10. Love Sick

Marrying an Idol

I still hurt when I see you
Love grows deeper, it’s crazy
I need a doctor
Or spill it on my lips
That sweet syrup called you

Love Sick (SHINee)


“Why is that cat here?” she asked.

“It’s yours! It’s my apology!” he answered.


“What the hell?!” Jules turned around and entered the living room. Kibum followed after her still holding the small animal.

“Its supposed to make you happy not upset.”

“I’m not upset. I just don’t get it.”

“It’s for you to raise. I call him Bummie. It’s supposed to be me!” He grabbed the cat in the air and placed it beside his face while he smiled.

That actually made Jules laugh. They did seem similar.

“I prefer to call him Pabo instead!”


Jules sat on the couch and Kibum followed her sitting beside her with the black ball of fur on his lap.

“I don’t get it Kibum. I mean…I don’t even like pets that much. The only pet I ever had was a gold fish called Bait.” She eyed the cat suspiciously “My cousin had a cat. He would attack me everytime I visited her. He would use his deadly claws to climb over my legs.” The memory made her shiver.

“Oh but this one is nice!” Kibum caressed the cat’s head.

“I have a pet already too. Lillie!”

Kibum chuckled “But this one is special. You can raise him as if it’s me. It’s Bummie!”


Kibum pouted a little seeming hurt.

“I still don’t get it.”

“When you miss me or I make something to upset you, you can talk with him as if it’s me. I know that I am a workaholic and that sometimes I’m not the most romantic but I do think about you many times a day and I love you Juliette. I do very much.”

She wasn’t sure where to look anymore feeling too embarrassed with his confession. He made her a total fool in love and worse he was even making her like her awful cheesy name.

“Sometimes just because a person doesn’t show it, it doesn’t mean that they don’t feel it. Sometimes the small gestures are the true signs of love.” He placed the cat on the couch between them and Jules moved slightly away eyeing the creature.

“Small gestures like when I cook for you something new that I think you might like, or when you come to my place and offer me a glass of wine when I arrive home, or when I ran my fingers in your hair or….when we kiss.”

“I don’t understand you sometimes and….”

“It doesn’t matter. You also don’t understand this cat and you will learn to love him I’m sure. Are you willing to accept me despite not understanding parts of me?”

“Y-yes of course. It’s just for the first time I truly felt insecure and not appreciated. It was as if you were taking me granted! It’s ridiculous right?! I mean you are…amazing!”

“I am!” His cocky smile that she loved made her laugh.

“Will you accept Bummie too?”

“I’ll try!”

“Also I promise you that I will be a little more romantic as long as you lower your expectations of me.”

“Once a week?”

“Once a month! I’m a busy man!”


“A special romantic moment once a month! Whenever you aren’t expecting it to happen!”

He raised his pinky and she tangled hers with his.


Kibum pulled her to him and kissed her quickly on the lips. It seemed too weak and short after the days he wasn’t able to kiss her so he pulled her again by her elbow and this time kissed her longer and more passionately. Jules didn’t move away answering to the kiss caressing his leg over his pants in a sweet intimate gesture.

“Giving you this cat…” Kibum whispered near her lips, his eyes on her while he his own “Can count for this month right?”

“What?! No way….” She was going to complain more when both realized at the same time that they were too close in the couch which meant that the little ball of fur wasn’t there anymore.

“Where is the little creature?” Jules asked standing up from the couch to peek over the furniture.

Kibum did the opposite peeking under the table “Bummie?” He called. She did the same calling it Pabo which made Kibum roll his eyes but he didn’t say anything.

“YOU IDIOT!” Jules groaned eyeing Kibum that was on the other side of the table “You brought a demoniac creature inside my house and now we lost it!”

“It’s a kitty Juliette….”

“It’s a cat….with big claws that can destroy my clothes and the couch and everything!” She freaked out and Kibum watched her amused.

He was going to suggest searching for it in the kitchen when they heard a faint meow.

Jules was the first one to react and both followed it to Lillie’s bedroom. The door was open so no wonder the cat entered it and was now curled in a ball lying over Lillie’s bed ready to sleep beside her soft toys that Jinki gave her.

“Ow cute!” Kibum said caressing Jules shoulder “Isn’t Bummie the cutest?”

Jules didn’t want to admit it but the devil creature actually looked cute, yawning a bit and curling even more so they could barely see it, the cat’s cute ears showing from behind the bunny soft toy.

“I guess he will like Lillie more than me.” Jules remarked actually feeling a little disappointed.

“Well you said she is a pet so makes sense.” Kibum back hugged Jules and she nodded before closing her eyes and tilting it to one side so her boyfriend could kiss her neck.

“I still have a few minutes before going to my next schedule.” His comment made Jules turn around and push him back.

“Couch now!”

He giggled letting her pull him back to the living room.

However both their smiles faded when they entered the room and saw the bags.

Yes they were ok with each other but still she was traveling.

“I need to visit my parents. I don’t do it in...”

He didn’t let her finish, kissing her, cupping her face, inhaling her scent.

“I know how it feels to miss your parents so much as if you have a hole inside your chest.”

His comment made her swallow hard. Of course he knew. He sacrificed so much to become a singer and sometimes she was so selfish to ask him to place work in second place when he did so much to become what he was today.

“Go and come back. I’ll be waiting and I’ll use this two weeks to prepare something for you.”

“Not another pet please!”

“Should I dress up as a kitty next time and do aegyo?!” He asked cutely and Jules pushed him away aggressively.

“If you do that we are truly breaking up!”

He laughed with her answer but quickly grabbed her by her waist and pushed her down on the couch settling over her.

They kissed for a while with Jules softly against his lips until he broke the kiss.

“Wait who is going to take care of Bummie if you aren’t around?”



A pet taking care of a pet.

Well she did help Kibum with his dogs before but still.

“I told her she could invite Jinki to stay here so he can help too.”

“Oh no!”

That wasn’t a good idea.






Lillie was coming back from the pharmacy distracted, her body in automatic mode, her legs taking her back home; when someone grabbed her arm making her almost hit him with her bag.

“It’s me!” Jinki said quickly raising his hood so she could see his eyes better. 

“What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean what I’m doing here?! I came to see you.”

“Aren’t you working?!”

“I have practice but it’s later so we can have fun together.” He leaned forward pulling his hood away, under it he had one of his Trenta beanies that she loved.

“Oh. I still have mine, the one you gave me.”

“Go pick one. We will have matching beanies!”

That made her happy as he knew it would and she turned around to run back home to change when she realized she had no idea what they were going to do so therefore she had no idea what to wear.

He sensed her uneasiness. “We can go for a drive like we used to do.”

“Bubble tea and coffee?”

“And kissing…” He grinned only with the memories and she smiled back at him before she ran to the door of her building that was a few meters away. Jinki leaned against his car and waited for her while he checked his phone.

The SHINee chat he had with the others was normal very quiet and yet that night he had several notifications from it.

Kibum posted a pic of a kitty in it and asked if it looked like him. It was a few hours ago but Jonghyun answered already saying that the cat lacked Kibum’s aristocratic feeling. Minho asked why should the cat look like Kibum. And they bickered for a while, both teasing Kibum.

Jinki could join the teasing but that night he felt like being nice and typed on the screen of his phone and answered with “It’s just like you Bummie!”

It actually was!

The cat had the same innocent and cute side Kibum had sometimes and yet it gave a confident seductive aura.

“You won’t believe this!” Lillie said panting after she ran back to him.

He watched her appreciatively checking what she was wearing. Blue jeans, red sneakers and a big sweater, a dark blue jacket and of course the beanie that matched his. With her hair shorter it looked even cuter on her and he could see her ears peeking from under it.

“I forgot to tell you before but Kibum is inside with Jules and he gave her…” Lillie made a pause for suspense and Jinki looked at his phone and back at her.

“A cat?”

It made sense to him. He gave her a cat that looked like him. Jinki would totally do that too for Lillie. However a puppy would fit her more. A cute frisky and smart brown puppy?! He tilted his head thinking.

“Wait what? How do you know?!”

He raised his phone and showed it to her and she grabbed his hand to peek at the chat.

“Oh you have a chat…How much should I pay to get in it?”

Jinki took his hand away and she followed the moment as if the phone was a treat and she was a dog “Ya! It’s for men only. Its business related!”

Lillie frowned cutely and he realized she was teasing him only.

“Shawols would do anything to have a little peek at what you men talk about!”

He softly pushed her in the direction of the passenger’s seat door. “Not much, music, work, schedules and women mostly….”

She turned around but he quickly opened the door for her. She didn’t enter and stared at him instead.

“Do you talk about women…you mean me too?”

“Well sometimes. Not in the chat because that’s work related.”

“Cats that look like Kibum is not work related and you just said you talked about women.”

“Aigo!”  He pushed her but she grabbed the door of the car and resisted.

“So you talk about girl group’s members? Like if they are hot or something…”

Jinki nudged her to enter but she didn’t eyeing him suspiciously.

“Don’t you also admire other guy’s bodies?” He asked knowing that she had a poster of Taemin shirtless, not to mention all the pictures with Minho’s and Jonghyun’s abs. Maybe he should take a picture and make a poster only for her….he should do that!

“So you do look at their bodies!” Lillie seemed upset and Jinki leaned forward and kissed her. She did kiss him back and pushed him away softly. Kissing in the middle of the street wasn’t wise.

That did work though since she let him push her inside the car.

“Even if I look and comment about other girls bodies, at the end of the day yours is the only one I want.”

He grinned and event though she closed the door of his car on his face he could see how her cheeks blushed. She liked the comment.

Lee Jinki scored once again.

He was getting good at it.






It was a calm night. They drank their coffee already and were now outside siting over an old blanket, he had inside the trunk of his car, in the middle of the trees, in a park beside a secondary road with not much traffic. Jinki wasn’t even sure where they were exactly but it didn’t matter. They were alone under the stars and even though it was a bit cold they were together and that was what mattered.

He was laying on the blanket with his head over her lap eyeing the sky for stars but sadly there were still too many lights for them to see them clearly. Once winter ended he was going to take her to their star gazing place. He couldn’t wait to take her there, to make love with her under the stars like they promised each other.

Lillie was checking her phone now, after they spent a good hour talking about nonsense.

“Are you back to work tomorrow?” It was Monday so of course she was back to work.

Her fingers hesitated before she touched the screen of her phone and he noticed it.


He swallowed slowly both thinking the same. She would see Dojoon again. She would see him again after she almost slept with him.

She waited for him to say more, maybe act jealous but he didn’t, instead he sat up and grabbed her wrist surprising her a little.

“Let’s make out!”


“I want to make out!” He said it like a kid making a request for another piece of cake or a new toy.


He looked around. They were completely alone in the middle of the trees. Yes his car was near and the road too but no one could see them since they were blocked from the road view.

“Yes here.” As a cue he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down over the blanket. Lillie didn’t react lying down and she barely had time to move her phone away before he leaned over kissing her passionately.

She closed her eyes immediately kissing him back wrapping her free arm around his neck. He didn’t seem to want to stop and after a while she was struggling to breathe so she pulled at his sweater begging him to stop the attack.

Once he moved away kissing her cheek instead she was able to talk “Ok….that was…”

He raised an eyebrow.

“I wasn’t expecting it!” She placed her phone between them and he frowned.

“What are you doing?”

They were supposed to be making out he was supposed to be kissing her lips that belonged to him not her boss. Jinki bit his lower lip feeling upset by only thinking about it, by only remembering the way Dojoon kissed her at Kibum’s birthday party.

He tasted her. He shouldn’t. Jinki was the only one who should know how it feels to kiss her.

Her lips were Lee Jinki’s property.

“Look!” Lillie smiled widely, ignoring his worries and turned the phone to Jinki that laid by her side grabbing it on his hand.

“What’s this? Is it my ring?”

Lillie laid on her side turning to him “Shawols are posting it on our chat and commenting it. They know you are wearing the ring already!”

“Wow they are fast. I only went to one event earlier today and they caught it so fast.”

“We are Sherlock’s! Sherlock’s!” Lillie laughed heartily and he smiled with her. He loved to see her happy. It was magical but seeing her smile made him smile automatically.  “But more importantly.” She continued “They know we are together!”

She blushed slightly hugging the phone against her chest, her eyes on his. “They are saying that Jinki is back with his girlfriend. They even commented how happy you looked today at the recording.”

He caressed her cheek, suddenly forgetting all the anger and crazy jealousy he was feeling seconds before. It didn’t matter at the moment. She was there with him, she was his and she was grinning like a fool only because of that.

“I am happy. I’m really, really happy!”

“I’m going to make a cute fanart once I reach home.” Lillie said eyeing the ski distracted “Maybe us meeting again… I wonder what…AH!” She raised her finger in the air “Maybe when we saw each other at the elevator. But without all the crying.”

She hummed to herself happily and he leaned forward kissing her, his fingers tracing the skin of her neck and down to her collar bones.

He made her cry that day and probably the others that followed when she thought that they were definitely over and he forgot her.

He never did though. It was never over. Because none of them wanted it to be over. Something that felt so good like that, something that made them better didn’t deserve to end.

 He broke the kiss and inhaled the scent of her neck, kissing her and her skin, leaving his mark.

She complained cutely grasping his shoulder but didn’t pull him away as if she also wanted it. She probably did since she didn’t scold him when he moved away to watch his work with a satisfied expression. Instead she pulled him down to her lips kissing him again, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Let’s make out.” She whispered against his lips stealing quick kisses from him.

He didn’t object to it but this time kissed her slower, taking his time, caressing her under him while he kissed her. Once in a while, he opened his eyes to look at her, just to find her opening hers too, as if both wanted to check that they weren’t only imagining it or dreaming with that moment.

When you dream of something for such a long time, when you think it won’t happen again; once it does happen it’s hard to believe it’s real. 






Minho back hugged Eun Ha cutely and almost pulled her from the floor with the intensity. She didn’t react much and instead struggled to place her phone inside her bag.

He released her, watching Eun Ha with a huge smile that slowly faded since she wasn’t reacting like he expected.

“I’m sorry I’m late!” She was probably upset since he didn’t arrive in time to their date. “You know how it’s hard to be on time with a schedule like mine.”

She didn’t answer and instead looked at him, her mind elsewhere.

Lately it was always like that but since the previous day she was acting a lot more different on the phone and that was the main reason he asked to meet her that day.

“Is everything ok?”

“Ah What?” It was as if she suddenly woke up and realized he was there in front of her.

“You seem out of it. Are you ok?”

“I’m fine! Perfectly fine. I just have a lot in my mind.”

“A lot?” he frowned and she hugged her bag against her.

“Where are we going?”

“Have dinner?! I’m so famished. I parked my car close by.” He turned around but she didn’t follow after him.

“I had dinner already.”

“Really? Didn’t you leave work just now?”

“I ate there. One of our seniors gave us food.”

Minho didn’t say anything but he didn’t like it at all. Lately she kept talking about her seniors when he knew that it was one in special that kept calling her and buying her food all the time.

He didn’t say anything but Eun Ha knew he was upset.

“I think we decided to eat dinner together.”

“We did but you are late like I knew you would be so I ate already.”

It’s easier to hurt the other than admit the truth to yourself.

“Great. So I will eat alone? Is that it?”

“No…” She was going to say more but her phone rang so she searched it inside her bag making him cross his arms over his chest upset.

He still waited patiently while she picked up her phone from her bag.

“Who is it? Your senior?”

Eun Ha didn’t answer but eyed the id of the caller. “I need to pick it up!”

“Of course you do and I need to eat dinner!” He turned around and walked away.

She hesitated for a while eyeing her phone.

Senior Oh was texting her all day asking her what was her decision about his proposal to her, other times sending her more obscene messages that even though she didn’t reply she didn’t delete either.

In a way, in a scary way, it turned her on to receive things like that from a man.


Minho was halfway to his car and Eun Ha threw her phone inside her bag and followed after him grabbing his arm.

She was expecting him to argue with her but he wrapped an arm protectively around her shoulders instead and smiled sweetly at her.

“You know what? I’m not that hungry after all. Maybe we can go and eat a piece of that delicious cake we ate before. Remember?”

She felt awful, she felt like the lowest person on Earth. There she was omitting things from him, reading messages from another man that made her have impure thoughts and he was all the time placing her in front of his needs.

“Actually I barely ate at dinner. Let’s go eat something good together!”







 “You gave me a huge hickey!” Lillie sat back on her bed so she could keep drawing on her sketch book while she spoke to Jinki on the phone.

They were together not long ago and yet he still called her before going to sleep and of course she waited even though it was really late.

“Are you upset?”  he asked showing zero regret.

Lillie touched her neck on the place she knew that the hickey was. “No. I kinda like it.”

There was something sweet about it and the way he kissed her that night. It was passionate and sweet and she knew why. They didn’t make out in a long time and there was this undeniable thirst between them. The way he looked at her that night with passion in his eyes made her completely smitten and she didn’t care that his lips were more demanding than usual, that his hand was under her sweater groping her or that the movements of his body against hers wasn’t innocent at all. She loved every moment of it, kissing him passionately back.

Even though he seemed he didn’t try anything with her – he couldn’t anyway since they were out in the open – instead he was the sweetest caressing and kissing her as if she was the most special person in the world. He truly made her feel like that.

“Good, I’ll do more next time.”

Lillie grabbed her pencil and rotated it while she spoke.

“You know, since Jules is going back home for two weeks the house will be empty with me and Bummie….” It took him a while to remember that it wasn’t really Kibum but the cat “and I was thinking – well Jules suggested…maybe you could…”

Yes!” He answered immediately making her stop rotating the pencil she had in her hand, a trick she learned from him.

“Do you even know what I’m going to ask?”

“Yes I’ll move in with you for two weeks….yes…” He did seem very happy about it and clearly he has been thinking about it before.

“You know that living here means cleaning the house too…” She joked knowing that she would never ask him to clean when he was probably only going to sleep at the apartment and not much more since he was busy.

“I’ll cook instead.”

“WHAT? I don’t want to have food poisoning!”

“No. I mean it!” He did seem serious and she frowned “I’m cooking a lot more lately; I’m becoming interested in it.”

She laughed thinking he was still joking but he kept insisting telling her what kind of dishes he tried doing already.

That information surprised her. More than that, it made her a little uncomfortable and she didn’t know exactly why.

“So we can cook and do the cleaning together!” He seemed so excited “And after that we can….” His voice lowered to a very deep y tone “we can have !”

“Sounds great!” She said a little more fakely now wondering why her mood changed so suddenly and why she was so nervous about being with him for two weeks alone now. It wasn’t as if he would be around her the whole day, he would be working most of the time but, at night, when it came to sleep, it would be in her bed. In her small bed.

“I really can’t wait!” He mumbled like an excited kid “I want to kiss you, hug you and love you!”

“ert!” She joked trying to shake her bad feelings away.

“No! I’m not! I told you I want to see your body!!”

“Anyway about that song you were going to record.” She was changing subjects and he let her “When is it out?”

“Next year. It’s practically done.”

Jinki cleared his throat and sang a little of the chorus. It sounded so much like a lullaby that she was thinking of asking him to make a solo version only for her.

“It’s beautiful!”

“Actually I’m writing some songs now too. Well trying to. It’s so noisy here sometimes.”


“Yes. I’m trying really hard and maybe I can write at your place. I’m sure it will be quieter during the day!”

Does that mean that he was going solo and didn’t tell her yet?!

“SOLO ALBUM?” She screamed on the phone probably scaring him on the other side.

“No. Well not yet. But I’m thinking….im planning. There are already some ideas of what I want to do but I don’t want to rush. “

It was important to him and he probably wanted it to be perfect. “I’m sure it’s going to be perfect!”

She said it honestly although her chest was heavy.

Her Lee Jinki was the same and yet he felt different.

He was working out, he cooked, he had different hobbies now – fishing - that he mentioned to her earlier that day when they were talking and he was even writing and planning a solo album.

It wasn’t only his body that changed after all and now she was scared. He did change and yet she was the same, she felt the same and maybe her old self wouldn’t be fit of his new him.

“Lillie?” He probably sensed her uneasiness “Are you drawing? You said you were going to.”

She moved her eyes on the sketch she made. She was in chibi mode peeking from inside the elevator with a huge smile and a traveling bag beside her.

Lee Jinki chibi was outside with heart eyes looking at her, also delighted to see her.

It was how it should have been when they saw each other for the first time after she was back.

It didn’t but he did look at her like that a lot like that since they were back together.

“Are you thinking about it more seriously now?” He asked making her wonder what he meant “I mean drawing! You are good!”

“I don’t know. Maybe! I don’t like teaching as much as I did before and now I’m working in something completely different. So I think that maybe…it makes me want to dream more.”

“I’m happy!” He should be. It was all thanks to him, thanks to the way he saw and looked at her. “I’m really proud of you!”

Hopefully he would keep looking at her like that with heart eyes.

Lillie used a red pencil to color the hearts in his eyes the best she could.

In the end it all came to her and her efforts to make him keep looking at her like that.







Eun Ha waited for Minho to go to the bathroom so she could check her phone. Like she suspected she had a new text from Senior Oh.

If we were together right now you would be inside a bathtub waiting for me with a glass of champagne on your hand.

She watched Minho walking back to her with a sweet smile representing the love and all the sweet things she ever wanted in her life and yet her eyes moved to her phone where a new message was there.

I would the champagne of your body; watch it fall between your legs. Bet it would taste exquisite since you would be my most special mistress.

Minho sat in front of her and grabbed his bottle of beer. “Oh I’m so full. I think I ate too much. I was supposed to start eating less. I have a diet to start.”

Eun Ha normally complained about his diets but that time she didn’t, she eyed him weirdly and Minho raised his eyebrows curious.

“If I asked you something would you do it?” She requested hiding her phone under the table, grasping it.

“What do you want to ask?”

“Can you start writing dirty messages to me and sending them during the day?”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s just….it…” She blushed a little and he grinned.

“It turns you on?”

Yes. That was the only reason. She was when it came to ting. She liked it. That was the solo reason she looked forward to Senior Oh texts.


“Ok. I can do that. We can play that game!”

“You can be a little obscene sometimes I don’t mind.”

“Obscene?” he asked innocently.

“Yes like…call me names and all. Call me mistress!”

“I’m not sure I can do that.”

“Please!” She asked so eagerly that for a moment Minho wondered that she was truly asking him about a fantasy of hers or instead was asking for something way more important.

“I’ll try.” He answered soulless watching Eun Ha while she drank her glass of beer.

She looked the same in his eyes and yet he couldn’t recognize the woman he loved anymore.








Lillie probably changed clothes ten times that morning but in the end she realized that no outfit in the world would change the way she wouldn’t be able to look at her boss and friend’s face.

She opened the door and peeked inside. Normally Dojoon would arrive later than her so she sighed of relief confirming that the office was silent.

She let the door open for possible clients and then walked to her desk where she placed her bag. She was taking her coat off when strong hands grabbed her shoulders.

Lillie scream made Dojoon cover his ears while he looked at her in pain.

“Oh my God you scared me!”

He did seem more scared than her though.

She exasperated moved away from his hold and stumbled to hide behind her chair and turn on the laptop at the same time.

He watched her crossing his arms over his chest amused with her reaction and how her cheeks were red of embarrassment.

“Are you blushing because I touched you?” He asked raising his hands making her peek at him from under her short hair that she let fall on her eyes. “My manly y hands touched you Lillie!”

“NO IM NOT BLUSHING!” She answered immediately. “And what y hands pff…” He did have y hands with long fingers though, so different from Jinki ‘s cute ones.  “I prefer cute!”

He rose an eyebrow “Are you reacting like this all nervous because I d your s last Friday? Because I saw you half ?”

Lillie raised her hand and pushed Dojoon away making him complain since she hit his chin. “No. Of course not! We are pals! Like Bros!”

She sat on her chair hiding behind the laptop pretending to be working and he chuckled rubbing his chin.

“You barely looked at me or you would have noticed the big bruise your boyfriend gave me.”

“What?!” She completely forgot about that. The comment seemed to work since she looked at him clearly this time.

Indeed, Dojoon cheek was a little bruised and she felt bad. “I’m sorry!”

“Well I deserved it. I provoked him and he was right to hit me. I would too if a guy came and started to be disrespectful to the girl I love.”

That made her smile happily and she blushed more this time for a completely different reason. It pleased him.

“He loves me.”

“Yes he does. I told you he did but you never trusted me.”

“I’m sorry. I really am, about that and...” She raised her finger to point at his cheek “And that!”

“He is strong and he is a good guy!”

“He is wonderful!”

Dojoon placed his hands on her desk and leaned forward making Lillie nervous.

She hugged and kissed that man in front of her, she even tried to have with him. Somehow his presence felt different now.

“You can relax. It’s the same between us.”

He was going to turn when she grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

“Thank you. For what you did for me all this time. For helping me try to get over Jinki and finally get back together with him.”

“Are you happy now?”


“Good. I only want happy employees here.” He hit the desk a little awkwardly and she smiled realizing that he was also a little embarrassed with the situation.

“You only have me though!”

“Yes. I only have you!”

“I mean working here!” She corrected eyeing him suspiciously.

“That’s what I meant!” He patted her head “don’t worry I don’t have a crush on you! Now get back to work!”

He turned and walked back to his office closing the door after him and sat on his chair.

There was a reason he came early to work. He knew she would feel awkward meeting him and he tried to think of the right words to tell her so things would get back to what they were before they decided to “date”. However he completely forgot everything when he was in front of her.

He didn’t love her and yet he did have a slight crush on Lillie. The thought made him smile.

She was like a cute pet you take care for a friend for a few weeks and once the friend comes back to pick it up you want it to stay a bit longer because you know you will miss its company, because you grew to like that creature in your life.

However you can’t help but give it back since the pet is completely delighted to be back with its owner.

Onew was the true owner, the one who could make her happy, so he did the right thing giving her back.

Dojoon was a good guy!

Dojoon leaned forward on his chair ready to get back to work when he heard her humming a familiar song.

In your eyes of course.

Without much thought he hummed with her.






Lillie yawned, her tired eyes on the screen while she typed an answer to an email. She probably should regret how late she went to sleep the previous night talking with Jinki on the phone but she didn’t at all. They didn’t do that in such a long time and they talked about everything. It made her happy just to remember it. Also she felt that she had to catch up, that she had to learn about the news things he liked, the things that changed in his life and in who he was.

She was lost in thought when the door of the office opened.

“Oh Welcome…” Her smile faded when she saw Jinki in front of her. He took off the mask he was wearing and smiled at her sweetly.


She did seem surprised but not in the way he expected.

“What are you doing here?” she seemed to panic a little her eyes moving form him to the door of her bosses’ office.

“I came to pick up my girlfriend!” It sounded obvious to him but she looked surprised.

“You rarely picked me up from work before.”

“Well you used to work at a place with so many people and well that was before.”

He moved his feet cutely and looked around him at the place she spent now many of her daily hours.

“How did you even know the address?”

“Naver!” He answered simply, smiling when he noticed the mug with his face on her desk and the SHINee calendar beside it marked with SHINee schedules and some work related ones.

“Ok but...” She wasn’t sure how to tell him that it wasn’t wise to be there, not when the man he punched was on the room next door.

“But it’s not time for her to leave yet.” Dojoon helped out from the door of his office.

Jinki smile faded immediately and Lillie shivered suddenly remembering the way both men looked at each other during Kibum’s party. She stood up from her chair immediately.

“It’s good to see you!” Dojoon said politely and Jinki bowed to him “But she isn’t free to go yet.”

“He is right!” She managed to say “I still have two hours of work ahead.”

“No problem!” Jinki good mood seemed to be back and he nodded “I have time. I can wait!” He didn’t even let his words settle in and pulled a chair to the front of her desk before he plopped himself on it, pulling his hood over his head and placing his arms on the desk, head over them looking at Lillie. “I’ll stay here very silently. You won’t even notice I am here!”

Lillie didn’t say anything but she moved her eyes to Dojoon that raised his thumb up and disappeared inside his office.

Lillie sat back on her chair and Jinki grinned at her playing with his cute fingers on the table as if he was a kid.

It was funny how he could be such a cute thing and others he was the man that made her melt in love, a y tease.

She tried to focus her attention on the emails she was sending before he came but she couldn’t when he started touching the things in her desk before settling with her mug.

She peeked at him a few times receiving a huge beautiful smile for him every time and even though that was cute she couldn’t be natural, too self-conscious of the way he was looking at her.

“Can you stop please?” She asked suddenly and he placed the mug on the desk again.

“Not that…the way you are looking at me.” She did want him to look at her with heart eyes but that was a bit too much.

“You are beautiful and I missed looking at you.”

“I know but…” She couldn’t tell him to stop when he was looking at her as if she was the last piece of chicken in the whole world.

Beautiful…..her cheeks moved upwards involuntarily.

“Just…” She giggled because her body wasn’t helping her out, her heart beating faster. “Can’t you wait for me at home or come back later?! Maybe you can go buy dinner.”

He shook his head “No. I prefer to stay here. I spent months away from you and I don’t want to waste any second. Besides we can get dinner later together.”

His comment made her look away and even though she didn’t say anything and her eyes were on the screen of the laptop he knew she wasn’t paying any attention to it. He could almost hear her heart beating faster. His words made her all smitten and he was once again scoring.

He felt as if he truly needed to score to make it up for how much she cried before.

However that wasn’t the true reason he said that. It was true yes that he missed her and that he didn’t want to waste any second away from her but it was also true he was there for a totally different reason. He didn’t want to admit it but he was jealous. Jealous of that man that could be beside her all the time, that hugged her when she cried because of him.

Lillie tucked her hair behind her ears and then her lips probably trying to calm herself down.

She asked Dojoon to sleep with her. Oh it made him so jealous.

“Don’t do that!” He complained eying her lips and she looked at him. “If you act cute and y in front of me I might lose control. I might kiss you.”

Lillie raised her hand and covered his eyes making him complain and take her hand away.

“I need to work Jinki. I really do! Want me to be fired?”



He chuckled and she groaned frustrated running her hands on her hair. “Please can you just….”

“I will cooperate! I’m sorry!” As a cue he placed his head over his arms and closed his eyes. “I’ll nap instead and dream of you!”

She bit her lower lip watching him fighting the urge to pull his hood off and caress his hair.

Gosh he made her a total fool for him!






It didn’t take long for Jinki to fall asleep and even though he was now quiet with eyes closed she still couldn’t concentrate, her eyes moving to his sleeping form once in a while.

Lillie supported her head on her hands and watched him for a while, admiring his eyelashes and the bridge of his nose and his full lips.

She was like a teenager in love sighing, admiring his beauty, so aborted in it that she only noticed Dojoon presence when he placed a document in front of her eyes.

“Can you please fax this to my cousin after you stop drooling over your boyfriend?”

She cleared and grabbed the document from his hand. It was something they need to start the modifications on the building Jules, Dojoon and Jinho acquired to open up their new business. So it was going to start soon and it made Lillie happy that finally Jules was going to have her own business.  “I wasn’t drooling just….” She turned around to face the fax machine. “He is so cute.”

“Of course!” Her boss answered not even lowering his voice. “And he is absolutely jealous!”

She turned around immediately while the machine worked “No. He just came because he missed me.”

“And is jealous. For the first time in your relationship a guy that you respect and with whom you have a close relationship managed to get your agreement to touch you, spend time around you, more than he does and well I almost had with you. Of course it worries him.”

Lillie bit her lower lip thinking and Dojoon kept talking “Now that I think of it you always seduce someone that works with you. First my cousin and now me. Well I’m the boss so you are improving!”

“What?” She rose her voice fuming. “I didn’t seduce you!”

“Is it time to perform already?” Jinki woke up suddenly with the noise, raising his head and looking at both with a confused sleepy expression. No wonder he fell asleep immediately, he was probably stressed and tired.

“No…” Lillie answered gently caressing his head as if he was a kid while he cleaned his mouth with his hand.

“Sorry guess I truly fall asleep.”

Dojoon laughed disappearing inside his office again and Lillie didn’t miss the way Jinki looked in his direction. It was a very deadly and intense gaze.

“Sleep more.” She said sweetly and he turned around offering her one of his most beautiful sleepy smiles making her melt again.

Why someone that looked so dangerous jut now could also be so cute?!






 “…4 and 3….2…1!” Jinki stood up from his chair “And done! Time to go!”

Lillie checked the time on her phone and nodded. He was right; it was time to leave work.

“Let’s go have dinner! I’m famished!” He yawned loudly stretching his arms making his sweater move up giving her a view of his skin and recently acquired mountains of paradise.

She blushed only remembering how she kissed his body and caressed all of him.

She was becoming only thinking about it. What was wrong with her?! Why was she so thirsty of him?!She bit her thumb trying to control her body needs.

“Aren’t you moving?” Jinki asked oblivious to her impure thoughts grabbing her coat and helping her up so he could dress her up.

“Why are you doing this?” Lillie asked giggling when he let his fingers linger in her neck tickling her on purpose.

“Because he is jealous!” Dojoon answered instead of Jinki placing a file over Lillie’s desk. “For you to send tomorrow.”

She nodded her head thankful since he didn’t ask her to do it before leaving. That would make Jinki even more anxious and frustrated.

Lillie turned around to grab her bag and her eyes fell on Jinki. He was looking at Dojoon dangerously his jaw tight.

“Am I wrong?” Dojoon asked “You aren’t jealous?”

“You are wrong!” Jinki’s deep voice was very different from the cute, gentle one he used those couple hours to speak to Lillie “I only came to pick up my girlfriend for dinner.”

“She is all yours!” Dojoon said.

“I know she is!”

Lillie looked from Dojoon amused expression to Jinki’s dangerous one knowing that his answer had a double meaning. She awkwardly placed herself in front of Jinki blocking him from reaching Dojoon just in case her stupid boss decided to provoke him again and laughed nervously.

“Oh I’m so hungry. We should go and buy a lot of food! For Jules too! She is traveling tomorrow after all!” Lillie linked her arm with Jinki and pulled him and he followed after her to the door.






The drive back home was silent and besides some small talk about food and the new songs he was listening in his car – that she approved – they barely said anything.

She sang along to one of the songs and he used the lyrics to make a pun and yet she didn’t react to it.

“Are you upset?”

“No. I’m just confused.” She turned slightly on her seat so she could look at him “Before you were not jealous of me at all. Well with Jinho you were a little bit but even that disappeared slowly with time and now…”

“I’m not jealous!” He insisted.

“Are you going to do this every day? Visit me at work and drive me home?”

“No. Tomorrow I have work.”

Lillie relaxed with his casual answer but still she tried to read his expression but Jinki glanced at her with a blank face.

No he wasn’t jealous. Dojoon was wrong.

“I was just eager to see you. “ He added. “By the way….” He grinned “I’m staying at your place overnight.”

Lillie liked the idea. There wasn’t anything she wished more than that. They could talk for hours, she could show him her art, he would make her laugh, they would kiss and she would be able to hug him and lay in his arms and they would make love for sure.

As marvelous as it sounded it also made her nervous.






Minseo held the shirt of Taemin against her chest and closed her eyes to sleep.

She felt ridiculous by doing that but she loved his perfume that was either slowly vanishing form the piece of clothing or becoming a part of her. She wasn’t even sure.

Hugging his shirt became a comforting gesture to her and Minseo did it already a couple of times.

It was a desperate action of her and she would never tell anyone about it.

She opened her eyes and sat on her bed.

She was never going to fall asleep if she kept thinking of him and smelling his perfume.

The night they shared was still very vivid in her memory. Minseo didn’t see him for a few days now and it tormented her to the point that for several times she almost called him to ask him to meet with her.

She didn’t have a good excuse to meet though.

No. They couldn’t meet. Look at what happened with Minho. What happened when she tried to date someone she admired so much?  It would never work out. Even if it had a way to work out Taemin didn’t want to have anything with her.

She couldn’t blame him. After all Minseo dated one of his closer friends before.

Minseo looked at the shirt and smelled it again.

She could try it. She had the excuse to meet him right there in front of her. The shirt. She needed to give it back.

It was decided!  She was going to wash it and give it back to him. She would also talk about the night they shared and see his reaction.

That way she would know once and for all what he thought of her and at the same time she would give the shirt away and stop obsessing over Taemin.







They finished dinner and while Jules searched the whole apartment for Bummie, Lillie and Jinki were still at the table talking.

Jules passed by them and entered her bedroom like a falcon ready to grab a bunny and not like a worried owner of a missing pet.

Jinki seemed a little worried with her expression and that was probably why the cat didn’t want to show up. He wouldn’t either since Jules was scary. His worries were probably very clear since Lillie felt the need to explain “She is leaving. She wants to say goodbye properly.”

“No I don’t!” Jules remarked leaving her bedroom again “That evil creature keeps hiding and its making me go insane!”

“It’s a cute kitty!” Lillie said to Jinki and he agreed with her even though he barely saw the cat. He only got a glimpse of it when he arrived. The kitty was probably shy or terrified of its new owner.

Jules disappeared inside the bathroom and Jinki took that chance of being alone with Lillie to place his hand on her back, moving his fingers over her pink blouse. She sent him a funny look wondering what he was doing and as an answer he leaned forward and stole a kiss from her.

Jules came out again and searched under the couch. Once she knelled on the floor Jinki kissed Lillie’s neck and she had to push him away when Jules stood up.

Why was he being like that?! She tried to ask him with her eyes but he only played with her fingers over the table.

Jules groaned searching around the furniture and Lillie grabbed her phone to check the SHINee forum. Jinki peeked over her shoulder, sneaking his arm around her body making her all warm, too warm since she couldn’t stop remembering that the chest that was touching her was the same y one she kissed one day ago.

“So what are we up to?” Jinki asked making her laugh. It was funny to do that with him.

Dating a SHINee member didn’t give her much privilege over other fans since he didn’t share with her many of the things he did at work or plans he had. In a way she preferred it that way, she could keep being Onew fan and get surprised like other fans.

“I really love this airport outfit.” She said pointing out one he wore before she came back to Korea and he looked at the pictures thinking.  “Love the sweater. Is it new?”

She never saw that one before and of course he would get new clothes while she was away. Who wouldn’t anyway?! Also the amount of gifts he got daily.

He scratched his neck “It was a gift.”

“A fan gift?” She asked knowing that she was probably right with her assumptions.

“No…not really.” His uneasy answer made her hesitate and Lillie pretended to be checking the replies under the pictures when in reality she was thinking about what that meant.

Min Hee gave it to him. She peeked at him and the way he looked at her almost begging her not to ask was quite clear.

“She has good taste.” She answered in a tiny voice “I mean in clothes and men.”

She did sound a little too bitter even though she tried to make an innocent comment and as an answer he back hugged her more tightly, burying his nose on her neck.

“I have good taste too…in women.”

She placed her phone over the table and turned to look at him trying to read his words. He choose her so he meant that right? Not the fact he also chose Min Hee?!

He blinked his eyes wondering why she seemed so confused.

He could have explained it better but instead he kissed her cupping her face so she couldn’t move away. Lillie tried to push him because of Jules so he moved his hands down to her shoulders and further down to her legs, caressing her over her tights.

Lillie broke the kiss but let linger next to his, admiring the passionate gaze he had on her. He sneaked his hand under her skirt and she yelped covering with one hand and grabbing his with the other.

“DID YOU SEE IT?” Jules asked coming running from the kitchen.

The couple looked at her innocently.

“No. False alarm…” Jinki said and Lillie helped him “We thought we saw something but…”

“…it was a shadow!” Jinki finished.

Jules walked around the living room and Jinki stole several kisses from Lillie while she made fun of him, both not caring about Jules anymore. She wasn’t even paying any attention to them anyway.

Lillie turned around on her seat trying to give him a hard time but he turned her face to him and kissed her, making Lillie giggle against his lips.

“Oh!” He gasped pulling away eyeing his lap and Lillie followed his gaze wondering what surprised him so much.

A small ball of black fur was over his lap.

“Bummie!” He exclaimed and Lillie caressed the kitty’s head.

Jules didn’t take long to show up beside them and she sighed of relief when she saw the cat on Jinki’s lap.

The cat curled into a ball ready to sleep and Lillie giggled with the cute “I think he likes you!”

“He is my group meowmber ….he has too!”

Lillie giggled with the pun and scratched the small kitty behind his ear. “But how did he jump so high?”

“He might be a ninja! He is so like Kibum!” Jinki joked.

“Excellent in everything!” Lillie agreed and then turned to Jules “You should get him a collar!”

Jules bit her lower lip realizing that she even forgot that. After the kitty shred the ribbon, Kibum gave for her to put around his neck, to pieces she didn’t even think of getting him anything.

“Although he is more wild like this!” Jinki touched the cat cute tail feeling him tense up over his lap “Wild Bummie!”

Lillie nuzzled her head against his shoulder and both joked a bit more while Jules looked at the cat.

Not even once ever since it was living at her place the cat acted like that with her. He snuggled in Lillie’s lap, he would rub himself in her coat and yet he was completely ignoring Jules.

“That evil creature!” If that was Kibum than he was doing a lousy job “He loves everyone more than me!”

Even Jinki got to touch him.

“No he doesn’t!” Lillie defended the cat quickly “He just doesn’t know how to approach you yet. I mean you won’t stop moving and you look at him as if he is the devil.”

“I never had pets. You know how bad I am with dogs too.”

“You are ok with Kibum’s dogs!” Lillie remarked.

“Who isn’t anyway? They are like two pieces of furry marshmallows…” Jinki said receiving an upset look from Lillie.

He wasn’t helping at all.

“Aigo!” Jules sat beside them defeated. “He won’t like me ever!”

She was a failure. Kibum was expecting somehow that she would bond with the creature but nothing seemed to be working and she was going to be away for two weeks. Whatever test Kibum was trying to make with her she was going to fail.

“I’m sure he loves you. Just give him some time.” Lillie tried but Jules stood up sending the kitty a hateful look.

Bummie raised its head curious and she took a deep breath before speaking. “I give up!”

Jules turned around and left the living room.

No one said anything and slowly the cat closed his eyes and snuggled on Jinki’s lap again.

“I would be scared too if she looked at me like that!”

Lillie released a deep sigh and looked at him.

“I mean it. She is scary!”

“She is not…she is sweet. Just a bit…” Lillie moved her lips trying to find the words and Jinki waited patiently.


“…harsh sometimes.” She frowned “The truth is that she is jealous. She wants to bond with the cat because it’s Kibum and she isn’t able to yet. She will come around eventually.”

Lillie carefully grabbed the black kitty and raised him to kiss its head. “You are so cute!”

Bummie opened his green eyes and looked at her sleepy. “I think he likes me! What a cute thing! I’ve always wanted to have a pet! It’s not a dog but I love him!”

Jinki watched while Lillie spoke with the little kitty. It was adorable and he was happy that Kibum decided to give it to Jules. He probably should have done that before and give Lillie a pet. When he thought about it she talked so many times about it, she always loved to visit Key’s dogs and walk them. She even showed a huge interest to meet Roo that she never had a chance to.

“I’m cute too!” He said peeking from behind the cat “Meow!”

“Aigo!” Lillie laughed placing the cat on her lap and she kissed his cheek. “You are the cutest but look at him. He is a ball of fur!” she moved a finger on the kitty’s cute paw “Oh you ball of cuteness! I want to bit you!”

“Bit me! “ He said pulling at his hair “I have fur too and my legs are hairy!”

The comment made Lillie laugh so much she had to cover “It’s not the same at all!”

“Aish….I’m sad!” He caressed her hair while she recovered from his joke running his fingers in her now shorter hair. It barely reached her shoulders and even though she still looked cute with it – actually she looked even younger – he missed her longer hair.

She noticed his gaze on her hair and had to ask since it wasn’t the first time. “You don’t like my new hairstyle?”

“I do. It looks good on you.”


“But nothing!” He leaned closer. Her hair would grow eventually. “Let’s go to our bedroom!”

Lillie moved her fingers on Bummie fur but besides that she didn’t move at all so he stood up and grabbed her hand to pull her up. Lillie had to grab Bummie in her arms before she was pulled to her bedroom.

Jinki was the first one to enter and he immediately the lights marveling at how the switch worked, exaggerating his reaction.

“AH! I love light!”

“Cats like darkness!” Lillie mumbled even though his actions were almost making her give in.

“Bummie!” Jinki grabbed it from her arms and looked at the cat’s eyes with a serious expression “I’m going to have hot with Lillie!”

“Ya what are you saying. He is a baby!” She tried to pull the cat away but the ert pushed her softly back.

“I need to see her body so I’m keeping the lights on ok? This is really important to me!” His eyes moved to her to see if his message was being received by her “I miss her s very much and the way her body looks. She is so beautiful! So if you don’t mind you can wait outside until we are finished!”

“Noooo!” She managed to grab the cat in her arms and the poor creature meowed scared. “See? You are scaring him!”

“Kibum likes scary thing! He is a scaredy cat!” Jinki laughed with his pun “and he always acts scared anyway so it’s ok. He can wait outside; maybe do some cat stuff like give himself a bath!”

Lillie ignored him pouting a little and she sat on the bed with the cat in her arms, caressing its head.

“Lillie that cat belongs to Jules.”

“I know but he is scared now! He is sleeping with us tonight!”

“Are you sure it’s the cat and not you that is scared?”

His question made her raise her eyes to him. He was right. Absolutely right and she felt like an idiot.

Jinki sat by her side in the bed and she knew they were going to have a talk. They rarely had them but when they did she knew she hit a limit on his patient. She couldn’t blame him but there was something inside her making her afraid to show her vulnerable side in front of him. Maybe she was scared of being hurt? Rejected? He did love her though. But he now knew Min Hee in a physical way, and she was gorgeous. Lillie swallowed nervously. She should have dieted more maybe go to the gym.

“You don’t want to have with me?” The question surprised her. So he thought the problem was that?! She was expecting him to point out that Min Hee and him was over and reassure her of his feelings and instead he thought the problem was that she didn’t want to have . She did though very, very much to the point that she wanted to get him and fast.


“I mean I know we did it last time but you seemed so reluctant about it.”

“I wasn’t reluctant. I was happy it happened. I wanted it very much!”


“Yes.” She forgot about the cat and grabbed his hand. Gosh she loved his hands. He could not be perfect – what was she thinking?! He was so damn perfect to her!


He could not be the ideal man in the eyes of others but for her he was all she wanted and needed. “That was one of the happiest nights of my life. I’ll never forget it!”

He joined his forehead with hers, caressing her fingers with his “I won’t either. We are together again.”

“We are!”

He his lips and moved away looking at her with pleading eyes and she knew what he wanted.

“I waited for so long to be with you again. I know I’m being very sticky and demanding a lot of skinship.”

“It’s a little unlike you yes…”

“I miss you. I missed you so much and I just feel this huge need to touch you and kiss you. I’m love sick and  for you Lillie!”

“Oh god!” She fanned herself with her hand and he smiled seductively leaning forward his voice lowering dangerously. She felt the same. Exactly the same!

“One time with you is not enough. I need more of you. Much more and I want to see you.” he caressed her cheek, his fingers burning her skin “I waited so long!”

She swallowed hard her eyes moving from his passionate gaze on her lips to his chest that his sweater barely could hide.

He was working out she had no idea where but his body was wonderful. Min Hee had abs too maybe she worked out in the same gym; maybe he started doing it for her.

“I waited more!” The bitter words left even though she didn’t mean to hurt him.

She did though because his fingers moved away from her cheek.

Why was she doing that?! Why every time things were going well she had to think about his ex.

Jinki swallowed in silence and patted the cat’s head instead.

“I mean….”

“I know what you mean!”

He had with Min Hee it wasn’t as if he could change it, even if he wanted to.

Besides he shouldn’t be ashamed of something he did after she broke up with him. He wasn’t cheating on her and it was her decision to leave him.

Even though he didn’t say what was in his mind she could almost read it coming out from his head.

Lillie was going to say she was sorry for trying to judge him on something like that when he received a phone call.

It was a different ring tone from the one he previously had and she noticed it and said it out loud.

“You changed the ringtone.”

Jinki cancelled the call and barely answered her. “I changed it.”

“I liked the other one more.”

“It’s my phone though!”


So it came to that. To both arguing over small things because they weren’t able to simply talk about what was bothering them. Because she wasn’t able to ask him about what Min Hee meant to him and he wasn’t able to clearly talk about the subject with her.

It all came down to that. All problems they had in their relationship. The way they were so bad at communication, at putting down in words things they were so good at expressing with their bodies.

“You could have answered!” She said moving her head in the direction of his phone.

“It’s not important.”

“Is it Min Hee?”

He didn’t even blink, looking at her with a serious expression.

“After all, you work together. You must see each other a lot when you go to the company.”

“I only saw her once after we broke up. But are you controlling me now?”

She never did it before and he loved that about her. She was insecure and yet she was never jealous or controlling.

“No…” She would never and he knew it but it was so easy to hurt when you are hurting too.

“It’s my manager hyung.” His phone vibrated again and Jinki read the text he got.

She watched him biting her lower lip feeling guilty. She was acting like an idiot when the only thing she wanted was to fall into his arms, drink from him love and let her love for him grow more and more.

“So you did see her…” She couldn’t help it. Lillie thought he would be mad after what Min Hee did with the ring but apparently he saw her and didn’t even tell her. He should at least comment about the encounter with her, right?!

“Maybe I should go.” Jinki remarked placing his phone on the pocket of his pants and Lillie raised her sad eyes to him.


She didn’t mean it at all and he knew it since he didn’t mean it all either. There wasn’t anything else he wanted more than stay with her, look at her, touch her and replenish his batteries with her love. Instead they were arguing. He sighed. “I won’t be able to come tomorrow. I won’t be able to see you. I have work and then I’m going to the gym.”

“The gym?”

“Yes I need to work on my body. The mountains will disappear if I don’t keep exercising!”

“Oh right. You now care about that too!”

“What is that supposed to mean? I thought you liked it. You didn’t complain at all last time we had !”

“Forget it!” She closed her eyes shut before looking at the cat instead of him.

It pained him not to know what was wrong but something was for sure since everything he said seemed to make her upset.

“It does matter!” He wasn’t going to give up and Jinki grabbed the cat and placed him in the bed instead so he could grab her hands and talk with her.

She could even try to hide from him her feelings but he was sure that if he made her look at him she wouldn’t be able to do it anymore.

It worked, as soon as he grabbed her hands on his she said it immediately. At least part of the problem. “You aren’t the same anymore!”


“You work out, you do so many new things in your free time and you even cook…..and….you slept with another woman.”

She pulled her hands away and covered her face but it wasn’t enough to hide her red cheeks. She wasn’t proud of her outburst and he run a hand in his hair trying to find a way or words that would make her feel better.

It wasn’t a lie. He was different but she was too.

“I only slept with one woman after you and it was because she was my girlfriend. You are also different. You cut your hair; you now wear fancier clothes and high heels because of work and you look ier and more…feminine.”

She uncovered her face surprised with that confession.


“Yeah. Why do you think I am so lovesick? I mean of course I missed you but…there is this new aura about you. Gosh I only want to kiss and touch you, its making me go insane. Besides…” He swallowed hard “You almost slept with another man too….your boss!”

“I didn’t seduce him ok….it’s not because he was my boss!”

“Who said anything about seducing?” he opened and closed his mouth confused.

“Dojoon said I seduced him and now you say that I’m more feminine and making you …it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose or anything.”

“Wait he said you seduced him? You’re talking about that at work?” He seemed a bit angry and Lillie tried to clear the misunderstanding immediately.

“No! He was just teasing me! He loves to do that!”

“I love to do that too! ARGH!” He stood up from the bed and she watched him while he walked around the room, making her confused.

Was he jealous? No it couldn’t be!

“Where are you going?”

“My manager reminded me that I have practice after all.”

“Oh!” Her disappointed expression almost break his heart but it was her fault that they wasted so many minutes fighting, minutes he could be kissing her.

“First you didn’t want to have with me and you did all you could to push me away and argue with me and now you make that face as if I killed a group of baby penguins.”

“I never said I didn’t want to have with you…”

That meant she wanted and he grinned before siting by her side in bed again.

“Let’s stop fighting then. I don’t want to fight with you, not when I feel like this. As if I won’t ever get tired of looking at you, wanting to kiss your lips for hours and touch you…”

“Let’s not argue more.” She agreed and he caressed her cheek softly.

“You are different and I am different. Time really didn’t stop while we were away….”

He was right. She was being an idiot. She only needed to find a way to accept the changes and move on. After all most of those changes weren’t bad….her eyes fall to his chest… not bad at all.

“We can find out about our changes together.” She suggested and he nodded “Burn together right?”

He smiled remembering how they talked about burning together on their first night together after the break up.

“Yes let’s burn together!”

He leaned forward, the hand on her cheek moving to her neck, pulling her closer to him, to his lips. She closed her eyes immediately parting her lips to receive his and he smiled, hesitating, inches from her lips because she was adorable. He wasn’t able to last longer though, not when he was so thirsty of her and so needy and desperate for any sign of affection that came from her.

They kissed and kissed and even when his tongue entered and her hands grasped his sweater he didn’t stop.

It was funny that choice of words.

Burn together.

All of his body was burning already and certainly hers was too.

Jinki had to pull away since he needed to breathe and by the way she was panting heavily she needed too. It was like that a lot lately. So intense!

Lillie watched him in a passionate daze while he caressed her cheek and neck admiring her attacked red lips. He could die kissing her and he wouldn’t mind at all.

“There are some people worth burning for.”

His comment made her laugh and he grinned with her.

“Are you Olaf now?” He shrugged his shoulders “Actually it doesn’t sound as good as what Olaf said.”

“Doesn’t matter. It made you laugh and you liked it.”

“I did!”

He attacked her again making her hum and wrap her arms around his neck while he kissed her so passionately that he was leaving her breathless.

She was in heaven even though she felt extremely hot. Lillie tangled her fingers in hair, something she always loved to do and she run one of her hand down his chest caressing him over his clothes, exploring her territory, exploring him, her home. Jinki was hers again and she couldn’t stop smiling against this lips.

“What?” He asked breaking the kiss since she wasn’t kissing him anymore, smiling cutely with red cheeks. “What?” He repeated chuckling.

“Nothing, I’m just happy. Just having funny thoughts!”

He raised an eyebrow and she touched his lower lip.

“Kiss me again!”

He didn’t take longer to follow her request and this time she eagerly kissed him back and he pushed her back against the head of her bed so he could climb on top of her, placing his hands on each side of her on the bed.

His lips moved from her to her neck and she caressed the back of his head while he kissed her neck, her skin making her see stars of pleasure. He didn’t stop there kissing downward until he reached her blouse.

Jinki moved his pleading eyes to her and he didn’t even had to say anything because Lillie ed the first button of her blouse immediately. He followed her actions hungrily, pursing his lips admiring the skin she was slowly unveiling for him.

Yes he kissed that skin and he touched her body that night but now he was able to see it, the beautiful rosy tone of her skin, the few freckles she had just above her s and soon the beauty mark she had  on her left just beside her . He was becoming hard only thinking about it.

She stopped though maybe because he was moving suspiciously over her, rubbing his body against hers.

He sat back watching her and she sat on the bed too watching him, her fingers on the next button of her blouse.

“I’ll let you have a peek. Only that ok?”


“Because you have to go. You said so.”

Right! He forgot that.

“! Sometimes I’m so unlucky!”

His comment made her laugh and she ed another button making him sigh.

He was so adorable like a love sick bunny and it made her so smitten with him that she was sure that she would get totally for him.

For the way Jinki was looking at her, the way he raised his fingers to caress her skin as if she was precious. For that she would truly get and not care about her stupid complexes or even forget that he had another woman.

That thought made her stop and he noticed it raising an eyebrow wondering what happened that somehow broke the mood.

He didn’t ask, instead he leaned forward and kissed the skin she unrevealed for him just above her bra and did it again and again, delivering small kisses all over her chest.

Yes. If they had time she would give herself to him without any fear.

“You make me so hot!” He mumbled against her skin, grabbing her in his arms and pulling her to him in such an intense way that left her with no defenses. She was his, completely and irrevocably his. “You have no idea how much I want you Lillie! The things you do to me!”

She wasn’t sure what she was doing differently if she was doing anything differently. He said she was more feminine now and yet she felt the same…well maybe a little more confident and y now but it was his doing. It was a change that started way before she left him.

Maybe he was right. He was just lovesick, maybe he just missed her so much that now that they were together he couldn’t have enough of her.

Lillie cupped his face and pulled it up so she could kiss him, a deep love kiss.

Whatever it was she loved it, every moment of it. She never felt as desired and loved as she felt in his arms. It was a magic only he could do.

She was kissing him so adorably lost in her own feels that she barely noticed his hands groping both her s over her blouse.

He was . He was definitely and Lillie broke the kiss to look at him.

She loved it. The way he looked at her when he was like that. She felt even more powerful.

“I’m burning too.” She remarked caressing his neck, touching his Adams apple and down. He was so manly and y.

“You are Lillie?”

His husky and teasing voice made her lean her head against his shoulder. “Don’t say it like that…”

“What?” He released a deep chuckle “Are you or not?”


Time did pass and they did change but the same things that made them fall for each other were still there too. She was still adorable, still sweet as when he fell for her.

Jinki took that chance to brush her hair away from her neck and he kissed her tickling her and making her move back again just enough for him to grab the buttons of her blouse ing them quickly.

She grabbed his hands trying to stop him in a weak attempt since she didn’t want to stop.

“No more….”

“Aish...I want to see everything!”

Yet he followed her request and instead pulled one strap of her bra down her shoulder, taking his time touching the skin of her arm making her shiver in pleasure with his touch.

“I want to see all of you…kiss you all over.” He his lips while he touched the cup of her bra “Finish the kiss from last time.”

The kiss.

That kiss that started on her lips, moved to her and was going to end between her legs.

“Oh god Jinki!”

He smirked knowing that she understood what he meant and then pulled the other strap of her bra down. “I want to burn in Heaven!”

“Hell Jinki. That makes no sense!”

He pulled the cup of her bra down revealing her left and the beauty sign he missed “Heaven…your Heaven!”

“Oh Jinki!”

He kissed the beauty mark making her held in her breath and then kissed her closing his eyes, making her bit her lower lip because he was so y.

“Sometimes you are a ert!” She complained weakly making him smile and rub his nose on her skin while he kissed her and around it tenderly.

“No…it’s your fault.” He opened his eyes and touched her erect with him thumb admiring it as If it was a work of art. She was so sensible to his touch that everything he did with his fingers or lips were making her go crazy.

He knew exactly what to do to make her burn in pleasure, to turn her on. He was the only one that knew how to make love with her and that realization made her go insane in love.

“It’s your fault, you are just too beautiful for words!”

“Stop saying that, you are making me go crazy!” she complained melting with his words and he kissed her again, caressing her cheek with one hand while the other ed the rest of the buttons.

He would be so late for practice but he couldn’t stop. He was a total mess. He needed her.


Bummie jumped on Lillie’s lap making Jinki pull away and both looked at the cat confused.

They totally forgot about it and he was trembling in her lap now, purring softly. The cat was cold and they were too hot to be safe.

“Oh he is freezing!” She mumbled pulling the straps of her bra up and covering her .

“I’m cold too!” Jinki complained in sorrow eyeing her covered s.

“You said you were hot just now!”

“So close and yet so far!”

His comment made Lillie laugh. “I’m sorry Jinki but there is no point placing the wood to burn if you aren’t able to stay and well…use your….hose to put the fire away.”

He widened his eyes and covered his mouth making a shocked expression “Wait did you just…now…did you try to make a dirty joke?”

“I tried!”

“Oh I loved it!” He kneeled on the bed and kissed her “I’ll make a huge bonfire later and oooh I’ll be a very brave firefighter and use my…” he liked his lips amused making her smile.


“Huge hose to put it away!”

She nuzzled her nose on his making him blink his eyes at the cute “I can’t wait to burn!”

“I can’t wait too!”

Something was different. He was sure. Whatever he did that night it worked. She was blooming, shinning bright and he was sure that whatever was troubling her it was slowly dissipating.

Bummie mowed again and Jinki rubbed the kitty’s head before standing up from the bed. His pants felt a bit stiff and he knew exactly why. Unfortunately he couldn’t lose more time and wait so he grabbed his jacket, quickly kissed her and said his goodbyes.

She still moved to follow after him, ing her blouse but he pushed her away kissing her one last time.

“Stay with Bummie before I commit a madness and miss work. I don’t think SM Entertainment would believe me if I said I skipped practice cos I was putting out a fire!”






“Taemin your phone is ringing again!” One of Taemin’s friends screamed but he didn’t release the controller of the playstation, still playing the game while his other friend elbowed him trying to make him lose his concentration.

Taemin chuckled doing the same to his friend and he managed to win the race. He was used to do that with Minho all the time so it was a piece of cake to win.

He stood up victorious and grabbed his jacket because he still had practice and was already late.

“Where are you going?” the loser asked collecting the packages of snacks from the floor.

“I still have work!”

“Here!” His other friend offered the phone to Taemin and checked the id of the caller. It was the second time she called.


“I’m going now. Ok?”

He barely said goodbye and run to the door, jumping over several steps and quickly reaching outside.

He looked around searching for his car and smiled when he found it.

Once he was safe inside his car, on the driver’s sit he called back.

Minseo was probably waiting for his call because the first thing she asked was if he was busy.

He blinked his eyes.

“I am.” He almost told her he had practice but it wasn’t as if he had to tell her. He his lips trying to find a way to ask her how she was but he was afraid she would read behind his words and find out he missed her. He kinda missed her and that confused him.

“Oh.” She seemed disappointed.

“Is it important?”

“I have something to give back to you.”

His sanity? His heart? Things he kinda lost when he slept with her.

 Taemin closed his eyes trying to kick those thoughts away. He wasn’t the main character of a drama. He would leave that to Jinki and Jonghyun and his problematic love lives.

“I can’t now.”

“Maybe after.”

Taemin pondered. Practice would probably end early and maybe he could visit her. No she lived at a dorm now and probably had curfew time. Maybe they could meet at his dorm, maybe she could sleep there since she wouldn’t be able to go back to her dorm after.

No! Sleeping at the same place wasn’t a good idea, not when he wanted to pounce on her again.

Practice wouldn’t end that late anyway. They could meet for a while.

However, last time they met at night alone and he gave her a ride…

“I can’t. I’m really busy.”

Well done Taemin. What a good way to completely ruin any way to be with her that day.

“I see.”

“What do you want to give me? I mean maybe we could tomorrow or…”

“It’s not important. “She answered lifeless and he swallowed hard. “I’ll give it back to you one of these days at the dance studio. Bye.”

She turned off the call before he could even say goodbye and Taemin slowly moved his phone away from his ear.

He wasn’t sure about what just happened but he was certain of something. He ed it up.

Whatever Minseo wanted to discuss with him he ed it up badly.

He hit the wheel of his car and grasped it strongly thinking.

Lately he was thinking about her too many times to count.

He was uselessly obsessed with her, thinking about what she was doing, visiting the dance studios every time he could to try and meet her by chance but weirdly she wasn’t frequenting it much. Was she avoiding him?!

Did she felt that weird connection between them too? Or was he the only one going mad?

The longer he didn’t see her, the weaker he felt and stupidly he didn’t want to meet her during night time, too afraid to commit a mistake and sleep with her again.

Was it really a mistake though?! 



It’s strange, if I can’t see you for a few days
I get uselessly obsessed
I keep getting weaker




Helloo! I'm so proud I managed to update this too. 

It probably has many mistakes though so I'm sorry. 

I had to cut so many scenes so I'm sorry but you will see some of them on the next chapter.

Anyway here it is. I hope it's not boring! ^^ 

bye ~

Ps: too many cute moments in this....my feels....im deeply hurt that Jinki didnt get to put that fire away though.....sigh...next time. lol 


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I forgot to say after chapter 18 but this chapter was dedicated to our Kibum! Please support his solo album! <3


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Chapter 36: Yay girls night!
Why does it seem minseo is scared because taemin is acting more loving toward her? Like it’s a bad thing. Oh. Is it a bad thing? No right?? Bc he loves her. Maybe feels guilty for meeting w Melody?

Hello jongie, I missed you ^^
Did he tell them already??
The suspense!! Haha. Ok it’s not Lillie.
Omg minseo??? Maybeeee
I’d love for it to be Rin tbh. The baby will still be healthy if she didn’t know and drank early in the pregnancy. But they would probably be super worried if it was Rin.
Hm I didn’t picture Jules with kids either but if it was with Kibum I think she would warm up to it. And they don’t have to rush in figuring it all out. Babies and marriage can just come if they are ready. I like that Jules is sure she needs marriage to be forever. She seems like such a free spirit but doesn’t take marriage lightly. I love their relationship.

Holy crap is it really minseo??
OMG RIA???? Haha jonghyun thinking Mr eye smile is Jinki.

Ok let’s get some stuff straightened out with Taemin please lol.
Am I weird bc I like that they are arguing lol. Sort of arguing. Well they’re talking honestly finally. Wait no they’re breaking up =[
What. I thought they would talk and work it out! I guess I was wrong. But I’m hoping for the best for minseo. She can’t catch a break =\

Do joon. Ah my do joon. I still really like him haha. He’ll be a cute dad who is learning day by day.

Ah what a fun chapter! Every couple in different stages of relationships.
Chapter 35: I have no idea what has been happening in this story lately but I suddenly missed your characters so here I am.
Ahh we are starting w Minho! Hehe. Omg I love sodam. She’s provoking him to tell the truth >_<
YAAAAAA a real kiss!! Minho is in trouble now. He can’t run away.. right??
Omg Minho just confessing his love like that.
I cry they’re finally together!!

Jinki and Lillie are so cute I can’t stand it haha. Car stuff.. brings back memories of my early relationship LOL.

I almost forgot who jimin is. I do remember I don’t trust her either lol. I’m always on Jules side hehe.

Hm.. Minhee.. why is she still there lol.

Ah thats the end. But yay I’m not caught up and I have more to read.

I’ve missed you Lili!! It so hard to keep up with anything on my phone while doing life stuff lol.
2033 streak #3
Chapter 15: Minho and Taemin's interaction was nice and it was for the best that Taemin stopped Minho from talking to Minseok. That was a smart move. Also, Kibum was the best at reading the people and handling things that way. I'm not sure if it's good thing for that friend to have her attention in this way. Nonetheless, they are just extras in the story. So I know I shouldn't care much. And for Lillie and Jinki, they were cute. Their date at the baseball and everything. Talking about Lillie, one can't be that clueless. Even I, who haven't been to Korea even once know the meaning of "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" slang. So it's kinda too unnatural that she didn't know of it even after living there for years. Only that part I kinda couldn't agree with. And talking of the slang, at least Will had the decency of retreating like a gentleman, even though his initial approach was anything but being a gentleman. Also, her manager . That guy is creepy as hell. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 14: Kibum and Taemin trying to cheer up Minho like that was the sweetest! Also, Jonghyun's a cute brother, being worried about his sister like that. And Jules is coming back soon? Yay!! Also, what's up with that Half-Korean guy from Sweden. He was kinda hitting on her, wasn't he? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 13: Aw poor Minho! I mean I really can't accept what Eunha did and I'm not even Minho biased. Her doing whatever it takes to climb up the ladder is, although I don't support it, still all her personal belief. But cheating on your boyfriend for it is a totally different thing. No excuses at all for it. Her breaking up with him directly would probably have hurt him less than this. Anyway, you living out your kinks through Jinki and Lillie though! I'm starting to have no words to comment on the bunnies anymore. And I miss Jules for some reason. I will be back later to read more!
2033 streak #6
Chapter 12: you might probably come and finish me for saying this, somehow I'm starting to ship and root for Taemin and Minseo more than the main pair. lol... These two are simply so cute. Taemin's and Kibum's interaction was kinda funny. and Do Joon annoying Jinki is totally another story. here's just me hoping he wouldn't end up buried under somewhere with the extreme of his jokes. lol. Also, i'm glad Minho is finally doubting about Eunha and that Jonghyun was with him when it happened. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 11: I'm glad Taemin and Minseo are finally getting somewhere. Hopefully they get to resolve them soon. They are cute together. I don't know what happened between Jonghyun and Rin but I think it's good that they made up? I know I'm here because of Jinki and Lillie but these days it's the other couples I'm here more for I think. LoL... Guess I enjoy drama more than lovey-dovey/spicy romance. And Bummie curled up on Jules sweater because he missed her is so cute. Last but not least, Eunha is really something. I mean whatever kinks she has, it's totally up to her but cheating is a whole different thing. Can't justify it for any reason/cause. Anyway, I will be back later to read more.
2033 streak #8
Chapter 10: There were to many cute moments in this chapter indeed... Lillie and Jinki were cute and hornby too. LoL... And Jules and Key finally resolved their misunderstanding. And Kibummie is sooo cute. Hopefully he(?) soon develops a bond with Jules soon. I mean she's already jealous that he got along well with Lillie and Jinki but not her. Also, Do Joon is funny. I mean him teasing her like that even in front of Jinki is kinda ask for a death wish. LoL... Also, wonder how things are gonna go better Taemin and Minseo. And I don't know how I feel about Eunha. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 9: First of all, I'm glad they are back together finally. But I'm worried about your a/n. What do you mean by little bumps? NVM, no spoilers please... and although I'm unsure of the method Kibum decided to take to console Jules. Can't wait to see how that goes. Hopefully not bad. Also, Minseo should start being to herself about her feelings even though I understand where she's coming from. And whoa! Definitely wasn't expecting that turn of events for Eun Ha and that ert senior. Not sure if I should feel relieved that he was being honest and also sincere about what he's expecting. Anyway, so much happened. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 8: Jules and Key fighting like that... I really hope things would get better between them soon. Main Lillie should intervene or something like she was thinking. And whoa! Dojoon and Lillie went beyond what I expected but the turn of the events later wasn't expected either. Jonghyun and Jinki were being cute together as well. And when Lillie pulled the reverse Uno card on Minseo, I laughed a bit. Also, Eunha should really do something about that creepy sunbae. I mean that's definitely not a message a rational person/friend would send. Kinda sent me shivers while reading it. I wasn't expecting Jinki's mother to react like that to Lillie being back in Korea. I mean she saw firsthand how much Jinki suffered when Lillie broke off with him. So if kinda came as a surprise. Anyway, I'm glad that they got back together finally after all that drama. Also, the cartoon pic at the end of the chapter is cute. But the red scarf kinda reminds of the drama Goblin. LoL... I will be back later to read more ^^