jinki is kinda ask for a death wish. LoL... Also, wonder how things are gonna go better Taemin and Minseo. And I don't know how I feel about Eunha. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 9: First of all, I'm glad they are back together finally. But I'm worried about your a/n. What do you mean by little bumps? NVM, no spoilers please... and although I'm unsure of the method Kibum decided to take to console Jules. Can't wait to see how that goes. Hopefully not bad. Also, Minseo should start being to herself about her feelings even though I understand where she's coming from. And whoa! Definitely wasn't expecting that turn of events for Eun Ha and that ert senior. Not sure if I should feel relieved that he was being honest and also sincere about what he's expecting. Anyway, so much happened. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 8: Jules and Key fighting like that... I really hope things would get better between them soon. Main Lillie should intervene or something like she was thinking. And whoa! Dojoon and Lillie went beyond what I expected but the turn of the events later wasn't expected either. Jonghyun and Jinki were being cute together as well. And when Lillie pulled the reverse Uno card on Minseo, I laughed a bit. Also, Eunha should really do something about that creepy sunbae. I mean that's definitely not a message a rational person/friend would send. Kinda sent me shivers while reading it. I wasn't expecting Jinki's mother to react like that to Lillie being back in Korea. I mean she saw firsthand how much Jinki suffered when Lillie broke off with him. So if kinda came as a surprise. Anyway, I'm glad that they got back together finally after all that drama. Also, the cartoon pic at the end of the chapter is cute. But the red scarf kinda reminds of the drama Goblin. LoL... I will be back later to read more ^^